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Drag reduction by hydrophobic nanoparticles (HNPs) adsorption in reservoirmicro-channels is a new technology to decrease the injection pressure in lowpermeability oil field, and it is of great importance to enhance the oil recovery rate.Although the water-based HNPs dispersion was widely adopted in field tests andsignificant drag reduction was achieved, the development and deployment of thistechnology is severely constrained due to the lack of a deep understanding of itsmechanisms. The “mechanical-chemical” drag reduction mechanism of water-baseddispersion with HNPs was proposed and validated by a series of experiments. Morespecifically, main achievements are presented as follows.
     1) Based on the mechanical characteristics and interaction energy calculation ofmicro-emulsion droplets in reservoir micro-channels, the dual drag reductionmechanism of water-based dispersion with HNPs was proposed. We found thatwater-based dispersion with HNPs has surfactant-HNPs double adsorptioncharacteristics on the wall of reservoir micro-channels.
     2) According to the adsorption properties of surfactants, the chemical dragreduction mechanism was investigated. First, surfactants adsorbed either on thesurface of the HNPs adsorption layer or directly on the wall of reservoirmicro-channels weaken the interaction between water molecules, and therefore reducethe drag. Second, surfactants dissolved in water solutions form a layer of“shear-induced structure” near the wall of reservoir micro-channels, which decreasesthe viscosity of the water and reduces the resistance of water flowing through thosemicro-channels.
     3) Observations of microstructures of HNPs adsorbed on core slice surfaceprovide the physical or mechanical mechanism of forming a strong hydrophobicsurface. After HNPs adsorption treatment, the core slice surface appears the dual-scalemicro-structure characteristics similar to those of lotus leaves that are superhydrophobic. Such kind of dual-scale micro-structure, because diameters ofHNPs are not equal, surfaces of reservoir micro-channels adsorbed with HNPs alsohave similar dual-scale structure characteristics, and are hydrophobic; which in turnresults in large slip effects.
     4) The dominance of chemical or mechanic mechanism of drag reduction ofwater-based dispersion with HNPs was further analyzed for different phases duringwater injection process. During the early phase of water injection, chemicalmechanism of surfactant drag reduction is dominant because of adsorption ofsurfactants. However, as most surfactants are washed away or removed from thesurface after certain period of water injection, the mechanical drag reductionmechanism induced by the slip effect of strong hydrophobic surfaces becomesdominant.
     5) The dual drag reduction mechanism of water-based dispersion with HNPs wasverified through a series of experiments. Experimental observations indicate that acompact nano-particle-adsorption layer forms on the surface of the core slice treatedby water-based dispersion with HNPs, and experimental measurements show that thesurface is strong hydrophilic. The HNPs adsorption layer still exists after washing bywater for a while; However, the wettability of the core slice surface becomes stronghydrophobic, indicating that the surfactants adsorbed on the surface of HNPsadsorption layer have been gradually washed away.
     6) The impact of some important factors, such as diameter and concentration ofnanoparticles, adsorption temperature, adsorption period and pH level, etc., weresystematically studied through core slices adsorption experiments, contact anglemeasurements and micro-structure imaging. Based on the experimental results, someoperating parameters of field tests were optimized.
     7) Support vector machine (SVM) was used to establish a more comprehensiverapid evaluation system. A-SVR(Support Vector Regression) program with RBFkernel function was developed and verified. The method and the program developed can be used to effectively evaluate the drag reduction effects of the HNPs adsorptiontechnology. Our results show that the method is quite promising and the accuracyprediction depends on the size of training data set.
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