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~(99m)TcN-NOET{双[N-乙氧基,N-乙基(二硫代氨基甲酸脂)氮化锝](Ⅴ)}是一种新的中性、亲脂性的锝标记心肌灌注显像剂。多种动物实验及预临床实验均表明,该药物具有较高的心肌摄取率和与~(201)Tl类似的再分布现象。这就意味着该显像剂可能具有~(201)Tl和~(99m)Tc标记化合物的双重优势,从而有可能成为更好的心肌灌注显像剂。本研究通过对50例受检者进行~(99m)TcN-NOET运动-再分布显像,以探究该药物在冠心病诊断上的临床应用价值。方法:10名正常人、1名心肌梗死患者和39名临床拟诊冠心病的患者进行了~(99m)TcN-NOET运动-再分布(注药后2、4小时)心肌灌注显像,并测定不同时间的心/肺比值(HLR)。其中13人进行了冠状动脉造影检查。运动心肌灌注显像和冠状动脉造影之间的时间间隔不超过两个月。结果:根据运动显像(注药后0.5小时)测得的HLR的不同,将50例受检者分为两组,第一组(36人,运动显像HLR>2)显像结果正常,显影清晰,图像质量好;第二组(14人,HLR<2)显影较模糊,肺内摄取显像剂较多,图像质量较差。两组受检者的年龄无显著差别(p=0.454)。采用两样本均数比较的t检验方法比较不同时段内两组受检者的HLR,均存在显著性差异(p=0.000),第一组的HLR高于第二组。再采用无重复数据的两因素方差分析法(two-way ANOVA)分别对两组受检者在不同时间的HLR进行比较:组一不同时间的HLR存在显著性差别(p=0.000),2小时的HLR要高于0.5小时和4小时,而0.5小时和4小时间则无显著性差异(p=0.087),说明,对于第一组的受检者,HLR在运动后2小时达到高峰,显影最为清晰;而组二不同时间的HLR则无显著性差异(p=0.063)。第一组受检者中包括10名正常人和5名冠状动脉造影结果正常(狭窄<50%)者,其余21名患者在4~12个月的随访期间内无特殊相关症状及心脏事件(包括:心源性死亡、非致死性心肌梗死和心绞痛)发生。第二组受检者中,1例心肌梗死患者显像结果表现为不可逆性灌注缺损,4例显像结果为完全可逆或部分可逆性
Background: 99mTcN-NOET[bis(N-ethoxy, N-ethyl dithiocarbamato)nitrido technetium-99m( V)] is a new neutral lipophilic 99mTc-labeled myocardial perfusion agent with a high first-pass extraction fraction and delayed redistribution kinetics after transient ischemia comparable to what is observed with 201T1. Currently, this compound is in phase III clinical trials in Europe. The purpose of this study was to estimate the utility of this agent in the detection of coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: 10 normal volunteers, 1 myocardial infarction patients and 39 suspected CAD patients underwent stress-delayed (2 and 4 hr postinjection) 99mTcN-NOET myocardial perfusion imaging, and the heart-lung ratio (HLR) at different time was calculated. 13 patients of them accepted the coronary angiography examination in 2 months post myocardial imaging. Result: According to the exercise heart-lung ratio (EXHLR), 50subjects were divided into 2 groups. G1 (n=36, EXHLR > 2) contained 10 normal volunteers and 5 patients with normal coronary arteries. The other 21 subjects had no relevant symptom and cardiac event (defined as sudden cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction and angina) occurred during the follow-up period of 4 to 12 months. All images of Gl were normal and the quality of the images was good. In G2 (n=14, EXHLR<2), the image of the patient with inferior infarction (double-vessel disease) was fixed defect. Three patients with CAD had complete reversible perfusion defects and two of them were confirmed by coronary angiography (one was single-vessel disease the other was double-vessel disease) and the other one was stable angina patient. The image of the patient with critical stenosis in three vessels was partly reversible perfusion defect. There was significant
    difference between the HLR of the two groups at different time, the HLR of G2 was lower than G1 . The quality of all images of G2 was worse than G1 . Nine patients of G2 had normal perfusion images, four of them had significant CAD by qualitative coronary angiography (stenosis 50%-70%), three had angina during the follow-up period. Conclusion: 1 . Stress-delayed myocardial perfusion imaging with 99mTcN-NOET can be used to diagnose CAD and distinguish ischemic myocardium from scar. 2. Exercise-induced increases in pulmonary uptake of 99mTcN-NOET and descent of the HLR are associated with exercise-induced myocardial dysfunction. 3. The HLR may be as an index of the patients with CAD.
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