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     方法:选用健康Sprague Dawley(SD)大鼠150只,体重约200克,雌雄不拘,按照实验目的随机分为6组,每组25只。第一组:切断坐骨神经。第二组:切断坐骨神经,随即在手术显微镜下用10/0无创伤缝合线缝合神经外膜以修复切断的坐骨神经。第三组:切除坐骨神经1cm。第四组:切除坐骨神经1cm,随即用第三组切除之坐骨神经行同种异体神经移植。第五组:切除坐骨神经1cm,随即将切除之坐骨神经原位缝合神经外膜修复坐骨神经,模拟自体神经移植。第六组(假手术对照组):参照以上各组手术方法显露坐骨神经但不损伤。以上各组大鼠术后每一组随机分为5组,每组5只,分别于术后24小时、48小时、1周、2周、32天处死。经左心室—升主动脉插管灌注固定,然后迅速取出相应节段脊髓,将取出的脊髓多聚甲醛固定、脱水、浸蜡、包埋、切片、免疫组织化学处理,光镜观察,并对脊髓前角运动神经元行光密度测定。
Objectives: To investigate the regularity of the expression of Nogo-A in spinal cord corresponding to traumatic sciatic nerve in the course of injury and repair.
    Methods: 150 healthy adult Sprague Dawley(SD)rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, 25 per group. Group 1: sciatic nerves were severed without repair; Group 2: sciatic nerves were cut followed by immediate anastomosis of nerval adventitia using 10/0 non-traumatic suture; Group 3: 1 cm of sciatic nerve was resected in every subjects; Group 4: 1 cm resection of sciatic nerve was replaced by the resected sciatic nerve in group 3; Group 5: 1 cm of sciatic nerve was severed followed by epineurial suture in situ; Group 6: Visualization of sciatic nerve was performed without injury to it. The rats of each group were randomly divided into 5 subgroups, 5 per subgroup. The five subgroups were sacrificed at different intervals, 1 day, 2 day, 1 week, 2 week, 32day after operation. The expression of Nogo-A in spinal cord were detected by immunohistochemical staining and quantified by mean optical density (MOD).
    Results: The expression of Nogo-A was positive in the cytochylema of motoneuron in anterior gray column of spinal cord. The MOD of traumatic side was evidently higher than non-traumatic side in group 1, 3, 5 at 1, 2 day after operation. The MOD of the severed side reached the top at 1 week.and then descented gradually, and almost normal at 32
    days after operation. The MOD of traumatic side was not statistically different from non-traumatic side in the group 2. The MOD of traumatic side raised remarkable at 1 ,2 day after operation in the group of altogeneic transplantation, descented a little at 1 week, reach top at 2 week and maintained high level afterwards.
    Conclusions: The expression of Nogo-A in motoneuron on traumatic side was higher than that on non-traumatic side. The expression of Nogo-A in traumatic side was different from non-traumatic side and came to normal on the condition that the traumatic nerve was immediately repaired by end-end anastomosis after injury. If the the traumatic nerve was replaced by allogeneic transplantation, the expression of Nogo-A in traumatic side were remarkable higher than that in non-traumatic side, and still maintained high level even after 1 month.
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