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The advent of Internet symbolizes another stride of information revolution
     of the mankind. This miraculous invention for originally military use, though
     had been restricted to the spheres of the military and scientific research, have
     exerted the superb performances since the engagement with commence in the
     early 1990,its popularity swept the world on a large scale instantaneously. The
     Internet is becoming more essential in the daily life of people. It is out of
     question that the virtual community of the net is changing our mode of life
     unpredictably. Naturally something should be done to regulate and administer
     surfing the web with the steps of technical development. With the great change,
     the adjustment and modification of new behavioral codes and ethnic regulations
     are urgent in order to coordinate the interest and the relationship under the
     changed circumstances. We are stepping towards the era of information. The
     mastery and control of information is the spring of social assets and power at
     present. It becomes more aware that the Internet is challenging the legal
     framework in effect. There is no exception of the copyright law. Passing
     through the threshold of the information era entails optimizing the copyright
     law system.
     This dissertation centers on the copyright tort on the Internet, ranging from
     occidental legislative experience to oriental one, touching some typical cases on
     the Internet tort. In combination with the statistics, the paper presents the global
     view of copyright of the era of Internet; analyzes the copyright tort liability of
     Internet service providers; illustrates the jurisdiction of Internet tort; deals with
     the copyright protection of the database; makes the research on the tort of web
     link; and takes insight into the technical barriers of copyright protection. The
     aim is to give an all-round legal mechanism for copyright protection on the
     Internet, while there is still a long way to go.
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    15. 有关该次会议通过的两项条约重点,可参阅 世界知识产权组织一九九六年十二月关于著作权与 邻接权相关问题之外交会议侧记章忠信《资讯法务透析》1997年2月,第31页至第46页。
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    32. 国际互联网络与知识产权 郑成思。
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    34. 《英汉计算机辞典》1984年版,P244
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    36. 中山信弘 著《多媒体与著作权》 见
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    39. 台湾著作权法修正咨询委员会第四次咨询会议纪录时间:八十七年九月卅日(星期三)下午二 时。
    40. 论架设网站应注意的法律问题与因应之道(下)冯震宇 《资讯法务透析》87年12月。
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    43. 数字版权 袁泳 《知识产权文丛第二卷》中国政法大学出版社。
    44. 网络环境下版权法的修改 李颖 《情报杂志》(西安)1999. 5. 103-105
    45. 信息动态:日本著作权法的重大修改 《科技与法律季刊》 1999. 3 P56。
    1. U.S.Department of Commerce,The Emerging Digital Economy.
    3. Http://
    4. On-Line Copyright Liability Infringement Act 草案全文请参 c105/h3209. ih.txt,至于 On-Line Copyright Liability Limitation Act
    6. Religious Technology Center v.Netcome Online Communications Services,Inc.907 ESupp.1361 [N.D.1995]
    7. U.S.WHite Paper.
    8. 280 HC Official Report(6th Series)col 119,24 June 1996,THE LAWS OF THE INTERNET,CLIVE GRINGRAS,P102,BUTTERWORTHS。1997.
    9. Melville B.Nimmer&David Nimmer,Nimmer on Copyright 13. 01(1995) (citing Feist Publications, Inc.v.Rural Tel.Serv.Co.,111 S.Ct.1282,1296(1991) ,
    10. 839 F.Supp.1552 (M.D.Fla.1993) .
    11. Information Infrastructure Task Force,Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure: The Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights,at 116(1995) hereinafter White Paper.
    12. Trotter Hardy, The Proper Legal Regime for Cyberspace,55 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 993, 1044.
    13. 907F.Supp.1361, 1369.
    14. a Preliminary Draft of the Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights (hereinafter Green Paper) .IP White Paper 的草案.
    15. See Comments of Online Service Providers on a Preliminary Draft of the Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights from Jeffrey P. Cunard of Debevoise & Plimpton, Washington, D.C., to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks (Sept. 7, 1994) (on file with the Commissioner). The Comments were prepared by Jeffrey P. Cunard and was submitted on behalf of CompuServe, America On-line, Delphi Internet Services, GE Information Services, Lexis Counsel Connect, Prodigy Services, Lance Rose & Associates (representing numerous independent BBSs), and Ziff Communications.
    16. 871 F.Supp.S35(D.Mass.1994)
    17 . " Lawmaking and Law Enforcement in Cyberspace" by David R.Johnson 见于网址 :
    18. Computer Networks and the Emergence of Global Civil Society: The Case of the Association for Progressive Communication, by Howard H.Frederich,见于网址
    19. Wendy R. Leibowitz, National Laws Entangle the Net: It's A Small, Small, Litigious Web, The National Law Journal, p. B07, June 30, 1997.
    20. Stuart Biegel, Indictment of CompuServe Official in Germany Brings Volatile Issues of Cyber Jurisdiction into Focus, The UCLA Online Institute for Cyberspace Law and Policy, html.
    21. Jon Auerbach, Fences in Cyberspace; Governments Move to Limit Free Flow of the Internet, Boston Global, Feb. 1. 1996; Seth Faison, Chinese Cruise Internet, Wary of Watchdogs, N.Y. Times, Feb. 5,1995, at A1 ;Karen Kaplan, Germany Forces Online Service to Censor Internet, L.A. Times, Dec. 29, 1995 at A1.
    22. Wendy R. Leibowitz, supra., at 3.
    23. Dato V. L. Kandan & Chuah Jern Ern, Malasia Prepares "Cyberlaws", Intellectual Property Worldwide,
    24. Texas Attorney General Opinion DM-344.
    25. David R. Johnson, David G. Post, Law and Borders-The Rise of Law in Cyberspace, 48 Stanford L. Rev. 1367 (1996) ,全文可从 下载.
    26 . Jurisdictional Quid Pro Quo and the Law of Cyberspace, by David Johnson, 见于网址:
    27 . Jurisdictional Quid Pro Quo and the Law of Cyberspace, by David Johnson, 见于网址:
    28. Edwaard Brodsky, Solicitation Via the Internet: Jurisdiction Over Claims, The New York Law Journal, June 11,1997; Robert A. Bourque & Kerry L. Conrad, Avoiding Remote Jurisdiction Based on Internet Web Site, The New York Law Journal, Dec. 10, 1996.
    29. Eric Schneiderman & Ronald Kornreich, Personal Jurisdiction and Internet Commerce, The New York Law Journal, June 4, 1997.
    30. Attorney Stephon Elias, Patent copyright&trademark, NOLO Press, 1997 U.S.A, p84.
    31. Feist Publications V. Rural Telephone Service Company, INC. 美国判例法, 499 US 340. 案例来源于WESTLAW 法律数据库,网址: http:/ navby=case&court = us&vol = 499&invol=340.
    32. Tim Berners-Lee. "Links and Law", available at "http://www.w3. org/designissues/Link Law.html" .
    33 . Graham J.H.Smith, "The Future of Intellectual Property in an Online World", available at "http:/''.
    34. ACLU v. Reno, 979 FSupp.824,832(E.D.Pa.Oprob.Juris.noted. 117 S.Ct.554(1996) .
    35. The Washington Post Company v. TotalNews. Inc., No.97-1190(PLL)(S.D.N.YFeb.20,1997) .
    36. Correa,Joao:Protection of the rights of the creators of audiovisual works, 出自 WIPO worldwide symposium.
    37. Thomas VinjeE.I.P.RISSUE4,197-198.
    38. 287 Information Infrastructure Task Force, "Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure",The Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, Septenber1995,at230.
    39. Directive 91/250 [1991] O.J.L122/42
    40. COM (97) 628 final, December 10,1997"the proposed Directive on Copyright".
    41. Directive 98/84 E.C. of the European Parliament and the Council on the legal protection of services based on,or consisting of,conditional access.O.J.L320,November 11,1998 at 54.
    42. J.Spoor,"General Aspects of Exceptions and Limitations Copyright",.
    43. Julie.D.Cohen, "WIPO Copyright Treaty Implementation in the United States:Will fair Use Survive?" E.I.P.R.ISSUE[1999] P236-237.

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