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地下害虫是我国农业生产上一类重要的有害物种,具有生活隐蔽,适应性强等特点,是国内外公认的难以防治的害虫。华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)属于地下害虫重要类群之一,对农作物、果树以及林木等可以造成重大经济损失。在控制地下害虫的同时也造成了生态环境破坏等多种潜在威胁。昆虫错综复杂的嗅觉系统能够检测和识别环境中不同的挥发性小分子气味物质,这种特征在昆虫寻找寄主、交配、产卵以及逃避行为中起到了至关重要的作用。因此,对昆虫嗅觉感受机理的研究将有助于揭开昆虫感受和识别环境中的气味物质并引起相关行为反应的秘密,有助于开发新型生物制剂来干扰害虫之间的通讯,最终达到控害保益的目的,为生物防治开辟新的途径。本研究所获得的主要结果如下:
     (4)本研究利用DUALsystem Biotech公司文库构建试剂盒,构建了华北大黑鳃金龟触角酵母双杂交系统均一化的cDNA文库,并将其克隆到酵母双杂交系统的表达载体pPR3-N上,为下一步利用酵母双杂交技术研究蛋白互作搭建了技术平台。构建好的均一化cDNA文库经质量检测发现,原始文库的库容量为1.1×106,平均插入片段大小约为1.2kb,达到了高质量文库的标准,保证了文库的覆盖性。
     (5)本实验利用DUALsystem Biotech公司DUALhunter starter kits酵母双杂交筛选试剂盒,构建了华北大黑鳃金龟气味结合蛋白OBP1和OBP2诱饵载体,筛选了华北大黑鳃金龟触角酵母双杂交系统均一化的cDNA文库,经鉴定以及在GenBank中进行Blast比对分析,以OBP1为诱饵鉴定出6个互作物,以OBP2为诱饵鉴定出8个互作物。通过-半乳糖苷酶活性检测,以OBP1为诱饵,最终确定的阳性互作物为receptor for activated protein kinase C-like,以OBP2为诱饵最终确定的阳性互作物为proclotting enzyme,我们推测这两种蛋白可能是华北大黑鳃金龟在嗅觉识别过程中的相关蛋白。
Underground pests are a harmful class group in agricultural industry in China, and their coverthabitats and strong adaptability result in difficulties in the prevention and control of pests. The scarabbeetle, Holotrichia oblita Faldermann (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), belongs to such a class and hascaused serious economic damage to crops, fruit trees and forest trees in China. The chemical methods ofcontroling underground pests could lead to many potential threats. Therefor, an environmentallyfriendly method for controlling of H. oblita is needed. The sophisticated insect olfactory system candetect and discriminate between different kinds of odorants, which are volatile small organic moleculesin the environment. This characteristic property plays a crucial role in insect behaviors, such as hostseeking, mating, ovipositing, as well as escape behaviors. Therefore, the secret that arousing a series ofinsect behavior reactions by perceiving and distinguishing amounts and kinds of odorants will beunveiled by investigating olfactory receptive mechanism, which contributes to exploit the newbiological agent to mess up communications among pests. This kind of new conception will providenew way for biological control, and gain our ends to protect crops from damage by pests. Ourconclusions are listed as follow.
     (1) According to registered OBP3and OBP4sequences from H. oblita in GenBank, we designedspecific primers and obtained ORF sequences of OBP3and OBP4from H. oblita. These two sequenceswere cloned into expression vector pET-30a respectively, which provided molecular basis for proteinfunctional analysis.
     (2) The crystal structure of Anopholes gambiae OBP20(AgamOBP20) was chosen as a templatefor both HoblOBP3and HoblOBP4to predict three-dimensional structures. The three-dimensionalmodel of HoblOBP3and HoblOBP4presented a large binding pocket, and the C-termini extended intothe binding pocket, which was similar to AgamOBP1. Six olfactory associated proteins of H. oblita,HoblOBP3, HoblOBP4, HoblCSP1, HoblCSP2, HoblOBP1and HoblOBP2, were expressed in E.coliand purified using Ni ion affinity chromatography. We selected42potential organic compounds on thebasis of competitive binding assays with proteins of HoblOBP3and HoblOBP4, which includedcompounds from volatile green plants and putative sex pheromones of some beetle species. The resultsshowed that HoblOBP4exhibited a broader spectrum of activity and well bound aliphatic compoundsconsisting of6carbon atoms, and putative sex pheromone compounds of some beetle species, such asL-isoleucine methyl ester. However, HoblOBP3only appeared high affinity to α-ionone and-ionone.In addition, the differences of position, variety and amount of functional groups, length difference ofcarbon chain, ring-shaped or ring-open structure of carbon chain, and optical isomerism in compoundswere the main impact factors that affected binding affinity. The interrelations and formation of dimerbetween olfactory associated proteins were discussed using competitive binding assays. We speculatedthat HoblOBP2could form dimer with HoblOBP1and HoblOBP4respectively.
     (3) We used the technique of colloidal gold post-embedding immunocytochemistry to detect colocalization of binary OBPs at the subcellsular level. The presented results demonstrated that thebinary mixtures of HoblOBP1/HoblOBP2and HoblOBP2/HoblOBP4were both coexpressed in sensillaplacodea and sensilla basiconica. This conclusion supported one assumption that OBPs could formdimer in order to perceive plant odors and sex pheromones, which provided evidence for thehydrophobic tunnel hypothesis.
     (4) The construction kits of DUALsystem Biotech were used to construct the normalized cDNAlibrary from H. oblita antenna in order to screen by yeast two-hybrid assay. Then, the completed librarywas cloned into vector pPR3-N expressing in yeast, which put up the platform for screening by yeasttwo-hybrid assay. Subsequently, the quality of the normalized cDNA library was tested. The resultsshowed that the number of independent transformants in the original library was1.1×106, and theaverage insert size was greater than1.2kb, which was up to the standard of the high-quality andhigh-spreadability cDNA library.
     (5) DUALhunter starter kits of DUALsystem Biotech were used to construct the bait vector ofHoblOBP1and HoblOBP2respectively. Then, the H. oblita antenna normalized cDNA library wasscreened. The screened results showed that six interactors screened with HoblOBP1bait vector andeight interactors screened by HoblOBP2bait vector were identified using PCR technique and analyzedusing Blast in GenBank. In the end, by assaying for detection of-galactosidase activity, the strongestpositive interactor, receptor for activated protein kinase C-like, was identified by HoblOBP1bait, andthe proclotting enzyme was viewed as the strongest positive interactor identified by HoblOBP2bait.Therefore, we speculated that the two positive interactors might work in the process of olfactoryrecognition.
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