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Horticultural crop growth model and its new developing style “knowledge model” based on qualitative research of horticultural crop. Only if defined the rule, qualitative knowledge of horticultural crop growth, yield formation and establish the model of physiological mathematics model, can the dynamic model of horticultural crop be realized.
    In the exeriment, tomato was selected, which is one of vegetable species with a character of high level requirement and broad market prospects, as horticultural crop represent. The morphological formation, dry matter accumulation and allocation, yield formation were discussed. The research can provide powerful theory basis, scientific data and reference for establishment, validation of horticultural crop model and establishment of automatically agricultural expert system.
    Zhongza No.9 was selected as experiment species of tomato. Enviorment temperature, tomato growth and development, dry matter accumulation were observed and measured in the whole tomato growth period. The results are as follows:
    1 Effective accumulation temperature (Physiological development time) was selected as drive variable. Development and formation of tomato leaf, leaf area index, stem internode number, stem diameter, flower truss, fruit truss, fruit with the increasing of PT were discussed. Dynamical changes of tomato growth are described as partial function, some rules on tomato growth take on linear, others are some certain curves.
    2 After measuring, observing, analyzing the development and formation of reproductive organ (bud, flower, fruit). The mathematical model of reproduvtive organ formation was initially established and the mathematical model of tomato was also established.
    3 After analyzing and studying the changes of dry matter accumulation, allocation in the whole growth period. Mathematical model of total dry matter accumulation, dry matter accumulation in different organs, dry matter allocation index are established using a method of curve imitating. After imitating, not only total dry matter accumulation, but also dry matter accumulation and allocation in different organs all take on “S” curve. After mathematical analyzing, the dynamics of dry matter accumulation rate for total dry matter and dry matter allocation in different organs all take on “single peak” curve.
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