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The current joint operations is the confrontation between the system and the system, and that the various joint operations units form a cross network in the process of carrying out the joint operations mission. There is intersection between the units, requiring the joint operations units to cooperate with each other. With the quickening pace of the battlefield, in the collaborative process, it requirs the operational decision-making units with a certain degree of autonomous decision-making capacity, sharing each other's decision-making process rather than simply sharing the result of decision-making. To ensure that the operations units carry out synchronization and consistency in the process of joint operations, the decision-making units need to share the decision-making process with each other. For this problem, this paper studied the following contents:
     (1) Joint operations command and control decision-making
     It studies the concept of command and control decision-making, analyzes the stages of joint operations command and control and its characteristics, on this basis, proposes the joint operations command and control decision-making process model and analyzes the factors that impact of the joint operations command and control decision-making. Then it proposes the concept model of joint operations command and control decision-making.
     (2) Joint operations command and control decision-making structure model facing the knowledge sharing
     It studies the definitions and content of decision-making superiority, and analyzes the factors that impact the decision-making superiority. On this basis, studies the sharing of decision-making, proposes the command and control decision-making conceptual model based on knowledge sharing. And further, it studies the joint operations command and control decision-making structure model facing the knowledge sharing.
     (3) The generation method of the joint operations command and control decision-making structure
     It analysis the operational tasks and how to model it, and studies the generation method of command and control decision-making structure basing on the operational tasks and knowledge sharing. It anlyzes the knowledge in the joint operations command and control decision-making, and on this basis, it anlyzes the cost and effective of the joint operations command and control decision-making structure.
     (4) Virtual Knowledge Base-based joint operations command and control decision-making knowledge sharing framework
     A virtual knowledge-based joint operations command and control decision-making knowledge-sharing framework is established on the base of proposing the concept of virtual knowledge base and analyzing its characteristics. Propose the operation mode and workflow of the Virtual Knowledge Base-based joint operations command and control decision-making knowledge sharing framework. Determine the key technologies of the Virtual Knowledge Base-based joint operations command and control decision-making knowledge sharing framework.
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