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  • 英文题名:Understanding Second Language Acquisition & Foreign Language Learning
  • 作者:肖文萍
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:英语语言文学
  • 学位年度:2002
  • 导师:武波
  • 学科代码:050201
  • 学位授予单位:外交学院
  • 论文提交日期:2002-04-01
     现今国内外大多数的语言学家在他们的著作中毫无区别地使用“二语习得”和“外语学习”这两个术语表达同一个概念。然而,也不乏有人承认它们之间的区别。Krashen在他的监察模式中对语言的“习得”和“学习”进行了区分和阐述,并认为通过学习获得的语言知识不能转化为习得的语言知识,通过学习获得的语言知识是不能使用的。他的某些观点虽然有些极端并引起许多争议,但并非全无道理。Rod Ellis在《第二语言习得》一书中时而用“二语习得”,时而用“外语学习”来表达同一个概念,然而他又承认两者之间存在差异,并在他的著作中花了大量的篇幅研究这两种不同的学习方式。他不同意Krashen这种区分并拒绝接受Krashen为区分两种学习方法所提出的术语即“习得”和“学习”。然而,他声称这仍然是个值得研究的问题。
    和 Syolsks。中国的语言学家刘润清认为,第H语言是泛指获得第一语言之后学
    习得”只在以外语教学为目的研究中和“外语学习” 进行对比时使用。
    目的研究。就二语习得理论而言,EI tis做了大量两种不同学习方式的研究,得
In Chapter One a longitudinal study is made to reveal what relationship is between second language acquisition (SLA) and foreign language learning by tracing back foreign language teaching in the west to half century ago; and it is found that the study of second language acquisition is the natural result of the foreign language learning/teaching research work. However, early before its establishment as a subject, the goal of its research changed from mainly serving the classroom teaching to focus on the process in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside of classroom. Chapter Two presents some linguists' point of view with regard to the relationship of second language acquisition and foreign language learning, two important figures, Krashen and Ellis, being introduced. Some other linguists who touch this topic like Spolsky and Littlewood and Chinese experts Liu Runqing and Jiang Zukang are also mentioned in this chapter. In Chapter Three the differences between second language acquisition and foreign language learning are discussed in semantic, pragmatic and psychological perspectives and in terms of input and interaction, as well as the interference of the first language. Chapter Four tries to make it clear that we make the distinction not for the sake of telling the difference but for the purpose of serving the further study of both SLA theory and foreign language pedagogy.
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