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Monetary economy promotes the social division, gives birth to the spirit ofself-responsibility of market-subject, which led to the awakening of the individual; whileat the same time, social division are also contributed to the social integration in functions,which in turn formed one-sided functional dismemberment and domination on individual.From the view of the philosophy of culture and the philosophy of life, Simmle sawthrough the undergoing of modern individuals and considered that this is an inherentconflict in culture itself. In Simmel's words, culture as a human creation, it should be theway and mean to enrich, and to cultivate individuals, which exist for the perfect of maneventually. But in modern society, objective cultural divorced from the control of thecreator more and more, and it was increasingly becoming an independent, oppressive andalien power which was opposed to man. This is what Simmel called the cultural conflictbetween objective culture and subjective culture.
     Then, how to understand the cultural conflict? In this paper, based on Simmel's"philosophy of money", reference to his philosophy of life, philosophy of culture,sociology and other related works at the same time, in accordance with the order of thelogic of deduction, we will study Simmel's theory of cultural conflict from the followingaspects.
     First: the foundation of cultural conflict. Simmel believes that cultural conflict isrooted in life itself. Life is the process of generating, moving, and overtaking, and it mustappear in a certain forms, while every form is bound to be replaced by a new form. Lifeimpulse will not be the crystallization in any form of life. This confrontation between lifeand its form is the original contradiction. Life and its forms are both opposite andinterdependent which exists in an individual, and there is no tendency to separate betweenthem. When the forms appear as "socialized forms" before the individual, the individual's life-force would become powerless, because these socialized forms are generated from theinteraction between people, and consequently they are creations of groups. Therefore,when the socialized forms are generated, the seed of confrontation and separation betweensubjective culture and objective culture are buried.
     Second: the social dynamics of cultural conflict. The opportunity of era wasneeded while the inner contradiction of culture comes into being in social life, namely, theemergence of a modern monetary economy. Society was promoted by money to divisionand integration, and gradually it became an organism, thus individuals becoming one of itscomponents. The third part of this paper from the perspective of the monetary nature,explains why money can be the driving force to form the structure of social structure.Because money as a general medium of exchange, it has the characteristics without any ofidentity and content, as a result, it can play an intermediary function, becomes the "joint"and "blood" of society, and play the function of division, integration and structure insociety, which led to the formation of modern society.
     Third: the real logic of cultural conflict generated in modern society. The fourthpart of this paper, from the analysis of the inner contradictions in changes of cultural form,spreads completely the real logic in the process of that the division of labor and moneypromoted the cultural conflict into reality. The division of labor promoted the separationand conflict between objective culture and subjective culture, led to the expansion ofobjective culture at the cost of the damage and suppression to individual's personalintegrity. This process was inextricably intertwined with the development of monetaryeconomy. Money is not only a facilitator of the division of labor, but also as the mostgeneral media and means which help the products enter the links of exchanging andconsuming, thus, it become an enforcement of objective logic.
     Fourth: the modern experiences in the cultural conflict. Money as a socialdynamics, not only in the macro level promotes the formation of a cultural conflict, but also in the micro level impacts the spiritual feelings of individual. That is a variety ofmodern experiences: the survival state of atoms; purpose was overcome by means; valuewas distorted, only money in eyes; expert at intellectual calculation while emotiondeclining; the hollowing freedom.
     Fifth: the reaction of individuals who live in the cultural conflicts. Facing with thesuppression on personality from the objective culture, as well as the indifferentrelationship among people under the monetary economy, modern individuals respond withcomplying and resistance, such as the reserved indifference, chasing fashion, indulging inentertainment, and keen to adventure and so on. However, in the view of Simmel, theseexternal resistances seemed only the natural reaction, which did not change theembarrassment of their situation. Therefore, Simmel hoped to realize the spiritual internalintegration in aesthetic activities and the subjective religion. Of course, Simmel's spiritualsalvation program has its limitations.
     Sixth: cultural conflict and the plight of modernity. Simmel's cultural conflicttheory is essentially a path of interpretation of modernity. The last part of this paperthrough the comparison of thoughts in modernity of Simmel, Marx and Weber, would liketo deepen the understanding of Simmel's theory of cultural conflict, and analyses the wayout of the plight of modernity, as well as analyses the modernity in the context of China,and hope to get some valuable inspiration from the Confucian culture.
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    [2] 这里的价值是指事物对人而言的丰富的属性,它不只包含了实际功用上的使用价值,更包含了非实用的审美价值、心理价值、情感价值,它可以是因人而异的,但这种丰富的质的属性被货币以量的形式给遮蔽了。
    [1] [德]西美尔.现代文化中的金钱[A].金钱、性别、现代生活风格[M].刘小枫编,顾仁明译.上海:学林出版社,2000.8
    [2] 马克思恩格斯选集(第1卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1995.274-275
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    [2] 这里,“人的价值”是指人自身的自在自为的价值,是在人的自由选择中体现自我个性的价值,而不是以外在的的尺度把人当做社会工具来衡量的外在价值。
    [1] Simmel, G.. The Philosophy of Money [M]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1978. p.405
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    [1] [英]伯林.自由论[M].胡传胜译.南京:译林出版社,2003.189
    [2] Simmel, G.. The Philosophy of Money [M]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1978. p.321. 这里的“事物”并不一定是具体的实物,也包括自我的经历与社会环境,共同塑造了自我。
    [3] Simmel, G.. The Philosophy of Money [M]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1978. p.229
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    [1] 20世纪自由主义大师以赛亚·伯林把自由区分为“消极自由”和“积极自由”,他很看重“消极自由”,而把“积极自由”视为集权主义的温床;然而西美尔早就指出,如果人不知道自己的意义在哪里,不会选择,就是说没有了自我限定的“积极自由”,那么,“消极自由”也就失去了价值,货币经济下金钱带来的空虚的自由就是明证。
    [2] Simmel, G.. The Philosophy of Money [M]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1978. p.404
    [1] [德]西美尔.时尚的哲学.费勇等译.北京:文化艺术出版社,2001.198
    [2] 个体性(Individuality)与个性(Personality)还是不同的:个体性(Individuality)是指个体的处身性,表明个体与他者相比的内在区别,每个人都是独特的一个存在者;而个性(Personality)是指性格、性情等个人特征,是可以从外在表现出来的。
    [3] 早在西美尔的第一本著作《论社会分化:社会学和心理学的研究》的第三章,西美尔就开始关注这个问题,后来这一章内容经修改、扩充,成为《社会学--关于社会化形式的研究》的第十章,即“群体扩展与个体性的发展”;进而在《社会学的基本问题》一书的第四章,即“18和19世纪生命观中的个体与社会”,对此问题又进行了进一步的概括。
    [1] [瑞士]雅各布·布克哈特.意大利文艺复兴时期的文化.何新译.北京:商务印书馆,1984.125
    [1] (参见)成伯清.格奥尔格·西美尔:现代性的诊断[M].杭州:杭州大学出版社,1999.65
    [2] 下一节将以时尚为窗口来透视现代社会的这种现象。
    [3] D.Frisby. Georg Simmel. Ellis Horwood Limited, 1984. p.82
    [1] D.Frisby. Georg Simmel. Ellis Horwood Limited, 1984. p.84
    [2] (参见)成伯清.格奥尔格·西美尔:现代性的诊断[M].杭州:杭州大学出版社,1999.70
    [3] Simmel, G. On Individuality and Social Forms, D. N. Levine(ed), University of Chicago Press, 1971,p. 271
    [1] (参见)成伯清.格奥尔格·西美尔:现代性的诊断[M].杭州:杭州大学出版社,1999.71
    [2] Simmel, G. On Individuality and Social Forms [M]. D.N.Levine (ed) .University of Chicago Press,1971. p.269
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    [2] Simmel, G.. The Philosophy of Money [M]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1978. p.475
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    [1] Simmel, G. The Philosoohy of Money [M]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1978. p.477
    [2] [德]本雅明.发达资本主义时代的抒情诗人.北京:三联书店,1989.56(译文稍有变动)
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    [1] 在此意义上,西美尔认为,“经典”的东西离时尚较远,并且往往与时尚对立。因为“经典”是崇高旨趣的和谐提炼,拥有某些共同的东西,这些东西具有稳定性,不会带来修正、不安、失衡。相反,反常的、极端的事物都会纳入时尚的领域。(见[德]西美尔.时尚的哲学[M].费勇等译.北京:文化艺术出版社,2001.72)
    [2] [德]西美尔.时尚的哲学[M].费勇等译.北京:文化艺术出版社,2001.72
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    [1] [德]西美尔.时尚的哲学[M].费勇等译.北京:文化艺术出版社,2001.118
    [2] [德]西美尔.时尚的哲学[M].费勇等译.北京:文化艺术出版社,2001.139.(“差异性”指专业分化导致的单面性。)
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