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Pride is a psychologically important and evolutionarily adaptive emotion. It has animportant effect on individual’s behavior. Early childhood is a key period for development ofpride recognition. Based on the comprehensively theoretical and empirical studies of prideamong children, the purpose of the study is to investigate the development characteristics ofchildren’s pride recognition, brain mechanism and the influence of some related factors.
     Study1: Development of the asssessment tools for children’s pride. In order to develop anonverbal behavior expression coding system for children’s pride and the pictures system ofchildren’s emotion expression,352kindergarten teachers and156children’s mothers wereselected to recognize the2sets of pictures of behavioral movement about children’s pride.The behavioral components and behavioral units were determined in the present research.
     Study2: The developmental characteristics of early children’s pride recognition. Theexperiment using the picture system of children pirde recognition explored the developmentaltendency and gender characteristics of children’s pride recognition in children of3-6-year-old(N=204), and distinguished it from expression of happiness and surprise.
     Study3: Neural correlates of pride recognition: An event-related potential study. In theexperiment, Dense-array EEG was collected from214-6-year-old children who coulddistinguish pride and happiness. They were presented with pictures of their peers’ andstrangers’ pride and happiness. They were instructed to distinguish pride and happiness, andnot to respond to the familiar and unfamiliar. In order to investigate the patterns of corticalactivation of pride recognition, we tested a range of ERP components at a number oftime-points and scalp location.
     Study4: The relationships among children pride recognition, theory of mind andinhibitory control. In order to comprehend the development of children’s pride recognitionmore clearly, we controlled the influence of general language ability, and investigate theinfluence of children’s theory of mind and inhibitory control on pride recognition.
     Based on the above analysis results on the development of children’s pride recognition,the study mainly discussed the nonverbal behavior expression of children’s pride and itsdevelopment characteristic, brain mechanism, and the related influence on pride recognition.The main conclusions were drawn as follow:
     1. The nonverbal behavior expression of children’s pride includes7behavioralcomponents which are the facial expression of a smile and laugh, expanded posture, head tilted slightly back, and the arm actions such as arms akimbo, arms raised above the head andarms raised in front of the chest with hands in fists.
     2. The nonverbal behavior expression of children’s pride includes12behavioral units.The prototypical pride includes a smile, expanded posture, head tilted slightly back, and thearms akimbo with hands on hips.
     3. The reliability and validity tests on the nonverbal behavior expression coding systemfor children’s pride and the pictures system of children’s pride recognition show their indexesare good.
     4. Children can recognize the nonverbal expression of pride at above-chance by age of4years. Pride recognition, like happiness and surprise, improves from3to6years. And the agefrom5to6years are the critical periods of the occurrence and development of priderecognition. There isn’t significant gender difference of children’s pride recognition.
     5. There was no significant amplitude or lantency effect for the P1. The N170wassensitive to personal familitarity, with larger amplitudes following stanger children thanfamiliar children. The Nc was sensitive to the familiar children’s emotion, with largeramplitudes follwing familiar chidren’s pride than their happiness. The frontal LPC wassensitive to emotional expression, with larger amplitudes following pride than happiness.
     6. The processing of children’s pride recognition may involve3diiferent stages: early,middle and later. Early ERPs are most sensitive to the personal familiarity of emotional faceautomatically, mid-latency ERPs are sensitive to the familiarity of emotion, and the laterERPs suggest greater extend processing of emotion expression.
     7. Children’s pride recognition could be significantly predicted by their theory of mind,and theory of mind fully mediated the relationship between inhibitory control and priderecognition.
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