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The intangible asset which is growing to be the main factor in social production has also proved its unparalleled power in modern war. Firstly, on the basis of analyzing present theories on the enterprises’intangible assets, the army’s intangible asset is detailed explained from three aspects: definition, characteristics and content. Two definitions are advanced from both broad sense and narrow sense, while both characteristics and contents of army’s intangible assets are concluded. Secondly, through the analyzing on the status in quo of our army’s intangible assets, it is pointed out that the first-line task is to check the intangible assets we have now. Combined with the characteristics of army’s intangible assets, the check methods and process are discussed separately from both content and applying value, in which two appraisal methods that Comparing and Brand-checkup are put forward for appraising the applying value of army’s intangible assets. Thirdly, according to the fast updating characteristic of present army’s intangible assets, the writer brings forward that an important way for improving battle effectiveness is to actively innovate army’s intangible assets. On the basis of analyzing the task and direction of building our national defense, the characteristics of modern wars and other acting factors in army’s intangible assets innovation, the content and methods of innovating our army’s intangible assets are researched. Finally, there are some analyses on three hot points in the management of army’s intangible assets: the adscription of intelligence property rights created in army’s research and development contracts, the application of weaponry technologies, and avoiding commercialization misappropriation. What’s more, some suggestions are advanced for setting and improving the policies in our country.
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