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     论文阐明了流动注射智能分析FIA-Ⅱ仪器对铁元素进行分析测定的化学反应原理,探讨了机械传动部分的设计原理与方法,结合几种FIA的流路系统,通过对比优化了FIA的分析测试条件。整台仪器以AT89C51芯片为运行控制和数据采集核心,实现采样和进样的自动化,实验数据由计算机管理。本研究还对仪器的结构布局与外型进行了改进。该仪器既可用于在线分析,又可直接用于随时来样检测的离线分析。流动注射智能分析FIA-Ⅱ仪器测定试样速度快,重现性好,达到60个样品/小时,相对标准偏差RSD<4%,最低检测限达到了0.05mg/L,而且实现了过程分析的智能化。本仪器测定铁元素有两条工作曲线:一条是0.10~5.00mg/L;另外一条是5.0~50.00mg/L。当试样中铁元素的浓度达到50.00 mg几以上或低于0.10mg/L时,仪器能够进行检测结果异常报警。
In the new century, the developing direction of analytical chemistry is high sensitivity and selectivity, fast analytical speed, automatic, convenient and economical. And analytical instrument is deeply automatized, digitized, computerized, which has become more intelligent, informational. Since the importance of the instrument becomes more and more visible in the field of science as well as industry.
    This paper introduces the FIA- II intelligent instrument and discusses the method of design and development of the instrument aiming at existing technics and requires. The FIA- II is according as the basic principle and determining technology of FIA, united with traits of high sensitivity and accuracy of photometric analysis, we can achieve automatic control and analysis. From machine, electronics, optics, chemistry and the design of instrument, the author discusses the principal and requires of processing mechanical parts, and the effect to instrument capability; the choose of electronic parts; design and improvement of optical route; design of determining route of FIA; improvement of determining conditions and analytical application of the instrument.
    The author introduces the chemical reaction principle of determining iron using the instrument, discusses the design principle and method of mechanical drive, unites several FIA flow systems, through contrast, improves experimental conditions. The instrument is based on AT89C51, which is used to control process and collect data. The author also studies the figure of instrument and improves the exterior. The instrument can be used not only analysis on line, but also directly determining samples leaving line. The instrument can determine samples fast, repeatability is good, which can achieve 60 samples percent hour, the relative standard deviation is smaller than 4%, the smallest detection limit is 0.05 mg/L, at the same time, the instrument realizes intelligentize during the process.
    Using this instrument, we can get two working curves: the range of the first curve was 0.10~5.00mg/L and the second was 1.00~50.00mg/L. when the concentration of iron exceeds 50.00mg/L or is smaller than 0.10mg/L, the instrument will discover the abnormity and give alarm.
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