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From a development scholar's perspective, two aspects of China Africa relations have attracted attention:The comparative perspective, which asks about why the African countries and China have developed so differently over the last 30 years, while the bilateral perspective looks at the dynamics between China and Africa and its effects for development. For this paper, which focuses on China's attraction to Africa, and its resulting soft power, both aspects are relevant.
     The comparative perspective looks at the different institutions and policies and attraction that successful development in China yields to Africa. This paper deals with this in the following chapters and sections:The Chapter on legitimacy of governance looks at the characteristics of the different political systems between China and most of Africa in the different stages of development. The next part which compares the political systems focuses largely on the questions of transferability. Rather than looking which aspects of China's development experience are relevant for Africa, it analyzes China's commitment to multi-polarity in its relations with Africa. The comparison between the terms Beijing consensus and Washington consensus shows differences not in terms of contents but more importantly, its respective claims for universality. Attraction from bilateral cooperation in many ways relates to the historic development of China Africa relations. The chapter on History looks at China's support for African liberation movements and its commitment to anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism and anti-hegemony. But as China-Africa relations don't stop with history, the paper continues with the most defining feature of today's China Africa relations, the economic cooperation. Besides trade and investment, this paper explains the attraction of resources-for-infrastructure deals.
     The following discussion on culture splits into two parts. First, the attraction of Chinese culture in terms of public culture, traditions and religion and culture and society and second, the attraction that stems from the respect the China shows for the culture of the partner country. Moving on in the bilateral relationship, the chapter on Aid points at the differences between Western and Chinese aid to Africa. Especially it focuses on the shift from economic development to basic social needs, and how has China successfully stepped in to fill this gap. It goes on to discuss the conditionality that Western donors attach to their aid to Africa and the attraction of China's alternative approach. A final point which leads throughout the paper like a red thread is the Chinese non-interference policy, its implications and attraction.
     On the evaluation side, this paper takes public opinion as a proxy for soft power, and compares several opinion surveys on Africa views towards China. This part concludes with a short selection of case studies that illustrate how opinions towards China in Africa are formed.
     This paper is interested in the reasons for intensifying China Africa relations in recent years, and identifies the role of China's growing soft power. The factors it proposes for triggering this growing attraction are China's pragmatism, non interference and a commitment to multi polarity.
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    12 Tylor Ian (2006) China and African:Engagement and compromises. Routledge, London and New York
    13 Ibid.
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    15 Cheng, J. (1966) The Politics of the Chinese Red Army. Stanford, California:Stanford University
    16 Larkin, B. (1971) China and Africa 1949-1970. Berkeley, California:University of California.
    17 Foreign Misnistry of the PRC http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/ziliao/3602/3604/t18001.htm23.8.2009
    18 Ibid
    19 Moyo Dambisa (2009) Dead Aid, Penguin Books, London
    20 David Shanmbaugh (2005) Power Shift, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles
    21 Marcum, J. (1967) Three Revolutions, Africa Report, November
    22 Glantz, M. and El-Khawas, M. (1975) On the Liberation of African Liberation Movements, in Weinstein, W. Chinese and Soviet Aid to Africa. New York:Praeger
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    25 Lin Biao (1965) Long Live the Victory of People's War! Beijing:Foreign Languages
    26 Beijing Review (1967) September 22.
    27 Prinsloo D. (1976) China's Foreign Policy and Southern Africa 1949-1973, Unpublished DPhil thesis, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg
    28 Sunday News (1971) February 21, Dares Salaam
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    31 UPI.com (1971) Red China Admitted to UN http://www.upi.com/Audio/Year_in_Review/Events-of-1971/12295509436546-1 Year in Review
    32 El-Khawas, M. (1973) Africa, China and the United Nations, Africa Review, vol.2, no.2
    33 New China News Agency (1971) November 3
    34 http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/07/11/zimbabwe.sanctions/accessed on 27.8.2009
    38 Deng Xiaoping (1974) Speech by Chairman of the Delegation of the People's Republic of China, Teng Hsiao-ping at the Special Session of the UN General Assembly. Beijing:Foreign Languages Publishing House.
    40 Yahuda M. (1974) Chinese Conceptions of their Role in the World, Political Quarterly vol.45
    43 Cheng, J. (1989) China:Modernisation in the 1980s. Hong Kong:Chinese University of Hong Kong.
    48 Chang, Y. (1982) On Current Chinese Communist Relations with the Third World, Issues and Studies, vol.18, no.11.
    49 Shen, S. and Huang, Z. (1990) The People's Republic of China:An Independent Foreign Policy of Peace, Journal of Asian and African Studies, vol.25, nos.1-2
    50 Kwan Ha Yim (1991) China Under Deng, New York:Facts on File
    52参见:Rodrick Dani (2002) In search of prosperity. Analytical narratives on economic growth, Princeton University press.
    54 Hsiung, J. (1988) New Strategic Environment and Domestic Linkages in Peking's Foreign Policy, Issues and Studies, vol.24, no.10, October. Page 30
    55 Po-tung Yell (1990) Economic Diplomacy:A New Trend in Chinese Communist Foreign Policy, in King-yuh Chang, Mainland China After the 13th Party Congress. Boulder, Colorado:Westview Press, page 304
    56 Thompson Drew (2005) China's Soft Power in Africa:From the Beijing Consensus'to Health Diplomacy, Jamestown Foundation China Brief. Vol.5. No.21, October 13
    57 Zhang See, Zhang Daqing, Paul U. Unschuld (2008) China's barefoot doctor:Past, present, and future, The Lancet 372:p1865-1867
    58 Thompson Drew (2005) China's Soil Power in Africa:From the Beijing Consensus'to Health Diplomacy, Jamestown Foundation China Brief. Vol.5. No.21. October 13
    59 Deng Xiaoping (1994) Selected Works 1982-1992, vol. Ⅲ. Beijing:Foreign Languages, pp 344
    60 Tull M. Dennis (2006) China's engagement in Africa, Scope, significance and consequences, Cambridge University Press
    61 Deng Xiaoping (1994) Selected Works 1982-1992, vol. Ⅲ. Beijing:Foreign Languages,318
    66 Tull M. Dennis (2006) China's engagement in Africa, Sope, significance and consequences, Cambridge University Press pp 461
    67 Wiseman John (1995) Democracy and political change in Sub Saharan Africa, Routledge, page 16
    68 Collier, Paul (2009) Wars, guns and votes:Democracies in Dangerous places. Harper Collins. Page 4
    69 Ibid. p5
    71 Dani Rodrick (2003) In Search of Prosperity:Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth. Princeton Books
    72 Erich Weede (2007) The Impact of Democracy on Economic Growth:Some Evidence from Cross-National Analysis. Blackwell Publishing
    73 Przeworski, Cheibub, Papaterra, Limongi, Neto and Alvarez (1996) What makes Democracies endure? Journal of Democracy, pp39-55
    75 Easterly Willian (2006) The White Man's Burden:Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ⅲ and So Little Good, Penguin Press
    77 ibid
    80 Chang H (2002) Kicking Away the Ladder:Development Strategy in Historical Perspective London:Anthem
    81 Dani Rodrick (2003) In Search of Prosperity:Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth. Princeton Books
    82 Przeworski, A., Alvarez, M, Cheibub, J. and Limongi, F. (2000) Democracy and Development:Political Institutions and Well-Being in the World 1950-1980, Cambridge University press
    83 Acemoglu, D.& Robinson, J. (2005) Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge University press
    54 See for exampe the cross country study. Kohli, A. (2004) State-directed development:political power and industrialization in the global periphery, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
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    87 Linz, J.& A. Stepan, Problems of democratic transition and consolidation, John Hopkins University press, Baltimore and London
    88 Przeworski, Cheibub, Papaterra, Limongi, Neto and Alvarez (1996) What makes Democracies endure? Journal of Democracy, pp39-55
    91 Zhu Rongji (2000) Strengthen Solidarity, Enhance Co-operation and Pursue Common Development by Zhu Rongji, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Zimbabwe
    93 Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Zimbabwe (2000) Beijing Declaration of the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation
    y4 Garth Shelton and Farhana Paruk (2008) The Forum on China Africa cooperation:A Strategic Opportunity. Monograph No 156, December
    95 McBride Edward (2008) A ravenous dragon:Special report on China's quest for resources. In:The Economist 15th March
    96 McBride Edward (2008) A ravenous dragon:Special report on China's quest for resources. In:The Economist 15th March
    97 Broadman Harry (2008) China and India go Africa, Foreign Affairs Vol87, Mar/Apr, Issue2
    98 Manji, Firoze and Marks, Stephen (2007) African perspectives on China in Africa, Nairobi and Oxford:Fahamu
    99 Champell Horace (2008) China in Africa:Challenging US Hegemony. Third world quarterly, February, P89-105
    100 Robertson Delia (2007) Voa News, October 26
    101 Askouri Ali (2007) China's Investments in Sudan:Displacing villagers and destroying communities. In:Manji, Firoze and Marks, Stephen (2007) African perspectives on China in Africa. Nairobi and Oxford:Fahamu
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    103世界货币组织.引用于Ofon Abah (2006) South South Co-operation:Can Africa thrifte with Chinese investment? In:Wild, Leni and Mepham, David (2006) The New Sinosphere:China in Africa. London:IPPR
    104 Kaplinsky, Raphael. Winners and losers (2006) China's trade threats and opportunities for Africa, In:Wild, Leni and Mepham, David. (2006) The New Sinosphere:China in Africa. London:IPPR, p15
    105 Alden Chris (2007) China in Africa. London:Zed Books, p49
    106 Kaplinsky Raphael (2006) Winners and losers, China's trade threats and opportunities for Africa, In:Wild, Leni and Mepham, David. (2006) The New Sinosphere:China in Africa. London:IPPR p18
    107 Manji, Firoze and Marks, Stephen (2007) African perspectives on China in Africa. Nairobi, Oxford:Fahamu
    108 Kaplinsky Raphael (2006) Winners and losers, China's trade threats and opportunities for Africa, In:Wild, Leni and Mepham, David. (2006) The New Sinosphere:China in Africa. London:IPPR
    109 Manji, Firoze and Marks, Stephen (2007) African perspectives on China in Africa, Nairobi Oxford:Fahamu
    111 Politzer Malia (2008) Africa's Passage to China, Foreign Policy, Issue 164, Jan-Feb
    112 Michel Serge (2008) When China met Africa, Foreign Policy, Issue 116, May/June
    113 Wilhelm Janet (2006) The Chinese communities in South Africa. In Buhlungu et. Al., State of the Nation
    114 Sautman Barry and Hairong Yan. (2007) Friends and Interests:China's distinct links with Africa, African Studies Review 50, September
    115 ibid
    116 Alden Chris (2007) China in Africa, London:Zed Books
    117 Ibid, p52
    118 Michel Serge (2008) When China met Africa. Foreign Policy, Issue 116 p41, May/June
    121 Xiaolin Guo (2008) Repackaging Confucius PRC Public Diplomacy and the Rise of Soft Power, Asia Paper, Institute for Security and Development Policy, January
    122 ibid, p40
    123 Kirby (1994) Traditions of Centrality, Authority, and Management in Modern China's Foreign Relations, In: David Shambaugh and Thomas W. Robinson (eds.), Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.13-29.35
    124 Levine (1994) Perception and Ideology in Chinese Foreign Policy, In:David Shambaugh and Thomas W. Robinson (eds.), Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice, Oxford:Clarendon Press, pp.43
    125 Wang Jisi (1994) International Relations Theory and the Study of Chinese Foreign Policy:A Chinese Perspective, In:David Shambaugh and Thomas W. Robinson (eds.), Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice, Oxford:Clarendon Press, pp.481-505.
    126 See for example:Mijke Boedeltje (2004) Input and output legitimacy in interactive governance, Erasmus University Netherlands.
    128 Collier Paul (2009) Wars, Guns, and Votes:Democracy in Dangerous Places, HarperCollins
    130 Collier Paul (2009) Wars, Guns, and Votes:Democracy in Dangerous Places, HarperCollins
    131 Collier Paul and Rohner Dominic (2008) Democracy, Development and Conflict, Journal of the European Economic Association 6. nos.2-3:531-540
    132 Collier Paul (2009) Wars, Guns, and Votes:Democracy in Dangerous Places, HarperCollins, p29
    133 Schumpeter Joseph Alois (1976) Capitalism, socialism and democracy, George Allen and Unwin, London
    134见附录Eberman Klaus
    135 Francis Fukuyama (1992) The End of History and the Last Man, New York, p.211
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    138 Kagan Robert (2008) The Return of History and the End of Dreams, Alfred A. Knopf publishing, Random House, Inc., New York, p69
    139见附录Eberman Klaus
    141 http://english I.people.com.cn/90001/90782/90873/6804545.html,05 November 2009
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    175 World Bank (2008) World Development Indicators Database
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    187 Morgenthau Hans (1960) Politics Among Nations. New York:Knopf.3rd ed. Page 45
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    189 Chiluba Frederick (2000) Statement by the President of the Republic of Zambia,27 December
    191 Brautigam Deborah (2010) The Dragons Gift:The real story of China in Africa, Oxford University Press, p 139
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    206 Przeworski, Cheibub, Papaterra, Limongi, Neto and Alvarez (1996) What makes Democracies endure? Journal of Democracy pp39-55
    207 Moyo Dambisa (2009) Dead Aid:Why Aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa, Allen Lane, Penguin Books
    208 Congressional record, United States of America,107th congress, frist session, Volume 147, art 17. p 23294
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    212 Youde Dong (2007) The distinguishing features and reasons of China FDI outflows to Africa, The 3nd Forum of the World Association for Political Economy, Langfang, Hebei, China
    214 Zhang Chixin (1996) Departement of Foreign Aid, MOFTEC, The foreign aid work develops in the course of reform. Almanac, p.69
    215 Dambisa Moyo (2009) Dead Aid, Penguin Books, London
    216 Brautigam Deborah (2010) The Dragons Gift:The real story of China in Africa, Oxford University Press, page
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    217 Bennel Paul (1998) British Manufacturing Investments in Sub Saharan Africa, Journal of Development Studies, African Development Report.
    218 Kevin Moss (2006) Consequences of the WTO Appellate Body Decision in EC-Tariff Preferences for the African Growth Opportunity Act and Sub-Saharan Africa,38 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L.& Pol.665
    219 Hayes Stephen (2003) Testimony on the AGOA to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
    220 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, Guidlines to Assure USAID programmes do not result in the loss of jobs in the US, Title 48, US code of Federal Regulations
    221 Guyer, Williams, Loxley (2002) Review of African Political Economy, World Bank (The Berg Report): Accelerated Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Vol.10 No.27/28 pp 186-204
    222 OECD (2005) Paris declaration on aid effectiveness
    223 Oxfam (2008) The future of aid:A scramble in Africa,6 Sept
    224 Brautigam Deborah (2010) The Dragons Gift:The real story of China in Africa. Oxford University Press
    225 William Easterly (2002) What Did Structural Adjustment Adjust? The Association of Policies and Growth with Repeated IMF and World Bank Adjustment Loans, Center for Global Development, Working Paper 11 October
    226 Brautigam Deborah (2010) China, Africa and the International Aid Architecture, African Development Bank Working Papers, N 107, April
    227 OECD (2002) Policy Brief:Untying Aid to the Least Developed Countries
    228 www.usaid.com
    229 http://english.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/policyrelease/gazettee/200805/20080505515160.html, Dez 20,2009
    230 Leo et al (2002)Achieving Debt Sustainability, US Treasury Department.
    231 Michael M. Phillips (2006) G-7 to Warn China Over Costly Loans to Poor Countries, Wall Street Journal,15 September
    232为案例参考Chinese thrown out of Africa http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=en&art=11266 Craig Trimberg (2006) In Africa China's trade brings growth and unease, Washington Post,13 June; Ofeibea Quist-Acton (2008) Army of shopkeepers paved China's way in Africa; http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=93143915 Serge Michel (2008) When China met Africa, Foreign Policy,1 May, pp.38-46; Johnson R.W. (2006) China's empire-builders sweep up African riches, Sunday Times, London,16 July
    233 To the question "My View of Chinese Small Businesses in My Country is that they..." the majority of respondents answer "Help, but are also a source of problems for local people" survey published in:Barry Sautman and Yan Hairong (2009) African Perspectives on China-Africa Links, The China Quarterly, page 739
    234 All figures taken from:BBC World service poll (2009) PIPA, Globescan, Feb 6
    235 Megali Rheault (2006) Chadians view US and China more favorably than France,18 February http://www.gallup.com/poll/104404/Chadians-view-US-China-More-Favorably-Than-France.aspx.
    236 Pew Global Attitudes Project (2007) Global unease with major world powers Washington DC www.pewglobal.org, June 27
    237 Gallup Poll (2007) quoted in:Barry Sautman and Yan Hairong (2009) African Perspectives on China-Africa Links, The China Quarterly, p733
    238 Moyo Dambisa (2009) Dead Aid:Why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa, New York: Farrar. Staus and Giroux
    239 Hull Bryson (2008) Chinese build new highway to 'lost' Kenya, International Herald Tribune,22 August
    240 Keet Dot (2008) The role and impact of Chinese economic operations in Africa, In:Dorothy-Grace Gue and Firoze Manji (2008) China's New Role in Africa and the South:A Search for New Perspectives, Oxford: Fahamu, page 78-86
    241 Barry Sautman and Yan Hairong (2009) African Perspectives on China-Africa Links, Adaption of Chinese to the Local Society compared to Westerners, The China Quarterly, page 743
    242 Hilsum Lindsey (2005) The Chinese are coming, New Statesman, July 4
    243 Naim Moises (2007) Rogue Aid, Foreign Policy, March/April
    244 Moyo Dambisa (2009) Dead Aid:Why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa. New York: Farrar, Staus and Giroux
    245 Ali Askouri (2007) China's Investment in Sudan, Displacing villages and destroying communities, In Manji,
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    246 Carnegie Endowment (2006) China's Africa strategy:A new approach to development and diplomacy? http://www.carnegieendowment.org/events/index.cfm?fa=print&id=941, Dec 12
    247 Ndubisi Obiorah (2007) Who's afraid of China in Africa, In Manji Firoze and Marks Stephen (2007) African perspectives on China in Africa, Nairobi and Oxford:Fahamu
    248 Gadzala Aleksandra and Hanusch Marek (2010) African Perspectives on China in Africa:Gauging popular perceptions and their economic and political determinants, Afrobarometer Working Paper No.117
    249 Barry Sautman and Yan Hairong (2009) African Perspectives on China-Africa Links, The China Quarterly
    250 Dittgen Romain (2010) From Isolation to Integration:A Study of Chinese Retailers in Dakar, South African Institution of International Affairs, Occasional Paper 57, March
    251 Maneul Enes Ferreira (2006) Paper presented at China Scramble conference, Cambridge University
    252 WTO data International trade statistics online (2010)
    253 Public Broadcast service (2006) Chinese Investment sparks economic boom in Sudan, May 15
    254 The Guardian (2007) Thanks China, now go home, Feb 5
    255 Moyo Dambisa (2009) Dead Aid:Why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa. New York: Farrar, Staus and Giroux
    256 Paul Hare (2007) Jamestown foundation's China Brief, Volume 7, Issue 5, March 8
    257 Daniel Tuttle (2007) Chinese Business on African Soil:Survey and Forecast of Development Impacts, International Studies, April 15
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    259 Joshua Kurlantzick (2007) Charm Offensive How China's Soft Power Is Transforming the World, Yale University Press, page 163
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    267 Ali Askori (2007) Chinas Investment in Sudan:Displacing villages and destroying communities, In:Manji Firoze and Marks Stephen (2007) African perspectives on China in Africa. Nairobi and Oxford:lahamu
    268 Alden Chris (2007) China in Africa, Chapter 3, Zed Books, London
    269 Ndubisi Obiorah (2007) Who's afraid of China in Africa, In:Manji Firoze and Marks Stephen, (2007) African perspectives on China in Africa, Nairobi and Oxford:Fahamu
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    271 Yazini April (2009) Civil society participation, China-Africa cooperation, Pambazuka News, Issue 460, Dec 3
    272 ibid
    273 Xiao Yuhua (2008) China Africa Civil Society Dialog, Nairobi April 21-22
    274 Li Anshan (2008) China Africa Civil Society Dialog, Nairobi, April 21-22
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    279 Wissenbach Uwe, Berger Bernt (2007) EU-China Africa Trilateral Development Cooperation. Deutsches Institut fur Entwicklungspolitik (Discussion Paper)
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    281 McBride Edward (2008) A ravenous dragon:Special report on China's quest for resources. In:The Economist 15th March
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