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Relying on the strength and resources of scientific technological innovation in the area, It can coordinate cooperation and competition between the different areas (in the world) effectively, realizing high-efficient disposition of scientific and technical innovation resources (the talent, knowledge, funds) and structure optimization in the area, promote the regional activity extensive development and application of the innovative achievement of scientific and technical innovation to be popularized, create and develop the competition advantage of the area. It solves the problems such as supply of technology, technology assessing, technology transforming and technological diffusion, it settles technology upgrading, technological innovation through supply、demand and creating the good environment of the area, its purpose is to serve for guaranteeing regional economic security and social development.
    There are stronger interdynamic relations between scientific and technological innovation and regional economic development. Scientific and technological innovation is motive force and source of regional economic development. The economic system mode has offered the specific operation space, basic organization and system frame for it, exert a basic, decisive influence on the scientific and technological innovation activity.
    In the system of national scientific and technical innovation, regional scientific and technical innovation is in a very important innovative level. It has main character of system, but regional scientific and technical
    innovation has obvious distinctive character comparing with national scientific and technical innovation and enterprise's technological innovation, for instance: Holographic, almightiness, characteristic, compatibility and dynamics.
     Using the systematic view, this text has set up an expository regional scientific and technical innovation model, using models, we know much clearly about the systematic structure of regional scientific and technical innovation. The main body of regional scientific and technical innovation is enterprise, scientific research institution, institution of higher learning, but the government's guide and service of the agency playing an important function among them. The institution of higher learning is engaged in basic research mainly, its function focus on science innovates; research institution take on the responsibility of changing strategically planning of government into the developing technology, on one hand it has remedied the deficiency of the basic research of institution of higher learning, on the other hand, it carry on construction of platform and upgrade in regional advantage industry, and the development of application technology. To enterprise, comparatively, the task of basic research is relatively unimportant, it must stress on exploitation, because it enter the market directly, it was self-choice that emphasized. The agency is ties of both sides of supply and demand of technological innovation, play an important role in promoting the spread, consultation and service of technological innovation. The model has open out three stages which scientific and technical innovation brings about an advance in economy, namely: operation of scientific and technical innovation in
    microeconomic; the process of the innovative effect that caused by the scientific and technological innovating; The productivity development brought in scientific and technical innovation impels redressing of the relations of production, causing the rational change of economic structure, the process in macro-economic which impulse the development of economy.
    What is called area scientific and technological innovation ability refer to scientific and technological capacity and its impaction on economic development of the area. It includes the content of the following aspects: First, the intensity of input of the manpower, financial and material resources under the regular hour and space condition; Second, the improvement of the scale of the scientific and techni
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