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After the Chinese mainland and Taiwan region entered the WTO, together with Hong Kong and Macao, there are altogether four places of China in the WTO. This situation is due to the special history of China. Facing the rapid growth of regional economics worldwide, how to use the good factors of“four places of one country”, and promote the economic integration of the four places, becomes a hot question in the academic field. China, as a huge political and economic power, from the anger of international strategy as well as the regional strategy, must establish a regional economic integration with China’s mainland as the core. Thus, based on the economy of four places crossing straits, form a integrated body of China’s economic development. To set up a institution of regional economic integration under the WTO framework, is a Novel Maneuver that fit the contemporary tide, as well as a need to realize the full renaissance of Chinese as a nation and China’s speedy economic growth. The signing of CEPA among Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau SAR government is an important practice of economic integration strategy of China. In this article, the author analyzes the incentives of economic integration among four places crossing strait comprehensively from economic, political and legal dimension. Based on these analyses, the author points out that the regional integration of the foul places is workable. Furthermore, according to the differences of institution concerning economic and trade system of the four places, the first and foremost choice for legal model of economic integration is“New free trading region model”. And, a workable regional economic integration must have a sound enforcement mechanism, especially a well-structured enforceable Dispute Settlement Mechanism. To resolve economic and trade dispute among the four parties by a multi-channel system might be a workable way. To assure the timely and effective resolution of economic and trade dispute, the author propose a professional dispute administration agency-Regulatory Committee of Great China Free Trade Region. On the specific dispute settlement institution, the author proposes Alert Mechanism, Consultation Mechanism and Expert Tribunal procedure.
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