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     文中涉及苔螟亚科7属86种,其中包括38个新种:迈克小苔螟Micraglossa michaelshafferi sp. n.,环刺小苔螟M. annulispinata sp. n.,双小苔螟M. didyma sp. n.,南小苔螟M. nana sp. n.,双突小苔螟M. duoprojecta sp. n.,簇苔螟Scoparia agglomerata sp. n.,短管苔螟S. brevituba sp. n.,双列苔螟S. bifaria sp. n.,曲刺苔螟S. curvispinata sp. n.,双苔螟S. didyma sp. n.,刺管苔螟S. spinituba sp. n.,九寨苔螟S. jiuzhaiensis sp. n.,大刺苔螟S. largispinea sp. n.,墨脱苔螟S.medogensis sp. n.,骨盘苔螟S. ossidiscoidea sp. n.,小刺苔螟S. paulispinata sp. n.,直苔螟S. recta sp. n.,直刺苔螟S. rectispinea sp. n.,多刺苔螟S. spinosa sp. n.,细刺苔螟S. spinulosa sp. n.,太白山苔螟S. taibaishanensis sp. n.,膨刺苔螟S. tumefacta sp. n.,膨管苔螟S. turgida sp. n.,膨突苔螟S. tumidiprojecta sp. n.,钩苔螟S. uncinata sp. n.,洞优苔螟Eudonia cavata sp. n.,双刺优苔螟E. duospinata sp. n.,黑优苔螟E. furva sp. n.,六环优苔螟E. hexamera sp. n.,长管优苔螟E. longa sp. n.,大颚优苔螟E. magna sp. n.,四环优苔螟E. quaternannula sp. n.,直线优苔螟E. rectilineata sp. n.,单环优苔螟E. singuliannulata sp. n.,卧龙优苔螟E. wolongensis sp. n.,丽江优苔螟E. lijiangensis sp. n.,中甸优苔螟E. zhongdianensis sp. n和弯角达苔螟Dasyscopa curvicornis sp. n.。
     文中涉及草螟亚科38属334种,其中有35个新种(包括在学期间已发表的5种):郑氏双带草螟Miyakea zhengi Li & Li,2007,锐棘细草螟Raxita acutispinata Li & Li,2008,阔爪细草螟R. capacunca Li & Li,2008,无刺带草螟Metaeuchromius anacanthus Li & Li,2009,孤刺带草螟M. singulispinalis Li & Li,2009,多刺带草螟M. spinulosus sp. n.,香港白条草螟Classeya hongkongensis sp. n.,西藏齿纹草螟Elethyia xizangensis sp. n.,短爪微草螟Glaucocharis brevis sp. n.,黄带微草螟G. flavifasciaria sp. n.,三齿微草螟G. tridentata sp. n.,袋微草螟G. scrotiformis sp. n.,密毛微草螟G. setosa sp. n.,拟六浦微草螟G. similimutuurella sp. n.,大刺微草螟G. grandispinata sp. n.,小刺微草螟G. paulispinata sp. n.,剑形微草螟G. siciformis sp. n.,勐腊洁草螟Gargela menglensis sp. n.,双刺洁草螟G. bispinata sp. n.,长刺洁草螟G. longispinata sp. n.,凹洁草螟G. concava sp. n.,三洁草螟G. trilopha sp. n.,大刺洁草螟G. marcracanta sp. n.,叉卡拉草螟Culladia furcata sp. n.,圆突茎草螟Pediasia rotundiprojecta sp. n.,圆突金草螟Chrysoteuchia rotundiprojecta sp. n.,暗黑金草螟C.furva sp. n.,谢氏金草螟C. shafferi sp. n.,缺带金草螟C. nonifasciaria sp. n.,海南髓草螟Calamotropha hainanensis sp. n.,双刺髓草螟C. duospinata sp. n.,二刺髓草螟C. bicuspidata sp. n.,香港髓草螟C. hongkongensis sp. n.,瑞丽髓草螟C. ruilensis sp. n和圆突微禾草螟Microchilo rotundiprojecta sp. n.。
     报道了1个中国新记录属和24个中国新记录种:盖苔螟属Gesneria Hubner,腹棘小苔螟Microglossa straminealis (Hampson)和金灿小苔螟M. aureata Inoue,日本苔螟Scoparia nipponalis Inoue(已发表),突囊苔螟S. ancipitella (La Harpe),阿富汗苔螟S. afghanorum Leraut,酉氏苔螟S. utsugii Inoue,松井苔螟S. matsuii Inoue,世涛苔螟S. staudingeralis (Mablille),长茎优苔螟Eudonia puellaris Sasaki,博思优苔螟E. persimilis Sasaki,悠久盖苔螟Gesneria centuriella(Denis & Schiffermuller),膨基带草螟Metaeuchromius inflatus Schouten(已发表),粉丽草螟Euchromius pulverosus (Christoph),锐齿微草螟Glaucocharis incisella (Bleszynski),皮氏微草螟G. pilcheri Gaskin,齿线卡拉草螟Culladia dentilinealis Hampson,褐卡拉草螟C. achroella (Mabile),曲管茎草螟Pediasiajucundella (Herrich-Schaffer),灰茎草螟P. persella (Toll),新田草螟Agriphila straminella (Denis & Schiffermuller),伪目草螟Catoptria falsella falsella (Denis & Schiffermuller),阿富汗尖草螟Talis afghanella Bleszynski,雷特髓草螟Calamotropha latella (Snellen)和雅氏髓草螟C. yamanakai Inoue。
     提出9个新异名和8个新组合:将喀氏苔螟属Caradjaina Leraut,1986 syn. n和森优苔螟属Sineudonia Leraut,1986 syn. n定为苔螟属Scoparia Haworth,1811的异名;将拜苔螟Scoparia biplagialis Walker,1866 syn. n.,狭翅苔螟S. isochroalis Hampson,1907 syn. n和红褐森优苔螟Sineudonia brunnea Leraut,1986 syn. n定为囊刺苔螟Scoparia congestalis Walker,1859的异名;将丽江苔螟Scoparia kiangensis Leraut,1986 syn. n定为刺苔螟Scoparia spinata Inoue,1982的异名;将爱优苔螟Eudonia altissima Leraut,1986 syn. n定为西藏优苔螟Eudonia tibetalis (Caradja,1937)的异名;将新双色草螟属Neogirdharia Song & Chen,2004 syn. n定为双突草螟属Bissetia Kapur,1950的异名,并把新双色草螟属的6个种移至双突草螟属:圆双突草螟Bissetia rotunda (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n.,方双突草螟B. quadrilatera (Song & Chen, 2004) comb. n.,角双突草螟B. digitata (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n.,巨双突草螟B. magnifica (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n.,景东双突草螟B. jingdongensis (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n.,尖双突草螟B. spiculata (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n.;将傅氏草螟属Friedlanderia Agnew,1987 syn.n.定为拟碧色草螟属Pseudobissetia Bleszynski,1959的异名,并将斑痕拟碧色草螟Pseudobissetia cicatricella (Hubner,1824) comb. n由傅氏草螟属移至拟碧色草螟属;将雪莲银草螟Pseudargyria nivalis (Caradja,1937) comb. n由丽草螟属Euchromius移至银草螟属Pseudargyria。
     首次描述了23个种的雌性个体:腹棘小苔螟Micraglossa straminealis (Hampson),硫黄小苔螟M.flavidalis Hampson,金黄小苔螟M. scoparialis Warren,艾妮小苔螟M. oenealis Hampson,狭瓣苔螟Scoparia metaleucalis Hampson,中华赫苔螟Hoenia sinensis Leraut,金带草螟Metaeuchromius flavofascialis Park (已发表),峨眉山微草螟Glaucocharis omeishani (Bleszynski),黄岗山微草螟G. huanggangensis Song & Chen,戟形微草螟G. hastatella Song & Chen,锐齿微草螟G. incisella (Bleszynski),龙栖微草螟G. longqiensis Song,盾形微草螟G. parmulella Wang & Sung,皮氏微草螟G. pilcheri Gaskin,拟灰茎草螟Pediasia pseudopersella Bleszynski,冥后目草螟Catoptria persephone Bleszynski,中白金草螟Chrysoteuchia hyalodiscella (Caradja),方双突草螟Bissetia quadrilatera (Song & Chen),类壳形巢草螟Ancylolomia carcinelloides Song & Chen,台湾髓草螟Calamotropha formosella Bleszynski,乔治髓草螟C. josettae Bleszynski,魅力髓草螟C. melli (Caradja & Meyrick)和海南大草螟Eschata hainanensis Wang & Sung;首次描述了2种的雄性个体:喀氏苔螟Scoparia caradjai Leraut和西藏目草螟Catoptria thibetica Bleszynski。将广东苔螟Scoparia kwangtungialis Caradja从喀氏苔螟属Caradjaina移回苔螟属Scoparia。澄清了偶列苔螟Scoparia basistrigalis Knaggs和莫苔螟S. molestalis Inoue并非真正分布在中国。
Scopariinae and Crambinae are affiliated to Crambidae, Pyraloidea, Lepidoptera. This dissertation focuses on the study of these two subfamilies in China, including 45 genera and 419 species.
     Eighty-six species in seven genera are recorded in Scopariinae, including thirty-eight species new to science:Micraglossa michaelshafferi sp. n., M. annulispinata sp. n., M. didyma sp. n., M. nana sp. n., M. duoprojecta sp. n., Scoparia agglomerata sp. n., S. brevituba sp. n., S. bifaria sp. n., S. curvispinata sp. n., S. didyma sp. n., S. spinituba sp. n., S. jiuzhaiensis sp. n., S. largispinea sp. n., S. medogensis sp. n., S. ossidiscoidea sp. n., S. paulispinata sp. n., S. recta sp. n., S. rectispinea sp. n.,S. spinosa sp. n., S. spinulosa sp. n., S. taibaishanensis sp. n., S. tumefacta sp. n., S. turgida sp. n., S. tumidiprojecta sp. n., S. uncinata sp. n., Eudonia cavata sp. n., E. duospinata sp. n., E.furva sp. n., E. hexamera sp. n., E. longa sp. n., E. magna sp. n., E. quaternannula sp. n., E. rectilineata sp. n., E. singuliannulata sp. n., E. wolongensis sp. n., E. lijiangensis sp. n., E. zhongdianensis sp. n. and Dasyscopa curvicornis sp. n.
     Three hundred and thirty-four species in thirty-eight genera are treated in Crambinae, of which thirty-five species are described as new (including five species published in the past three years): Miyakea zhengi Li & Li,2007, Roxita acutispinata Li & Li,2008, R. capacunca Li & Li,2008, Metaeuchromius anacanthus Li & Li,2009, M. singulispinalis Li & Li,2009, M. spinulosus sp. n., Classeya hongkongensis sp. n., Elethyia xizangensis sp. n., Glaucocharis brevis sp. n., G. flavifasciaria sp. n., G. tridentata sp. n., G. scrotiformis sp. n., G. setosa sp. n., G. similimutuurella sp. n., G. grandispinata sp. n., G. paulispinata sp. n., G. siciformis sp. n., Gargela menglensis sp. n., G. bispinata sp. n., G. longispinata sp. n., G. concava sp. n., G. trilopha sp. n., G. marcracanta sp. n., Culladia furcata sp. n., Pediasia rotundiprojecta sp. n., Chrysoteuchia rotundiprojecta sp. n., C.furva sp. n., C. shafferi sp. n., C. nonifasciaria sp. n., Calamotropha hainanensis sp. n., C. duospinata sp. n., C. bicuspidata sp. n., C. hongkongensis sp. n., C. ruilensis sp. n. and Microchilo rotundiprojecta sp. n.
     One genus and twenty-four species are newly recorded for China:Gesneria Hubner, Microglossa straminealis (Hampson), M. aureata Inoue, Scoparia nipponalis Inoue (published), S. ancipitella (La Harpe), S. afghanorum Leraut, S. utsugii Inoue, S. matsuii Inoue, S. staudingeralis (Mablille), Eudonia puellaris Sasaki, E. persimilis Sasaki, Gesneria centuriella (Denis & Schiffermuller), Metaeuchromius inflatus Schouten (published), Euchromius pulverosus (Christoph), Glaucocharis incisella (Bleszynski), G. pilcheri Gaskin, Culladia dentilinealis Hampson, C. achroella (Mabile), Pediasia jucundella (Herrich-Schaffer), P. persella (Toll), Agriphila straminella (Denis & Schiffermuller), Catoptria falsella falsella (Denis & Schiffermuller), Talis afghanella Bleszynski, Calamotropha latella (Snellen) and C. yamanakai Inoue.
     Nine new synonyms and eight new combinations are proposed:Caradjaina Leraut,1986 syn. n. and Sineudonia Leraut,1986 syn. n. are synonymized with Scoparia Haworth,1811; Scoparia biplagialis Walker,1866 syn. n., S. isochroalis Hampson,1907 syn. n. and Sineudonia brunnea Leraut, 1986 syn. n. are synonymized with Scoparia congestalis Walker,1859; Scoparia kiangensis Leraut, 1986 syn. n. is synonymized with Scoparia spinata Inoue,1982; Eudonia altissima Leraut,1986 syn. n. is synonymized with Eudonia tibetalis (Caradja,1937); Neogirdharia Song & Chen,2004 syn. n. is synonymized with Bissetia Kapur,1950, and six Neogirdharia species are transferred to Bissetia: Bissetia rotunda (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n., B. quadrilatera (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n., B. digitata (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n., B. magnifica (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n., B. jingdongensis (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n. and B. spiculata (Song & Chen,2004) comb. n.; Friedlanderia Agnew,1987 syn. n. is synonymized with Pseudobissetia Bleszynski,1959, and Pseudobissetia cicatricella (Hubner,1824) comb. n. is transferred from Friedlanderia; Pseudargyria nivalis (Caradja,1937) comb. n. is transferred from Euchromius.
     The previously unknown females of twenty-three species are described for the first time: Micraglossa straminealis (Hampson), M. flavidalis Hampson, M. scoparialis Warren, M. oenealis Hampson, Scoparia metaleucalis Hampson, Hoenia sinensis Leraut, Metaeuchromius flavofascialis Park (published), Glaucocharis omeishani (Bleszynski), G. huanggangensis Song & Chen, G. hastatella Song & Chen, G. incisella (Bleszynski), G. longqiensis Song, G. parmulella Wang & Sung, G. pilcheri Gaskin, Pediasia pseudopersella Bleszynski, Catoptria persephone Bleszynski, Chrysoteuchia hyalodiscella (Caradja), Bissetia quadrilatera (Song & Chen), Ancylolomia carcinelloides Song & Chen, Calamotropha formosella Bleszynski, C. josettae Bleszynski, C. melli (Caradja & Meyrick) and Eschata hainanensis Wang & Sung; the previously unknown males of two species are described for the first time:Scoparia caradjai Leraut and Catoptria thibetica Bleszynski. Scoparia kwangtungialis Caradja,1925 is recombinated from Caradjaina to Scoparia. Scoparia basistrigalis Knaggs and S. molestalis Inoue are clarified not to occur in China.
     Keys to subfamilies of Pyraloidea, to genera and species of Scopariinae and Crambinae are given. Synonyms and citations of each taxon are listed. The type locality and type depository of most species are included, along with information on distribution and available hostplants of each species. Two hundred and sixty-eight illustrations are provided, which include photos of adults, tympanal organs, male and female genitalia of the new species, and the special abdominal structures of the Crambinae. Geographical distribution of the Scopariinae and Crambinae in China is analysed on genus level, with comparison to the average minimum temperature in January and the precipitation in July in China. The effect of low temperature and humidity on the Scopariinae and Crambinae species are discussed, provided with fourteen cartographs of the geographical distribution of each genus and the patterns of the average minimum temperature in January and (or) the precipitation in July.
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