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     我们研究发现,青年脑卒中患者主要集中在31岁~45岁这个年龄段,男性多于女性,缺血性卒中多于出血性卒中;青年卒中患者与老年卒中患者相比,病变部位多位于右侧,且幕上病变多于幕下;与老年脑卒中患者相,青年组脑卒中患者受心脏病、高血压的影响较小,同时脑卒中发病史不明显。与青年对照组比较,青年脑卒中病例组既往脑卒中病史高于对照组。糖尿病史、高血压史、血脂异常史、实验室检查:TG(甘油三酯) >1.70mmol/L、LDL-C(低密度脂蛋白)>3.12 mmol/L的患病率高于对照组。同时在青年脑卒中病例组中吸烟、饮酒的比例也明显高于对照组。通过以上研究表明年龄、性别、糖尿病、高血压、血脂异常、TG(甘油三酯) >1.70mmol/L、LDL-C低密度脂蛋白)>3.12 mmol/L、吸烟、饮酒的是青年脑卒中的危险因素;青年脑卒中的危险因素依次为年龄(疾病有明显的好发年龄段)、性别(男性患者多于女性),血脂异常、高血压、吸烟、饮酒、糖尿病。而老年卒中患者的危险因素依次为性别、血脂异常、颈内动脉斑块形成、高血压、既往卒中病史、吸烟、心脏病、糖尿病、饮酒。研究证实二者之间存在差异,可应用于指导临床预防及治疗。
Stroke, also known as stroke, is a sudden onset of cerebral blood circulation disorders, also known as cerebrovascular accident.It refers to patients with cere brovascular disease, causing by various factors incuding brain artery stenosis, occlusion or rupture and leading to acute cerebral blood circulation disorders.The tipical symptom and sign of this disease are transient or permanent brain dysfunction .It can be divided into ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Stroke among young people refers to that of the ones under the age of 45 ,accouting for 5%~15% of this disease.
     With the chronic diseases breaking out in advance and acceleration of aging population,the prevention and control of stroke will face a severe situation in china. Latest WHO data shows that one in every six people may suffer from the stroke, one person dies and another one is disabled due to stroke per six seconds. The majority of the patients become disabled,such as hemiplegia , aphasia, and blindness. The incidence of stroke in china is four or five times higher than that in Eropean countries, 3.5 times than that in Japan. There's an increasingly danger of young people's suffering from stroke , and thus,gaining more and more attention. In recent years, reports on young stroke have gradually increased and the incidence rate is also on a rise. It has seriously affected the patient's living and working quality, bringing not only mental stress to patients, but also economic burden to families and the society.
     Selecting,from the neurology department in the first hospital of Jilin University ,366 cases of patients being disanosed as stroke of an age under 45 from January 1, 1966 to May 1, 2011 , and 215 from January 1, 1856 to December 31, 1951 of an age above 60 ,compare to 95 young stroke patients at that time in the same hospital. Describing the basic status and risk factors for stroke of young people by spss analysis.
     Mainly in young stroke patients aged 31 to 40 years old and two41-year-old age 45, male patients than female, more cerebral hemorrhage cerebral infarction, hospital-based diagnostics to 5.Compared with elderly stroke patients, stroke patients affected bychronic youth group was less affected, while the incidence of stroke history was not obvious. Compared with young controlgroup, youth group of stroke patients past history of stroke in patients. The results showed that diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking and drinking may be a risk factor for stroke in young people.
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