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本文以乙烯非敏感性切花非洲菊(Gerbera jamesonii Bolus)粉红品种‘Emperor’和橙黄品种‘Mazurka’为实验材料,系统研究了植物生长调节剂及含植物生长调节剂的保鲜剂对非洲菊切花衰老的影响,在观测瓶插寿命的基础上,通过测定水分平衡值、鲜重变化率、SOD、CAT、POD活性、超氧物阴离子(O_2~-)产生速率、MDA含量、脯氨酸含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、可溶性糖含量等生理指标,研究了非洲菊切花的衰老机理,探讨了氧自由基及其他因素在非洲菊切花衰老中的作用;并且讨论了含自由基清除剂的保鲜剂对非洲菊切花瓶插品质的效应,试验结果如下:
     1.不同种类、不同浓度的植物生长调节剂对非洲菊切花瓶插寿命的效应不同。6-BA和PP333与对照相比,对瓶插寿命的影响差异不显著(P>0.05);CCC能够显著延长非洲菊切花的瓶插寿命(P<0.05),B_9对非洲菊瓶插寿命的延长更显著(P<0.01),相反,GA则显著缩短了非洲菊切花的瓶插寿命(P<0.05)。其中,500ul/L CCC和50mg/L B9效果最好,可用于保鲜剂的研究。
     2.本试验在基本保鲜剂(3%S+200mg/L 8-HQC)的基础上,添加上述筛选出的500ul/L CCC和50mg/L B_9。试验结果表明:在基本保鲜液中加入B_9和CCC则可有效提高POD、SOD、CAT活性,降低MDA含量、O_2~-产生速率,增加可溶性蛋白质的含量,减少活性氧对非洲菊切花的伤害;明显增大切花的鲜重,降低脯氨酸含量,改善切花的水分平衡值,减少水分胁迫对非洲菊切花造成的伤害;能够延缓可溶性糖含量的下降,为非洲菊切花提供外源能源物质,从而延缓衰老,延长瓶插寿命。
     3.本试验在基本保鲜剂(3%S+200mg/L 8-HQC)的基础上,添加不同种类,不同浓度的氧自由基清除剂(水杨酸、苯甲酸、抗坏血酸)。实验证明,上述保鲜剂均能延长非洲菊切花的瓶插寿命,其中,A2(3%S+200mg/L 8-HQC+30mg/L水杨酸)、Cl(3%S+200mg/L 8-HQC+100mg/L抗坏血酸)两处理效果最好,分别比对照延长了12天和9.5天,并且能够明显增加切花的鲜重,改善切花的水分平衡状况。
Non-ethylene-sensitivity flower, (Gerberajamesonii Bolus) 'Emperor' and 'Mazurka' were held respectively in different solutions, which included single plant growth regulators and preservatives containing plant growth regulators, and water was taken as control. Effects of such solutions on senescence of cut gerbera flower were systematically studied. On the bases of vase life survey, effects of active oxygen and other factors on senescence of cut gerbera were investigated by means of measuring water balance, change rate of fresh weight, the activities of SOD, CAT and POD, the production rate of superoxide radical, the content of malonyldiadehyde, proline, soluble protein and sugar. Moreover, effects of preservatives containing scavengers of active oxygen on ornamental qualities in cut gerbera were discussed. The main results were shown as follows:
    1. Different categories and different concentrations of plant growth regulators had effect on vase life of cut gerbera. Comparing with CK, the vase life of cut gerber was no difference by 6-BA and PP333 , was distinctly prolonged by CCC
    (P<0.05), was more prominently prolonged by B9 (P<0.01), on the contrary, was more drastically shortened by GA(P<0.01). The effects of 500ul/L CCC and 50mg/L B9 were the best among all treatments and could be used to the further study of preservatives.
    2. On the foundation of basic preservative (3% S + 200mg/L 8-HQC) , preservatives including respectively 500ul/L CCC and 50mg/L B9were selected as above. The results were found that preservatives which joined CCC or B9 to basic preservative could effectively increase activities of SOD, CAT and POD, decrease content of malonyldiadehyde, proline and the production rate of superoxide radical, enhance the content of soluble protein and sugar, enlarge fresh weight and improve water balance of cut flower. The vase life was prolonged through reducing the harm of active oxygen and scarce of water on cut gerbera.
    3. The treatments were the preservatives which added scavengers of active
    oxygen (salicylic acid, benzoic acid, ascorbic acid) into basic preservative. It could be found that all of preservatives could prolong vase life of cut gerbera flower. Among them, preservatives A2(3% S+200mg/L 8-HQC+30mg/L salicylic acid) and Cl(3% S+200mg/L 8-HQC+100mg/L benzoic acid) were the best treatments, which prolonged respectively 12 days and 9.5 days and improved fresh weight and water balance of cut gerbera.
    4. On the basis of researching senescence mechanism of cut gerbera flower. The thesis has made further discussion on senescence mechanism of non-ethylene-
    sensitivity flower.
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