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This article undertakes a study on the conflicts between multilateral environmenttreaties and WTO and their solutions under the background of fragmentation ofinternational law. Through the analysis and comparison of the norms of fifteenrepresentative multilateral environment treaties and WTO, this article finds out wheretheir conflicts exist. To analyze and finds out the solutions to these conflicts, thisarticle turns on the linkage theory of international law and develops the concept oflinkage arrangements. On this basis, this article reconsiders the related laws andinternational position of our country, analyses their shortcomings and puts forwardsthe suggestions for solution. The article consists of three parts: the introduction, themain body and the conclusion.
     The introduction introduces the research background, the current research resultsdomestically and abroad, the purpose and significance, the basic train of thought andresearch method, the framework and the innovative ideas of this thesis.
     The main body includes five chapters.
     Chapter one describes the international law background and causes of therelationship between multilateral environment treaties and WTO. In the discussions offragmentation of international law, the point of views of the Study Group ofInternational Law Commission and Mr. Joost Pauwelyn et.al. represent the oppositionof systematic approach and plural approach.
     Because multilateral environment treaties and WTO belongs to the differentsystems of international law, the inter-system characteristic of the relationshipbetween multilateral environment treaties and WTO makes the solution of theirconflicts orientated towards plural approach. This leads to the effects of the traditionalinternal-system conflicts solutions such as lex posterior and lex specialis be limitedwhen used to solve the conflicts between multilateral environment treaties and WTO.
     The basic reason for conflicts between multilateral environment treaties and WTOis that there is conflict between the more extensive goals or values of trade regime andenvironment regime to which multilateral environment treaties and WTO belongs.Based on the association between trade and environment, the request of the presentenvironment movement to intervene the economic activities including trade invadesthe goals of free trade and fair trade of WTO. In handling this contradiction, theconcept of sustainable development lacks specific framework support.
     The direct reason for the conflicts between multilateral environment treaties andWTO is the effects of environmental measures on trade. The application ofmultilateral environment treaties often turns out to be the trade measures from theperspective of WTO. To handle those disputes arising from the trade effect ofenvironmental measures, there will be different judgments or even contradictjudgments based on the choice of norms of multilateral environment treaties or WTOnorms. In addition, the application scopes of multilateral environment treaties andWTO are partially overlapping. It provides the conditions for the conflicts betweenmultilateral environment treaties and WTO.
     Chapter two compares WTO norms with the fifteen multilateral environmenttreaties to identify where their conflicts exist.
     To the present, the international law scholars’ points of view about the definition ofconflict of treaty norms can be divided into two categories: strict definition and broaddefinition. The key point of strict definition is that the conflict should involve onlythose norms imposing obligations and its test should lie therein that two norms cannotbe applied at the same time. Broad definition includes all the contradictions betweennorms imposing commands and those imposing prohibitions, those imposing commands and those granting exemptions, those imposing prohibitions and thosegranting permissions. It holds that the conflict between treaties exists when one normconstitutes, has led to or may lead to, a breach of another norm.
     For not neglecting the contradictions between norms imposing commands andthose granting permissions and the contradictions between norms imposingprohibitions and norms granting permissions, the broad definition of conflicts oftreaty norms is necessary. The conflicts of treaty norms in broad sense can be furtherdivided into explicit conflicts which happen because of incompatibility betweennorms imposing obligations (norms imposing prohibitions and norms imposingcommands) and recessive conflicts which happen because of incompatibility betweennorms imposing commands and norms granting permissions, and incompatibilitybetween norms imposing prohibitions and norms granting permissions.
     During the related discussions in WTO, the WTO secretary has sorted out fifteenmultilateral environment treaties which involve trade related measures. Analyzedfrom the perspective of treaty norms and cases, there are some conflicts between somenorms of these multilateral environment treaties which provide trade related measuresand WTO norms. There are six multilateral environment treaties which show explicitconflicts with WTO and four multilateral environment treaties which show recessiveconflicts with WTO.
     Chapter three discusses the problem of how to resolve the conflicts between WTOand some multilateral environment treaties. Regarding this problem, Mr. JoostPauwelyn and other scholarship have put forward the concept of conflict norms liketraditional conflict laws. Because conflict norms are similar to traditional conflictlaws which are based on division of jurisdiction, it does not suit the conflicts betweendifferent treaty norms based on differentiation of function.
     In contrast, the concept of linkages hotly discussed by international law scholars ismore effective than pure conflict norms in handling inter-system conflicts betweennorms of multilateral environment treaties and WTO norms.
     Based on the discussions about linkages, this article suggests the concept oflinkages arrangement as the carrier of the linkage between treaties to further the research on the linkage structures which could be of help to solve the conflictsbetween treaties.
     After the analysis of the present norms of multilateral environment treaties andWTO norms, some linkage arrangements are identified to exist in WTO andmultilateral environment treaties. The categories of the WTO-related linkagearrangements in multilateral environment treaties include: the linkage arrangementscomposed of conflicts norms without affecting the pre-existing internationalagreements, the linkage arrangements composed of substantive norms imposinglimitation on environmental measures like GATT Article XX and the linkagearrangements which set out mutual support.
     These three categories of the linkage arrangements in multilateral environmenttreaties indicate three relational categories (deferential, collaborative, and autonomous)between certain multilateral environment treaties and WTO. Nonetheless, becausethere is no corresponding linkage arrangement in WTO to form the complete andeffective linkage, it’s not adequate to merely depend on the present three linkagecategories in multilateral environment treaties for solving the possible conflictsbetween multilateral environment treaties and WTO effectively.
     Chapter four makes a study on using norms of the law of treaties to supplement thedeficiency of the linkages between multilateral environment treaties and WTO.
     The report of International Law Commission in2006and the monograph of Mr.Joost Pauwelyn in2003have analyzed the effectiveness and deficiency of the normsof treaty interpretation of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Article31toArticle33) and the norms of treaty application such as lex specialis and lex posteriorin solving conflicts of treaty norms. During the discussion of linkage betweenmultilateral environment treaties and WTO, these norms of treaty interpretation andnorms of treaty application which are outside the multilateral environment treaties andWTO can affect the norms of multilateral environment treaties and WTO norms tosome extent. It’s possible that they can help to supplement the deficiency of thelinkages between multilateral environment treaties and WTO.
     On the problem of using norms of treaty interpretation to supple the deficiency of the linkages between multilateral environment treaties and WTO, bdue to, inter alia,the blank of intents of treaty parties is too big, the power of DSB has been limited andnorms of treaty interpretation themselves have deficiencies, the effectiveness of normsof treaty interpretation in supplementing the deficiency of the linkages betweenmultilateral environment treaties and WTO is not satisfied.
     On the problem of which norms should take priority, because treaty parties show noclear inclination and the relationship of lex specialis and lex posterior itself still bearscontroversies., the point of view that lex specialis and lex posterior could be used toconstruct independent linkage lacks enough support.
     For the profound reasons, there are two difficulties in using norms of treatyinterpretation and treaty application to supplement the deficiency of the linkagesbetween multilateral environment treaties and WTO. Firstly, because the fundamentaltension in treaty goals and values between multilateral environment treaties and WTO,it is inappropriate to depend on techniques to decide which treaty and its valuesshould take priority when there is conflict between inter-systematic treaties. Secondly,the principle that “recommendations and rulings of the DSB cannot add to or diminishthe rights and obligations provided in the covered agreements” leads to theself-contain character of WTO, the norms of treaty application which can introducenon-WTO norms have not been introduced into WTO regime by the DSB and itshould not be.
     According to this analysis, it is too optimistic for the International LawCommission to conclude that the norms of treaty interpretation and the norms oftreaty application would be adequate to solve the conflicts between treaties.
     Chapter five discusses the modification of norms to improve the linkages betweenmultilateral environment treaties and WTO.
     In history, the draft of ITO included the linkage arrangements which set out themutual support with multilateral environment treaties. The linkage arrangements withIMF in GATT/WTO regime also successfully prevented the conflicts betweenGATT/WTO and IMF.
     Based on the analysis of the negotiation documents of related issues in Doha Round, it can be perceived that the statements of the countries about the relationship betweenmultilateral environment treaties and WTO are affected by their national benefitsdeeply. The typical example is that the statements of the countries’ delegations inCommittee on Trade and Environment are not identical with the countries’ positions atother occasions. In order to correct this practice which distorts the needs ofinternational society development, it’s necessary to develop some kind of normsarrangements to construct the linkage between multilateral environment treaties andWTO for facilitating the mutual support of trade and environment.
     According to the experience of NAFTA, the linkage arrangement composed ofconflicts norms in NAFTA providing for preference of certain multilateralenvironment treaties over NAFTA construct the relationship of NAFTA’s deference tothe multilateral environment treaties. This is a practice for WTO reference.
     In China’s experience, the case “China-Measures concerning wind powerequipment” shows that China did not pay enough attention on the linkage composedof substantive norms in multilateral environment treaties and WTO when Chinadecided the related measures. In the present laws, China’s trade laws and environmentlaws pay little attention to the linkages between multilateral environment treaties andWTO. On this point, improvement should be made in future legislation.
     Meanwhile, as far as external positions are concerned, it’s necessary for China tocheck its diplomatic positions on the relationship between multilateral environmenttreaties and WTO, including admittance of conflicts because of absence or deficiencyof linkages between multilateral environment treaties and WTO, and putting forwardthe improvement suggestions on deficiency of present linkages between multilateralenvironment treaties and WTO. By reference to the experience of NAFTA, revision ofWTO norms to acknowledge certain multilateral environment treaties is a reasonablesolution. It will be helpful for China to consider an open position on this problem.
    1General Council of WTO, Report of the General Council to the1996Ministerial Conference WTO, WT/MIN(96)/2, p.171.
    2Andreas Fischer-Lescano; Gunther Teubner,“Regime-Collisions: The Vain Search for Legal Unity in theFragmentation of Global Law”,25Michigan Journal of International Law,999(2003-2004), p.1004.
    1Ralf Michaels; Joost Pauwelyn, Conflict of Norms or Conflict of Laws?: Different Techniques in theFragmentation of Public International Law, p.1, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1543774, Sep.25th,2011.
    1Andreas Fischer-Lescano; Gunther Teubner,“Regime-Collisions: The Vain Search for Legal Unity in theFragmentation of Global Law”,25Michigan Journal of International Law,999(2003-2004), p.1000.
    2Ralf Michaels; Joost Pauwelyn, Conflict of Norms or Conflict of Laws?: Different Techniques in theFragmentation of Public International Law, p.4, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1543774, Sep.25th,2011.
    1United Nations Environment Programme, Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impacts fromEconomic Growth (2011), p.17,28and29,http://www.unep.org/resourcepanel/decoupling/files/pdf/Decoupling_Report_English.pdf, Nov.2nd,2011.
    3The United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industry and Economics Economics andTrade Branch and the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Environment and Trade—AHandbook(2nd Edition), p.1, http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2005/envirotrade_handbook_2005.pdf, Jan.14th,2010.
    1The United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industry and Economics Economics andTrade Branch and the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Environment and Trade—AHandbook(2nd Edition), p.2, http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2005/envirotrade_handbook_2005.pdf, Jan.14th,2010.
    1Beacham, K. Gwen,“International Trade and the Environment: Implications of the General Agreement on Tariffsand Trade for the Future of Environmental Protection Efforts”,3Colorado Journal of International EnvironmentalLaw and Policy655(1992), p.657.
    1Andreas Fischer-Lescano; Gunther Teubner,“Regime-Collisions: The Vain Search for Legal Unity in theFragmentation of Global Law”,25Michigan Journal of International Law,999(2003-2004), p.1004.
    2英文原文为“In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall constitute an integralpart of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it.”
    1Alan E. Boyle, David Freestone, International law and sustainable development: past achievements and futurechallenges, Oxford University Press,1999.转引自彼得P.罗杰斯,K. F.贾拉勒,J. A.博伊德著,郝吉明,邢佳,陈莹译,《可持续发展导论》,化学工业出版社2008年版,第115、116页。
    3WT/DS58/AB/R, para.129, note [107].译文引自赵维田主编:《美国——对某些虾及虾制品的进口限制案》,上海人民出版社2003年版,第986页。
    4WT/DS58/AB/R, para.153.译文引自赵维田主编:《美国——对某些虾及虾制品的进口限制案》,上海人民出版社2003年版,第1008页。
    5Howard Mann,“NAFTA and the Environment: Lessons for the Future”,13Tulane Environmental Law Jounal,387(1999-2000), p.389and390.
    2彼得P.罗杰斯,K. F.贾拉勒,J. A.博伊德著,郝吉明,邢佳,陈莹译:《可持续发展导论》,化学工业出版社2008年版,第243页。
    3相比之下,该调查认为与环境有关的贸易措施包括,“为了环境保护的目的作为国内政策或根据区域性与多边协定而采取的直接规制或限制货物和服务贸易的法律,规章和行政措施”。两者的区别是:与贸易有关的环境措施适用于国内贸易和国际贸易的货物和服务,而与环境有关的贸易措施只适用于国际贸易的货物和服务;与贸易有关的环境措施有着广泛的范围,而与环境有关的贸易措施明显限于贸易法的范围。Economic Committee of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Survey on Trade-Related Environmental Measuresand Environmental-Related Trade Measures in APEC,1998, p.14,http://publications.apec.org/publication-detail.php?pub_id=748, Oct.6th,2011.
    4Economic Committee of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Survey on Trade-Related Environmental Measures and Environmental-Related Trade Measures in APEC,1998, p.55,http://publications.apec.org/publication-detail.php?pub_id=748, Oct.6th,2011.
    2Economic Committee of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Survey on Trade-Related Environmental Measures and Environmental-Related Trade Measures in APEC,1998, p.56,http://publications.apec.org/publication-detail.php?pub_id=748, Oct.6th,2011.
    1卡波托蒂(F. Capotorti):“公约和其他国际协定在国内法方面的相互影响”,国内法和国际法中的人权(Brussels,1968),123。转引自鲍威林著,周忠海、周丽瑛、马静、黄建中等译:《国际公法规则之冲突》,法律出版社2005年版,第193页。
    1卡波托蒂(F. Capotorti):“公约和其他国际协定在国内法方面的相互影响”,国内法和国际法中的人权(Brussels,1968),123。转引自鲍威林著,周忠海、周丽瑛、马静、黄建中等译:《国际公法规则之冲突》,法律出版社2005年版,第193页。
    1Duncan Brack with Michael Grubb and Craig Windram, International Trade and Climate Change Policies,published by Royal Institute of International Affairs,2000, p.136and137.
    1《维也纳条约法公约》的作准本中将“rules”与“规则”等意使用,例如第三十八条的“rules in a treaty”的对应中文为“条约所载规则”。学者的研究中也会使用“norms”一词,例如阿里萨德阿卡维(AliSadat-Akhavi)指出,“任何条约都是由一套‘条约规则(treaty norms)’组成的。条约规则是条约中具备规则性功能,即命令、允许或禁止一行为或态度,的任何陈述。”See Ali Sadat-Akhavi, Methods of resolvingconflicts between treaties, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2003, p.5.鲍威林在其《国际公法规则之冲突》一书中则将“rules”与“norms”通用,周忠海先生在对该书的翻译中将“norms”译为“规则”。See Joost Pauwelyn,Conflicts of Norms in Public International Law--How WTO Law Relates to other Rules of International Law,Cambridge University Press,2003, p.6.本文亦持此观点。
    2Joost Pauwelyn, Conflicts of Norms in Public International Law--How WTO Law Relates to other Rules ofInternational Law, Cambridge University Press,2003, p.167.
    3C. Wilfred Jenks,“The Conflicts of Law-making Treaties”,30British Year Book of International Law401,1953,p.402.
    4Rudolf Bernhardt, Encyclopedia of Public International Law, VII, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.1984, p.467and468.
    5“Treaty conflict occurs when a state concludes a treaty that creates international obligations the performance ofwhich would be inconsistent with the performance of an international obligation to a third state under a previouslyconcluded treaty.(当一国对其缔结的一个条约中的国际义务的履行将与该国根据先前缔结的条约所负对第三国的国际义务的履行不一致时,条约冲突就产生了。)”需指出的是宾德基于后约优先的理由将同为两个条约缔约国的国家根据不同条约的义务不一致排除在其对冲突的研究之外。See Guyora Binder, TreatyConflicts and Political Contradiction: the Dialectic of Duplicity, Praeger Publishers, New York,1988, p.7.
    1Ali Sadat-Akhavi, Methods of resolving conflicts between treaties, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2003, p.5.
    2Joost Pauwelyn, Conflicts of Norms in Public International Law--How WTO Law Relates to other Rules ofInternational Law, Cambridge University Press,2003, p.167.
    3Gabrielle Marceau,“Conflicts of Norms and Conflicts of Jurisdictions—The Relationship between the WTOAgreement and MEAs and other Treaties”, Journal of World Trade35(6),2001.p.1086.
    4United Nations, Yearbook of the International Law Commission1964, Vol. I, p.125.转引自廖诗评著:《条约冲突基础问题研究》,法律出版社2008年版,第9页。
    5V. Czaplinski, G. Danilenko, Conflict of Norms in International Law, Netherlands of Resolving Conflicts betweenTreaties, Nijoff2003, p.5.转引自廖诗评著:《条约冲突基础问题研究》,法律出版社2008年版,第9页。
    3Erich Vranes,“The Definition of “Norm Conflict” in International Law and Legal Theory”, European Journal ofInternational Law, Vol.17, Issue2,2006, p.418.
    2Joost Pauwelyn, Conflicts of Norms in Public International Law--How WTO Law Relates to other Rules ofInternational Law, Cambridge University Press,2003, p.199.原文为:……one norm breaches, has led to or maylead to breach of, another norm。
    1Marceil Yeater and Juan Vasquez,“Demystifying the Relationship Between CITES and the WTO”, Review ofEuropean Community&International Environmental Law, Volume10, Issue3, p.3.
    3Report of the Panel, United States–Import Prohibition of Shimp and Shrimp Products, para.3.94.
    1GATT1994第一条(一般最惠国待遇)和第十三条(数量限制的非歧视管理)要求成员国对“相似产品”提供相关方面的同样待遇。“得自野外的动物或植物与它们圈养繁殖、牧养或繁衍的同类是否‘相似’的问题在一国对野生物种进口施加贸易限制而又允许从其他供应商进口繁衍或牧养物种时就显得重要了。”此外,在公约存在将同一物种的不同地理群落列入不同的附录从而给予不同的贸易待遇的情况下,“相似产品”的问题也是存在的。参见OECD, Trade Measures in Multilateral Environmental Agreements, p.52. http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/fulltext/2299051e.pdf?expires=1301755008&id=0000&accname=ocid49026773&checksum=5C1A0C5978134C33D9937B89FEC8B8C7, Apr.2nd,2011.
    1Duncan Brack, International trade and the Montreal protocol, Royal Institute of International Affairs,1996,p.xvii.
    2OECD, Trade Measures in Multilateral Environmental Agreements, p.86, http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/fulltext/2299051e.pdf?expires=1301755008&id=0000&accname=ocid49026773&checksum=5C1A0C5978134C33D9937B89FEC8B8C7, Apr.2nd,2011.
    1Rechard Elliot, Ozone Diplomacy, Harvard University Press,1998, p.146.
    2Terence P. Stewart; David S. Johanson,“A Nexus of Trade and the Environment: The Relationship between theCartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the SPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization”,14Colombia Journalof International Environmental Law and Policy1(2003), p.7.
    4Patrick J. Vallely,“Tension between the Cartagena Protocol and the WTO: The Significance of Recent WTODevelopments in an Ongoing Debate”,5Chicago Journal of International Law369(2004-2005).
    2Patrick J. Vallely,“Tension between the Cartagena Protocol and the WTO: The Significance of Recent WTODevelopments in an Ongoing Debate”,5Chicago Journal of International Law369(2004-2005), p.374.
    3David R. Downes, Integrating implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the rules of theWorld Trade Organization, p.28, http://app.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/1999-038.pdf, Apr.26th,2011.
    1Jennifer Clapp, Toxic Esports——The Transfer of Hazardous Wastes from Rich to Poor Coutries, CornellUniversity Press,2001, p.153.
    2Jeffrey Paul Luster,“Domestic International Legal Implications of Exporting Hazardous Waste: Exporting NavalVessels for Scrapping”,7Environmental Lawyer75(2000-2001), p.81.
    4Kimberly A. Breitmeyer,“Australia’s Opposition to the Basel Ban Amendment on the Export of HazardousWastes: When Will Australia Stop Stalling and Ratify the Amendment?”9Indiana International&ComparativeLaw Review537(1998-1999), p.599.
    12Axel Bree,“Free Trade in Waste”,10Touro International Law Review241(2000),p.256.Nicholas Berger, North-South Trade in Recyclable Waste: Economic Consequences of Basel, p.13, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=86595, May12th,2011.
    3Jeffrey Paul Luster,“Domestic International Legal Implications of Exporting Hazardous Waste: Exporting NavalVessels for Scrapping”,7Environmental Lawyer75(2000-2001).p.118and119.
    2Steve Charnovitz,“Trade and Climate: Potential Conflicts and Synergies”, p.1and2, http://www.pewclimate.org/docUploads/Beyond_Kyoto_Trade.pdf, Apr.17th,2011.
    1WTO-UNEP, Report on “Trade and Climate Change”, p.103-109,115,116,124and125, http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/trade_climate_change_e.pdf, Jan.16th,2010.
    3James Bacchus:知名学者呼吁美国和中国应当在WTO就环境补贴进行合作,上海WTO咨询中心网站http://www.sccwto.net/webpages/WebMessageAction_viewIndex1.action?menuid=52DF54BE9E3145FF86BD731CF64FD6FE&id=5b7a55d5-6eca-4ddb-a425-4328017152da(访问日期:2011年4月18日)。
    1《多哈会议部长宣言》授权WTO各成员方在谈判中重点讨论的议题就包括TRIPS协定与CBD的关系问题。相关的国际磋商可参见WTO文件IP/C/W/368/Rev.1等材料。相关的学界讨论可以参见Ashish Kothari,R.V. Anuradha, Biodiversity and Intellectual Property rights: Can the Two Co-Exist,http://www.cbd.int/doc/articles/2002-/A-00308.pdf, Dec.17th,2010. Mitchell Smith, The Relationship BetweenTRIPS and the CBD: A Way Forward? http://ssrn.com, Nov.23rd,2010.
    2Laurence R. Helfer, Regime Shifting: The TRIPS Agreement and New Dynamics of International IntellectualProperty Lawmaking, p.33, http://law.vanderbilt.edu/facultyresources/research/702full.pdf, Dec.17th,2010.
    3这方面的意见可以参见IP/C/W/404, IP/C/W/206, IP/C/W/163, IP/C/M/40, paras.76-79; IP/C/M/47, para.68,IP/C/M/36/Add.1, para.233; IP/C/M/28, para.144.转引自WTO秘书处对各方讨论的汇总文件IP/C/W/368/Rev.1, p.8.
    4Mitchell Smith, The Relationship Between TRIPS and the CBD: A Way Forward? http://ssrn.com, Nov.23rd,2010.
    5David R. Downes: Integrating implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the rules of theWorld Trade Organization, p.11-15, http://app.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/1999-038.pdf, Apr.26th,2011.
    4Union for Ethical BioTrade, Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing-Technical Brief, http://ethicalbiotrade.org/news/wp-content/uploads/UEBT_ABS_Nagoya_Protocol_TB.pdf, Dec.12th,2010.。
    1这是加拿大食品检测局森林处官员Greg Stubbings在一次国际会议中的发言。参见Proceedings of theAsia-Pacific Forest Invasive Species Conference,“The unwelcome guests”,17–23, August2003, Rap Publication2005/18, p.18. http://infolib.hua.edu.vn/Fulltext/FAOPub/publication/2005/2005_18.pdf#page=30, May24th,2011.
    2WT/CTE/W/160/Rev.1, p.10.
    3ICCAT, Recommendation by ICCAT For Bigeye Tuna Trade Restrictive Measures on Georgia, http://www.iccat.int/Documents/Recs/compendiopdf-e/2003-18-e.pdf, April2nd,2011.
    1CCAMLR,“Scheme to promote compliance by non-Contracting Party vessels with CCAMLR conservationmeasures”, Conservation Measure,10-07(2009), para.22(vii),http://www.ccamlr.org/pu/E/e_pubs/cm/10-11/toc.htm, April6th,2011.
    2Robert M. Hardaway, Karen D. Dacres and Judy Swearingen,“Tropical Forest Conservation Legislation andPolicy: A Global Perspective”,15Whittier Law Review919(1994), p.948.
    2University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law在1998年曾经组织过专题Linkage asPhenomenon的讨论,具体可参见Steve Charnovitz和Frank J. Garcia等学者在该专题中所发表的文章。此外,在《美国国际法杂志》2002年1月组织的一次关于WTO边界的讨论中,David W. Leebron、Jose E.Alvarez、Joel P. Trachtman、Jagdish Bhagwati和John H. Jackson也从WTO与其他国际机制间的联系角度进行了分析。该专题讨论的文章可参见American Journal of International Law, January,2002。其他文章还有Clair R. Kelly,“Power, Linkage and Accommodation: The WTO as an International Actor and Its Influence on Other Actors andRegimes”,24Berkeley Journal of International Law79(2006). Shawkat Alam,“Trade and Environment Linkagein the Post-Uruguay Round Context”,11James Cook University Law Review36(2004).
    3David W. Leebron,“Linkages”,96American Journal of International Law5(2002), p.5.
    4WTO文件TN/TE/W/39, para.16.
    1David W. Leebron,“Linkages”,96American Journal of International Law5(2002), p.6..
    12David W. Leebron,“Linkages”,96American Journal of International Law5(2002), p.6.Clair R. Kelly,“Power, Linkage and Accommodation: The WTO as an International Actor and Its Influence onOther Actors and Regimes”,24Berkeley Journal of International Law79(2006), p.88.
    3Ibid., p.89.
    5David W. Leebron,“Linkages”,96American Journal of International Law5(2002), p.16.
    1David R. Downes, Integrating implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the rules of theWorld Trade Organization, p.11-15, http://app.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/1999-038.pdf, Apr.26th,2011.
    1该前言中还有“(缔约方)认识到贸易协定与环境协定应(should)相辅相成”的内容。然而,从这两款的用语来分析,emphasizing比recognizing语气更强,而且shall通常表征有约束力的法律义务,should则一般表征无拘束力的道德义务。这种理解也可用在《鹿特丹公约》序言的类似条文上。此外,对于如何理解“强调不得(shall not)将本议定书解释为缔约方根据任何现行国际协定所享有的权利和所承担的义务有任何改变”与“认为上述陈述无意使本议定书附属于其他国际协定”的问题,从条约解释应使条约所有条款均有意义的角度,“强调不得(shall not)将本议定书解释为缔约方根据任何现行国际协定所享有的权利和所承担的义务有任何改变”应该有切实的效力,而“认为上述陈述无意使本议定书附属于其他国际协定”似乎可视为宣示性条款。
    2Glenn Wiser and Marcos Orellana,“Specific Trade Obligations in the Stockholm Convention on PersistentOrganic Pollutants”, Bridges2004, No.7, p.9.
    3Katharina Kummer,“Prior Informed Consent for Chemicals in International Trade: The1998RotterdamConvention”, Review of European Community&International Environmental Law, Volume8, Issue3, p.325.
    1Besty Baker,“Protection, Not Protectionism: Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the GATT”,26Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law4371993, p.445.
    1Gunther Teubner, Andreas Fischer-Lescano,“Regime-Collisions, The Vain Search for Legal Unity in theFragmentation of Global Law”, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol.25, No.4,2004, p.1004.
    2Ralf Michaels, Joost Pauwelyn, Conflict of Norms or Conflict of Laws, Different Techniques in theFragmentation of Public International Law, p.25, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1543774, Sep.25th,2011.
    1Glenn Wiser and Marcos Orellana,“Specific Trade Obligations in the Stockholm Convention on PersistentOrganic Pollutants”, Bridges2004, No.7, p.9.
    2WT/DS58/R, para.3.106.中文翻译参见赵维田主编:《美国——对某些虾及虾制品的进口限制案》,上海人民出版社2003年版,第186页。
    1David W. Leebron,“Linkages”,96American Journal of International Law5(2002), p.20.2Ibid., p.20.
    1David W. Leebron,“Linkages”,96American Journal of International Law5(2002), p.16.2Steve Charnovitz,“Exploring the environmental exceptions in GATT article XX”,25Journal of World Trade(1991), p.38.
    1Edith Brown Weiss,“International Environmental Law: Contemporary Issues and the Emergence of a NewWorld Order”,81Georgetown Law Journal675(1993), p.679.
    2Steve Charnovitz,“Exploring the environmental exceptions in GATT article XX”,25Journal of World Trade(1991), p.38.
    5Supra Note2, p.54.
    3Besty Baker,“Protection, Not Protectionism: Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the GATT”,26Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law4371993, p.465.
    1Besty Baker,“Protection, Not Protectionism: Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the GATT”,26Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law4371993, p.467.
    1WTO Ministerial Conference, Fourth Session,“Ministerial Declaration”, WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1,9-14, Nov.2001,para.6.
    1Mark E. Villiger, Commentary on the1969Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties, Martinus NijhoffPublishers,2009, p.432.
    2Campbell McLachlan,“The Principle of Systemic Integration and Article31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention”,54International and Comparative Law Quarterly279(2005),p.280.
    6Duncan French,“Treaty Interpretation and the Incorporation of Extraneous Legal Rules”,55International andComparative Law Quarterly281(2006), p.301.
    1Mark E. Villiger, Commentary on the1969Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties, Martinus NijhoffPublishers,2009, p.433.
    2国际法委员会研究组的报告:《国际法不成体系问题:国际法多样化和扩展引起的困难》,文件号A/CN.4/L.682,第426段。Campbell McLachlan,“The Principle of Systemic Integration and Article31(3)(c) ofthe Vienna Convention”,54International and Comparative Law Quarterly279(2005), p.290.
    3Benn McGrady,“Fragmentation of International Law or Systemic Integration of Treaty Regimes: EC-BiotechProducts and the Proper Interpretation of Article31(3)(c) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties”,42Journal of World Trade589(2008), p.591and592.
    1Mark E. Villiger, Commentary on the1969Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties, Martinus NijhoffPublishers,2009, p.434.
    2Appellate Report of the United States–Import Prohibition of Shrimp and Shrimp Products, WT/DS58/AB/R,p.62.
    3Panel Report of the European Communities—Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of BiotechProducts, WT/DS291/R, WT/DS292/R, WT/DS293/R, p.333and336.
    1Bryan A. Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary, seventh edition, West Group,1999, p.824.
    2Ibid., p.96.
    2例如,国际法院在《和平条约解释》的意见中所表达的观点即确认了这点。See ICJ Reports1950,229.转引自Joost Pauwelyn, Conflicts of Norms in Public International Law--How WTO Law Relates to other Rules ofInternational Law, Cambridge University Press,2003, p.248.
    3See Joost Pauwelyn, Conflicts of Norms in Public International Law--How WTO Law Relates to other Rules ofInternational Law, Cambridge University Press,2003, p.248.
    3H. Lauterpacht,“Restrictive Interpretation and the Principle of Effectiveness in the Interpretation of Treaties”,26British Year Book of International Law48(1949), p.83.
    1国际法委员会研究组的报告(A/CN.4/L.702)英文本使用的表述为“The principle of harmonization”,中文本使用的是“一致的原则”。本人参考了该中文本另一处的翻译“融洽原则”,将该原则翻译为“融洽解释的原则”。参见国际法委员会研究组的报告(A/CN.4/L.702)第14(4)段和第14(26)段。
    2同上注,第7页。笔者参考该报告英文本对中文本进行了修正。该报告英文本的相应表述为:“when severalnorms bear on a single issue they should, to the extent possible, be interpreted so as to give rise to a single set ofcompatible obligations.”
    3Report of the Study Group of the International Law Commission, Fragmentation of International Law:Difficulties arising from the Diversification and Expansion of International Law, A/CN.4/L.702, p.8.
    2Howard Mann,“NAFTA and the Environment: Lessons for the Future”,13Tulane Environmental Law Journal
    387(1999-2000), p.389and390.该文作者Howard Mann为加拿大环境署顾问,曾参与NAFTA谈判。
    1H. Lauterpacht,“Restrictive Interpretation and the Principle of Effectiveness in the Interpretation of Treaties”,26British Year Book of International Law48(1949), p.73.
    1Mark E. Villiger, Commentary on the1969Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties, Martinus NijhoffPublishers,2009, p.401.
    1United nations, United nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, Second Session, Vienna,9April22—May,1969, Official Records, p.253, para.41. Anthony Aust, Modern Treaty Law and Practice, Cambridge UniversityPress,2000, p.183.转引自廖诗评:《条约冲突基础问题研究》,法律出版社2008年版,第34页。
    2Mark E. Villiger, Commentary on the1969Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties, Martinus NijhoffPublishers,2009, p.410.
    4Beacham, K. Gwen,“International Trade and the Environment, Implications of the General Agreement on Tariffsand Trade for the Future of Environmental Protection Efforts”,3Colorado Journal of International EnvironmentalLaw and Policy655(1992), p.668.
    6Ibid., p.403.
    2Mark E. Villiger, Commentary on the1969Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties, Martinus NijhoffPublishers,2009, p.406.
    3Ibid., p.410.
    6国际法委员会研究组的报告:《国际法不成体系问题:国际法多样化和扩展引起的困难》,文件号A/CN.4/L.702,第14(26)段。考虑到原始文本为英文,笔者参考英文本对该译文进行了修正。英文本的表述为:“The lex posterior principle is at its strongest in regard to conflicting or overlapping provisions that arepart of treaties that are institutionally linked or otherwise intended to advance similar objectives (i.e. form part ofthe same regime). In case of conflicts or overlaps between treaties in different regimes, the question of which ofthem is later in time would not necessarily express any presumption of priority between them.”
    1Gunther Teubner, Andreas Fischer-Lescano,“Regime-Collisions, The Vain Search for Legal Unity in theFragmentation of Global Law”, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol.25, No.4,2004, p.1004.
    2Ralf Michaels, Joost Pauwelyn, Conflict of Norms or Conflict of Laws, Different Techniques in theFragmentation of Public International Law, p.2, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1543774, Sep.25th,2011.
    1Ralf Michaels, Joost Pauwelyn, Conflict of Norms or Conflict of Laws_Different Techniques in theFragmentation of Public International Law, p.10, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1543774,Sep.25th,2011.
    3Bruno Simma, Dirk Pulkowski,“Of Plants and the Universe: Self-Contained Regimes in International Law”,17
    3Panel Report of the Panel on Korea—Measures Affecting Government Procurement, WT/DS163/R, p.183and184.
    1Steve Charnovitz,“Exploring the environmental exceptions in GATT article XX”,25Journal of World Trade(1991), p.45and46.
    2Annamaria Viterbo, Dispute Settlement over Exchange Measures Affecting Trade and Investment: TheOverlapping Jurisdiction of the IMF, WTO, and the ICSID,http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1154673, Sep.1st,2010.
    1Annamaria Viterbo, Dispute Settlement over Exchange Measures Affecting Trade and Investment: TheOverlapping Jurisdiction of the IMF, WTO, and the ICSID,http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1154673, Sep.1st,2010.
    3DE Siegel,“Legal Aspects of the IMF/WTO Relationship: The Fund's Articles of Agreement and the WTOAgreements”, The American Journal of International Law, Vol.96, No.3(Jul.,2002), p.568.
    1有关NAFTA的具体谈判进程可参见Maxwell A. Cameron and Brian W. Tomlin, The Making of NAFTA,Cornell University Press,2000.
    2Gary C. Hufbauer, Daniel C. Esty, Diana Orejas, Luis Rubio, Jeffrey J. Schott, NAFTA and the Environment:Seven Years Later, Institute For International Economics, October,2000, p.17.
    3Globerman,1993.转引自Alan Rugman, John Kirton, and Julie Soloway, Environmental Regulations andCorporate Strategy, A NAFTA Strategy, Oxford University Press Inc.,1999, p.23.
    4David L. Markell, The Innovative North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, p.3,http://ssrn.com/abstract=453180Sep.17th,2011.
    1Gary C. Hufbauer, Daniel C. Esty, Diana Orejas, Luis Rubio, Jeffrey J. Schott, NAFTA and the Environment:Seven Years Later, Institute For International Economics, October,2000, p.5.
    2Richard H. Steinberg,“Trade-Environment Negotiations in the EU, NAFTA, and WTO: Regional Trajectories ofRule Development”,91American Journal of International Law231(1997), p.232.
    1J. Owen Saunders,“NAFTA and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation: A New Modelfor International Collaboration on Trade and the Environment”,5Colorado Journal of InternationalEnvironmental Law and Policy273(1994), p.284.
    2Howard Mann,“NAFTA and the Environment: Lessons for the Future”,13Tulane Environmental Law Journal,
    387(1999-2000), p.396.
    1Howard Mann,“NAFTA and the Environment: Lessons for the Future”,13Tulane Environmental Law Journal,387(1999-2000), p.396.
    2Gary C. Hufbauer, Daniel C. Esty, Diana Orejas, Luis Rubio, Jeffrey J. Schott, NAFTA and the Environment:Seven Years Later, Institute For International Economics, October,2000, p.37.
    4、彼得P.罗杰斯,K. F.贾拉勒,J. A.博伊德著,郝吉明,邢佳,陈莹译,《可持续发展导论》,化学工业出版社2008年版。
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    1、世界贸易组织一揽子协定(WTO agreements)。
    2、《北美自由贸易协定》(North American Free Trade Agreement)。
    3、《北美环境合作协定》(North American Agreement on EnvironmentalCooperation)。
    4、《保护南极海洋生物资源公约》(Convention on the Conservation ofAntarctic Marine Living Resources)。
    5、《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》(Convention on the InternationalTrade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)。
    6、《大西洋金枪鱼保护公约》(International Convention for the Conservationof Atlantic Tunas)。
    7、《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》(Montreal Protocol on Substancesthat Deplete the Ozone Layer)。
    8、《关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约》(Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure forCertain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade)。
    9、《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》(Stockholm Convention onPersistent Organic Pollutants)。
    10、《国际植物保护公约》(International Plant Protection Convention)。
    11、《国际热带木材协定》(International Tropical Timber Agreement)。
    12、《联合国气候变化框架公约》(United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change)。
    13、《<联合国气候变化框架公约>京都议定书》(Kyoto Protocol to the UnitedNations Framework Convention on Climate Change)。
    14、《生物多样性公约》(Convention on Biological Diversity)。
    15、《<生物多样性公约>的卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书》(Cartagena Protocol onBiosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity)。
    16、《生物多样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公正和公平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》(Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fairand Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to theConvention on Biological Diversity)。
    17、《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约》(Basel Convention on theControl of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal)。
    18、《执行1982年12月10日<联合国海洋法公约>有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定》(Agreement for the Implementation of theProvisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of10December1982Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocksand Highly Migratory Fish Stocks,简称为《联合国鱼储量协定》)。
    8、Appellate Report of the United States–Import Prohibition of Shrimp andShrimp Products, WT/DS58/AB/R.
    9、CCAMLR “,Scheme to promote compliance by non-Contracting Party vesselswith CCAMLR conservation measures”, Conservation Measure,10-07(2009),para.22(vii), http://www.ccamlr.org/pu/E/e_pubs/cm/10-11/toc.htm, April6th,2011.
    10、Economic Committee of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Survey onTrade-Related Environmental Measures and Environmental-Related Trade Measuresin APEC,1998, http://publications.apec.org/publication-detail.php?pub_id=748, Oct.6th,2011.
    11、General Council of WTO, Report of the General Council to the1996Ministerial Conference WTO, WT/MIN(96)/2.
    12、ICCAT, Recommendation by ICCAT For Bigeye Tuna Trade RestrictiveMeasures on Georgia,http://www.iccat.int/Documents/Recs/compendiopdf-e/2003-18-e.pdf, April2nd,2011.
    13、IP/C/W/368/Rev.1.14、 OECD, Trade Measures in Multilateral Environmental Agreements,http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/download/fulltext/2299051e.pdf?expires=1301755008&id=0000&accname=ocid49026773&checksum=5C1A0C5978134C33D9937B89FEC8B8C7, April2nd,2011.
    15、Panel Report of the United States–Import Prohibition of Shrimp and ShrimpProducts, WT/DS58/R.
    16、Panel Report of the European Communities—Measures Affecting theApproval and Marketing of Biotech Products, WT/DS291/R, WT/DS292/R,WT/DS293/R.
    17、Panel Report of the Panel on Korea—Measures Affecting GovernmentProcurement, WT/DS163/R.
    35、United Nations Environment Programme Green Economy Report, Towards aGreen Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication,http://www.unep.org/greeneconomy/Portals/88/documents/ger/GreenEconomyReport.pdf, Nov.2nd,2011.
    36、United Nations Environment Programme, Decoupling Natural ResourceUse and Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth (2011), http://www.unep.org/resourcepanel/decoupling/files/pdf/Decoupling_Report_English.pdf, Nov.2nd,2011.
    37、United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industryand Economics Economics and Trade Branch and the International Institute forSustainable Development: Environment and Trade—A Handbook(2nd Edition),http://www.iisd.org/pdf/2005/envirotrade_handbook_2005.pdf, Jan.14th,2010.
    38、WTO-UNEP, Report on “Trade and Climate Change”, http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/trade_climate_change_e.pdf, Jan.16th,2010.
    39、WTO Ministerial Conference, Fourth Session,“Ministerial Declaration”,WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1,9-14, Nov.2001.

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