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Female University students of the Uyghur nationality are the one special group among college students. Their concept on religion are having the characteristics of not only on ethnic and feminine aspects but also different from other females who were situated in the other social hierarchies and ages. It has the significance to research and analyze the concept on religion; because these activities are aiming to provide the relevant objective evidences for improvement of education about concept on religion for the universities. Otherwise, female Uyghur college students are not only acting the successors of modern social democracy builders but also will become mothers for the future. They are burdening the educational responsibilities for the next generation. Therefore, research the status quo of their concept on religion is having the signification for the growth of teen-ages.
     This dissertation examines conditions of the religious view of female Uyghur college students via questionnaires and interviews from 218 Uyghur feminine undergraduates of four Universities in Xinjiang Province macroscopically. Overall, the understanding and mastery of theories of Marxian religious view are at the lower level; however, they were all having a comprehensive understanding on governmental religious policies. This dissertation also examines how the female Uyghur university students comprehend the basic Marxist concept on religion through analysis of specific issues; hence have the result as following: the comprehension of Marxist concept on religion of female college students in Xinjiang Province are un-systemic and incomplete, Furthermore, the characteristics of diversity, plasticity and instability of religions, psychological conflict and deep emotional also have been researched. According to above points, this article recommended that the implementation of educational Marxist concept on religion need to be emphasized and exert its dominion effect thus to build up systemic view of Marxist concept on religion; otherwise, it need to be advanced on daily education of Marxistism on religious view hence allows the persistent development of Marxistism education for female college students.
[1] 问卷调查涉及维吾尔族女大学生对宗教观理论、对宗教法规政策、对日常生活中出现的一些具体宗教问题的理解和认识。其中,对宗教观理论的理解和认识的考察是这次问卷调查的重点,由于宗教观理论的内容丰富,因此在文章中所占的比重教大。
    [2] 以马克思主义宗教观的阐释为评价标准。
    [3] 吕大吉:《宗教学通论新编》,第 53 页,中国社会科学出版社 2002 年 2 月第 2 版。
    [4] 吕大吉:《宗教学通论新编》,第 469 页,中国社会科学出版社 2002 年 2 月第 2 版。
    [5] 马克思:《<资本论>第一卷》(1867 年 9 月),第 142 页,《马克思恩格斯选集》中文第 2 版第 2卷。
    [6] 恩格斯:《反杜林论》(1876 年 9 月—1878 年 6 月),第 668 页,《马克思恩格斯选集》中文第 2版第 3 卷。
    [7] 由于宗教与民族、科学、迷信、邪教、习俗五组关系的问题理论性较强,遂将其置于宗教理论问题一节阐释。
    [8] 龚学增:《论宗教与民族》,《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2002 年 02 期。
    [9] 姚维 马岳勇等著:《新疆少数民族社会心态与民族地区发展研究》,第 31 页,新疆人民出版社 2005 年 6 月第 1 版。
    [10] 由于受调查覆盖面以及文章篇幅所限,论文主要从民族、性别、年龄阶段三个方面进行比较分析,有些方面(如“是否开设过无神论课程”、“不同阶层之间维吾尔族女性宗教观的异同”)未作深入分析。
    [11] [1982]19 号文件“在基本上全民信教的民族当中,生活在基层的共产党员……”转自《新时期宗教工作文献选编》,第 67 页,中共中央文献研究室综合研究组、国务院宗教事务局政策法规司编宗教文化出版社 1999 年 8 月 第 1 版。
    [12]《父母怎样培养穆斯林后代》文章来源:(阿里译自 The Muslim World) 文章编辑:伊光编译 添加时间:2005-9-17 10:43:53。
    [13] [英]麦克·阿盖尔(Michael Argyle)著 陈彪译 高师宁校:《宗教心理学导论》,第 46 页,中国人民大学出版社 2005 年 10 月第 1 版。
    [14] Barry, H., Bacon, M.K. and Child, I. L. (1957). A cross-cultural study of sex differences in socialization. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,55,327-332 转引自 [英]麦克·阿盖尔(Michael Argyle)著 陈彪译 高师宁校:《宗教心理学导论》第 47 页,中国人民大学出版社 2005 年 10 月第 1 版。
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    2、恩格斯:《反杜林论》(1876 年 9 月—1878 年 6 月),《马克思恩格斯选集》中文第 2 版第 3 卷。
    3、《马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林论宗教和无神论》,中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局编, 人民出版社 1999 年 8 月第 1 版。
    4、吕大吉:《宗教学通论新编》,中国社会科学出版社 2002 年 2 月第 2 版。
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