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    此外,在从引力理论角度研究暗能量的过程中,我们产生了把标量性的自发破缺机制和重子数的引力性起源的物理结合起来考虑的想法。应用到宇宙的重子数不对称问题上, 我们通过延续对称性破缺-CPT破坏-重子数自发生成的机制, 提出了Brans-Dicke宇宙中的重子数自发生成。在此模型中,给出的是引力标量或曲率标量与重子流(或轻子流)之间的耦合,而观测所要求的宇宙重子数不对称同样可以得到。
The cosmological constant problem, which combining the Standard Model of particlephysics and the latest achievement of modern cosmological observation, is a great crisisfacing theoretical physics. Its related problem of vacuum energy is the focus of severalcontradictions concerning fundamental physics concepts. In this thesis, I will extend thediscussion along two important problems in modern cosmology: the one is the problemof vacuum energy, and the other is the baryon asymmetry in the universe. In addition,the arising dark energy di?culty is also taken into the consideration of the problem ofvacuum energy.
    Recent cosmological observation has indicated that the upper limit of vacuum energydensity in the universe is tens of magnitudes less than its predicted value from theparticle standard model. To release this severe contradiction, the dynamical propertyof the vacuum energy in the higher dimensional model with compactified extra space isfirstly discussed. Secondly, I will present a new model of Higgs mechanism based on thecomplex scalar gravity theory, which I will show is theoretically natural and provides arunning density of vacuum energy with a survival running speed of mass scale.
    Thirdly, I will propose a model which connects the gravitational origin of thebaryo/leptogenesis to the spontaneous breaking of gravitational scalar. In this classof models, the baryon asymmetry in the universe is generated along the ideas of sym-metry breaking—CPT violation—spontaneous baryo/leptogenesis. On this basis, weintroduce the spontaneous baryo/leptogenesis into Brans-Dicke cosmology, where thegravitational scalar of Brans-Dicke theory is assumed to be coupled with the current ofbaryon (or lepton). We find that a su?cient baryon asymmetry in the early universecan be obtained in such model.
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