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Airline industry has nearly one century history. It is a basic option to travel for us today, but in the former it's only an "afforded" manner for some people. During the last one hundred years, the industry has appeared special development characters. In the industry policies aspect, deregulation policies accompanied with antitrust arrangements has replaced strict regulation in the main countries. In the international air transportation, strict Air Service Agreements have been replaced by "open skies" agreements and region aviation integration. In the aircraft aspect, it has gone through piston aircrafts, jet aircrafts and new generation bigger and speeder aircrafts. In the enterprise organization aspect, there are airlines with different operation characters appeared in sequence, from simply operated point-to-point air route airlines to hub-and-spoke network carriers and then to low cost carriers, finally alliances. To get the point of the evolution mechanism of airline industry with normative economy methods, that will enhance Industries Economics methodology and will provide theories support for China airline industry policies adjustment.
     The paper uses Evolutionary Economics Methodology and the achievements in Industries Economics and Transport Economics, to analyze and study the evolution of airline industry in historic and dynamic angle to get the inner mechanism.
     First of all, the paper summarizes the spark evolutionary thinking during the development of the economics and the formation of Evolutionary Economics to get the theory paradigm of Evolutionary Economics. After traced the research development of Industries Economics, the paper summarizes that dynamical mechanism, evolution path and description of industry evolution are the main contents of industry evolution research. On the basic of summarization research frameworks of Transport Economics, the paper indentifies the technology and economic characters of transport industry.
     Secondly, the paper constructs the evolutional model of airline industry. The products, resources and Economies of network of airline industry are the unique characters that distinguish air transport with other industries. These characters are also the basic inheritable information. The network of airline that just likes the gene is the carrier of the inheritable information. Demand, technology and institution compose the external restricted environment and selected environment of the airline industry evolution.
     Actually, the evolution of airline industry is the process that airlines adjust network with the restriction of usable resources to provide the products to meet the demand in the changed environment. In this process, demand is the basic of industry evolution and technology innovation is the impetus. The changes of demand and technology provide the incentive of institutional transition. The institutional transition provides incentive structure for the system change and the external pressure to airlines organization routines change. The institutional transition is the key factor of airline industry evolution. The changes of demand, technology and institution will bring the change of opportunity sets that will affect the action of airlines. In the dynamic environment, some airlines which adopt correct actions will get advantages and then survive and get growing. The evolution of airline industry is also a learning and knowledge assumption process. During this process, the failure organization models will be abandoned while the more effective models survive, grow and be copied. The result of this process is just the appearance of airline industry evolution.
     Thirdly, the paper use theories and empirical approach to testify validity of constructed Airline Industry Evolutional Model. Through theories analysis of the internal relation between heterogeneity of air transport products and operation model of airlines, the paper testified demand is the basic of evolution. To provide the products to meet the demand is the final result and appearance of industry evolution. Then the paper reviews the history of America airline industry. Particularly, the paper examines changes of demand and technology how to affect institutional transit of America airline industry and the process of institutional transit. The paper pays attention to analyses the motive of airlines to construct hub-and-spoke network and how they acted. Through a Price Squeeze model, the paper examines technology development how to affect airlines operation. In addition, the constructed Model also testifies alliances in international air transport are the rational choices of airlines while they operated in a dynamic environment which institution changed, demand increased with globalization and single airline has restricted resources.
     Fourthly, the paper examines the evolution of China airline industry. The constructed Model is proved to be a good instrument to explain how China airline industry changed. At present, some problems have emerged while the industry in China has achieved noticeable development. The most serious one is homogeneous operation model of airlines that result in the insufficiency air transport products supply. Capacity restricted in airspaces, airports and professional human resource scarcity are also need to be solved while the institutional environment can not suit to the industry development.
     Finally, some suggestions that how to optimize industry environment are raised in the last part of the paper based the study conclusions. The industry in China already got into the institutional transit phase. More liberalization institution arrangements should be introduced into the industry that will encourage airlines to diversify their products. So, that will helpful to optimize the industry structural. To enhance cooperation of the industry regulator and other involved ministries, to encourage technology innovation and to optimize the institution environment that will improve the industry resources affluently. The thoughts of regulating the industry should transfer from only pay attention to the development to pay more attention to consumer. Antitrust arrangements should be enhanced while the industry deregulation that will assure the environment has the positive affection to the industry evolution.
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