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     本文以鸡场中普遍存在的、危害严重的、免疫原性最强的巨型艾美耳球虫为对象,经早熟株选育获得了一遗传特性稳定的E. maxima早熟株,并对其生物学特性进行了系统研究;首次构建了E. maxima早熟株与母株孢子化卵囊消减cDNA文库,并采用cDNA微阵列技术筛选早熟株与母株孢子化卵囊的差异表达基因,发现一批球虫早熟株差异表达新基因的信息,分析显示一些差异表达基因可能与球虫的入侵、表型等相关。
     1 E. maxima早熟株的选育及其生物学特性研究
     经过连续17代的早熟株选育,E. maxima的潜在期由母株的142h缩短至107h,缩短了35h。早熟株卵囊的长、宽及大小均比母株的小,且差异显著(P<0.05);卵囊指数比母株的稍大,但差异不显著( P>0.05)。早熟株的卵囊繁殖能力较母株的低,排卵囊高峰出现在接种后第6 d,较母株提前1d。在同等剂量之下,早熟株的致病性低于母株,但免疫保护力和免疫原性与母株的相当。早熟株经5代放松选择传代后,其致病性、卵囊繁殖能力、排卵囊规律等没有出现“返强”现象,表明该早熟株具有较好的遗传稳定性。早熟株的选育成功,为球虫早熟株弱毒疫苗的研制以及早熟株相关基因的筛选提供重要材料。
     利用SSH技术,分别以早熟株与母株孢子化卵囊cDNA为tester或driver,进行正向和反向消减,首次构建了2个E. maxima早熟株与母株的消减cDNA文库。从2个文库中随机挑取100个克隆,经PCR鉴定,2个文库的重组率分别为98%和97%,大部分克隆的插入片段都在500 bp以上,大小不一,表明成功构建了消减cDNA文库,为进一步的球虫早熟株相关差异表达基因的筛选提供了条件。
     3 cDNA微阵列技术筛选早熟株与母株孢子化卵囊差异表达基因
     对所有426个差异表达克隆进行测序,结果获得了360个有效的ESTs。对这360个ESTs进行UniGene基因归并,得到54条clusters,包括15条contigs和39条singletons。对获得的54个clusters进行BLASTX同源比对,有16个与已知蛋白有较高的同源性,其中包括5个球虫蛋白、4个其它顶复器门原虫蛋白、3个病毒蛋白以及4个其他物种蛋白。同源蛋白主要包括丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(serpin)、阳离子转运ATP酶( cation-transporting ATPase )、菱形蛋白( rhomboid-like protein)、衣壳蛋白、核心蛋白、反转录转座子蛋白、晶状体相关蛋白、斑联蛋白、红血球凝聚素酯酶等。生物信息学功能分析提示这些clusters所编码的蛋白可能与球虫的入侵、致病性、耐药性、细胞内外离子浓度调节等相关。另38个clusters未发现有同源蛋白,可能是球虫的新基因,它们在球虫中的作用有待深入研究。为验证芯片杂交结果,选择8个基因进行实时定量PCR分析,结果与芯片一致。本研究分析了E. maxima早熟株和母株孢子化卵囊的差异表达基因,获得一批重要差异表达基因的信息,为进一步开展差异表达基因的克隆、鉴定及生物学功能分析等奠定了基础。
     根据差异表达基因的ESTs序列设计引物,利用RACE技术扩增,获得了5个E. maxima早熟株差异表达新基因的全长cDNA,其中早熟株表达上调基因1个,下调基因4个。利用生物信息学分析软件对新基因编码蛋白的理化性质、信号肽、跨膜结构、疏水性、保守功能域及同源性等进行了分析预测。A29基因编码的蛋白分子量约为18 kDa,有1个信号肽、2个疏水区以及2个跨膜结构,与E. acervulina阳离子转运ATP酶(cation- transporting ATPase)在1~83位氨基酸具有81%的相似性,推测该基因与细胞内外阳离子浓度的调节、球虫耐药性等相关。A41基因编码的蛋白分子量约为28 kDa,具有6个疏水区、1个信号肽、6个跨膜结构及1个rhomboid superfamily保守结构域,与E. tenella菱形样蛋白(rhomboid-like protein)有91%的相似性,推测该基因与球虫的入侵、毒力等相关。A74基因编码的蛋白分子量约为22 kDa,有1个疏水区和1个SERPIN superfamily功能结构域,与E. acervulina serpin和E. tenella SERPIN1protein precursor分别有91%和82%的相似性,推测该基因与球虫的入侵相关。A78基因编码的蛋白有1个信号肽和2个疏水区,无跨膜结构;B71基因编码的蛋白蛋白有1个疏水区,无信号肽和跨膜结构;BLASTp比对均未发现有同源蛋白,提示它们可能是球虫的新基因,其在球虫生长发育中的作用有待深入探讨。
     将获得的E. maxima早熟株差异表达新基因A74全长cDNA连接到原核表达载体pGEX-4T-2中,成功构建了重组表达质粒pGEX-4T-A74,并在大肠杆菌BL21中成功诱导表达,重组蛋白以包涵体形式存在,用GST resin对该重组融合蛋白进行了纯化,Western-blot分析表明该重组蛋白都具较好的抗原性。Serpin基因的克隆、表达为开展该基因的生物学功能等研究提供了基础。
     综上,本文选育的E. maxima早熟株为球虫弱毒疫苗的研制提供了重要材料,早熟株与母株孢子化卵囊差异表达基因的研究为分离、鉴定与球虫早熟株独特特性相关的关键分子、从分子水平上阐明球虫早熟株独特特性的遗传学基础提供了重要基础,为探讨顶复器门原虫生活史的调控机制提供了重要思路。
Coccidiosis caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria has a severe economic impact on commercial poultry production worldwide. Courrent control of the Eimeria species is based primarily on the use of medication. But the extensive use of anticoccidial drugs over the years has led to the emergence drug resistance in the field, and there are concerns about drug residues in poultry products, and there are strong desires of consumers to ban drugs from animal feeds. There is, therefore, a pressing need to move away from chemotherapeutic control of coccidiosis towards vaccination. Immunization with attenuated vaccines is increasingly playing an important role in the control of coccidiosis in the poultry industry.
     The precocious line of Eimeria was obtained by repeated passages of oocysts first collected from feces of previously infected chickens. Compared with the parent strain, the precocious line had a reduced prepatent period, markedly less pathogenicity, and much lower reproductive potential, but retained immunogenicity. Despite this variety of changes, few clearly discernible differences between the DNA of the parent strain and the precocious line have been identified. Indeed, the limited genetic variability might correspond to significant changes in the genome that affect the biological features of the parasite.
     Our research focused on analysis gene expressed changes with biochemical and morphological alterations in sporulated oocysts between the precocious line E. maxima and its parent strain using high throughput and high sensitivity approaches. It will help to understand the genetic basis of precocious phenotype in Eimeria and contribute to investigate the mechanism that regulate the life cycles of apicomplexan parasites.
     1 Selection and Characteristics of a Precocious Line of E. maxima
     A precocious line of E. maxima was selected by repeated passages of oocysts first collected from feces of previously infected chickens. The prepatent period of parasite was reduced from 142 h to 107 h. The size of sporulated oocysts of precocious strain was remarkably smaller than that of the parent strain. The peak of oocyst production was advanced by 1 day in comparison with the parent strain. Compared with the parent strain, the precocious line had a markedly less pathogenicity, and much lower reproductive potential, but retained immunogenicity. The precocious line of E. maxima was passaged in chickens with 5 generations without selection pressure. Its pathogenicity was significant less than the parent strain, showing the characteristics of precocious line were genetically stable.
     2 Construction of sporulated oocysts Subtractive cDNA Libraries of the precocious line E. maxima and its parent strain.
     A forward subtractive cDNA library was constructed by Suppression Subtractive Hybridization, using the sporulated oocysts cDNA of the precocious line as tester and the cDNA of parent strain as driver. A reverse subtractive cDNA library was constructed, using parent strain as tester and precocious line as driver. PCR amplification revealed that the two subtractive cDNA libraries contained approximated 98% and 97% recombinant clones. The size of most insert cDNA was about 500bp. These results indicated the subtractive cDNA libraries could be used to screen differentially expressed genes.
     3 Identification and analysis the differentially expressed genes of sporulated oocysts between the precocious line E. maxima and its parent strain by cDNA microarray technique
     In order to screen differentially expressed genes from 2 subtractive cDNA libraries in large scale, 3164 clones were selected to fabricate cDNA microarrays. Each clone repeated 3 times. Microarray hybridization results suggested that 426 clones were identified from 2 subtractive cDNA libraries. Of which, 314 clones down regulated, 112 up regulated. A total of 426 clones were selected and sequenced. 360 valid ESTs were obtained. The results of sequence analysis indicated that these clones represented 54 clusters. Blast searches showed that some proteins encoded by 16 differentially expressed genes of sporulated oocysts shared significant identity with previously described proteins, including Eimeria acervulina serpin and cation-transporting ATPase, Eimeria tenella rhomboid-like protein and transhydrogenase, precore/core protein, tegument protein, retrotransposon protein, zyxin protein, alpha-crystallin-related protein, hemagglutinin esterase, etc. These results suggested that these differentially expressed genes would be related to host cell attachment, invasion and pathogenicity. The others 38 clusters had no homologues to the reported proteins in GenBank, which may be novel genes in Eimeria.
     4 Cloning and bioinformatics analysis differentially expressed novel genes of the sporoluated oocysts of the precocious line of E maxima and its parent srtain
     Based on ESTs of differentially expressed genes of sporulated oocysts received by SSH and cDNA microarray, the complete sequences of five novel genes including a complete open reading frame were obtained with RACE technique. Among these novel genes, one new gene was up-regulated in precocious line of E. maxima and four were down-regulated. Bioinformatics analysis showed A29 protein had 18 kDa molecular weight,a signal peptide, two hydrophobic regions and two trans-membrane structures. Blast searches show that this protein was homologous with E. acervulina cation-transporting ATPase. These results showed that this gene was related to cation regulation and drug-resistance. A43 protein had 28 kDa molecular weight, a signal peptide, six hydrophobic regions, six trans-membrane structures and a rhomboid superfamily conserved domain. It had 91% identity with E. tenella rhomboid-like protein. This gene was related to invasion or pathogenicity. A74 protein had 22 kDa molecular weight, one hydrophobic region and a SERPIN superfamily conserved domain. It had 91% identity with E. acervulina serpin. This gene was related to invasion.A78 protein had a signal peptide and two hydrophobic region. B71 protein had a signal peptide. These two proteins had no homolog to the reported proteins in GenBank, which suggested they would be novel genes.
     5 Expression of serpin genes of E. maxima in E.coli
     One differentially expressed novel gene was ligated to prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-4T-2 and constructed a recombinant plasmid 4T-A74. This recombinant plasmid was transformed into BL21for expression. After induction by IPTG, The fusion protein was expressed in the form of inclusion bodies. The fusion protein was purified successfully with GST resin. Western-blot revealed that this protein was a native antigen.
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