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     5、将纳米双相陶瓷人工骨植入患者骨缺损部位;患者采用恒古骨伤愈合剂术后第二天开始服用,成人每次25 ml每次0.5 ml/kg,摇匀服用,隔日服药1次,12天为1个疗程,共2个疗程。观察患者的疼痛、肿胀缓解和骨折愈合情况。
     For the purpose of obtaining a good degradation and osteogenicproperties of artificial bone,Prepare biphasic nano-ceramic artificial bone bynano-technology and study it, carry out simultaneously in promoting fracturehealing medicine: (1) Study preparation methods of biphasic nano-ceramicartificial bone and characterization; (2) Research biphasic nano-ceramicartificial bone biocompatibility; (3) Research biphasic nano-ceramic artificialbone degradation; (4) Research biphasic nano-ceramic artificial bone to repairbone defects in rabbits experimental study; (5) Application of nanotechnologyin biphasic ceramic bone in clinical and heng gu su xiao gu shang yu onfracture healing studies.
     1、Nano-biphasic ceramic bone preparation: the use of sodium andcalcium chloride in the PH value controlled by the sodium hydroxide.Detection of the X-ray diffraction, Analysis of the IR, Dtermination of thecomposite materials aperture and porosity, biomechanical testing.
     2、Biocompatibility of the biphasic ceramic bone: According tonational standards, test of the hemolysis, stimulation and sensitization, acutesystemic toxicity.
     3、Implant the biphasic nano-ceramic artificial bone in muscle bag and studythe degradation of artificial bone by general observation and histologicalobservation.
     4、Artificial bone was implanted in bone defects and study the degradationof artificial bone by general observation, osteoblasts, histologicalobservation,and electron microscopy.
     5、The biphasic nano-ceramic artificial bone was implanted inbone defect site; Hncient bone healing agent after beginning the second day oftaking it 25 ml per adult per 0.5 ml / kg) shake taking it one day, medicationtimes 12 days for a course of treatment, taking two courses. Observation ofpatients with pain, swelling and fracture healing to alleviate the situation.
     1、XRD patterns showed that the powder compose hydroxyapatite andtricalcium phosphate, the powder is 1.67 molar ratio of calcium andphosphorus. After calculations, It can be seen: the quality of the percentageof 70/30; Scanning electron microscopy of porous honeycomb structure,Nano-particles is about 100 nanometer;Analysis results showed that nanoceramic artificial bone's porosity is about 81.5%; The average compressivestrength is about 5.5MPa.
     2.1、Test Materials hemolysis rate was 0.72 percent, well below the 5% of thevalue, the material will not cause acute hemolysis.
     2.2、The stimulation index by calculating the Materials extraction is 0.167,and belong to no stimulus-response type.
     2.3、Emergenge of allergic reactions of animals is 0 / 10, show that thematerial does not cause allergic reactions.
     2.4、After intraperitoneal injection and 24h, 48h and 72h continuousobservation, the experimental group in good condition, activity, appetite normal, smooth breathing, no convulsions, paralysis and death situation, Theexperimental animals demonstrated no toxicity.
     3、In vivo degradation experiments, the nano-ceramic artificial bonedegradation is 10% in 4W, , the nano-biphasic ceramic bone degradation byabout 25% in 8W, The volume decreases, the internal material lose regularityof appearance and irregular shape, the surface still being surrounded by softtissue; The artificial bone degradation by about 35% in 12W, material shapeand size significantly reduced.
     4、After 4 weeks,the material enveloped by membrane in experimental group;After 8 weeks, Materials can be seen clearly degradation, there is new boneformation Materials, Materials shows that was replaced by cancellous boneafter 12 weeks. X-ray showed there is some degradation of the material after 4weeks, There is obvious degradation of implant after 8 weeks;We can seethere is new bone formation after 12 weeksThe results of statistical analysis of the X-ray bone formation and remodelingquantitative showed: Nano-ceramic artificial bone: 4 weeks<8 weeks<12weeks, the difference was significant. Histological examination on theexperimental group: After 4 weeks the bone porosity were jncludingOsteoblasts and chondrocytes and fibroblast cells, There were materialsdesmoplastic porosity with the fiber, the bone cells, osteoblasts andchondrocytes came into porous materials, the fibrous is hyperplasia in porosity,and material are part of degradation, After 12 weeks, There are a smallnumber of cartilage cells, appear scattered cancellous bone.The bonehistology quantitative analysis of statistical analysis show: The experimentalgroup at various times during the period compared to 4 weeks<8 weeks<12weeks, the difference was significant. Scanning electron microscope testgroup: 4 weeks can be seen stent porosity integrity, material has fibrous tissuefiller. Degradation of Materials Part 8 weeks, there is new bone tissue and fibrous tissue filling, 12 weeks later material degradation, bone defect site wasreplaced by cancellous bone.
     5、The pain relief effect is 90.9% in the treatment group within 1 week, Theswelling of the effect is 90.9% in the treatment group, Clinical healing time is95.7 days.
     1、Using chemical precipitation method achieve nano-level duplex(including hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate), with three-dimensionalporous structure,The artificial bone is similar to the compressive strength ofthe cancellous bone.
     2、Nano artificial bone has good biocompatibility, It is a relatively safebiological materials with non-toxic, non-allergenic in vivo.
     3、Nano artificial bone is a certain degree of degradation rate, and degradeafter implantation in vivo.
     4、New nano-biphasic ceramic bone implants in rabbits reveal that the stenthas good biocompatibility, implants with non-toxic in vivo and no obviousinflammatory response, After bone regeneration, the scaffold materialgradually degraded eventually ,New bone tissue was replaced by thematerial. The material has high porosity that can effectively guided boneregeneration.
     5、Clinical display nano biphasic ceramic artificial bone can be effectivelyguided bone regeneration, Henggusuxiaogushangyu can quickly ease thepost-fracture swelling, pain, and promote fracture healing.
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