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The reference of "Nondecision" became in the 1950s——Elitism and Pluralism that the confrontation is between the two groups on the theory of the basic model of power structure——the debate over these has been almost exclusively other affair. Bachrach and Baratz have published their two articles,‘The Two Faces of Power’, and‘Decisions and Non-decisions: An Analytical Framework’. They proposed an analytical framework of nondecision. It has become increasingly familiar, and occupied a prominent position on the analysis of community power. Nondecision is an important element, because of its potential influence on the political process. People believe that the level of non-decision’s existence maybe impact on the legitimacy of public institutions and enforcement agencies, make some negative forms, and institutions of the public policy-making may lose their reliability.
     To policy-making, People often concentrate on their own specific policies, and ignore the nondecision on this process. I believe that nondecision is a part formulation of policy which prior to specific policy at the beginning, some individuals or groups have the controlling influence, through various forms of power, with an non-justify excuse or the role of non-legitimate to refuse the potential social problems to the opened process, and impacted on the democratization and scientific policy seriously. And then, as the action of nondecision, it is divided into five areas: the first, A has conflict with B on the interests, B believe that their own interests demands will be not supported by A, then ,he does not have the efforts to influence policy partially or completely. The second, A has conflict with B on the interests, B totally confused with the leading social values and believes, which is manipulated by A, B does not have the efforts to influence policy partially or completely. The third, A has conflict with B on the interests, A uses the existing political systems and procedures to control B, and B does not have the efforts to influence policy partially or completely. The forth, A has conflict with B on the interests, when B does not make their own demands clearly, A includes B’s interests into A’s own system at this point, and then B does not have the efforts to influence policy partially or completely. The last, A has conflict with B on the interests, A cooperates with other social forces to control or influence B’s experiences on the policy-making partially or completely.
     Nondecision is not a normal phenomenon. It has tremendous negative impacts on the scientific and democratization of public policy. It is caused by a variety of factors. The article mainly discusses through four areas, including political system,policy-makers, participants and the social reality. The first reason is from political system——the closed "input" mode of policy-making, and it is the institutional foundation to nondecision. Under this mode, there are not the actual pressures and roles on the policy. Policy makers have authorities on the allocations of public resources with its dominant position, to freely decide which social issues can enter the process. The second reason comes from policy-makers, I expound it from two faces, one is the private interest, the another is the cooperation of Policy makers and other social groups. Because of private interest, policy makers will give priority to their own pursuits. If their strength insufficiently, they will be conspiracy to other social groups. And then some issues which they want to catch are organized into polities while others which they do not like are organized out. At the same time, Nondecision is coming. The third reason is from participants. There are two forms: the one is the interests relating to the participants. The other is free rider. The policies formed around the interests of the stakeholders, through various means, with a view to embodying in the more their own interests. However, the strength of these interest groups is not balanced; strong groups will rely on the strong force, by influencing the policy-making process and specific policies to achieve the aspirations of their own interests. In this process, there is the feeling of free rider to social groups, as policy makers in the passive participants, this groups give up the power of the impaction of public policy, and help the "non-normal purpose" of strong interest groups to achieve their targets. The finally is the social reality. The policy-making start with the identification of policy issues, but a complex social problems are identified difficultly in a certain cognitive difficulty, and coupling with an unavoidable cost consideration in the policy-making process, the nondecision has the basis of the reality.
     The nondecisions play a huge role in an unique way, and bring the ignored negative impact on the political system. Through using the extensive of hidden power, strengthening the organization's "bias of mobilization”, making full use of policy system which has been in existence for the norms, procedures, etc., and reshaping the political rules of the system, the nondecision realize its role. But there are the main negative impacts: the real needs of the community are difficult to enter the policy-making process, it is contrary to the public nature of public policy, it reduce the role of a scientific analysis, and undermine the legitimacy of the government, and even endanger political stability.
     After fully award of the nondecision theory and its influence to the policy-making process and political process, it is clear that the nondecision theory is also very necessary to explore in China, where is being a social transformation from a traditional society to a modern society. In early 21st century, Chinese traditional decision-making system has been undermined, government has increasing emphasis on responding to the social problem, and the consensus has been formed to include it to the agenda of public policy. However, the current policy also suggests a number of risks; for example, the low level of institutionalization of democratic politics, private interests can not effectively be bound by the framework of the system and so on. Because the major problems of Chinese policy-making system is reflected by the nondecision, it holds that introducing this academic category into China is helpful for reviewing and improving China′s public decision system. Then, in the specific political life and the process of policy formulation, the policy-making must be based on the experience and ideas of Chinese domestic environment, must increase social survey and identify social problems correctly,must build the moral construction of policy-makers and participants , have an open mode of administration, help the interest groups to organize ,and make a sound mechanism for expression of interest, enhance the decision-making mechanisms and reduce political costs, and reposition the decisions-making, and establish a service-oriented government quickly in china .
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