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Government Procurement refers to the purchase of goods and services by the central or local government(s). This system, as the result of regulation for governmental purchasing activities, had a history of more than two hundred years in the western society. It was first developed during the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth century. This system was popular worldwide because it is economical and effective and it plays the multi-functions of macroeconomic adjustment, upgrading industrial structure and construction of a clean government. After the Great Depression in the 1930s, advanced economies established domestic legislation on government procurement, and some international and regional organizations such as the World Bank Group, EEC(EU), WTO, UNCITRAL and APEC also formulate respective regulations of government procurement. Therefore, government procurement system has been developing and improving step by step and at present it has a good legal environment.
     Government Procurement Agreement (hereinafter referred to GPA) within the WTO framework is most important one among international and regional laws and regulations concerning government procurement. This Agreement has become an important international law with the major advanced economies and some developing economices signing it.
     Non-discrimination is the cornerstone principle of the three major principles which are non-discrimination, transparency and special and differential treatment to developing countries. Because of the plurilateral feature of GPA, WTO members can choose to whether sign in or not, and it only applies to those countries which signed the Agreement. Thus the pricinple of MFN does not apply to the GPA. The most direct reflection of the non-application of MFN is that GPA stipulates that each signing Party shall make specific commiments on the government procurement. Thus it depends on a Party's negotiation for their commitments on the specific way of offering non-discrimitary treatment, procuring entities, coverage and procedures. Moreover, even with the non-discrimination, there are a number of stipulations which can be used as exceptions. For instance, GPA includes the exceptions on national security interests and public morals. Specifically, the Agreement allows Parties to emphasize public morals but does not provide detailed explanation. Also, Parties are allowed to negotiate respectively to excempt from non-discrimitary treatment. These all leave room for Parties' self-explanation. There are many other similar stipulations in GPA which all leave room for Parties to negotiate accession commitments together with the special treatment for developing countries.
     To sum up, GPA is not an agreement which has realized liberalization for it avoids WTO's MFN. GPA just offers a place where governments can negotiate and creates a framework of making commitments. It requires Parties to open government procurement market under agreed terms and the negotiation results only apply to signing parties. The exceptions to non-discrimination principle under GPA is absent from other WTO agreements.
     Government procurement market is gradually being opened up following the worlwide economic integration and trade liberalization. Reform of Government Procurement in China is also taking place as an essential part for building up a socialist market economy. As early as in 1996, Chinese government promised to APEC that China would open up its government procurement market to the other APEC members no later than 2020. In 2001, the REPORT OF THE WORKING PARTY ON THE ACCESSION OF CHINA stated that China intends to become a Party to GPA as soon as possible. China will give a detailed list of government procurement activities to be opened up by the end 2007, and start negotiations with the WTO on GPA, Yu Guangzhou, vice-minister of commerce said in May 16th, 2006.
     The impacts of opening up a country's government procurement market are two-sided: on the one hand, one could enjoy the benefits of the market opening of other countries; on the other hand, it must undertake the responsibilities and obligations to open its own market. Therefore, there are both opportunities and challenges for developing countries, especially China whose government procurement system was set up for a short time.
     Compared with other Parties of GPA, China's government procurement system was developed recently and needs to be improved substantially. However, during 1996 to 1998, China's government procurement has developed rapidly. Particularly, on Jan 1st, 2003, Government Procurement Law of PRC was promulgated and provided a formal environment for China's government procurement. However, compared with the developed countries, there are some serious problems in China's current system, such as low value of government procurement, lack of economies of scale, poor structure, and limited procuring areas. Although China made great achievements on increasing the effectiveness of using fiscal resources, stengthening financing and supervising functions, and building a clean government, the management of government procurement is still not very effective. It is also ineffective if compared with China's other domestic sectors. Furthermore, China's public policies of government procurement has limited application and is lower than the developing countries' level required by GPA, especially the special and differentiated treatment clauses of GPA. China's present laws and regulations on government procurement are not perfect yet, e-government procurement should be strengthened further, the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises are not high. From the practice of other members of GPA, there is still a long way to go for China to become a Party of GPA. It also doesn't mean that China must open its government procurement market to others at present. Therefore, before the entry to GPA, China should learn from successful experiences of foreign countries' in government procurement legislation and policy development, gradually improve its laws and regulations on government procurement, strengthen policy functions aimed at promoting the developpment of industries, small- and medium-sized enterprises and poor regions. At the same time, China should pursue the Scientific Development, promote the improvement of self-innovation and circulation economy, launch green government procurement, try to set up public policy through government procurement channel, and pay more attention on developing e-government procurement system. All the above measures would make China powerful in the negotiation for its entry to GPA.
     The plurilaterlism and the exceptions to non-discrimination of GPA provided China with a big room to negotiate its accession to GPA. We should study the 2006 Revision of GPA and make full use of the special and differential treatment clause to developing countries. We should also open our government procurement market gradually and approporiately according to our economic development and absorb the successful experiences of developed countries in this field. We should protect China's government procurement market without violating the basic principles of GPA.
     This dissertation comprises 15 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the purpose of selecting this topic, the originality of research, methods, and reviews relative literatures. Chapters 2 and 3 defines government procurement and government procurement system and reviews the theories of modern government procurement system and its defects. Chapter 4 shows the general principles of international and regional laws and regulations on government procurement. GPA is especially studied in this chapter. Chapter 5 to chapter 13 are the main body of this dissertation which focuses on the development of China's government procurement system and the opening of its government procurement market. Chapters 5 and 6 describe the setting up of China's government procurement system, its development and present situation. Chapters 7 and 8 introduce the background of China's entry to GPA, its commitments and implementation of this agreement. Chapter 9 shows the gradual approach of China's opening of its government procurement market. Chapter 10 describes China's government procurement volume in the recent years. Chapter 11 studies the functions of China's government procurement system. Chapter 12 makes several suggestions for the improvement of Chinese government procurement. Chapter 13 specializes in the e-government procurement. Chapter 14 makes several suggestions for the improvement the quality of staffs working on government procurement. At the ending part of chapter 15, conclusions are made with an overall summary and suggestions for future research. Furthermore, in order to make it convenient to look up, laws, regulations and some important documents on government procurement are listed in the appendix.
     The main innovations are as follows: First, systematically study international and domestic environments of China's opening of government procurement market, the latest development of GPA and China's recent economic development. Second, first describe the new developments of GPA and analyze its impacts on China's opening of government procurement market. Third, redefine the development stages of China's government procurement, and consider the year of 2006 as the new start for China's government procurement. Fourth, focus on the contradictions among other government procurement policies namely green government procurement, support for self-innovation products. Fifth, analyze the non-discrimination principle of GPA in depth. Sixth, describe volume of China's government procurement and the relative policies and functions. Furthermore, this dissertation offers some different opinions on the financing sources of China's Government Procurement Law. To be noted, this dissertation improves the empirical method of analyzing the government procurement. Use econometric methods and a quantitative data and charts in the analyses of China's development of government procurement.
     The contributions of this dissertation are: a) applications of classical theories, new research methods and practice; b) supplements to the existing researches; c) supports for China's policy and practice on government procurement.
2 让·雅克·拉丰、让·梯若尔,(2004)《政府采购与规制中的激励理论》,《上海人民出版社》,全文。
    3 (英)彼得·贝利、大卫·法摩尔,(2003)《采购原理与管理》,《电子工业出版社》,全文。
    4 (加)米歇尔·R·利恩德斯、(美)哈罗德·E·费伦,(2003)《采购与供应管理》,《机械工业出版社》,全文。
    5 (英)阿伦·布兰奇著,(2003)《国际采购与管理》,《机械工业出版社》。该书以《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》为准则,以国际上通用的贸易管理为依据,既注重国际采购理论、方法和手段的新颖性,又突出了国际采购中规则、条例、惯例的实际运作过程,使读者在掌握采购理论的同时又能了解系统的实务知识,从而更好地把握国际采购理论与实务的全貌。
    6 Sue Arrowsmith, Arwed Davies, (1998) "Public Procurement, Global Revolution,"Kluwer Law International; Sue Arrowsmith,(2003)" Government procurement in the WTO," The Hague: Kluner law international.
    7 有关诸边协定的性质参见本文4.1.3。
    8 (美)戴尔.尼夫,(2002)《电子采购—从构想到实施》,《中信出版社》,全文。
    9 (美)玛丽莲·格林斯坦、托德·法因曼著,(2001)《电子商务的安全与风险管理》,《华夏出版社》,全文。
    11 详见本文2.1.1;12.2.2。
    12 详见本文5.3。
    13 详见本文7.2.2。
    14 摘自于安接受《中国经济周刊》记者王红茹访谈时的讲话。王红茹,(2006)“国货不敌洋货政府采购应否眷顾国货?”《中国经济周刊》第20期。
    15 详见本文10.1、第11章。
    16 详见本文11.6.2。
    17 《实施意见》已于2007年1月1日在中央一级预算单位和省级(含计划单列市)预算单位实行,并将于2008年1月1日在全国全面实行。
    18 详见本文12.2.2。
    19 详见本文12.2.5。
    20 详见本文103。
    21 详见本文13.3。
    22 分别详见本文附录B、附录C和附录D。
    23 道格拉斯.C.诺思著,陈郁、罗华平等译,(1994)《经济史中的结构与变迁》,《三联书店上海分店》,第68-69页。 制度的影响,”《法学》第6期;马海涛,(2006)“政府采购政策功能探析,”《中国政府采购》第1期。
    25 See Dr. Gray J. Zenz and Dr. George H. Thompson,(1994)Purchasing and Management of Material, AEI, p.345
    26 李福根,“浅析政府采购制度的理论渊源与经济效益,”(访问时间:2006年11月2日).
    27 道格拉斯.C.诺思著,陈郁、罗华平等译,(1994)《经济史中的结构与变迁》,《三联书店上海分店》,第68-69页。
    28 “经济人”是指以追求自身最大经济利益为根本目的并以此作为选择行为方式准则的主体。
    31 参见本文11.2.3和12.4.1。
    32 如日本、韩国的政府购买对汽车和电子等产业的崛起和发展就起到了巨大的作用。
    33 即特别提款权。
    36 也有文献将“诸边”译为“复边”,但因“复”有“双”的含义,容易引起歧异,故笔者认为译为“诸边”更准确。
    37 见《乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判结果法律文本》(中英文对照),(2000)《法律出版社》,第502-531页。
    46 Meinhard Hilf,(1997) "The Role of National Courts in International Trade Relations, "in Ernst-Ulrich Petersman(ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, Kulwer Law International Ltd., p571.
    47 师华,(2004)《WTO规则及中国法律的完善》,《同济大学出版社》。
    48 韩国和新加坡是GPA的主要发展中国家。其中韩国未加入GPA以前,贯彻控制进口的政府采购政策,通常只要国内同类产品、建设能符合用户要求即不进口。大多数发展中国家尚未表现出积极加入GPA的态度。参见:任际,(2005)“《政府采购协定》的非歧视性原则及其适用例外”,《法学研究》第6期。
    49 paul J Carrier, (1997) "Sovereignty under the Agreement on Government Procurement," Minn. J. Global Trade,6(67).
    51 黄恒学,(2002)《公共经济学》,《北京大学出版社年版》,第521页;王习武,臧发臻,王黎,(2002)“WTO《政府采购协定》及我国政府采购市场的开放,”《中国政府采购》第2期;徐焕东,(2006)“开放政府采购市场,你准备好了吗?”《中国政府采购》第4期;佚名,“应对《政府采购协定》谈判积极参与国际市场,”(访问时间:2007年4月5日).
    52 See Committee on Government Procurement, "THE PLURILATERAL AGREEMENT ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT (GPA),"(Visited 9 Dec.,2007).
    53 如“协定例外”条款的排序由原来的第23条调到现在的第3条;
    54 See Commit-tee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ Developing Countries4(b)" (visited 9 Dec.,2006); 1994年GPA第5条。
    55 See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 2" (visited 9 Dec.,2006).
    56 过渡性措施包括贸易补偿、价格优惠、渐进式涵盖特定的采购实体或行业,在过渡期内采用更高的门槛价四种。See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 3" (visited 9 Dec.,2006).
    57 See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 3-7" (visited 9 Dec.,2006).
    58 See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 4(b)" (visited 9 Dec.,2006).
    59 《GPA2006修订本》新增的环保条款具体体现在一是序言;二是“发展中国家”条款中的“…环境给予特别的考虑”;三是第10条“技术规格与招标文件”中的第6款和第9款。See“revision of the agreement on govemment procurement as at 8 December 2006,”(visited 9 Dec.,2006).
    60 为了更大的确定性,根据本条款,缔约方包括其采购机构可以拟定、采用或运用技术规格以保护环境或者自然资源。
    61 在招标公告或招标文件中的提出的评估标准包括价格和其他成本因素,质量,技术优势,环境特征和交付方式。
    62 详见本文第12章12.2.1和第13章13.2。
    63 有关我国政府采购信息发布情况和问题参见本文第12章12.2.1和第13章13.2-4。
    64 见《国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷采购指南》1996年10月校译本,第1-2页。
    65 见《欧共体条约》第12、28、49、132、163条。参见刘慧,(2003)《世界贸易组织<政府采购协定>导论》,《中国社会利·学出版社》,第162页;李世光,(2000)“政府采购国际规范与建立我国政府采购制度,”国图馆藏硕士论文。
    67 Sue Arrowsmith, Arwed Davies, (1998) "Public Procurement,Global Revolution,"Kluwer Law International,107-108.
    68 Sue Arrowsmith, Arwed Davies, (1998) "Public Procurement, Global Revolution,"Kluwer Law International, 108.
    77 资料来源:根据财政部1998年-2005年《全国政府采购信息统计分析》中的相关数据整理而得。
    78 见第10章中的表10.1。
    80 于广洲,“中国加入WTO政府采购谈判可能很漫长,”(访问时间:2006年5月19日).
    81 见国务院于1980年10月17日颁布的《关于开展和保护社会主义竞赛的暂行规定》。
    82 参见王卫星,朱龙杰,吴小明,(2006)《政府采购基础知识》,《中国财政经济出版社》,第32-35页。
    104 财政部,“2006年政府采购工作大事记,”(访问时间:2007年3月16日).
    105 《决定》明确提出,要实施扶持自主创新的政府采购政策,制定将国家重大建设项目纳入政府采购主体范围的办法,为在更大范围内发挥政府采购政策功能提供了依据。
    106 《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》制定的2020年中国科技发展的总体目标中明确指出,“自主创新能力显著增强,……进入创新型国家行列,在本世纪中叶成为世界科技强国奠定基础。”2005年10月11日中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第五次全体会议通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》指出,实现长期持续发展要依靠科技进步和劳动力素质的提高。要深入实施科教兴国战略和人才兴国战略,把增强自主创新能力作为科学技术发展的战略基点和调整产业结构,转变增长方式的中心环节。
    107 财政部在政府采购促进自主创新、节能、环保和维护国家公共利益等方面取得了新进展。财政部印发了《关于实施促进自主创新政府采购政策的若干意见》,研究起草了自主创新产品预算管理等政府采购政策,配合科技部联合印发了《国家自主创新产品认定管理办法》;与环保总局联合印发了《环境标志产品政府采购实施的意见》,迈出了政府采购促进环境保护的第一步;与国家发展改革委员会更新了节能产品政府采购清单,进一步扩大了节能产品政府采购范围;联合合信息产业部等印发了《关于计算机预装正版操作系统软件有关问题的通知》。
    108 主要是全面了解政府采购法律制度贯彻实施情况,对现行政府采购法律制度实施绩效和存在问题进行分析和评价,提出完善政府采购法律制度的具体建议。
    109 4月,财政部与亚洲开发银行、世界银行联合举办了电子化政府采购国际研讨会。财政部还参加了多次双边磋商、WTO和APEC相关会议,以及联合国有关研讨会。 国社会科学出版社》,第17页。
    114 详见《中国加入工作组报告》第339段。见《中国加入世界贸易组织法律文件》,(2001)《法律出版社》,第845页。
    115 详见《中国加入工作组报告》第341段。见《中国加入世界贸易组织法律文件》,(2001)《法律出版社》,第845页。
    140 张栋天,“如何应对国际政府采购大市场,”(访问时间:2007年4月5日).
    141 据估计,国际政府采购总额每年都达数千亿美元,占世界贸易总额的10%以上。参见徐焕东,(2006)“开放政府采购市场,你准备好了吗?”《中国政府采购》第4期。
    169 See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ Developing Countries4(b)" (visited 9 Dec.,2006).
    170 Article VGeneral Principles.National Treatment and Non-Discrimination 1. With respect to any measure regarding covered procurement, each Party, including its procuring entities, shall accord immediately and unconditionally to the goods and services of any other Party and to the suppliers of any other Party offering the goods or services of any Party, treatment no less favourable than the treatment the Party, including its procuring entities, accords to:(a) domestic goods, services, and suppliers; and(b) goods, services, and suppliers of any other Party. See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ Developing Countries4(b)" (visited 9 Dec.,2006).
    171 例如,日本有几个省规定,政府机构需用的办公设各、汽车、计算机、电缆、导线、机床等不得采购外国产品。易棉阳,曾鹃,(2006)“政府采购与国货,”《决策与信息》第1期。
    172 案件详情见:THE INIERNATION LAWYER VOL.35.NO.2The Korean Airport Case,p.400;白光,(2002)《WTO壁垒漏洞与争端案例》,《中国物资出版社》。
    173 《中国财经报》2002年2月26日,第7版。
    187 参见本文第8、9章中的有关加入GPA对我国工程承包业的影响。
    188 参见经济参考报,“中国加入《政府采购协定》难题不少,”(访问时间:2006年5月25日).
    189 胡明,“中国政府采购电子化的未来发展与对策,”(访问时间:2006年7月27日).
    199 [美]哈维·S·罗森,(2000)《财政学》,《中国人民大学出版社》,第195页。
    200 胡庆康、杜莉,(1997)《现代公共财政学》,《复旦大学出版社》,第118-131页;侯荣华,(2001)《中国财政支出效益研究》,第56-79页。
    230 "for the protection of its essential security interests relating to the procurement of arms, ammunition, or war materials, or to procurement indispensable for national security or for national defence purposes," See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅲ Exceptions to the Agreement 1," (visited 9 Dec., 2006).
    231 (a)necessary to protect public morals, order, or safety;(b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health; (c)necessary to protect intellectual property; or(d)relating to goods or services of persons with disabilities, philanthropic institutions, or prison labour. See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅲ Exceptions to the Agreement 2," (visited 9 Dec., 2006).
    232 例如,日本有几个省规定,政府机构需用的办公设备、汽车、计算机、电缆、导线、机床等不得采购外国产品。易棉阳,曾鹃,(2006)“政府采购与国货,”《决策与信息》第1期。
    238 参见本文第10章10.1。
    239 参见我国《政府采购法》第10条规定。
    240 在四家签约轿车企业名单中,奇瑞是唯一的自主品牌。从2003年国家海关总署一次性采购221辆、全国政协一次采购40辆,到2004年成为国际会议新宠,再到2005年10月18日成为中央国家机关公务用车,到这次获得公安部大单,奇瑞和东方之子向公务车市场挺进的步伐加快,呈现出私用车市场和公务车市场“两头开花”的局面。据悉,首批东方之子警用车年内即将配备到全国公安战线。而今年以来,东方之子还入围了全国多个省市汽车采购协议供货,成为政府热门采购产品,并成为天安门“国旗班”专用车。参见“自主品牌汽车进入政府采购视野,” (访问时间:2006年11月18日)。
    246 见欧共体1993年1月实施的《公用事业指令》。
    247 例如,加利弗尼亚州规定,对符合资格的中小企业,要给予5%的价格优惠,5%的大型合同要分包给中小企业。参见王金秀,汪博兴,吴胜泽,(2006)“论中国政府采购的政策功能及其实施途径,”《中国政府采购》第2期。
    248 详见本文第12章。
    249 See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 3 (a)" (visited 9 Dec., 2006)
    250 参见王金秀,汪博兴,吴胜泽,(2006)“论中国政府采购的政策功能及其实施途径,”《中国政府采购》第2期。
    251 See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 3 (b)" (visited 9 Dec., 2006).
    252 但须注意该条款是有期限的,而且不是自动适用,能否充分享受该协定的权利,还要看具体谈判的情况。 See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 4 (b)、5、6" (visited 9 Dec., 2006).
    253 "The Parties shall give due consideration to any request by a developing country for technical cooperation and capacity building in relation to that country's accession to, or implementation of, this Agreement." see Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 8" (visited 9 Dec., 2006).
    254 参见本文11.4。
    261 原始创新以获取科学发现和技术发明为目的,集成创新是将多种相关技术有机融合,形成新产品、新产业。参见邓聿文,(2006)“企业须成为自主创新最重要力量,”《学习日报》2月15日。
    262 《自主创新产品政府采购预算管理办法》要求采购人在预算编制工作中,要优先考虑购买自主创新产品,各级财政部门要优先安排采购自主创新产品的预算,并对自主创新产品预算的调整作出明确规定。
    263 《自主创新产品政府采购评审办法》主要是通过降低对自主创新产品供应商的资格要求、改进评审办法等在采购过程中给予自主创新产品优惠政策,具体是在不同的评审办法中采取不同幅度的价格优惠或加分。如给予自主创新产品5-10%的价格扣除,或4-8%的评审因素加分等。
    264 《自主创新产品政府采购合同管理办法》主要是从合同签订与履行环节确保政策的落实。
    265 参见编者按,(2006)“自主品牌汽车进入政府采购视野,”《工人日报》11月18日。
    267 参见本文第12章。
    268 参见本文第10章中的“科学制定集中采购目录和限额标准”。
    269 参见本文第12章。
    276 见我国《政府采购法》第9条。
    277 意即全国小企业金融抽样调查。参见张金昌,(2002)《国际竞争力评价的理论和方法》,《经济科学出版社》。
    278 见2003年2月国家经济贸易委员会国经贸中小企[2003]143号《中小企业标准暂行规定》。
    311 Arie Reich, (1996) "Magor Development in Israel's Public Procurement Law: A New Era in International Tender," The International Association of Jewish and Jurist. Vol. 9, p25.
    312 具体做法参见本文第11章11.2.3。
    313 另一项内容是贸易技术壁垒。
    314 Hoekman, (1998) "The WTO' Government Procurement Agreement," Public Procurement law Reviw, 4 P79.
    315 Commission Communication, (1998) "Public procurement in the European Union,"XV/5500/98-EU, Brussels, 11 March.
    316 The Commerce Business Daily,简称CBD.
    317 Acquisition Reform Network, .
    318 General Service Administration,简称 GSA, .
    319 .
    320 .
    321 国研,“了解GPA规则,进军国际采购大市场,”(访问时间:2007年4月9日)
    322 .
    323 英文全称为Supplement to the Official Journal,中译名为《欧盟官方杂志增刊》。
    324 英文全称为Tenders Electronic Daily,中译名为《电子标讯日报》。
    325 .
    326 .
    327 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, < http://www.worldbank.org/>.
    368 (a)necessary to protect public morals, order, or safety;(b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health; (c)necessary to protect intellectual property; or(d)relating to goods or services of persons with disabilities, philanthropic institutions, or prison labour. See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅲ Exceptions to the Agreement 2," (visited 9 Dec., 2006).
    369 参见本文11.3.4.3。
    370 据计世咨询统计,2005年国内25亿的数据库软件市场份额中,国产数据库只占据了3100万元,仅占1.24%,98.76%的份额均被国外软件企业占有。参见周黎洁,朱毅,(2006)“联想安全门事件冷思考·国货篇(四)软件(1):政府采购要做弹射器,”《政府采购信息报》11月13日。
    371 详见本文8.2.2。
    374 Sue Arrowsmith, (1996) "The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement," London sweet & Maxwell, 164.
    375 See Committee on Government Procurement, "revision of the agreement on government procurement as at 8 December 2006, Article Ⅳ 3 (d)" (visited 9 Dec., 2006).
    394 张得让,(2004)《政府采购支出综合效益分析》,《经济科学出版社》,第27页。
    395 Alwyn Young, "The Tyranny of Numbers: Confronting the Statistical Realities of the East Asian Growth Experience", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 110, No.3, 641.
    396 Alwyn Young, "The Tyranny of Numbers: Confronting the Statistical Realities of the East Asian Growth Experience", The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 110, No.3, 680
    397 方法见于俊年,(2003)《计量经济学》,《对外经济贸易大学出版社》,第11-42页,第524-538页。
    400 胡明,“中国政府采购电子化的未来发展与对策,”中国网,(访问时间:2006年7月27日).
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