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This paper focuses on the relations between the U.S. and the East Asian cooperation after the Cold War. It is firstly based on the general relationship between hegemony and regionalism. From the perspective of hegemony, as a global leading force with the purpose of global interests, the hegemony, by forming and establishing a system oriented for its own interests and preferences, exerts great influences to global affairs, including the areas vital and important for its hegemonic purposes and interest. From the perspective of regionalism, the formation and development of regionalism results in the improvement of level and ability in regional governance, results in the political, economic and security order suitable for regional characteristics and purpose. Therefore, a tension arises between the order and hegemony. The tension is reflected in two ways: on the one hand, regionalism corresponds to hegemony; on the other hand, regionalism challenges and influences hegemonic interests. Faced with such a tension, from the perspective of initiative, the hegemony tries to control, lead and make use of regionalism. From the perspective of passivity, the hegemony makes great efforts to stop regionalism from attacking and challenging its global and regional interests. The relationship between hegemony and regionalism is dependent on their continuing interactions.
     After the Cold War, the rapid process of economic globalization and the identity as the sole hegemon in the world bring significant influences to the adjustment and formation of American global strategy. In the meanwhile, the East Asian regionalism is formed and developed by this force. As far as the U.S. concerned, it is mainly aimed to guarantee and maintain its global hegemony and win the initiative in the economic globalization and maximize its interest in the Post-Cold War Era. Regionalism is taken as an important means to serve the U.S. global and regional strategies. As far as the East Asia concerned, with the deepening interdependence in economic development and security affairs, the countries in this area take as their common aim the dissolution of risks from economic globalization and the promotion of security and economic development. So cooperation within this area becomes an important part for each country's foreign strategy. Considering the American hegemony and its broad political and economic and security interests in this area, and the U.S. as a leading force in this area, hence arises the tension between the regional cooperation of East Asia and the East Asian strategy of the U.S. This argument is based on the following facts. On the one hand, the U.S tried to lead and make use of East-Asian regionalism with the help of APEC; and then it exerts influences to the regional cooperation of East Asia (10+3 and the East Asian Summit) in nature, process, route, direction and the establishment of leading force. On the other hand, the regional cooperation of East Asia challenges the U.S. strategic arrangement in this area to a certain degree. Therefore, the U.S. adopts some countermeasures to lead the East Asia cooperation and to stop it from damaging and undermining the U.S.' interest and status in this area.
     Generally, the U.S' policy in East Asia is based on the relations between East Asian cooperation in economy, political security and the establishment of leading force, and the U.S' interest in this area. According to the universal characteristics of a global hegemon, the main concern of the U.S. in this area is the formation of the leading force. Especially, The U.S. fears that China will lead the process of regional cooperation of East Asia and challenges the dominant status of the U.S. and finally elbow out the U.S. from this area. According to its own characteristics and preferences, the U.S. focuses on the following questions: whether the economic regionalism in East Asia will challenge the economic and trade liberation, the opening up of the markets and multilateralism; whether the security regionalism of this area will threaten U.S' bilateral military alliances and military bases in this area. So the U.S. adopts the countermeasures. In economy it establishes FTA with some countries in this area and gives limited support to Chiang Mai Initiative. In political security it adjusts and consolidates bilateral alliances, intervenes in multilateral security mechanisms in a limited way; it also does not oppose the leading position of the ASEAN, meanwhile, it strengthens relations with ASEAN in all sides. Based on the argument that a tension exists between U.S. and the regionalism in East Asia, this dissertation proposes that both sides should establish linking points on the bilateral, regional and multilateral levels in order to realize the mutual interests in a complementary way.
1 John Ruggie,"The Anatomy of an Institution" in J.Ruggie eds.,Multilateralism Matters:the Theory and Practice of an Institutional Form,New York:Columbia University Press,1993,p8.
    2 John Odell,Barry Eichengreen,"The United States,the ITO,and the WTO:Exit Options,Agent Slack,and Presidential Leadership" in The WTO as an International Organization,Edited by Anne O.Krueger,Chonira Aturupane,University of Chicago Press,1998,Chapter 6.
    3 Ross Garnaut,"Introduction:APEC ideas and reality",in Ippei Yamazawa(ed.),Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC):Challenges and tasks for the twenty-first century(London and New York:Routledge,2000),pp.1-18.
    4 Shaun Breslin,"Supplying Demand or Demanding Supply? An Alternative Look at the Forces Driving East Asian Community Building"http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/publications/pab/Breslin_07_PAB.pdf
    5 Edward D.Mansfield;Helen V.Milner,"The New Wave of Regionalism"International Organization Vol.53,No.3(Summer 1999),pp.589-627
    6 Paul R.Krugman,"The Move Toward Free Trade Zone," in Policy Implications of Trade and Currency Zones:A Symposium Sponsored by the Federal Bank of Kansas City p.28。引自[美]罗伯特·吉尔平:《全球政治经济学:解读国际政治经济秩序》,上海世纪出版集团2003年版,第394页。
    7 Bruce E.Moon,"The United States and Globalization",in Political Economy and the Changing Global Order Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R.D.Underhill,eds,Oxford University Press,1998.Chapter 28
    8 ibid.
    9 Peter J·Katzenstein,A World of Regions,Cornell University Press,2005
    10 Bruce E.Moon,"The United States and Globalization",in Political Economy and the Changing Global Order Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey R.D.Underhill,eds,Oxford University Press,1998.Chapter 28
    11 Charles A.Kupchan,"After Pax Americana:Benign Power,Regional Integration,and the Source of a Stable Multi-polarity" International Security,Vol,23,No.2(autumn,1998).pp40-79
    12 翟崑:“美国的回应” http://star.news.sohu.com/20051129/n240822346.shtml
    13 C.Fred Bergsten,"THE NEW ASIAN CHALLENGE",http://www.iie.com/publications/wp/00-4.pdf
    14 J IMBO Ken,"Emerging EastAsian Community? Political Process" The Japan US Asia Dialogue Conference Papers An East Asian Community and the United States,Toranomon Pastoral Tokyo,Japan.http://www.ceac.jp/e/pdf/060622.pdf,June 22,2006.转引自陈奕平:“美国与东亚经济一体化”载《暨南学报》(哲学社会 科学版)2007年第3期。
    15 Edward Gresser,"The Emerging Asian Union? China Trade Asian Investment,and the New Competitive Challenge" Policy Report,May,2004.Progressive Policy Institute,Washington,D.C.
    16 Claude Barfield,The United States,China and the Rise of Asian Regionalism American Enterprise Institute,Paper Delivered at the Western Economics Association Annual Conference Vancouver,British Columbia,June 29,2004.
    17 Richard L.Armitage & Joseph S.Nye,"'The US-Japan Alliance:Getting Asia Right through 2020'" http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/070216_asia2020.pdf
    18 C.Fred Bergsten,"Toward a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific",Presented at a Joint Conference of The Japan Economic Foundation and Peterson Institute for International Economics on "New Asia-Pacific Trade Initiatives" Washington,DC November 27,2007
    19 Shaun Breslin,"Supplying Demand or Demanding Supply? An Alternative Look at the Forces Driving East Asian Community Building"http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/publications/pab/Breslin_07_PAB.pdf
    20 陈奕平:“美国与东亚经济一体化”载《暨南学报》(哲学社会科学版)2007年第3期。
    21 江瑞平:“拟建中的东亚共同体:经济基础与政治障碍”载朱立群 王帆主编《东亚地区合作与中美关系》世界知识出版社2006年版第33页。
    22 吴心伯:“美国与东亚一体化”载《国际问题研究》2007年第5期。
    23 Goh,"East Asia After Iraq";Goh Chok Tong,speech to Council on Foreign Relations,Washington,DC,May 6,2003
    24 Toshio Watanabe,"Can East Asia community be built?" in Japan's Policy towards East Asian Economic Integration,Toyo Keizai Shinposha,218
    25 FUKUSHIMA Akiko,"Political and Security Cooperation in East Asia?" in Japan's Policy towards East Asian Economic Integration,Toyo Keizai Shinposha,218
    26 Edward D.Mansfield;Helen V.Milner,"The New Wave of Regionalism"International Organization Vol.53,No.3(Summer 1999),pp.589-627.
    1 Edward D.Mansfield;Helen V.Milner,"The New Wave of Regionalism"International Organization Vol.53,No.3(Summer 1999),pp.589-627.
    2 Peter J·Katzenstein,A World of Regions,Cornell University Press,2005,p.25
    3 Edward D.Mansfield;Helen V.Milner,"The New Wave of Regionalism"International Organization,Vol.53,No.3(Summer 1999),pp.589-627.
    6 同上 第40页。
    7 同上 第45-54页。
    8 Immanuel Wallerstein,the Politics of the World- economy:the States,the Movements and the Civilizations,Cambridge University Press,1984,p.38.同时见Terry Boswell,"Hegemonic Decline and Revolution:When the World is Up for Grabs," in Thomas Ehrlich Reifer,Globalization,hegemony & power:anti-systemic movements & the global system,Boulder:Paradigm Publishers,2004,pp.150-151.
    10 钱峰:《大众媒介:霸权、意识形态与政治三维中的角色》http://media.szu.edu.cn/Article/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=2329
    11 Joseph S.Nye,Jr.,"Soft Power",Foreign Policy,Issue 80,Fall 1990,pp.153-171.
    12 George Modelski,Long Cycle in World Politics,University of Washington Press,1985
    13 Immanuel Wallerstein,The Politics of the World Economy:the States,Movements and Civilizations,Cambridge University Press,1984
    14 Joseph S.Nye,Jr.,Bound to Lead:The Changing Nature of American Power,New York:Basic Books,1990.
    15 本逻辑思路受到巴里·布赞:《美国和诸大国:21世纪的世界政治》一书的启发,见第92页。该书由上海世纪出版集团于2007年出版。
    17 T.V.Paul and John Hall,Introduction to International Order and the Future of World Politics Cambridge University Press 1999,p2
    18[英]赫德利·布尔:《无政府社会:世界政治秩序研究》世界知识出版社2003年版 第84-85页。
    19[英]马丁·怀特:《权力政治》世界知识出版社2004年版 第124-125页
    20 Stevene Lobell,"Britain's paradox:cooperation or punishment prior to World War I",Review of International Studies(2001),27,169-186.
    21[美]·杰拉尔德·鲁杰:《多边主义》浙江人民出版社2003年版 第35页
    22[美]G.约翰·伊肯伯里:《创造昨天的世界新秩序:凯恩斯的“新思维”与英美战后安排》载[美]朱迪斯·戈尔茨坦 罗伯特·O·基欧汉《观念与外交政策》北京大学出版社2005年版 第59-86页。
    23[美]罗伯特·O·基欧汉:《霸权之后世界政治经济中的合作与纷争》上海世纪出版集团2001年版 第37页。
    24 Edward D.Mansfield;Helen V.Milner,"The New Wave of Regionalism",International Organization,Vol.53,No.3(Summer 1999),pp.589-627
    25 按照庞中英的说法,地区合作与地区整合具有不同的意义。地区整合体现地区合作的更高阶段和成果。见庞中英:《地区化、地区性与地区主义》载《世界经济与政治》2003年第11期。
    26 Bjorn Hettne,"Globalization,the New Regionalism and East Asia" Selected Papers Delivered at the United Nations University Global Seminar'96 Shonan Session,2-6 September 1996,Hayama,Japan
    27 Peter J.Katzenstein,"Open Regionalism:Cultural Diplomacy and Popular Culture in Europe and Asia",Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,Boston,MA,August 29-September 1,2002.also see,Shaun Breslin,Rechard Higgott & Ben Rosamond,"Regions in Comparative Perspective",CSGR Working Paper No.107/02 November 2002.
    28 Norman D.Palmer,The New Regionalism in Asia and the Pacific,Lexington Books,1991,p.6.
    29 Ibed,p.10
    30 Bjorn Hettne,"Globalization,the New Regionalism and East Asia" Selected Papers Delivered at the United Nations University Global Seminar'96 Shonan Session,2-6September 1996,Hayama,Japan。
    31 Norman D.Palmer,The New Regionalism in Asia and the Pacific,pp.2-19.
    32 T.J.Pempel,"East Asia:Emerging Webs of Regional Connectedness" in Security Cooperation in East Asia,Edited by Yangxuetong Zhoufangyin.PekingUniversity Press2004,pp.221-258
    33 Sangmoon Kim;Eui-Hang Shin,"A Longitudinal Analysis of Globalization and Regionalization in International Trade:A Social Network Approach",Social Forces,Vol.81,No.2.(Dec.2002),pp.445-471.
    34 Craig N.Murphy,"Global Governance:Poorly Done and Poorly Understood",InternationaI Affairs(Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-),Vol.76,No.4.(Oct.,2000).pp.789-803.
    35 David Greenaway and Chris Milner,"Multilateral trade reform,regionalism and developing countries",in Reginalism and Globalization:Theory and Practice.Edited by Syjal Lahiri,Routledge Reprinted 2002.p162.
    36 Ronald J.Yalem,"Regionalism and World Order",International Affairs(Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-),Vol.38,No.4.(Oct.,1962),pp.460-471
    37 James H· Mittelman & Richard Falk,"Global Hegemony and Regionalism",in James H· Mittelman,the Globalization Syndrome:Transformation and Resistance.Princeton University Press 2000,p146.
    38 Diana Tussie and Ngaire Woods,"Trade,Regionalism and the Threat to Multilateralism" in The Political Economy of Globalization,Ngaire Woods Edited,Published by Macmillan Press LTD 2000,p64.
    39 Gilpin Rorbet,Global Political Economy:understanding the International Economic Order.Prince University Press,2001,p306.
    40 罗伯特·吉尔平:《全球政治经济学:解读国际经济秩序》上海人民出版社2003年版,第378页。
    41 David Greenaway and Chris Milner,"Multilateral trade reform,regionalism and developing countries",in Reginalism and Globalization:Theory and Practice.Edited by Syjal Lahiri,Routledge Reprinted 2002.p163.
    42 Paul Masson,"Globalization:Facts and Figures",IMF Policy Discussion Paper,PDP01/4.
    43 Bruce E.Moon,"Review:Regionalism is Back! Now What?" Mershon International Studies Review,Vol.42,No.2.(Nov.,1998),pp.338-342
    44 John Gerard Ruggie,"Multilateralism:the Anatomy of an Institution," International organization 46(Summer1992),pp.569-574.
    45 Diana Tussie and Ngaire Woods Edited,The Political Economy of Globalization,Published by Macmillan Press LTD 2000.p71.
    46 John Ravenhill,APEC and the Construction of Pacific Rim Regionalism,Camnbridge University Press 2001,p28
    47 Paul Masson,"Globalization:Facts and Figures",IMF Policy Discussion Paper PDP01/4.
    48 Mark Beeson,"American hegemony:The view from Australia",SAIS Review,23(2)2003.pp.113-31.
    49 刘剑初:“世界经济” http://www.jnuiet.com/homepage/liujianchu/jiangyi_9.asp
    50 Saori N Katada,"Japan and Asian monetary regionalisation:Cultivating a new regional leadership after the Asia financial crisis",Geopolitics,7(1) 2002,pp.85-112.
    51 Richard A.Higgott,"American unilateralism,foreign economic policy,and the 'securitisation' of globalization",CSGR Working Paper,124/03.2003
    52 Inge Kaul,Isabelle Gruberg and Mark Stern,Global Public Goods:International Cooperation in the 21~(st) Century,Oxford University Press,1999,pp.454-455
    53 Benjamin Miller,"When and How Regions Become Peaceful:Potential Theoretical Pathways to Peace".International Studies Review(2005)7,241.
    54 Robert E.Kelly,"Security Theory in the 'New Regionalism'" International Studies Review(2007) 9,197-229
    55 Barry Buzan and Ole Waever,Regions and Powers,New York:Cambridge University Press 2003,p68.
    56 Peter J·Katzenstein,A World of Regions:Asia and Europe in the American Imperium,Ithaca:Cornell University Press,2005.p8.
    57 Joseph Nye,Peace in Parts:Integration and Conflict in Regional Organizations.转引自[英]赫德利·布尔:《无政府社会:世界政治秩序研究》,世界知识出版社,2003年版,第247页。
    58 Michael Mastanduno,"Incomplete hegemony:The United States and security order in Asia" In M.Alagappa(Eds.),Asian Security Order:Instrumental and Normative Features,Stanford:Stanford University Press,2003.pp.141-70.
    59 St.Michaels,Maryland,"Asian Regional Architecture Project" The Stanley Foundation and the Center for Strategic and International Studies,November 2006.
    60 "A Man of Many Missions",Business Week,March 31,2003,pp.94-95.
    61 "Middle East Free Trade Area:Progress Report",CRS Report for Congress,Updated July 3,2006,Received through the CRS Web.
    62 Edward Gresser,"Blank Spot on the Map:How Trade Policy is Working against the War on Terror",Public Policy Institute,February 2003.
    63 A.O.Ritschl,"Nazi Economic Imperialism and the Exploitation of the Small: Evidence from Germany's Secret Foreign Exchange Balances,1938-1940",the Economic History Review,New Series,Vol.54,No.2.(May,2001),pp.324-345
    66 陈志敏 故斯拉夫·盖拉茨:《欧洲联盟对外政策一体化---不可能的使命?》时事出版社2003年版,第331-342页。
    67 David P.Rapkin,"The United States,Japan,and the power to block:the APEC and AMF cases",The Pacific Review,Vol.14,No.3 2001,pp.373-410.
    69 转引自[英]马丁·怀特:《权力政治》世界知识出版社2004年版,第79页。
    71 有的学者把早期的武力建立联邦或帝国的现象也归类到地区主义中,这实在是很牵强的,与二战后出现的地区主义完全两码事情。
    73 Paul Kennedy,The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers:Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000(Sydney and Wellington:Unwin Hyman,1988),pp.357-358.G.John Ikenberry,"American Power and the Empire of Capitalist Democracy," Review of International Studies 27,2001,p197.转引自朱天飙:《比较政治经济学》北京大学出版社2006年版,第55页。
    74 CIA World Fact book 2004,http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/us.html.
    76 Michael Mann,"The first failed empire of the 21~(st) century",Review of International Studies(2004),30:631-653.
    77 Jonathan Friedman,"Transnationalization,Socio-Political Disorder,and Ethnification as Expressions of Declining Global Hegemony",International Political Science Review/Revue internationale de science politique,Vol.19,No.3,Ethnic Nationalism and the World Systemic Crisis.Nationalisme ethnique et crise du système monde#.(Jul.,1998),pp.233-250.
    78.G.John Ikenberry,"Liberalism and empire:logic of order in the American unipolar age",Review of International Studies(2004),30:609-630.
    79 门洪华:《霸权之翼:美国国际制度战略》北京大学出版社2005年版 第80页
    80 廖岷:《欧元震撼》贵州人民出版社1998年版 第5页
    81 P.Edward Haley,United States Relations with Europe,The Kock Center for International and Strategic Studies Monograph Series.Number Ten.1999,pp.43-68
    82 Ruby Gropas,"EU Enlargement and Transatlantic Relations",Working paper prepared in the context of the research project The US- EU Partnership:Enlargement and Change at the Southeast Europe Project of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.Washington D.C.,October 2007
    83 Raymond J.Aheam,"Trade Conflict and the U.S.-European Union Economic Relationship" CRS Report for Congress,Updated April 11,2007.
    84 John Ruggie,"International Regimes,Transactions,and Change:Embedded Liberalism in the Postwar Economic Order," international Organization 36(2),1982.
    85 Gilpin,Robert,U.S.Power and the Multinational Corporation New York:Basic Books 1975.p.108
    86 郇庆治:“伊拉克战争后的欧盟关系:欧洲观点”载 胡荣花 主编:《欧洲的未来:挑战与前景》中国社会科学出版社2005年版,第499页。
    87 Omar Sanchez,"The perils of a trade-.first US foreign policy",Australian Journal of International Affairs,Vol.56,No.1,pp.143-160,2002.
    88 门洪华:《霸权之翼:美国国际制度战略》北京大学出版社2005年版 第240页。
    89 Terry Boswell,"Hegemonic Decline and Revolution:When the World is Up for Grabs," in Thomas Ehrlich Reifer,Globalization,hegemony & power:anti-systemic movements & the global system,Boulder:Paradigm Publishers,2004,p151.
    90 Michael Mastanduno,"Preserving the Unipolar Moment:Realist Theories and U.S.Grand Strange after the Cold War",International Security,Vol.21.No.4,Spring 1997,pp.49-88
    91 Chung Min Lee,"East Asian Community and the United States:A Contrarian Perspective" in Ralph A.Cossa,Simon Tay and Lee Chung-min,The Emerging East Asian Community:Should Washington be Concerned? Issues & Insights Vol.5-No.Pacific Forum CSIS Honolulu,Hawaii August,2005.
    93 McCormick,Thomas J.America's Half-Century:United States Foreign Policy in the Cold War.转引自 乔万尼·阿瑞吉 贝弗里·J·西尔弗:《现代世界体系的混沌与治理》生活·读书·新知三联书店2003年版 第152页。
    94 Peter J· Katzenstein,A World of Regions,Cornell University Press,2005,pp.179-207.
    96 Raymond J.Ahearn,"Trade Conflict and the U.S.-European Union Economic Relationship" CRS Report for Congress,Updated April 11,2007.
    97 Kissinger Henry A.The Trouble Partnership 转引自 肯尼思·华尔兹:《国际政治理论》上海世纪出版集团2003年版,第273页。
    98 David C.Gamport,"What does America Want of Europe," in Nicole Gnesotto,Shift or Rife:Assessing US-EU Relations after Iraq Publish by EU institute for Security Studies printed in alenkon(France) pp.43-76.
    99 冷战结束后对美国霸权研究有影响的著作和文章见:Andrew Bacewvitch,American Empire:The Realities and Consequences of U.S.Diplomacy(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,2002);Michael Cox,"The empire's back in Town:Of America's Imperial Temptation",Millenium,vol.32,no.1(2003),pp.1-27;Rosemary Foot,et.al.,U.S.Hegemony and International Organizations(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003);Niall Ferguson,Colossus:The Rise and Fall of the American Empire(New York:Penguin,2004);Samuel P.Huntington,"Why International Primacy Matters",International Security,vol.17,no.4(Spring 1993), pp.68-83;John Ikenberry,After Victory:Institutions,Strategic Restraint,and the Rebuilding of Order After Major Wars(Princeton:Princeton University Press,2001);Ikenberry,ed.,America Unrivalled:The Future of the Balance of Power(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,2002);Robert Jervis,"International Primacy:is the Game Worth the Candle?",International Security,vol.17,no.4(Spring 1993),pp.52-67;Robert Kagan,Of Paradise and Power:America and Europe in the New World Order (New York:Knopf,2003);Charles Krauthammer,"The Unipolar Moment revisited-United States World Power",The National Interest(Winter 2002/2003);pp.5-17;Michael Mastanduno,"Preserving the Unipolar Moment:Realist Theories and U.S.Grand Strategy After the Cold War",International Security,vol.21,no.4(1997),pp.49-88;Walter Russell Mead,"America's Sticky Power",Foreign Policy,March-April 2004,pp.46-53;Joseph Nye,Bound to Lead:The Changing Nature of American Power(New York:Basic Books,1990);Clyde Prestowitz,Rogue Nation:American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions(New York:Basic Books,2003);Robert Tucker and David C.Hendrickson,The Imperial Temptation:The New World Order and America "s Purpose(New York:Council on Foreign Relations,2003);and William C.Wohlforth,"The Stability of a Unipolar World",International Security,vol.21,no.1(Summer 1999),pp.5-41.
    100 James H·Mittelman & Richard Falk,"Global Hegemony and Regionalism",in James H· Mittelman,the Globalization Syndrome:Transformation and Resistance.Princeton University Press 2000,pp.131-146.
    101 Valeriana Kallab Edited,Reflections on Regionalism:Report of the Study Group on International Trade,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,c1997.
    102 Eleen L.Frost,"U.S.Policy Responses to East Asian Regionalism".In Emerging East Asian Regionalism:Trend and Response Edited by Zhang Yunling World Affairs Press(China),pp.333-357.
    103 James H·Mittelman & Richard Falk,"Global Hegemony and Regionalism",in James H·Mittelman,the Globalization Syndrome:Transformation and Resistance pp.137-140.
    1 Bruce M.Russett,International Regions and the International System:a Study in Political Ecology,Chicago:Rand Mcnally & Company,1967,pp.1-13.
    2 "Mapping the future:Based on consultations with nongovernmental experts around the world",http://www.bookstore.gpo.gov.
    3 转引自[美]兹比格纽·布热津斯基:《大棋局:美国的首要地位及其地缘战略》上海人民出版社1998年版,第52页。
    4 刘明轩:“海权论鼻祖马汉”,http://www.ynlib.cn/whpd/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=14913。
    5 吴莉苇:“欧洲人等级制世界地理观下的中国”,载《地理》2007年第04期。
    6 Morers Bóas,Marianne H.Marchand & Timothy M.Shaw Edited,"Conclusion:Possible Projections for the Political Economy of Regions and Regionalism" in the political Economy of Regions and Regionalism.Basingstoke[England]New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2005.p171.
    7 John Gerard Ruggie,"What Makes the World Hang Together? Neo-Utilitarianism and the social Constructivist Challenge" International Organization,Vol.52,No.4,International Organization at Fifty:Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics.(Autumn 1998),pp.855-885.
    8 卡赞斯坦:《区域主义与亚洲》载《世界经济与政治》2003年第10期
    9 Peter J·Katzenstein,A World of Regions,Cornell University Press,2005,pp.24-30.
    10 Joseph S.Nye,ed.International Regionalism:Readings.Boston:Little,Brown & Co.1968.P.5.
    11 Bjorn Hettne,"Globalization,the New Regionalism and East Asia" Selected Papers Delivered at the United Nations University Global Seminar'96 Shonan Session,2-6September 1996,Hayama,Japan
    12 Bojrn Hettne and Fredrik Soderbaum,"Theorizing the Rise of Regionness," 转引自 庞中英:《地区化、地区性与地区主义》载《世界经济与政治》2003年第11期。
    13 Ferdi Pol,Wouter van Westerop,"Regions and Regionalism",http://www.ru.nl/socgeo/html/files/geoapp/Werkstukken/RegionsAndRegionalism.pdf
    14 Morers Bóas,Marianne H.Marchand & Timothy M.Shaw.The political Economy of Regions and Regionalism p77
    15 孙歌:“亚洲意味着什么”转引自文化研究网(http://www.culstudies.com),2005-8-1
    16 http://news.sohu.com/20071111/n253181434.shtml
    17 Norman D.Palmer,The New Regionalism in Asia and the Pacific,Lexington Books,1991,pp.45-53.
    18 David P.Mozingo,"Containment in Asia Reconsidered",World Politics,Vol.19,No.3.(Apr.,1967),pp.361-377.
    19 W.W.Rostow,The United States and the Regional Organization of Asia and the Pacific,1965-1985(Austin,Texas:University of Texas Press,1986),pp.23-24.
    20 Joseph A.Camilleri,Regionalism in the New Asia-Pacific Order:The Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific Region,Volume Ⅱ.Published by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,pp.75-76.
    21 Ronald J.Yalem,"Regionalism and World Order",International Affairs(Royal Institute of InternationaI Affairs 1944- ),Vol.38,No.4.(Oct.1962),pp.460-471.
    22 Joseph A.Camilleri,Regionalism in the New Asia-Pacific Order:The Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific Region,Volume Ⅱ.Published by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,pp.70-72.
    23 Ibid,p72
    24 Ibid,p65
    25 Fu-Kuo Liu and Philippe Regnier,"Prologue:Whither regionalism in East Asia?"in Regionalism in East Asia:paradigm shifting? Published by Routledge curzon 2003,p.ⅹⅵ.
    26 Jorn Dosch,"The post-Cold War development of regionalism in East Asia" in Regionalism in East Asia:paradigm shifting? p36
    27 Michael Wesley,"The dong that didn't bark:The Bush administration and East Asian regionalism" in Bush and Asia:America's evolving relations with East Asia.Edited by Mark Beeson,Publish by Routledge 2006,pp.68-69.
    28 T.J.Pempel,"Introduction:Emerging Webs of Regional Connectedness" in Remapping East Asia:the Construction of a Region Edited by T.J.Pempel,Cornell University Press 2005,pp.1-28.
    29 Hellen V.Milner,"Interests,Government,and the Creation of Regional Trade Blocs",in The Political Economy of Regionalism Edited by Edward D.Mansfield and Hellen V.Milner Columbia University Press 1997,pp.77-102
    30 李向阳:“东北亚区域经济合作的非传统收益”载《国际经济评论》2005年9-10期。
    31 Masahiro Kawai,"Regional Economic Integration and Cooperation in East Asia",paper prepared for presentation to the Experts' Seminar on the "Impact and Coherence of OECD Country Policies on Asian Developing Economies," which is organized by the Policy Research Institute of the Japanese Ministry of Finance and the OECD Secretariat and to be held in Paris,June 10-11,2004.
    32 "WTO Expansion and Its Impact on APEC",Taiwan Institute of Economic Research,October 8,2001,http://old.npf.org.tw/english/Publication/TE/TE-R-090-021.htm
    33 MARI PANGESTU,"China's Economic Rise and the Responses of ASEAN",in Kokubun Ryosei and.Wang Jisi,eds The Rise of China and a Changing East Asian Order,Tokyo and New York:Japan Center for International Exchange,2004,pp.241-262
    34 KUSUMA SNITWONGSE,"A New World Order in East Asia?"Asia-Pacifi c Review,Vol.10,No.2,2003
    35 Kim,Sanyek S.,"Regionalization and Regionalism in East Asia",Journal of East Asian Studies,Vol.4,No.1,Jan.-Apr.2004
    36 Neal D.Houghton,"A Case for Essential Abandonment of Basic U.S.Cold War Objectives".The Western Political Quarterly,Vol.23,No.2.(Jun.,1970),pp.384-411.
    37 Robert E.Osgood,Alliance and American Foreign Policy Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins Press,1968.p.76
    39 同上,第64页。
    41 刘雄:“艾森豪威尔政府亚洲政策论纲”载崔丕 主编《冷战时期美国对外政策史探微》中华书局2002年版,第190-191页。
    43 同上,第55页。
    44 转引自 宋敏:“《冷战再探讨》评介”,载《冷战国际史研究》华东师范大学国际冷战史研究中心 编 世界知识出版社2006年版,第161页。
    46 郭海良:“《美国通向“太平洋国家”之路》简介”,载《冷战国际史研究》华东师范大学国际冷战史研究中心编,世界知识出版社2006年版,第145-146页。
    47 Christopher J.Hemmer and Peter Katzenstein,"Why is There No NATO in Asia? Collective Identity,Regionalism,and the Origins of Multilateralism"International Organization(2002),56:575-607.
    48 转引自刘雄:“艾森豪威尔政府亚洲政策论纲”载崔丕 主编《冷战时期美国对外政策史探微》中华书局2002年版,第222页。
    49 Donald E.Nuechterein,"Prospects for Regional Security in Southeast Asia",Asian Survey,Vol.8,No.9.(Sep.,1968),pp.806-816
    50 Joseph A.Camilleri,Regionalism in the New Asia-Pacific Order.The Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific Region,Volume Ⅱ Published by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,2003.p56.
    51 Christopher Griffin,"The U.S.-Japanese Alliance and American Strategy in Asia",Presentation to the International Studies Association 48th Annual Convention,February 28,2007
    52 Condoleezza Rice,"Transformational Diplomacy:Remarks at Georgetown School of Foreign Service",Georgtown University,Washington,DC,January 18,2006.http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2006/59036.htm
    53 Richard N.Haass,Defending U.S.Foreign Policy in a Post War World",The 2002 Arthur Ross Lecture,Remarks to Foreign Policy Association,New York,April 22,2002.http://www.state.gov/s/p/rem/9632.htm.
    54 U.S.Department of Defense,"National Security Strategy Report" September 2002.
    55 David Sanger and Steven Weisman,"The Bush Record:Challenging Rest of the World with a New Order" New York Times,10 April 2003.
    56 Dean Acheson,American Society of International Law Proceedings 13,14(1963);Abraham Sofaer,U.S.Department of State Current Policy 769(December 1985);President Bill Clinton,address to the U.N.,1993;Secretary of Defense William Cohen,Annual Report,1999.
    57 Leroyr.Barker,JR.,Maj,"Southeast Asia:America's Next Frontier in the Global War on Terrorism",A thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S.Army Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Military Art and Science.United States Military Academy,West Point,New York,1992.
    58 Michael H.Armacost,J.Stapleton Roy,"America's Role in Asia in 2004:An Overview",The Asia Foundation,American Views V2.qxp 10/14/2004
    59 G.John Ikenberry,"America and East Asia",a report presented to a commemorative symposium at the fiscal annual convention of the Japan Association for Asian Studies(JAAS),held at Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall in Tokyo on November 8,2003.
    60 James A.Kelly,"George W.Bush and Asia:An Assessment",Robert M.Hathaway and Wilson Lee(eds.) George W.Bush and East Asia:A First Term Assessment,Washington,DC:Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,2005,pp.15-30.
    61 U.S.Depart of Defense,The National Security Strategy of the United States of America,March,2006
    62 Peter J·Katzenstein,A World of Regions,Cornell University Press,2005,pp.24-30.
    63 鲍威尔:“东亚一体化不可削弱美国”http://jczs.sina.com.cn/2004-08-13/1736217226.html
    64 Bruce Vaughn,East Asian Summit:Issues for Congress Congressional Research Service Report for Congress,December 9,2005.
    65 JIMBO Ken,"An East Asian Community after the First East Asia Summit",Conference Papers for The Japan-US-Asia Dialogue,An East Asian Community and the United States June 22,2006
    66 Michael Wesley,"The dong that didn't bark:The Bush administration and East Asian regionalism" in Bush and Asia:America's evolving relations with East Asia.Edited by Mark Beeson,Publish by Routledge 2006,pp.64-79.
    67 Eleen L.Frost,"U.S.Policy Responses to East Asian Regionalism".In Emerging East Asian Regionalism:Trend and Response,Edited by Zhang Yunling World Affairs Press(China),pp.333-357.
    68 "The United States and the Rise of China and India:Results of a 2006 Multination Survey of Public Opinion" The Chicago Council on Global Affairs In partnership with Asia society and in association with East Asia Institute and Lowy Institute for International Policy,http://www.thechicagocouncil.org.
    69 Ralph A.Cossa,Simon Tay and Lee Chung-min,"The Emerging East Asian Community:Should Washington be Concerned?" Issues & Insights Vol.5 - No.Pacific Forum CSIS Honolulu,Hawaii August,2005.
    70 Eleen L.Frost,"U.S.Policy Responses to East Asian Regionalism".In Emerging East Asian Regionalism:Trend and Response Edited by Zhang Yunling World Affairs Press(China),pp.355-357
    1 Omar Sanchez,"The perils of a trade-first US foreign policy",Australian Journal of International Affairs,Vol.56,No.1,pp.143-160,2002.
    2 The White House,"THE National Security Strategy of the United States of America" September,17,2002.http://www.whitehouse.gov.
    5 同上,分别见第295、351、388-389、393页。
    6 Richard Rosecrance,"Long Cycle Theory and International Relations",International Organization 41(2),1987
    7 Michael Mastanduno,"Hegemonic order,Sepember 11,and the consequences of the Bush revolution" in Bush and Asia:America's evolving relations with East Asia.Edited by Mark Beeson,Publish by Routledge 2006,pp.25-41.
    8 Brink Lindsey,"Free Trade Nationalism",Weekly Standard,November 2,1998
    10 The White House,"THE National Security Strategy of the United States of America",Semptember,17,2002.http://www.whitehouse.gov.
    11 Scott T.Peterson,"East Asia summit:steps toward community to prevent great power hegemony and implications for U.S.policy." Available at http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/ksil457.pdf
    12 "The United States and the Rise of China and India:Results of a 2006 Multination Survey of Public Opinion" The Chicago Council on Global Affairs In partnership with Asia society and in association with East Asia Institute and Lowy Institute for International Policy www.thechicagocouncil.org.
    13 William W.Grimes,"East Asian Financial Regionalism and U.S.National Interests" E-Notes,April 2006
    15 Claude Barfield,"The United States,China and the Rise of Asian Regionalism",Paper Delivered at the Western Economics Association Annual Conference.Vancouver,British Columbia,June 29,2004.
    16 C.Fred Bergsten,"Embedding Pacific Asia in the Asia Pacific:The Global Impact of an East Asian Community",Speech at the Japan National Press Club,Tokyo,Seotember 2,2005.
    17 宿景祥:“APEC,偏离美国设计的运行轨道”http://big5.southcn.com/gate/big5/www.southcn.com/opinion/intl/200511210416.htm
    18 John Odell,Barry Eichengreen,"The United States,the ITO,and the WTO:Exit Options,Agent Slack,and Presidential Leadership" in The WTO as an International Organization,Edited by Anne O.Krueger,Chonira Aturupane,University of Chicago Press,1998,Chapter 6.
    19 Michael Mastanduno,"Hegemonic order,Sepember 11,and the consequences of the Bush revolution" in Bush and Asia:America's evolving relations with East Asia.Edited by Mark Beeson,Publish by Routledge 2006,pp.25-41.
    20 Takatoshi Ito,"U.S.Political Pressure and Economic Liberalization in East Asia",in Regionalism and Rivalry:Japan and the Unites States in Pacific Asia.Edited by Jeffrey A.Frankel and Miles Kanler,the University of Chicago Press,1993pp.391-419
    21 范洪颖:博士论文《东亚大趋势--经济区域主义》中国学位论文全文数据库。
    22 Alece H·Amsden,The Rise of the Rest:Challenges to the West from Late-industrialization Economies Oxford University Press,2001.转引自朱天飙:《比较政治经济学》北京大学出版社2006年版,第210页
    23 Albert O·Hirschman,A Bias for Hope:Essays on Development and Latin America(New Haven and Londen:Yale University Press,1971),chapter 2.转引自同上 第211页。
    24 转引自范洪颖:博士论文《东亚大趋势--经济区域主义》中国学位论文全文数据库。
    25 同上。
    26 朱天飙:《比较政治经济学》北京大学出版社2006年版,第214-222页。
    27 范洪颖:博士论文《东亚大趋势--经济区域主义》中国学位论文全文数据库。
    28 Masahiro Kawai Dean,Ganeshan Wignaraja,"ASEAN+3 or ASEAN+6:Which Way Forward?" Paper presented at the Conference on Multilateralising RegionaIism Sponsored and organized by WTO - HEI,Co-organized by the Centre for Economic Policy Research(CEPR),10-12 September 2007 Geneva,Switzerland.
    29[美]詹姆斯·多尔蒂 小罗伯特·普法尔茨格拉夫:《争论中的国际关系理论》第五版,世界知识出版社2003年出版,第518页。
    30 汪道涵:“全球化与中国经济”载自[德]乌·贝克 哈贝马斯等著:《全球化与政治》中央编译出版社2000年版,序言。
    31 王正毅 张岩贵:《国际政治经济学-理论范式与现实经验研究》商务出版社2004年版,第546页。
    32 Michael R.King,"Who Triggered the Asian Financial Crisis",Review of International Political Economy,autumn 2001,pp.438-4646.
    33 转引自 任晓:《东亚合作与中国》载《太平洋学报》2003年第3期。
    34 吕璇 纬恩:“亚洲货币基金:回顾和展望”载《中国外汇管理》2003年第10期。
    35 余永定 何帆 李婧:“亚洲金融合作背景最新进展与发展前景”http//:www.old.iwep.org.cn/chinese/gerenzhuye/hefan/articles/yazhoujinrongh ezuo.pdf
    36 王一萱:“发展公司债券 降低金融风险--亚洲金融危机带来的启示”http://gongsi.lawtime.cn/gongsizq/2006082525995.html
    37 李安勇 王小兴:“发展亚洲债券市场对防范金融危机的深远意义”载《中国货币市场》2006年第5期。
    38 C.Randall Henning,"Systemic Conflict and Regional Monetary Integration:The Case of Europe",International Organization,Vol.52,No.3.(Summer 1998),pp.537-573.
    39 余永定 何帆 李婧:“亚洲金融合作背景最新进展与发展前景”http://www.old.iwep.org.cn/chinese/gerenzhuye/hefan/articles/yazhoujinronghezuo.p df
    40 Bessma Momani,"American politicization of the International Monetary Fund"Review of International Political Economy December 2004:880-904
    41 Sherle R.Schwenninger,"America's New Solvency Crisis" World Policy Journal v12 pp.1-24 Summ '95
    42 Anne O.Krueger,"Preface" in The WTO as an International Organization,Edited by Anne O.Krueger,Chonira Aturupane,University of Chicago Press,1998
    43 余永定 何帆 李婧:“亚洲金融合作背景最新进展与发展前景”http//:www.old.iwep.org.cn/chinese/gerenzhuye/hefan/articles/yazhoujinronghezuo.pd f.
    44 Kenneth N.Waltz,"Globalization and Governance",PS:Political Science and Politics,Vol.32,No.4.(Dec.1999),pp.693-700.
    45 ROBERT WADE,"The Asian Debt-and-development Crisis of 1997-?:Causes and Consequences",World Development Vol.26,No.8,pp.1.535-1553,1998
    46 John Ikenberry,"American hegemony and East Asian order" Australian Journal of International Affairs,Volume 58,Number 3,September 2004
    47 中国商务部网站:”前十位贸易顺差来源地”http://zhs.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/Nocategory/200802/20080205374152.html
    49 Heribert Dieter/Richard Higgott,"Is Washington Losing East Asia?The Drawbacks of Linking Trade and Security in America's Foreign Policy" Paper prepared for the CSGR/GARNET Conference on Pathways to legitimacy? The Future of Global and regional Governance University of Warwick,17 to 19 September 2007
    50 Richard E·Feinberg,"The Political Economy of the Unites States Free Trade Argeements",http://irps.ucsd.edu/assets/004/5362.pdf
    51 Zoellick R,"American Trade Leadership:What Is At Stake?" Remark Before The Institute Economis(Whashington,DC.24,December)
    52 Richard E·Feinberg,"The Political Economy of the Unites States Free Trade Argeements",http://irps.ucsd.edu/assets/004/5362.pdf
    53 "The National Security Strategy",_www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss/2006
    54 楼夷:“FTA争夺东南亚”http://www.gjmy.com/gjmywz/news/news_f/200610/11499.html
    55 "The National Security Strategy",_www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss/2006.
    56 Nicola Phillips,"The Dynamics of 'Linkage':The Economic-Security Nexus in US Trade policy",http://interamericanos.itam.mx/englishversion/docs/03NICOLA.pdf
    57 同51
    58 Ralph A.Cossa,"East Asian Community and the United States:An American Perspective" in Ralph A.Cossa,Simon Tay and Lee Chung-min,The Emerging East Asian Community:Should Washington be Concerned? Issues & Insights Vol.5 - No.Pacific Forum CSIS Honolulu,Hawaii August,2005.
    59 “美国在APEC兜售‘自由贸易案'”,http://international.northeast.cn/system/2006/11/16/050607266.shtml
    60 Richard L.Armitage & Joseph S.Nye,"The US-Japan Alliance:Getting Asia Right through 2020",http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/070216_asia2020.pdf
    61 C.Fred Bergsten,"Toward a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific",Presented at a Joint Conference of The Japan Economic Foundation and Peterson Institute for International Economics on "New Asia-Pacific Trade Initiatives",Washington,DC November 27,2007
    62 “意大利面碗现象”,一词源于巴格沃蒂(Bhagwati)1995年出版的“U.S.Trade Policy:The Infatuation with Free Trade Areas," in Jagdish Bhagwati and Anne O.Krueger,The Dangerous Drift to Preferential Trade Agreements(The AEI Press,1995)一书。即多重的区域性自由贸易协定围成一个错综复杂的最惠国网络并遵循不同的原产地规则,由于优惠贸易协定规定了歧视性的优惠待遇,因此,如果旧的优惠贸易协定不能被取消,新协定又不能禁止,就会导致“意大利面条碗”效应问题。
    63 C.Fred Bergsten,"Plan B for World Trade:Go Regional," op-ed in the Financial Times,August 16,2006.
    64 Mark Gehlhar, "Multilateral and Regional Trade Reforms: A Global Assessment From a U.S. Perspective", Regional Trade Agreements and U.S. Agriculture /AER-771 Economic Research Service/USDA.
    65 "The United States and the Rise of China and India: Results of a 2006 Multination Survey of Public Opinion" The Chicago Council on Global Affairs In partnership with Asia society and in association with East Asia Institute and Lowy Institute for International Policy. www.thechicagocouncil.org.
    66 "The National Security Strategy",_www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss/2006
    67 Jeffrey J. Schott, "Understanding US Trade Policy: Circa 2001", Prepared for the International Affairs Institute Rome, Italy October 18, 2001.
    2 同上,第284、304页。
    3 U.S.Department of Defense,A Strategic Framework for the Asian Pacific Rim:Looking Toward the 21st Century,April 1990,p.5
    4 U.S.Department of Defense,A Strategic Framework for the Asian Pacific Rim:Report to Congress 1992.http://www.shaps.hawaii.edu/security/report-92.html
    5 Michael J.·Green,"The Unites States and East Asia in the Unipolar Era",Journal of Strategic Studies,Volume 24,Issue 4 December 2001,pp.21-46
    6 U.S.Department of defense,Quadrennial Defense Review Report February 6,2006http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pdfs/QDR20060203.pdf
    7 Selig S.H arrison & Clyde V.Prestowitz,Jr.,"Pacific Agenda:Defense or Economics?" Foreign Policy,No.79,Summer 1990,p68.
    8 "The United States and the Rise of China and India:Results of a 2006 Multination Survey of Public Opinion" The Chicago Council on Global Affairs In partnership with Asia society and in association with East Asia Institute and Lowy Institute for International Policy www.thechicagocouncil.org.
    9 陈志敏 古斯塔夫·盖拉茨:《欧洲联盟对外政策一体化-不可能的使命?》时事出版社2003年版,第83-84页。
    10 Dick K.Nanto,"East Asian Regional Architecture:New Economic and Security Arrangements and U.S.Policy" CRS Report for Congress,Updated January 4,2008
    11 苏浩:《亚太合作安全研究:从哑铃到橄榄》世界知识出版社2003年版,第125页。
    12 Heribert Dieter,"World Economy-Structure and Trends",in Global Trends and Global Governance,Paul Kennedy,Dirk Messner and Franz Nuscheler edited,Pluto Press,2002,p.77.
    13 B.Kapstein,Governing the Global Economy:International Finance and the State.Havard University Press,1994,Chapter one.
    14 "The ASEAN Regional Forum:A Concept Paper",http://www.dfat.gov.cn/arf/arfhome.htm/
    15 苏浩:《亚太合作安全研究:从哑铃到橄榄》世界知识出版社2003年版,第288-289页。
    16 RALPH A.COSSA,"US Security Strategy in Asia and the Prospects for an Asian Regional Security Regime" Asia-Pacific Review,Vol.12,No.1,2005
    17 "Chairman's Statement:The Second ASEAN Regional Forum",1 August 1995,Bandar Sery Begawan
    18 刘卿:“东亚非传统安全:多边合作与制度建设”载《国际问题论坛》2007年夏季号(总第47期)。
    19 方长平,熊冰鲇:“东亚非传统安全合作探究”载《教学与研究》2007年第9期。
    20 John.Gersham,"Is Southeast Asia the second front?"Foreign Affairs,81(4)2002.pp.60-74.
    21 Samuel.S.Kim,"Regionalization and Regionalism" Journal of East Asia 4 2004,pp.39-67.
    22 Robert Gilpin,"Sources of American-Japanese Economic Conflict" in International Relations Theory and the Asia -Pacific Edited by G.John Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno,Columabia University Press 2003.pp.299-321.
    23 庞中英:“东亚合作壁垒重重”http://www.sis.pku.edu.cn/pub/chenfengjun/dongyahezuo/background/9.htm
    24 Grieco,Joseph M,"The Maastricht Treaty,Economic and Monetary Union,and the Neo-realist Research Programme," Review of International Studies,21(1) 1995
    25 张勇:“中日安全与合作研讨会纪要”http://www.cass.net.cn/file/2006041958173.html
    26 Johnston,Alastair lain,and Paul Evans,"China's Engagement with Multilateral Security Institution." In Alastair Iain Johnston and Robert S.Ross,(eds.) Engaging China:The Management of an Emerging Power.London and New York:Routledge.1999.pp.263-265.
    27 NOEL M.MORADA,"ASEAN and the Rise of China:Engaging,While Fearing,an Emerging Regional Power" in Kokubun Ryosei and.Wang Jisi,eds The Rise of China and a Changing East Asian Order,Tokyo and New York:Japan Center for International Exchange,2004,pp.229-240.
    28 朝核问题是冷战后影响东亚安全与稳定的一个最具影响的问题。从东亚地区安全地区主义来讲,朝核问题是个重大的考验。对美国来说,朝核问题则进一步明显地暴露出美国以双边同盟为核心的东亚安全战略的局限性。所以,从这个意义上,本文把朝核问题列出来作为讨论和分析东亚安全主义与美国双边同盟战略关系的切入口。
    29 Joseph A.Camilleri,Regionalism in the New Asia-Pacific Order:The Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific Region,Volume Ⅱ,Published by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,pp.21-23.
    30 M.Alagappa,"Managing Asian security:Competition,cooperation,and evolutionary change",In M.Alagappa(Ed.),Asian Security Order:Instrumental and Normative Features,Stanford University Press,2003.pp.571-606.
    31 《日美安全保障联合宣言全文》新华社《参考资料》1996年4月19日。转引自吴心伯:《太平洋上不太平:后冷战时代的美国亚太安全战略》复旦大学出版社2006年版,第49页。
    32 分别转引自吴心伯:《太平洋上不太平:后冷战时代的美国亚太安全战略》复旦大学出版社2006年版,第62、65页。
    33 T.J.Pempel,"Introduction:Emerging Webs of Regional Connectedness" in Remapping East Asia:the Construction of a Region Edited by T.J.Pempel,Cornell University Press 2005,p11
    34 王俊生:“第二次朝鲜核危机:评估与管理--兼谈当前的中国角色定位”,载《二十一世纪》网络版2007年4月号。
    35 吴心伯:《太平洋上不太平:后冷战时代的美国亚太安全战略》复旦大学出版社2006年版,第17页。
    36 同上。
    37 同上。
    38 Robert Suettinger,"The United States and China:Though Engagement",in Honey and Vinegar,Richard Hass and Meghan O'Sullivan edited,Brookings Institution Press,2000.p25.
    39[日]小森阳一:“历史与现实交叉点上的日本政权交替”载《读书》2008第 1期。
    40 Joseph Nye Jr,"Implications for U.S.Policy of Power Shifts Between China and Japan",in America and the East Asian Crisis Edited by Robert B.Zoellick & Philip D.Zelikow,W.W.Norton & Company 2000.pp.155-163.
    41 Richard L.Armitage & Joseph S.Nye,"The US-Japan Alliance:Getting Asia Right through 2020" http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/070216_asia2020.pdf
    42 U.S.Department of Defense,United States Security Strategy for the East Asia-Pacific Region,February,1995.
    43 Michael Mastanduno,"Economics and Security in Statecraft and Scholarship",International Organization,Vol.52,No.4,International Organization at Fifty:Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics.(Autumn,1998),pp.825-854.
    44 Joseph S.Nye,Jr.,"The Case for Deep Engagement",Foreign Affairs,July/August 1985,Vol.74,p.97
    45 共同社:“发生质变的日美安全保障”,1999年4月29日至5月1日;本田忧:“亚洲太平洋圆桌会议对日本的关注”,《朝日新闻》1999年6月9日。均转引自吴心伯:《太平洋上不太平:后冷战时代的美国亚太安全战略》复旦大学出版社2006年版,第65页。
    46 吴心伯:《太平洋上不太平:后冷战时代的美国亚太安全战略》复旦大学出版社2006年版,第67页。
    47 “美日同盟计划研究会两主席致日美首脑建议书”,新华社《参考资料》1997年3月25日,转引自吴心伯:《太平洋上不太平:后冷战时代的美国亚太安全战略》复旦大学出版社2006年版,第55页。
    48 G.John Ikenberry,"American hegemony and East Asia order" Australian Journal of International Affairs",Vol.58,No.3,September 2004,pp.353-367
    49 U.S.Department of Defense,United States Security Strategy for the East Asia-Pacific Region,February,1995.
    50 吴心伯:《太平洋上不太平:后冷战时代的美国亚太安全战略》复旦大学出版社2006年版,第36页。
    51 RALPH A.COSSA,"US Security Strategy in Asia and the Prospects for an Asian Regional Security Regime"Asia-Pacific Review,Vol.12,No.1,2005
    52 MICHAEL MASTANDUNO,"US foreign policy and the pragmatic use of international institutions"Australian Journal of International Affairs Vol.59,No.3,pp.317-333,September 2005
    53 Nobuo Okawara and Peter J.Katzenstein,"Japan and Asian-Paci.c security:regionalization,entrenched bilateralism and incipient multilateralism" The Pacific Review,Vol.14 No.2 2001,pp.165-194
    54 Michael J.·Green,"The Unites States and East Asia in the Unipolar Era",Journal of Strategic Studies,Volume 24,Issue 4 December 2001,pp.21-46
    1 Young Jong Choi,"A Rise of Regionalist Ideas in East Asia:'New East Asian Regionalism and Pax Americana'" Prepared for An International Conference on East Asia,Latin America,and "New " Pax Americana organized by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the East Asia Institute,February 14-15,2003
    2 Michael Mastanduno,"Economics and Security in Statecraft and Scholarship",International Organization,Vol.52,No.4,International Organization at Fifty:Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics.(Autumn 1998),pp.825-854.
    3 John Ikenberry,"American hegemony and East Asian order",Australian Journal of International Affairs,Volume 58,Number 3,September 2004
    4 Robert Sutter,"Sustained U.S.Leadership in Asia" in GEORGE W.BUSH AND EAST ASIA:A FIRST TERM ASSESSMENT Edited by Robert M.Hathaway and Wilson Lee,2005 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,Washington,D.C.http://www.wilsoncenter.org
    5 Robert Sutter,"Sustained U.S.Leadership in Asia" in GEORGE W.BUSH AND EAST ASIA:A FIRST TERM ASSESSMENT Edited by Robert M.Hathaway and Wilson Lee,2005 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,Washington,D.C.http://www.wilsoncenter.org
    6 Brian Bridges,"Learning from Europe:Lessons for Asian Pacific regionalism?"Asia Europe Journal(2004) 2:387-397
    7 Oran R.Young(1991) "Political Leadership and Regime Formation:On the Development of Institutions in International Society," International Organization 45(3)(summer):281-308.
    8 Ibid.
    9 李向阳:“新区域主义与大国战略”载《国际经济评论》2003年7-8期。
    10 陈峰君 祁建华 主编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》中国经济出版社2007年版,第274页。
    11 Dick K.Nanto,"East Asian Regional Architecture:New Economic and Security Arrangements and U.S.Policy" CRS Report for Congress,Updated January 4,2008
    13 Shiping Tang,"INSTITUTION BUILDING UNDER "10+3":TACKING THE PRACTICAL ISSUES",Global Economic Review(Seoul),Vol.31,No.4(December,2002),pp.3-16
    14 Strand,Jonathan R.'The U.S.and Japan in the Bretton Woods institutions:sharing or contesting leadership?' International Journal 52(spring,1997):265-96.
    15 Young Jong Choi,"A Rise of Regionalist Ideas in East Asia:'New East Asian Regionalism and Pax Americana'" Prepared for an"International Conference on East Asia,Latin America,and 'New' Pax Americana" organized by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the East Asia Institute,February 14-15,2003
    16 "Koizumi's depreciation tour" Economist,00130613,1/19/2002,Vol.362,Issue 8256
    17 陈峰君 祁建华 主编:《新地区主义与东亚合作》中国经济出版社2007年版,
    18 David P.Rapkin,"The United States,Japan,and the power to block:the APEC and AMF cases" The Pacific Review,Vol.14 No.3 2001:373-410
    19 Naoko Munakata,Transforming East Asia:the Evolution of Regional Economic Integration Brookings institution 2006,P238(note:44)
    20 Ann L.Phillips,"The Politics of Reconciliation Revisited:Germany and East-Central Europe," World Affairs,Vol.163 No.4 2001:171-91
    21 国际关系中的三角关系与三边关系具有相似的方面,也有重大的区别。相似之处就是,无论在三边关系还是在三角关系中,任何一组关系的变化都会影响到其他两组关系。这是三边关系与三角关系被经常混同使用的原因。三边关系与三角关系不同的重要方面在于,在前者其中一个国家的力量和能力超过其中任何一方,并且力量最强大的一方掌握了三组关系的主动权,而其它两方进行联合对抗力量最为强大的第三方的可能性收到后者的制约。而在三角关系中,虽然力量也存在不对称的情况,但其中任何两方关系的关系都是相对稳定的,不存在任何一方完全主动而支配其它两方情况的出现。比如冷战时期的中美苏三角关系和冷战后的中美日关系为例。以冷战时期的中美苏三角关系和冷战后的中美日关系为例,前者是中美联合对抗苏联,中美苏中不存在任何一国掌握主动优势以影响其它两组关系。后者则不然,美国构成了事实上的中心地位,在三组双边关系中,都具有优势性的主动权,可以影响其它任何两组关系。
    24 Peter J.Katzenstein,A Worm of Regions:Asia and Europe in the American Imperium,Cornell University Press,2005.pp.104-148
    25 Ellis S.Krauss,T.J.Pempel,Beyond Bilateralism:U.S.-Japan Relations in the New Asia Pacific,Stanford University Press 2001,p185
    28 韦佳、闻华整理:“中日资深外交家恳谈会发言摘要”载《日本学刊》,2002年第3期。
    30 Bill Cash,MP,"European Integration and Government:Dangers for the United States",European Foundation Working paper 2,October 2000
    31 Naoko Munakata,Transforming East Asia:the Evolution of Regional Economic Integration Brookings institution 2006,P158.
    32 "ASEAN Should Be in 'Driver' s Seat in Any East Asian Summit:Officials",Jakarta,June 28,2004(AFP).Http:// www.aseansec,org/afp/56,htm
    33 Norman D.Palmer,The New Regionalism in Asia and the Pacific,Lexington Books,1991,p21.
    34 Shaun Narine,"ASEAN into the twenty-first century:problems and prospects" The Pacific Review,Vol.12 No.3 1999:357-380.
    35 刘少华:“论东盟在东亚区域合作中的领导能力”载《当代亚太》2007年第9期。
    36 驻马来西亚使馆经商处:“美国与东盟成员国加强双边贸易关系”商务部研究院《外贸调研》第24期
    37 新华网:“美国加强与东盟伙伴关系”http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2006-07/27/content_4883692.htm
    38 世界报:“美国全面强化与东盟军事关系已遏制中国崛起”http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年06月07日
    39 同30。
    40 同31。
    41 陈寒溪:“东盟方式与东盟地区一体化”,载《当代亚太》2002年12期。
    1 Michael Mastanduno,"Incomplete hegemony:The United States and security order in Asia" In M.Alagappa(Eds.),Asian Security Order:Instrumental and Normative Features,Stanford:Stanford University Press,2003.pp.141-70.
    2 Athukorala,Prema - Chandra,"Product fragmentation and trade patterns in East Asia".Technical Report Working papers in Trade and Development,2003,No.211
    3 李晓 王静文:“美国经济霸权与全球经济失衡”载《东北亚论坛》2007年第3期。
    4 李向阳:“国际经济规则的形成机制”载《世界经济与政治》2006年第9期。
    5 吴心伯:“美国与东亚一体化”载《国际问题研究》2007第3期。
    6 联合早报,http://www.Zaobao.com/gj/zg051201.501.html 2005-12-01.
    7 Young Jong Choi,"A Rise of Regionalist Ideas in East Asia:'New East Asian Regionalism and Pax Americana'" Prepared for an"International Conference on East Asia,Latin America,and 'New' Pax Americana" organized by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and the East Asia Institute,February 14-15,2003
    8 Robert Gilpin,"Sources of American-Japanese Economic Conflict",in International Relations Theory and the Asia Pacific G.John Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno (Editors),Columbia University Press,2003.pp.299-322
    10 陈奕平:“美国与东亚经济一体化”载《暨南学报》(哲学社会科学版)2007年第3期。
    11 Goh Chok Tong,keynote address to US - ASEAN Business Council annual dinner,Washington DC.Reprinted in The Straits Times(Singapore),June 15,2001.
    12 StanleyO.Roth,Remarks at Closing Plenary Session of the World Economic Forum,Hong Kong,15 October 1997.
    13 Cf.Evelyn Goh,"The ASEAN Regional Forum in United States East Asian Strategy." Pacific Review,2004,(1)
    14 薛力:“构筑中日美三角互动框架”http://www.zaobao.com/yl/tx080226_502.shtml
    15 John W.Garver,"The China-India-U.S.Triangle:Strategic Relations in the Post-Cold War Era",NBR ANALYSIS,VOLUME 13,NUMBER 5,October 2002
    16 转引自[美]芮效俭:“中国和平崛起和东亚合作:中国和美国的视角”载《外交评论》2005年第6期。
    18 Ellis S.Krauss,T.J.Pempel,Beyond Bilateralism:U.S.-Japan Relations in the New Asia Pacific,Stanford University Press 2001,p180
    19 中国网:“APEC峰会开幕在即 澳大利亚学者提出改革方案”http://www.china.com.cn/international/txt/2007-09/04/content_8802101.htm
    20 Edward J.Lincoln,East Asian Economic Regionalism,The Brookings Institution 2004,p265
    21 HELEN E.S.NESADURAI,"APEC and East Asia:The challenge of remaining relevant" in APEC and the search for relevance: 2007 and beyond, LORRAINE ELLIOTT, JOHN RAVENHILL, HELEN E. S. NESADURAI NICK BISLEY(eds), National Library of Australia Canberra November 2006. pp30-31
    22 C. Fred Bergsten, "Embedding Pacific Asia in the Asia Pacific: the Global Impact of an East Asian Community" Speech at the Japan National Press Club, Tokyo, September 2, 2005
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