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     90年代以前,遥感探测油气微渗漏信号主要利用陆地卫星LANDSAT MSS和TM等多光谱遥感资料,通过图像增强、波段比值、图像变换等图像处理方法,揭示和探测由油气微渗漏引起的色调异常,填绘油气微渗漏分布区域,进行油气远景评价。由于多光谱遥感光谱分辨率的限制,多光谱遥感油气渗漏信息探测的不确定性较大。随着20世纪80年代以来新型遥感传感器(如高分辨率、高光谱等遥感传感器)的研制成功及遥感信息处理方法的发展,我们可以获得更加丰富的空间影像信息资源。
     本文以此为契机,基于烃类微渗漏理论,利用高光谱遥感技术对油气异常遥感进行方法研究试验。具体研究利用EO-1 Hyprion成像光谱数据,从烃类微渗漏理论入手,探寻烃类微渗漏区的地表波谱特征及遥感探测指示标志。在此基础上,选择青海省柴达木盆地作为研究区,对Hyprion影像进行信息处理,进而提取烃类微渗漏信息。最后结合研究区实测土壤样品做相关的波谱测试、化验分析,为高光谱遥感油气勘探应用提供佐证。
Utilizing remote sensing technology to explore oil & gas reservoir, which extract hydrocarbon microseepage information from remote sensing images by information extraction techniques mainly, can detect oil & gas information directly and locate oil &gas exploration target area. It is an non-invasive technology among the technologies of exploring oil & gas reservoir. It is economical, safe, effective and promising. And it can accomplish integrative forecast.
    Before 1990's, the multi-spectral remote sensing data, such as LANDSAT MSS and TM, were the main source for extracting hydrocarbon microseepage information. By image enhancing, band ratio and image transform, human can identify the tone abnormity induced by hydrocarbon microseepage, then map the distribution region to evaluate the oil & gas perspective. Since 1980's, new remote sensing sensor, such as high spatial resolution and hyperspectral remote sensing sensor, were developed and some more advanced remote sensing information process method appeared. We can acquire more abundant spatial image information.
    This article catches this chance to make an attempt to study on using hyperspectral remote sensing to explore oil & gas resources. Research is started with finding some indicating symbols based on hydrocarbon microseepage theory over oil & gas reservoir. Then Qaidam basin of Qinghai province is chose for oil & gas remote sensing research. The EO-1 Hyprion images are introduced to extract hydrocarbon microseepage information by applying various method. In the end, soil samples are collected. And spectrum test, hydrocarbon acid-digestion test and mineral components analysis of soil samples are performed. This can prove application feasibility and validity for hyperspectral remote sensing to explore oil & gas reservoir.
    Firstly, this article systematically studies hydrocarbon microseepage phenomenon and ground surface corrosion caused by it. And finding out remote sensing indicators, which can be used by hyperspectral remote sensing technology, are geochemistry abnormity of soil and rock, adsorption hydrocarbon abnormity in soil, earth's surface vegetation abnormity and terrestrial heat abnormity. Furthermore, discuss some means to detect hydrocarbon microseepage by multi-spectral remote sensing data, and quote theory feasibility of detecting microseepage information by hyperspectral remote sensing and some production from lab research.
    Afterwards, Spectral Puritify Index, Spectral Angle Mapping, and Spectral algebra operation are performed to this application research. It is based on the preprocessed Hyprion image covering Seibei No.2 gas field of Qaidam basin. High spectral subdivision feature of hyperspectral image is fully made use of in course of research. Eventually corrosion minerals compounding information are confirmed to be the
    identification indicator for hyperspectral remote sensing to explore oil & gas reservoir. And then find some new perspective area for oil & gas exploration.
    Furthermore, soil samples in research area are collected. And spectra test, hydrocarbon acid-digestion test and mineral components analysis of soil samples are performed. The result of spectrum test shows that samples spectra have absorption features of clay minerals, carbonate minerals and hydrocarbons. The result of hydrocarbon acid-digestion test makes conclusion that research area is high background field at the point of view of regional geochemical field and methane is the main component in Sebei No.2 gas field. Then approves that methane content and hydrocarbon index of soil test spectra is positive correlation. And mineral components analysis confirms that corrosion minerals compounding information is identification indicator for hyperspectral remote sensing to explore oil & gas reservoir. These results powerfully prove the feasibility and validity of hyperspectral application research in oil &gas field.
    Finally, conclude technical flowchart of using Hyperspectral image to explore oil &gas reservoir and expect the application prospect.
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