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SSM is a short form for the small-scale mine, which is popularly found in developing countries due to its small scale, less start-up capital, low technical requirements and quick recovery. Small-scaled mines and artisanal mines are two major forms of mines engaging in small-scale mining. These SSMs have contributed tremendously for these countries in exploiting natural resources, generating revenues and foreign exchange earnings, and in alleviating poverty, which has made them an indispensable component part in the promotion of these countries’mining and socio-economic development. However, their contributions often come with serious problems such as waste of resources, environmental pollution and repeated mine accidents. This is thoroughly incompatible with the concept of sustainable development that emphasizes balanced environmental and socio-economic development, and thus has become an increasing concern of the international community. SSMs have a long history in China, but they (referred as Township and Village Mines in the past) boomed with unprecedented great vitality with China’s open-door and reform policy in late 1970s and under the influence of a“rigorous policy”that encouraged large, medium and small-scale mines to simultaneously realize the maximum of production. For years, these SSMs have played a vital role in easing minerals shortage of the country; improving rural economic structures, promoting township and village enterprises and local economy; creating alternative livelihoods and income for farmers and strengthening the development of minor cities across rural areas. But meanwhile, their operations are fraught with issues, mainly including illegal operations, backward mining technology, disorderly competitions, irrational locations, resources waste, environmental damage and poor safety records. These issues have not only affected the normal national mining order, but also hindered the possibility for sustained development on the SSM’s side.
     For this very reason China has began to launch large-scale campaigns across the country from late 90s of the 20th century in an attempt to rectify those small-scale mines, especially small-scale coal mines (township and village coal mines—TVCMs) with the above problems. Closure and consolidation are two important programs of the campaigns coupled with a whole train of rectifying events. The former aims at overcoming small-scale, scattering and disorder of TVCMs for the purpose of combating the over-production of coal, and the latter at consolidating mineral resources in line with the country’s planned layouts for mineral resources. During these two programs, tens of thousands of SSMs were closed, and by the end of 2005, the number of SSMs throughout the country decreased from 280,000 in 1995 to 120,000, and TVCMs from 76,000 to 25,000. According to the deployment of the Ministry of Land Resources and other 11 ministries and commissions at central level, the number of TVCMs will be cut down to around 10,000 by the end of 2010, and they will be eventually withdrawn from the coal industry by the end of 2015. With the enjoinment of the country, TVCMs have been closed in a planned way, however, reopening occurrences of the closed TVCMs and subsequent mine accidents are continually exposed in the press. Why do these closed TVCMs insist on reopening?Why do the miners do this without taking account of the workers’lives? What underlies these reopening occurrences? Why has regulation at both central and local levels failed and what are the reasons concerned? Is consolidation simply equal to the closure of SSMs? These questions are utterly important and require prompt answers since they not only relate to the success of the country’s rectification and consolidation programs, but relate to the sustainable development of SSMs and their communities as well as social stability. This thesis attempts to address all the above questions from the perspective of legal regulation with a purpose to provide legal basis for China’s consolidation mineral resources with SSMs as a key sector with more reasonable and standardized regulation, and to provide an effective way for those legal SSMs to sustainably exploit and manage mineral resources by law.
     The research on SSM regulation abroad is over 30 years long with plenty of academic achievements. But domestically, the similar research has been sporadic and segmented. More literature studies the negative sides of SSMs, or rather, how to ban and close these SSMs, but very few concerns with how to regulate SSMs so as to strengthen their growth. This thesis, in the context of sustainable development, seeks to analyze issues and constraints facing China’s present SSM regulation from a legal perspective, to discuss the rule and necessity of the existence and development of these SSMs. After a thorough overview and contrast of SSM regulation experiences in foreign countries, developing countries in particular, the thesis identifies and clarifies inherent characteristics for regulating SSMs. Based upon the above study, the thesis concludes with a number of options and recommendations for improved policy and regulatory frameworks for sustained SSM development in China.
     The thesis includes six main chapters:
     Chapter One begins with the definition of SSMs by reviewing and evaluating existing definitions of SSMs both in China and abroad, and by comparing a few of definitions with respect to SSMs such as artisanal mines, informal mines, (medium-and ) small-scale enterprises, and then follows up with the author’s definition of SSMs:“Small-scale mines are those small-scaled and labour-intensive mining enterprises that, for livelihood or commercial purposes, conduct mining operations in mineral-limited areas by applying simple or rudimentary mining equipment and technology. They include small-scaled mines with a production capacity that conforms to the national small-scale criteria, and artisanal mines with a capacity below 1/10 of the upper limit of the criteria for the former, all of which constitute a fundamentally component part of the mining industry.”This definition streamlines and clarifies the connotations of SSMs and their legal implications, providing a valuable entry point to exploring solutions for SSM issues.
     Chapter Two explores the status and role of SSMs domestically and internationally. SSMs have all been playing a pivotal role in national economy and have become a vital force in contributing to national revenues, foreign exchange earnings, alleviating poverty and promoting local economic development. However, the problems faced by these SSMs are conspicuous, mainly including disorderly mining operations, waste of resources, significant environmental damage and poor safety standards. Though varying slightly, they are fairly common in both China and other developing countries. The author holds that, on the one hand, these problems are attributable to poverty apart from limited mineral reserves. Poverty drives low-income people to work in SSMs that are operating in an extensive mode with low inputs, thus failing to make a big fortune to feed their hungry workers who are once again forced back to poverty. In a vicious circle from poverty to predatory exploitation of natural resources, back to poverty, these SSMs are repeating“common tragedies”on end. On the other hand, government’s biased policy toward SSMs and regulatory deficiencies, to a great extent, exacerbate the severity of SSM problems. For these two reasons, the author insists that it is by no means a panacea for SSM problems by simply banning and closing them in a“fit-all”method against mining expertise, environmental and safety standards. Desirably, their environmental and safety problems should be handled by concurrently taking into consideration socio-economic issues from a strategic perspective of sustainable development.
     Chapter Three discusses theoretically the supporting points and bases for regulating SSMs in the context of sustainable development followed by a further discussion on how to achieve sustainable development for SSMs. The“people-first”principle in the theory of sustainable development insists that top priority be given to the basic needs of the poor and the weak. Further, China’s Outlook of Scientific Development, which is bred from global sustainable development on a basis of China’s national conditions, also upholds“people-centered”sustained development with coordinating environmental sustainability with socio-economic sustainability. Supported by these two thoughts, the author contends that the ultimate goal of sustainable development should be to eradicate poverty and to meet to the maximum the basic needs of the poor and the weak while preserving and maintaining environmental and resources integrity with utmost efforts of human beings. Being an effective poverty-alleviating tool, SSMs, fraught with problems though, require sustained development on their own; and meanwhile, they are a component part in promoting sustainable development of the whole mining industry, society and national economy. Therefore, the purpose of government’s regulation is, aiming at maximized social benefits, to intervene, regulate and supervise SSM operations in accordance with national mining policy and relevant laws and regulations in terms of licensing, production and marketing, taxation, environmental management, health and safety, and labour recruitment with an attempt to overcome their demerits and bring their active roles into full play, thus helping SSMs to realize sustained use of mineral resources, and to maintain environmental sustainability and sustainable livelihoods.
     Chapter Four summarizes and analyzes China’s SSM regulatory history, its features and the issues in existence. Generally speaking, China’s SSM regulation is characterized by:
     Highly unsteady and incoherent policies with more restrictions and reproaches than encouragement and assistance;
     Numerous, jumbled and segmented SSM regulations featured with a low degree of legal effect but a high degree of expedience;
     Complicated and changeable institutional arrangements with unclearly defined responsibilities, poor coordination between departments at various levels, and simplistic methods of management and low effectiveness.
     The author thinks that all these deficiencies largely relate to the fact that China has long attached great importance to large-and-medium-scale mines without due attention to the status and role of SSMs,which has constituted one of the important reasons for blind and reckless development of SSMs, and the failure and ineffectiveness to close those with poor environmental, safety and health records. Hence, it is urgently necessary to speed up the improvement of SSM legislation and the reform of SSM management system.
     Chapter Five provides an overview of foreign countries’SSM regulation, based on which basic principles and legal systems as well as the trends of institutional arrangements are summarized. Then after the study of the Colombian case, the thesis generalizes a number of lessons learnt from foreign SSM regulation practice, among which two are of great importance for China: one relates to the fact that almost all the foreign countries affirm positively the pivotal role of SSMs in strengthening national economy and alleviating poverty, and proactively integrate SSM development into rural reconstruction strategy and farmers’income increase strategy. The other is that these countries clarify the status of SSMs in their legislation with appropriate legal systems and management systems oriented toward SSM development, thus coordinating regulation with SSM growth promotion.
     Chapter Six seeks to get into the bottom of China’s SSM issues, based upon which a rational reflection on the existence of SSMs is thoroughly discussed. The author contends that the epidemic failure and ineffectiveness to crack down SSM chaos in China are largely imputed to the government’s long-term partial mining policy and inflexible management mode that value large-scale mines but ignore SSMs, pay more attention to closure and suppression than mediation and direction, and give precedence to economic development over social impacts. Given that China is a country still in its primary stage of socialism with highly protruding issues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and that the majority of mineral deposits are small-scaled, it is imperative that China have a small number of legalized SSMs for some years to come. In view of this standing, the author puts forward some options for improving China’s SSM regulatory frameworks:
     Under the guidance of the outlooks of Sustainable Development and Scientific Development, to revise relevant policy and identify and affirm objectively the status and role of SSMs;
     To improve SSM legislation by urgently drafting a separate chapter in the national mining law;
     To establish an independent and authoritative SSM management agency to provide comprehensive and“one-stop”services to SSMs on the“people-centered”basis;
     To encourage extensive public involvement, explore external resources and broaden international cooperation, and fostering an atmosphere to concertedly regulating and strengthening SSMs. The contributions of this thesis mainly include:
     From the legal perspective, the thesis has presented a thorough review and an analysis of China’s SSM regulation, bridging the gap of the research in this field.
     Based on sustainable development, the thesis has insisted that the regulation of China’s SSMs should coordinate environmental benefits with socio-economic benefits, and should also integrate it into the strategies of poverty alleviation and the construction of a New Socialist Countryside. From this point of view, the abovementioned consolidation campaigns ought to be regarded as more of a tool to promote orderly and formal mining operations of SSMs than an exclusive goal, which will be of immediate significance in avoiding regulating SSMs on a“fit-all closure”basis, and in conducting overall planning for the regulation by combining both direction and suppression methods.
     The thesis has tried to appropriately define China’s SSMs with an analysis of legal connotations this definition conveys, providing an important basis for regulating SSMs by law.
     Given the fact that it is necessary for China to have a small number of SSMs for years to come, the thesis has proposed that the Mineral Resources Law be urgently revised and a separate chapter concerning SSMs be added into it. More recommendations on the improvement of corresponding legislation principles and legal systems have also been presented. All these suggestions for SSM legislation will enrich China’s theory of regulating SSMs by law.
     The thesis has proposed that an independent and authoritative administrative agency be established and local administrative offices be concurrently set up responsible directly to the central agency, both of which are expected to practice unified regulation over SSMs and offer“one-stop”services for them.
     The thesis has suggested that it is necessary for the Government to foster extensive public involvement in regulating SSMs by strengthening the encouragement and support of SSM related associations and societies, exploring external resources, and thus improving regulatory effectiveness and reducing the costs of the government’s regulation.
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    48. G. M. Hilson. 2003. Accounting for community-side issues in the artisanal and small-scale mining development agenda. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 109~129.
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    50. N. S. Jennings. 2003. Addressing labour and social issues in small-scale mining. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands.2003: 151~160.
    51. N. S. Jennings. 2005. Towards a sustainable role for artisanal and small-scale mining in mineral production. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and comparative mineral law and policy—Trends and prospects. Kluwer Law International, 2005: 505~515.
    52. C. Kinabo. 2003. A socio-economic study of small-scale mining in Tanzania. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 291~312.
    53. S. Kambani. 2003. Key issues in illegal mining and marketing in the small-scale mining industry. In G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 45~57.
    54. O. Maponga, M. Meck. 2003. Illegal artisanal gold panning in Zimbabwe—A study of challenges to sustainability along the Mazowe River. In: G.M. Hilson (ed.). The social-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 349~378.
    55. P. G. Morgan. 2005. An overview of the legal regime for mineral development in the United Kingdom. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy—Trends and Prospects. Hague Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2005: 1081~1094.
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    57. J. P. Williams. 2005. Legal reform in mining: past, present and future. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy—Trends and Prospects. Hague Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2005: 37~71.
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    1 International Labour Organization (ILO). Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva, 1999: 1.
    2 W. C. Lombe. Small scale mining and the environment: bloom beyond the doom and gloom (Editorial)? Journal of Cleaner Production 11(3), 2003: 95.
    3 World Bank,. Communities and artisanal & small-scale mining (CASM)—A global partnership for action. World Bank, Washingtong D.C. 2006.
    1 G. Hilson. Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 5.
    2 G. Hilson, S. Pardie. Mercury: An agent of poverty in Ghana’s small-scale gold-mining sector? Resources Policy 31, 2006: 107.
    1 C. Peiter, R.C. Villas-Boas, W. Shinya. The stone forum: implementing a consensus building methodology to address impacts associated with small mining and quarry operations. Natural Resources Forum 24, 2000: 1.
    2 J. J. Hinton, M. M.Veiga, A.T.C. Veiga. Clean artisanal gold mining: a utopian approach? Journal of Cleaner Production 11, 2003: 100.
    3 G. Hilson. Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 4.
    5 G. Hilson. Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 4.
    6 L. Shen, A. J. Gunson. The role of artisanal and small mining in China’s economy. Journal of Cleaner Production 14, 2006: 427.
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    1 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Management of commodity resources in the context of sustainable development: Governance issues for the mineral sector. Geneva, United Nations, 1997: 41.
    2 K. Lahiri-Dutt. Informality in mineral resources management in Asia: Raising questions relating to community economies and sustainable development. Natural Resources Forum 28, 2004:124.
    3 World Bank. Proceedings of the international roundtable on arisanal mining. World Bank. Washington D. C., 1995.
    4 J. Davidson. The transformation and successful development of small-scale mining enterprises in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum, Nov. 1993: 316.
    5 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 11.
    6 S. Kambani. 2003. Key issues in illegal mining and marketing in the small-scale mining industry. In G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 46.
    7 B. N. A. Aryee. 2003. Small-scale mining in Ghana as a sustainable development activity: Its development anda review of the contemporary issues and challenges. In G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A. A. Balkema Publishers, 2003: 381.又见: J. Davidson. The transformation and successful development of small-scale mining enterprises in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum, Nov. 1993: 316.
    1 International Labour Organization (ILO). Social and labour issues in small-scale mines-Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mining. Geneva, 1999: 3.
    3 P. Andrews-Speed, A. Zamora, C. D. Rogers, L. Shen, S. Cao, M. Yang. A framework for policy formulation for small-scale mines: the case of China. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 47.
    4 11部委联合发:《关于加强煤炭安全生产工作规范煤炭资源整合的若干意见》,2006年4月。
    6 International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).2002. Artisanal and small-scale mining. In: Breaking new ground—The MMSD final report: 315. [Online]. Available at http://www.iied.org/mmsd/mmsd_pdfs/finalreport_13.pdf [ Oct. 15, 2007].
    1 K. Lahiri-Dutt. Informality in mineral resources management in Asia: Raising questions relating to community economies and sustainable development. Natural Resources Forum 28, 2004: 126.
    1 W. C. Lombe. Small scale mining and the environment: bloom beyond the doom and gloom (Editorial)? Journal of Cleaner Production 11(3), 2003: 95.
    2 World Bank. Communities and artisanal & small-scale mining (CASM)—A global partnership for action. World Bank, Washingtong D.C. 2006.
    3 Economic Commission for Africa. Dec. 2002. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 6.
    1 International Labour Organization (ILO). Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva, 1999: 4.
    2 Economic Commission for Africa. Dec. 2002. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 7.
    4 International Labour Organization (ILO). Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva, 1999: 6.
    2 A. K. Ghose. Small-scale mining: A global overview. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994: 37.
    5 G. Hilson.Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 8.
    4 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 18.
    1 G. Hilson. Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 8~9.
    2 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 20.
    4 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 13.
    7 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 13-17.
    5 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 17. Also see G. Hilson. Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 8.
    6 G. Hilson. Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 8.
    1 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 27.
    2 Economic Commission for Africa. Dec. 2002. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 9.
    3 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 27.
    4 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 34-35.
    5 N. S. Jennings. 2003. Addressing labour and social issues in small-scale mining. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 154.
    3 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 48.
    4 International Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 53.
    2 Labour Organization (ILO). 1999. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva: 39.
    4 L. Shen, A. J. Gunson. The role of artisanal and small mining in China’s economy. Journal of Cleaner Production 14, 2006: 426.又见中国矿业联合会、国家发改委产业政策司课题组:《中国小型矿山政策研究》(非出版物),北京,2003年11月,第6页。
    3《矿产资源法》, 1986年3月通过,1996年8月修订,第3条。
    2 International Labour Organization (ILO). Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva, ILO, 1999: 3.
    4 J. Epps, A. Brett. 2000. Engaging Shareholders (Chapter 5). In: J. Otto, J. Cordes (eds.). Sustainable development and the future of the mineral investment. Paris, UNEP, 2000: 5-4.
    5 T. Hentschel, F. Hruschka, M. Priester. 2002. Global report on artisanal and small-scale mining. Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD): 16. [Online]. Available at http://www.iied.org/mmsd/mmsd_pdfs/asm_global_report_draft_jan02.pdf [May 16, 2007]. N. S. Jennings. 2005. Towards a sustainable role for artisanal and small-scale mining in mineral production.
    1 N. S. Jennings. 2003. Addressing Labour and social issues in small-scale mining. In: G.M. Hilson (ed.). The social-economic impacts of artisanal and small scale mining in developing countries. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 158.
    2 [Online] Aailable at http;/www. answers.com/topic/regulation-3 [June 18, 2007].
    3 [澳]艾德里安·J·布拉德布鲁克(Anrian J. Bradbrook)、[美]理查德·L·奥汀格(Richard L. Ottinger)主编:《能源法与可持续发展》(Energy Law and Sustainable Development),曹明德、邵方、王圣礼译,北京,法律出版社,2005年,第65页。
    4 G. Hilson. Strengthening artisanal mining research and policy through baseline census activities. Natural Resources Forum 29, 2005: 146.
    1 N. S. Jennings. 2003. Addressing Labour and social issues in small-scale mining. In: G.M. Hilson (ed.). The social-economic impacts of artisanal and small scale mining in developing countries. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 158.
    3 J. P. Williams. 2005. Legal reform in mining: past, present and future. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy—Trends and Prospects. Hague Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2005: 62.
    2 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Management of commodity resources in the context of sustainable development: Governance issues for the mineral sector. UNCTAD, Geneva, 1997: 51.
    3 J. M. Epps. Environmental management in mining: An international perspective of an increasing global industry. The Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, March-April, 1996: 68.
    4 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Mineral resources and sustainable development. UNCTAD, Geneva, 1993: 26.
    5 D. I. Stern. The contribution of the mining sector to sustainability in developing countries. Ecological Economics 13, 1995: 55. L. E. Sanchez. Industry response to the challenge of sustainability: the case of the Canadian Nonferrous Mining Sector. Environmental Management 22 (4), 1998: 522.
    6以“效益”替代或补偿“消耗”的观点与其说强调矿业的可持续发展,不如说是强调矿业活动对可持续发展的贡献。联合国于2000年就附加值在销售总额中的比例,分别对澳大利亚、玻利维亚、智利、中国、墨西哥、新西兰、英国和美国等国的矿业、农业与制造业三个部门进行了比较,结果发现,三个行业的平均附加值比例分别是:矿业60%,农业54%,制造业35%。与其他两个行业相比较,矿业所带来的附加值在销售总额中的比例明显且持续地位居前列。这也说明矿业,包括小型矿业,对全人类的可持续发展起着举足轻重的作用。参见N. D. Boscio; D. Humphreys. 2005. Mining and regional economic development. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy—Trends and Prospects. Hague Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2005: 595~598.
    1 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Management of commodity resources in the context of sustainable development: Governance issues for the mineral sector. UNCTAD, Geneva, 1997: 51.
    1 R. G. Eggert. 1994. Mining and the environment: an introduction and overview. In: R. G. Eggert (ed.). Mining and the environment: International perspectives on public policy. Resources for Future, Washington. D. C., 1994: 2.
    3 O. Maponga, M. Meck. 2003. Illegal artisanal gold panning in Zimbabwe—A study of challenges to sustainability along the Mazowe River. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The social-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 370.
    5 P. G. Morgan. 2005. An overview of the legal regime for mineral development in the United Kingdom. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy—Trends and Prospects. Hague Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2005: 1091~1092.
    6 D. Morrey. Integrated planning for environmental management during mining operations and mine closure. Minerals & Energy, Vol.14, No. 4, 1999: 12.
    1 D. Morrey. Integrated planning for environmental management during mining operations and mine closure. Minerals & Energy, Vol. 14, No. 4, 1999: 13~14. Also see A. Warhurst, L. Noronha. Integrated environmental management and planning for closure: The challenges. Minerals & Energy, Vol. 14, No. 4, 1994: 7~8.
    2 D. Morrey. Integrated planning for environmental management during mining operations and mine closure. Minerals & Energy, Vol. 14, No. 4, 1999: 14.
    3 G. M. Hilson. The future of small-scale mining: environmental and socioeconomic perspectives. Futures 34, 2002: 869. Also see K. I. Evangelinos, M. Oku. Corporate environmental management and regulation of mining operations in the Cyclades, Greece. Journal of Cleaner Production 14, 2006: 267. D. M. Hussey, P. D. Eagan. Using structural equation modeling to test environmental performance in small and medium-sized manufacturers: can ESEM help SEMs? Journal of Cleaner Production 15, 2007: 304.
    1 L. Danielson. Artisanal and small-scale mining from an NGO perspective (Editorial). Journal of Cleaner Production 11, 2003: 97.
    2 N. S. Jennings. 2005. Towards a sustainable role for artisanal and small-scale mining in mineral production. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and comparative mineral law and policy—Trends and prospects. Kluwer Law International, 2005: 514. Also see A.Seeling. 2003. Report on field research into the socio-economic and social impact of Artisanal and small-scale mining in Peru. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). Thesocial-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 657. B. Labonne. Commentary: Harnessing mining for poverty reduction, especially in Africa. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 71.
    2 Z. Zhong. 2003. Small-scale Mining in China: Social-economic Impacts, policy and management. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The social-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 472.
    3 Z. Zhong. 2003. Small-scale mining in China: socio-economic impacts, policy and management. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 484~486.为了凸显对小矿法律规制的特点,本节分类采该文的分法,但每类中的内容有所调整和增补,特此说明。
    2 Z. Zhong. 2003. Small-scale mining in China: socio-economic impacts, policy and management. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 496.
    3 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 6.
    1 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 15~20.
    2 G. Hilson. Small-scale mining and its socio-economic impact in developing countries. Natural Resources Forum 26, 2002: 5.
    2 International Labour Organization. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. ILO, Geneva, 1999: 56.
    1 O. Maponga, C.F. Ngorima. Overcoming environmental problems in the gold panning sector through legislation and education: the Zimbabwean experience. Journal of Cleaner Production 11, 2003: 150.
    2 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 21~22.
    2 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 21.
    1 International Labour Organization. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. ILO, Geneva, 1999: 60.
    2 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 41~42.
    3 H. Lole. 2005. The trend in artisanal and small-scale mining development in Papua New Guinea [Online]. http://www.psdn.org.ph/aple/paper_lole.pdf [Dec. 8, 2007].
    1 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 36.
    2 K. Sinding. The dynamics of artisanal and small-scale mining reform. Natural Resources Forum 29, 2005: 249.
    1 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 12.
    2 Presidential Decree No. 1899, January 23, 1984.
    1 J. P. Williams. 2005. The Latin American mining law model. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and comparative mineral law and policy—Trends and prospects. Kluwer Law International, 2005: 747.
    3 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 93.
    1 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 93.
    3 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 14.
    4 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Management of commodity resources in the context of sustainable development: Governance issues for the mineral sector. UNCTAD, Geneva, 1997: 49~50.
    5 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 13.
    1 G. Hilson. Small-scale mining in Africa: Tackling pressing environmental problems with improved strategy. Journal of Environment & Development Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2002: 164~165.
    2 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Management of commodity resources in the context of sustainable development: Governance issues for the mineral sector. UNCTAD, Geneva, 1997: 50.
    1 G. M. Hilson. 2003. Accounting for community-side issues in the artisanal and small-scale mining development agenda. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 117.
    2 E. M. Bugnosen. 2003. Small-scale mining legislation: A general review and an attempt to apply lessons learned. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 12~15. Also see Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 34~37.
    3 (Philippines) RA7942, 1995, Sec. 49 & Sec. 50, Chapter 8.
    4 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 34.
    2 E. M. Bugnosen. A preliminary assessment of small-scale mining legislation and regulatory frameworks. Report for ESCOR by Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG), 1998: 34.
    3 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 39~42.
    4 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa. UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 24.
    5 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 39~42.
    1 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 37~39.
    1 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa. UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 24.
    2 E. M. Bugnosen. 2003. Small-scale mining legislation: A general review and an attempt to apply lessons learned. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 12.
    3 L. Ibraimo. 2005. Comparative mineral law in African Portuguese-speaking countries. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and comparative mineral law and policy—Trends and prospects. Kluwer Law International, 2005: 896~897.
    4 Guidance note--Formalizing informal artisanal mining activity—Global review and comparative analysis of mining codes and policy approaches towards ASM (Draft). Community and Small Scale Mining (CASM) Initiative, Sept. 2005: 41.
    1 E. M. Bugnosen. 2003. Small-scale mining legislation: A general review and an attempt to apply lessons learned. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 12~13.
    2 B. N. A. Aryee. 2003. Small-scale mining in Ghana as a sustainable development activity: Its development and a review of the contemporary issues and challenges. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of
    5 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa. UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 55.
    1 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa. UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 55.
    2 M. Priester, F. Hruschka. New approaches to improve the environmental management of small-scale mining—Two pilot projects in Latin America. Natural Resources and Development Vol. 47, 1998: 118~121.
    2 International Labour Organization. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. ILO, Geneva, 1999: 60.
    1 M. Priester, F. Hruschka. New approaches to improve the environmental management of small-scale mining—Two pilot projects in Latin America. Natural Resources and Development Vol. 47, 1998: 121~124.
    2 E. M. Bugnosen. 2003. Small-scale mining legislation: A general review and an attempt to apply lessons learned. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 16.
    1 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa. UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 25~26.
    2 International Labour Organization. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. ILO, Geneva, 1999: 61.
    3 S. H. Castro. 2003. The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in Chile. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 722~724.
    4 J. S. Andrews, G. M. Hilson. 2003. Land use disputes between small-and-large scale miners: Improving conflict management. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 31.
    5 J. J. Hinton. Dec. 2005. Communities and small-scale mining: An integrated review for development planning.
    3 B. N. A. Aryee. 2003. Small-scale mining in Ghana as a sustainable development activity: Its development and a review of the contemporary issues and challenges. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, the Netherlands. 2003: 411.
    1 G. Hilson. An overview of land use conflicts in mining communities. Land Use Policy 19, 2002: 72.
    2 International Labour Organization. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. ILO, Geneva, 1999: 67~71.
    2 International Labour Organization. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. ILO, Geneva, 1999: 71.
    1 International Labour Organization. Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussions at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. ILO, Geneva, 1999: 72~74.
    3 C. Kinabo. 2003. A socio-economic study of small-scale mining in Tanzania. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 302~303.
    4 R. K. Amankwah, C. Anim-Sackey. Strategies for sustainable development of the small-scale gold and diamond mining industry of Ghana. Resources Policy 29, 2003: 132.
    2 [英]亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)原著:《道德情操论》(The Theory of Moral Sentiments),张冲注释,上海,上海外语教育出版社,2005年,第375~376页。
    1 B. N. A. Aryee. 2003. Small-scale mining in Ghana as a sustainable development activity: Its development and a review of the contemporary issues and challenges. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 387~415.
    2 E. M. Bugnosen. 2003. Small-scale mining legislation: A general review and an attempt to apply lessons learned. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 16.
    3 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 64~65.
    2 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 12~15.
    1 S. H. Castro. 2003. The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in Chile. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 725.
    2 C. Kinabo. 2003. A socio-economic study of small-scale mining in Tanzania. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 300~301.
    1 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 67.
    3 D. E. Bula. Legalising small coal mines in Colombia. CEPMLP Paper CP2/2000, University of Dundee, UK., 2000: 1~27. Also see A. Zemara. International initiatives on small-scale mining: Lessons from the Colombian Coal Experience. Minerals & Energy 15 (3), 2000: 31~35.
    1 A. Yupari. 2005. Decentralisation and mining: Colombia and Peru. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and comparative mineral law and policy—Trends and prospects. Kluwer Law International, 2005: 792.
    1根据哥伦比亚宪法的规定,从矿业活动所提取的权利金全部归地方政府全权管理。其中47.5%归生产部门使用,12.5%归生产单位所在地的市政府分配,港口城市的市政府拥有8%的比例,其余的32%设立为国家权利金基金(FNR),在其他地区政府部门之间进行分配。可见,拥有矿业生产企业的市政府和从事生产和出口的部门是最大的受益者,中央政府不参与权利金的分配。由地方分配的部分权利金用于矿业发展,优先用于改善环境卫生,完善健康、教育等公共设施方面。国家基金部分用于促进矿业发展、环境保护和地区融资项目等领域。参见A. Yupari. 2005. Decentralisation and mining: Colombia and Peru. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and comparative mineral law and policy—Trends and prospects. Kluwer Law International, 2005: 787.
    2 International Labour Organization (ILO). Social and labour issues in small-scale mines—Report for discussion at the tripartite meeting on social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Geneva, 1999: 1.
    3 N. S. Jennings. 2005. Towards a sustainable role for artisanal and small-scale mining in mineral production. In: E. Bastida, T. Walde, J. Warden-Fernandez (eds.). International and comparative mineral law and policy—Trends and prospects. Kluwer Law International, 2005: 515.
    4 O. Maponga, M. Meck. 2003. Illegal Artisanal Gold panning in Zimbabwe—A study of challenges to sustainability along the Mazowe River. In: G.M. Hilson (ed.). The social-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A. A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 374.
    5 A. Pedro. Mainstreaming mineral wealth in growth and poverty reduction strategies. Minerals & Energy, 2006: 11~12.
    2 P. Andrews-Speed, G. Ma, B. Shao, C. Liao. Economic responses to the closure of small-scale coal mines in Chongqing, China. Resources Policy 30, 2005: 49.
    4“新闻分析:五大难题考验全国小煤矿关闭工作”,《生意社》,互联网,2007年6月7日,http://china.toocle.com/cbna/detail/404997.html [2007年6月8日访问]。
    2 G. M. Hilson. 2003. Introduction Part 1. In: G. M. Hilson (ed.). The social-economic Impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, The Netherlands, 2003: 3.
    3 P. Andrews-Speed, G. Ma, B. Shao. C. Liao. Economic responses to the closure of small-scale coal mines in Chongqing, China. Resources Policy 30, 2005: 42.
    1 Economic Commission for Africa. Compendium on best practices in small-scale mining in Africa, UNECA publication, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dec. 2002: 12.
    2 J.S. Andrew. Potential application of mediation to land use conflicts in small-scale mining. Journal of CleanerProduction11, 2003: 119.
    2张彦英(国土资源部咨询研究中心主任):“中国小矿可持续发展对策建议”(演讲稿—非出版物),世界银行社区与小矿战略管理顾问委员会北京会议(CASM SMAG Meeting),北京,2007年9月14日。
    3 P. Andrews-Speed, G. Ma, B. Shao, C. Liao. Economic responses to the closure of small-scale coal mines in Chongqing, China. Resources Policy 30, 2005: 45~54.
    4 (Philippines) RA7076, 1991, Sec. 20.
    1 [美]罗伯特·哈恩:“经济学对环境政策的影响”,吴敬琏:《比较》(第20辑),北京,中信出版社,2005年,第37~38页。
    1 L. Shen, A. J. Gunson, P. Andrews-Speed. 2006 ASM Report-CASM China. Report submitted to CASM (unpublished document), Oct. 2006: 29~34.

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