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China is the homeland of tea. The development of tea industry plays a significant role in Chinese social and economic development. But now, the tea industry, regarded as a traditional advantage industry and main foreign exchange earning agricultural product in our country, is facing with the poor market competitiveness situation. Under the great background of global integration of economy and our country's becoming one of the WTO members, tea industry of our country will enter an overall internationalized competition era. Therefore, studying of improving tea industry's competitiveness of our country further and then putting forward effective policy recommendations will not only help to increase income of peasants and improve agriculture efficiently, but also contribute to instructing tea industry to face with the international market better and offering objective basis for government to formulate rational industry policies.
    The dissertation is composed of 6 chapters, taking Liyang County as an example, in terms of technology, ecology and economy analysis, in order to study main factors related to the improvement of tea industry's market competitiveness and give some suggestion for its further enhancement. In the preface, the purpose and significance of the study were clarified; the recent development of related research at home and abroad was synthesized; the basic idea, research methods and structure of the dissertation were expounded. Chapters from II to V were focused on factors analysis related to tea industry in Liyang County, In Chapter II, the cost and benefit in produce and process of tea were studied; elements of the cost on different production scale were probed into; production characteristics and cost-effective of the tea farmers and tea plantations were analyzed and compared, and then way to lower cost and increase benefit was proposed. In Chapter III, advantages and disadvantages of developing non-polluted tea ind
    ustry in Liyang County
    were probed into, and then, human-oriented idea in developing non-polluted tea industry was proposed. In Chapter IV, psychological characteristics and satisfaction degrees of different producers to new technologies were analyzed, and on this basis, some method to popularize new technologies was proposed. In Chapter V, the product marketing channels of different marketing bodies and problems of tea industry marketing in Liyang County were surveyed, and experiences of other main tea-planting countries were given and factors which should be enhanced were proposed. In the last chapter, summary of the study was made, and suggestion on further improvement of tea industry market competitiveness in Liyang County were put forward, including replacing labor intensive farming with science and technology intensive farming, strengthening the propaganda of non-polluted production and solve the following problems such as tea producers' understanding, attitude, will of non-polluted production, etc., accelerating training of
     professional personnel, setting up and amplifying technology popularization network of tea industry, strengthening tea marketing and market construction.
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