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Promoter is a DNA sequence in upstream of functional gene, which can recognize and combined toRNA polymerase to start gene transcription. In recently, there were many promoters have been clonedand analyzed, but there was still no report about alfalfa promoter research.
     The research is meanly about a promoter of zinc finger protein transcription factor gene. In order tofind this gene was regulated by which inducement and the different functions of different fragments, wecloned the promoter of MsZFN gene and deletion analysis this promoter. The mainly research results areas follows:
     1. According to the known MsZPP promoter sequence, Genbank number: FJ161979.2, we clonedthe peomoter fragment, it was1272bp. The transcription start site was found by5’-SMART-RACEmethod, it was at the upstream69bp of translation start site. In addition, there are many light-responsivecis-acting elements, some hormone response elements and many biological or abiotic stress-inducedelements.
     2. In order to analyze the promoter function, we constructed the deletion promoter and full-lengthpromoter expression vector and transformed tobacco with the Agrobacterium mediat method. In thisresearch, we got transgenic tobacco successfully, this result provide test material for the follow-up studyof promoter function.
     3. Histochemical assay and fluorometric assay of GUS reporter gene activity in transgenic tobaccoshowed that the regulate function were different in the different length promoter. All of the organs couldmeasure the GUS activity transgenic tobacco without the seed. The GUS expression in TP1and TP2root,stems, leaves and flowers were weak contrast with TP3, TP4, TP5and TP6. We can observe the gus geneexpressed in stomatal cell of TP3tobacco. Therefore, with the increase of promoter length, the ability ofregulate downstream gene expression increased too. The623bp promoter has could regulate downstreamgene expressed strongly. The460bp promoter can regulate gus reporter gene expressed in stomatal cell,indicating this region may have cis-acting element of the specific localization of gene expression, thein–depth studies need future experiments to confirm.
     4. We used the transgenic tobacco which with different length of promoter as test material, aftertreated with different inducements; we measured the GUS activity to find the promoter was responsive towhich inducement. The result showed the GUS activity was increased after dark treatment, but there wasno significant difference in deletion promoters. After treated with200μM·L~(-1) MeJA, the GUS activity inTP6tobacco was2.96fold then control. After treated with2.85μM·L~(-1) IAA, the GUS activity in tobaccoTP4, TP5and TP6were1.8fold then control, there was no increase in transgenic plants TP1, TP2andTP3. After treat with70μM·L~(-1) GA3,50μM·L~(-1) ABA,25μM·L~(-1) PEG6000,50mM·L~(-1) NaClrespectively, the GUS activity didn’t change compared with control. Therefore, these results showed thepromoter MsZPP was respond to dark,200μM·L~(-1) MeJA and2.85μM·L~(-1) IAA, but didn’t respond toother four induce. Maybe the promoter respond to these inducements need cooperate with othercis-acting element.
     5. We design a pair of primers to clone the promoter fragment with5’-UTR, and then transformedtobacco. Histochemical assay and fluorometric assay of gus reporter gene activity in transgenic tobaccoshowed that there was no different with the transgenic tobacco contained full-length promoter. Therefore,the5’-UTR of downstream gene didn’t affect MsZPP promoter function in transcription regulation.
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