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The Tariff Act of1789is the first national uniform tariff law in the history of theUnited States. It has played an important role in the nation’s customs duties, fiscalrevenue and economic history, and generated profound and far-reaching influences.
     This article carries out a thematic study on the Tariff Act of1789, focusing on itslegislative reasons, legal natures and significant influences. The author argues that theTariff Act of1789was legislated to meet the urgent fiscal revenue needs of the federalgovernment, to regulate international and inter-state trades, and also to protect andpromote the development of manufacture as well as other industries. Due to itslegislation, the federal government was able to raise financial revenue and implementmercantilism according to a national uniform tariff act for the first time.
     It is concluded that the legislation of the act attributed to four reasons: first, thestate treasury was strapped for money; second, infant industries were struggling todevelop; third, there was lack of national uniform tariff laws; and fourth, theinternational mercantilism had gone rampant.
     It is also concluded that the act and its successor exerted significant impacts onthe following four aspects: first, they developed new revenue channels; second, theyprotected and promoted industries; third, they gave an impetus to the internationaltrade; and fourth, they established the nation’s mercantilism tradition.
     The article further discusses the legislation, contents, nature, legislative reasonsand the influences of the Tariff Act of1789. Part1is introduction, and topicsignificance, academic history, research focus, basic framework, content andmethodology are introduced. Part2, from chapter1to chapter3, is the main body ofthis article, and the legislation process, legal content, legal nature and legislativereasons are discussed in detail. The legislative background, process, legal content andthe protectionist nature of the act are discussed in chapter1. Legislative reasons arediscussed in chapter2, and the influences of the act and its successive laws arediscussed in chapter3. Part3is the conclusion of the article.
     Chapter1explains the legislative background, process and legal content of theact, emphasizes its protectionist nature, and reputes the “non-protectionism rhetoric”which denies it.
     Chapter2elaborates the four legislative reasons. First, the state treasury wasstrapped for cash. The newly-established federal government in1789wasimpecunious with a strapped state treasury left by its predecessor, and all its efforts toimprove the situation ended up in vain. So it was first choice of the federalgovernment to establish a national uniform tariff law to enrich its treasury.
     Second, the infant industries were having a hard time to survive and develop. In1789when the new federal government was founded, the typical infant Americanmanufacture was struggling under the fierce competitions from foreign manufactures.This situation dated back to the American federation period, when native infantindustries were bankrupt, closed or struggling under the cruel competition of theEuropean especially English manufactures. During federation, the American peoplestrongly advocated protectionism to protect and promote its manufacture.Manufacture protection motives and impacts greatly pushed forward the legislation ofthe Tariff Act of1789.
     Third, there was lack of a national uniform tariff law. The new federalgovernment in1789was faced with a situation of no national uniform law, left by itspredecessors. A lack of national uniform tariff law resulted in many adversities:inter-state tariff wars broke out, import restrictions and internal market protectionswent ineffective, the formation and development of national markets were impaired,national economic development was impeded, and the interests of various parties whoheld nationalist value were damaged. The American people had strongly asked for theadvent of a national uniform tariff law to eliminate these adversities, but ended up infailure. So it was the major task of the new federal government to legislate a nationaluniform tariff law.
     Fourth, the international mercantilism was rampant. In1789when the newfederal government was founded, international mercantilism was rampant in theUnited States, which dated back to the victory of the war of independence in1783, and it caused several serious damages to the United States: the country suffered fromserious trade deficit, the shipping industry and re-export trade were impeded, noblemetals witnessed massive outflow which consequently caused a comprehensivenational economic crisis. The American people tried to restrain the rampantinternational mercantilism by authorizing the federal parliament to formulate auniform foreign trade policy but in vain. The raged international mercantilism playedan important role in the legislation of the Tariff Act of1789.
     Chapter3discusses the profound and far-reaching influences of the Tariff Act of1789and its successive law. First, they developed new revenue channels. Due to thelegislation of the Tariff Act of1789, the federal government was able to collectfinancial taxes according to a national uniform tariff law, and the act laid the legalfoundation for successive tariff law concerning federal tariff and revenue. A highproportionate and increasing part of the total federal fiscal revenue was credited to theact and its successive law.
     Second, these tariff laws protected and promoted the domestic manufacture. Themanufacture tariff protectionism was originated in the act of1978, and was carried onand reinforced by the successive tariff law. Therefore, these tariff laws protected andpromoted the development of the American industry and blazed the trail for Americanindustrialization.
     Third, the act gave an impetus to international trade. Trade protectionism wasoriginated from the act, and was carried on by and reinforced in its successive law.These laws promoted the development of re-export trade and shipping industry bylimiting imports and promoting exports, and in this way they improved theimbalanced situation of American foreign trade and expanded the domestic market.
     Forth, the act established a tradition of American mercantilism. The actestablished a mercantilist policy mode which embodied and implemented a uniqueAmerican-style mercantilism, including classical mercantilism, retaliatory andcountervailing mercantilism and Hamilton manufacture protectionism. The policy wascarried on and reinforced in the successive tariff law. The Tariff Act of1816, based onthe act of1789, pushed the American mercantilism to a new level where the manufacture tariff protectionism predominated. Since the1970s, the mercantilismconcept established in the Tariff Act of1789has reasserted itself in the form of a newmercantilism in a new era. However, the new American mercantilism is in essence akind of circumstantial, localized and precisely-targeted protectionism.
     Part3is the conclusion of the article. It makes a brief conclusion of thelegislative reasons and major influences of the Tariff Act of1789.
①第二时期和第三时期的美国关税史研究成果基本上未涉及1789年联邦关税法。第二时期,美国学术界主要关注美国当时的关税政策,重点反思美国《斯摩特-哈利关税法》的国际贸易战效应,也有某些关税史学者研究美国关税史。第三时期,美国学术界研究美国关税史或当时美国贸易政策的著作或文章颇多,例如,研究美国关税史的代表性著作有:利兰B耶格尔和戴维图尔克于1976年出版的《外贸和美国政策》(LendB.Yeager,David Tuerck,Foreign Trade and U.S. Policy,New York:Preger Publishers,1976),杰格迪什巴格瓦蒂于1988年、1991年出版的《保护主义》(Jagdish Bhagwati,Protectionism,CambridgeMassechusetts:MitPress,1988)、《危险中的世界贸易体系》(Jagdish Bhagwati,The World Trading System atRisk,New Jersey:Princeton University Press,1991),约翰A`加勒蒂1986年出版的《大萧条:1929-1939》(JohnA.Garraty,The Great Depression,New York:Harcourt Brace Javanovich,1986),查尔斯P金德尔伯格1986年出版的《世界大萧条:1929-1939》(Charles P.Kindleberger,The World in Depression,1929-1939,Burkeley:Universityof California Press,1986),爱德华S`卡普兰1996年出版的《美国贸易政策:1923-1995》(Edward S.Kaplan,American Trade Policy:1923-1995,Westport,Connectict:Greenwood Press,1996)等著作。研究美国当下贸易政策的代表性著作有:罗伯E鲍德温1970年出版的《国际贸易之非关税扭曲》(Rober E.Baldwin,Nontariff Distortions of International Trede,Washington,D.C.:Brookings Instituion,1970),艾伦V迪尔多夫和罗伯特斯特恩1977年出版的《东京回合多边贸易协商对美国等主要工业国家经济的影响》(AlanV. Deardorff, Robert Stern,An Economic Analisis of the Effectts of the Tokyo Round of Multilateral-TradeNegotiations on the United States and the Other Major Industrialized Countries,Washington,D.C.:U.S.Government Printing Office,1979),I M`德斯特勒1986年出版的《美国贸易政策:紧张中的体系》(I.M.Dstler,American Trade Politics:System under Stress,New York:Twentieth Century Fund Press,1986),迈克尔芬格和安德尔泽基奥莱乔斯基1987年出版的《乌拉圭回合:多边贸易协商手册》(Michael Finger andAndrzejOlechowski,The Uruguay Round:A Handbook on the Multilateral-Trade Negotions,Washington,D.C:WorldBank,1987)等著作。这些关税著作没有涉及19世纪美国关税问题。大体上属第三时期的当代美国学术界主要研究美国当下贸易政策和整理美国关税史档案材料,例如,辛西娅克拉克纳尔斯拉普和伊莱恩C普兰杰特尼主编《美国关税和贸易史百科全书》(Cynthia Clark Narthrup and Elaine Turney,Encyclopedia ofTariffs and Trade in U.S.History,Westport,Conneticut:Greenwood Press,2003),该书收集1789年关税法、汉密尔顿的《关于制造业的报告》等文献。
    ①F.W.Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States, New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons,1910.
    ①Ellis H. Roberts, Government Revenue: Especially the American System, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin andCompany,1884.
    ①Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays, New York: Macmillan and Co.,1895.
    ②Percy Ashley, Modern Tariff History: Germany-United States-France, London: Cambridge UniversityPress,1904.
    ①William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, Publications of the American EconomicAssociation, Vol.8. No.6(Nov.,1893), pp.9-162.
    ①Edward Stanwood, American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century, Vol.I., Archibald Constable&Co.,Ltd.,1903.
    ②Orrin Leslie Elliot, The Tariff Controversy in the United States,1789-1833. Palo Alto, California: University ofCanifornia,1892.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, The Financial History of the United States, Davis Rich Dewey, New York: Longmans,Green and Co.,1934.
    ②Cynthia Clark Northrup, Elaine C. Prange Turney, Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U.S. History, Vol.I, TheRncyclopedia, Vol. II, Debating the Issues Selected Primary Documents, Vol. III, The Texts of the Tariffs, Westpoet,Connecticut: Greenwood Press,2003.
    ①“The Articles of Confederation(Ratified1781)”,Richardson, James D., comp., A Compilation of the Messagesand Papers of the Presidents,1789-1902, vol. I, Washing,D.C.:Bureau of National Literature and Art,1904,pp.9-18.
    ②Francis N. Thorpe, The Federal and States Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and Other Organic Laws of theStates, Territories, and Colonies Now or Heretofore Forming the United States of America, Vol.5, Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office,1909, pp.3081-3083.
    ③The Journal of the Convention for Framing a Constitution of Government for the State of Massachusetts-Bay,Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley,1832, pp.222-249.
    ④Francis N. Thorpe, ed., The Federal and States Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and Other Organic Laws of theStates, Territories, and Colonies Now or Heretofore Forming the United States of America, Vol.5, Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office,1909, pp.3812-3814.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States, New York: Longmans, Green and Co.,1934, p.36.
    ②Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States, p.39.
    ③Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States, pp.46-47.
    ④Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,47-48.
    ⑤Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States, p.56.
    ⑥Davis Rich Dewey, The Financial History of the United States, p.35.
    ①Acts and Laws of Connecticut,1784,pp.58,127,210,271,279,318,309.转引自:William Hill, The First Stagesof the Tariff Policy of the United States, pp.43,44.
    ②Acts and Laws of Connecticut,1785,pp.346,354,361.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policyof the United States, p.44.
    ③The Rhode Island Tariff of1785, the Pennsylvanla Gazette, August24,1785.
    ④Laws of Rhode Island,1786, March Session, pp.7,12.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policyof the United States, p.47.
    ⑤Perpetual Laws of New Hampshire,1776-1789, pp.152,159,196,201,205.转引自:William Hill, The FirstStages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, pp.44-45.
    ⑥New York Laws,1777-1784, I., pp.599,607; New York Laws,1777-1784, II., pp.11,65.转引自:WilliamHill, TheFirst Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, p.48.
    ⑦New York Laws,1777-1784,I.,p.120.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the UnitedStates, p.49.
    ⑧New York Laws,p.786.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, p.49.
    ①Acts of Pennsylvania Assembly,1775-1781, p.422; Pennsylvania Laws,1783, p.203;Pennsylvania Laws,1784,p.299.转引自:William Hill,The first Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, p.53.
    ②Pennsylvania Tariff Act of1785. The Pennsylvania Gazette, October5,1785.
    ③Pennsylvania laws,1787, pp.241,242.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Stages of the UnitedStates,p.54.
    ④Laws of Massachusetts,1780-1783, pp.204,225;Laws of Massachusetts,1783-1789,pp.16,149.转引自;WilliamHill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, p.50.
    ⑤Laws of Massachusetts,1783-1789,p.300.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of theUnited Stages, p.51.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,p.50.
    ②The Journals of Congress, VII, pp.54,65,76,90,123,149,199,405.
    ③Hamilton, Madison, Fitzsimmons,“Report on Rhode Island’s Objections to the Federal Impost of1782”, TheJournals of Congress, VIII, pp.208-216.
    ④The Journals of Congress, VIII, p.212.
    ⑤The Journals of Congress, VIII, pp.35,153.
    ①“Report of Jefferson, Gerry, and Others on the Necessity of Congressional Regulation of Commerce”, TheJournals of Congress, IX, p.1186.
    ②William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,pp.95-99.
    ③James West Davidson, et al., Natio of Nations: A Narrative History of the American Republic, New York: theMcGraw-Hall Companies,2001,pp.215-216.
    ④Thomas Jefferson,“To James Madison”, Paris, September1,1785,Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,1984, New York: Library of America, pp.820-823.
    ⑤Thomas Jefferson,“The Autobiography: Minister Plenipotentiary in Paris”. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas JeffersonWritings,1984, New York: Library of America, p.57.
    ⑥James West Davidson, et al., Natio of Nations: A Narrative History of the American Republic,pp.200-202.
    ①David Goldfield,et al., The American Journey: A History of the United States, New Jersey: Prentice Hall,1998,pp.214-215.
    ①“Constitution of the United States(1787)”,James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the Messages and Papers ofthe Presidents,1789-1902, vol. I, Bureau of National Literature and Art,1904, pp.21-38.
    ②David Goldfield, et al.,The American Journey: A History of the United States,pp.217-220.
    ③James West Davidson, et al.,Natio of Nations: A Narrative History of the American Republic, pp.219-200.
    ①James Kirby Martin, et al., America and Its People, New York: Harper Collins College Publishers,1993, pp.
    ②David Goldfield, et al., The American Journey: A History of the United States,p.205.
    ①Alice Hanson Jones, American Colonial Wealth: Documents and Methods, New York:Cambridge UniversityPress,1977, Vol.I., pp.67-401.
    ②U.S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statics of the United States: Colonial Times to1970,Washington,D.C.,Vol.,II, pp.1176-1177.
    ③Thomas Jefferson,“Notes on the States of the Virginia, Query XX”, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas JeffersonWritings, pp.292-295.
    ④James A. Henretta,“The War for Independence and American Economic Development”, Ronald Hoffman,et’al.,The Economy of Early America: The Revolutionary Period,1763-1790,Virginia: the University Press ofVirgnia,pp.45-88.
    ⑤Victor S. Clark, History of Manfactures in the United States, New York: Addison-Wesley,1929, Vol. I., pp.
    ⑥Milton Tryon, Househould Manufactures in the United States,1640-1860: A Study in Industrial History,Chicago:the University of Chicago Press,1917, pp.49-50.
    ⑦Joseph A. Ernst,“The Political Economy of the Chesapeake Colonies,1760-1775: A Study if ComparativeHistory”, Ronald Hoffman, et’ al., The Economy of Early America: The Revolutionary Period,1763-1790,pp.196-
    ⑧Daniel Vickers,“The Northern Colonies: Economy and Society,1600-1775”, Stanley L. Engerman, et’al.,TheCambridge Economic History of the United States, Vol.,I, The Colonial Era, New York: Cambridge UniversityPress, pp.209-238.
    ①Albert E. Van Dusen, The Trade of Revolutionary Connecticut,Ph. D. diss., University of Pennsylvania,1948,pp.
    ②Victor S. Clark, History of Manufactures in the United States,Vol. I., p.225.
    ③Shepherd, J. F., G. M.Walton,“Trade, Distribution, and Economic Growth in Colonial America”, Journal ofEconomic History of1972,32,pp.128-145.
    ④John Agnew, The United States in the World-Economy: A Regional Geography, New York: CambridgeUniversity Press,1987, pp.26-28.
    ⑤Keith L.Bryant, Jr., Henry C. Dethloff, A History of American Business, New Jersey: Prentice Hall,1990,pp.37-53.
    ①James F. Shepherd, Gary M. Walton,“Economic Change after the American Revolution: Pre-and Post-WarComparisons of Maritime Shipping and Trade,” Explorations in Economic History13,1976, p.406.
    ②James F. Shepherd, et al.“Economic Change after the American Revolution: Pre-and Post-War Comparisons ofMaritime Shipping and Trade,” Explorations in Economic History13,1976p.413.
    ③Cathy Matson,“The Revolution, The Constitution, and the New Nation”, Stanley L. Engerman,et’ al., TheCambridge Economic History of the United States, Vol.,I, The Colonial Era,pp.363-403.
    ①James Kirby Martin, et’ al., America and Its People, New York: Harper Collins CollegePublishers,1993,pp.189-190.
    ②William Hill,The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,pp.38-55.
    ③Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”,January15,1790, Cynthia Clark Noirthrup, et al., Encylopediaof Tariffs and Trade in U.S. History,Volume II,Debating the Issues: Selected Primary Documents, Westport,Conn.:Greenwood Press,2003,pp.90-91.
    ④Cathy Matson,“The Revolution, The Constitution, and the New Nation”, Stanley L. Engerman, et al., TheCambridge Economic History of the United States, Vol.,I, The Colonial Era.pp.363-403.
    ⑤James F. Shepherd,“British America and the Atlantic Economy”, Ronald Hoffman, et al., The Economy of EarlyAmerica: The Revolutionary Period,1763-1790.pp.3-44.
    ①Ditz, Pro-industrializatiomn and Property and Kinship: Inheritance in Early Connecticut,1750-1820,Prenceton:Rowman&Allanheld,1985.
    ②David Goldfield, et al., The American Journey: A History of the United States,pp.203-207.
    ③Walton, G. M., J. F. Shepherd, The Economic Rise of Early America, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1979.p.18.
    ④Jeremy Atack, Peter Passell, A New Economic View of American History from Colonial Times to1940, NewYork: W. W. Norton&Company,1994, pp.26-54.
    ①詹姆斯·麦迪逊(James Madison)(1751年3月31日-1836年6月28日),弗吉尼亚州人,美国著名政治理论家、美国第四任总统(第六、第七届),自称为“自由的商业体系”之友。参见:Cynthia Clark Northrup,etal., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U.S. History. Vol.I. The Encyclopedia. Westport, Connecticut: GreenwoodPress.2003. p.238.
    ②菲茨西蒙斯(Fitzsimmons,Thomas)(1741年至1811年8月26日),宾夕法尼亚州人,独立战争时期参加过“大陆军”,曾作为宾夕法尼亚州驻邦联国会代表,1789年当选宾夕法尼亚州驻第一届联邦国会代表。他支持高关税保护主义和汉密尔顿建立强大的民族国家政府的计划。参见:Cynthia Clark Northrup,etal.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U.S. History. Vol.I. The Encyclopedia. P.143.
    ③Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States, pp.50-51;关于该法案内容,参见:Journal ofCongress,Ⅷ.,p.212.
    ①麦迪逊关税法建议案内容如下:一是对以下物品征收特殊关税——白酒、葡萄酒、茶、糖、胡椒、可可、香料等。二是对其它商品征收5%从价税。三是对国内外商船征收保护本国船运业的差异性吨位税。参见:Edward Standwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century, Vol.,I.,p.39.
    ②关于1789年联邦关税法制定期间的财政金融危机,参见:Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the UnitedStates, New York: Longmans, Green and Co.,1934;关于邦联国会财政关税立法过程以及通过对进口商品征收关税以筹集财政税收的共识的逐渐形成过程,参见:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of theUnited Stages.
    ③1785年6月29日“费城人民决议案”的重商主义和制造业保护主义意图非常明显。该决议案要求“授权邦联国会规制国际贸易”。鉴于农业和制造业是国家宝贵财富及农业必然随出口贸易下降而衰退,该决议案认为“有必要扩大制造业生产”,决定“或者通过禁止某些制造业品进口或者对其它进口制造业品征收充分的关税”,打击干预美国制造业发展的制造业品进口,“尽一切努力促进美国制造业发展”。参见:“Resolutions of the Citzens of Philadelphia”, the Boston Independent Chronicle, July14,1785.
    1便士/磅;鞋和靴,1先令至6先令/双;绳索,8先令4便士/112磅;等等。二是对铁和钢制品、帽子、衣服、书和纸、鞭、乐器、珠宝、等,征收10%从价税。三是对不利于本州木匠和造船业者竞争的种类众多的进口品征收附加税。四是对未与邦联国会签订商业条约的国家的商船征收高额差异性吨位税,对该州从葡萄牙进口的商品征收歧视性关税。参见:“The Pennsylvania Laws of1785”,the Pennsylvania Gazette,October5,1785.
    ①Edward Stanwood, American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century, Vol.I,pp.38-39.
    ①Annals of1st Congress,I.pp.114.115.
    ①1Annals of1st Congess, pp.134,139,140,143,145,180,231.
    ①1Annals of1st Congress, p.154.
    ①1Annals of1st Congress, H. R. April15,1789, p.152.
    ②1Annals of1st Congress, pp.134,139,140,143,145,180,231.
    ①1Annals1st Congress, pp.156-161,217,219.
    ①1Annals1st Congress, p.157.
    ②1Annals of1st Congress, p.148.
    ③1Annals of1st congress, p.157.
    ①1Annals of1st congress,p.158.
    ①1Annals of1st Congress, April16,17,1789,p.165.
    ①Annals of Congrss, H. R. Jan.15,1794.
    ②1Annals of1st Congress,pp.168-169.
    ①1Annals of1st Congress, p.141.
    ②Benton,Thomas H., Abridgment of Debates of Congress,1789-1856,16Vols., New York: Addison-Wesley,1857.
    ①The Congressional Globe,Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings,1789-1873. Washington,D.C.: theGovernment Priting Office,1904,p.68.
    ②The Congressional Globe,Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings,1789-1873,p.77.
    ①The Congressional Globe,Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings,1789-1873. p.17.
    ②Edward Stanwood, American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteen Century, Vol.I., pp.53-55.
    ③联邦国会通过《1832年关税法》时,南卡罗莱纳立法机构遂通过和公布针对联邦国会的《揭露》和《抗议》文,拒绝联邦政府在本州按1832年关税法征收关税,并威胁于1833年2月脱离联邦。安德鲁杰克逊总统发表告南卡罗莱纳州民众书,要求民众忠于联邦国家。当总统的呼吁没有达到预期的目的时,杰克逊总统要求联邦国会如果有必要则授权总统动用武力收集关税。亨利克莱(Henry Clay)于1833年提出妥协关税法建议案,避免动用武力使南卡罗莱纳就范。国会于1833年通过克莱的“妥协关税法”和“武力法”,杰克逊总统同一天签署了这两个法律。
    ④The Congressional Globe,Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings,1789-1873,p.74.
    ①Life of Fisher Ames, p.45,Senate amendmenty, Senate Journal, Vol. I., pp.32-35.
    ②H. R. June15,1789;1Annals of1st Congress, p.472.
    ①“Tariff of1789”,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Vol.III., The Texts of the Tariffs, by CynthiaClark Northrup,et al.,Westport,Connecticut: Greenwood Press,2003, pp.1-3.
    ②Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Vol.III., The Texts of theTariffs,p.1
    ①国外学术界对该法保护主义性质的判断分二类,一是“保护主义论”。该论肯定该法的保护主义性质,詹姆士麦迪逊、博尔斯、威廉·希尔、 W.G.萨姆纳、埃利奥特等政治家或学者持此论。二是“非保护主义论”。该论否定该法的保护主义性质,康迪拉格特、 H. C.亚当斯、F.W.陶西格、乌格亚伯诺等学者或政治家。其中“非保护主义论”者康迪拉格特以“低关税论”否定该法的护主义性质;H. C.亚当斯以“政治目的论”否定该法保护主义性质;乌哥拉伯诺以“产业状况论”否定该法保护主义性质。参见:JamesMadison,“ToCabell letter”,James Madison Writings, p818; Bolles, The Financial History of the United States,Vol.II.,p.78; William Hill,The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,p.112;W.G. Sumner,Protectionin the United States.p.24;Orrin Leslie Elliontt, The Tariff Controversy in the United States,1789-1833;CondyRaguet, The Principles of Free Trade, p.9; Adams, Henry Carter. Taxation in the United States,1789-1816,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Studies,1884. F.W.Taussig,The Tariff History of the United States.
    ②Bruce E. Moon,Dilemmas of International Trade.Boulder,Colorado:Westview Press,1996,pp.10-58.
    ①美国重农主义继承了法国重农学派和亚当斯密自由主义某些思想。例如,美国重农主义重要代表本杰明富兰克林、托马斯杰斐逊与法国重农学派学者过从甚密。参见:Paul K. Conkin, Prosperity: America’s FirstPolitical Economists, Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1980, p.17.
    ②Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Beijing: China Social SciencePub. House,1999, p.162.
    ①James Madison,“To James Monre”, James Madison Writings, New York:The Literary Classisc Inc.,1999, p.37.
    ①PennsylvaniaTariff Act of1785.The Pennsylvania Gazette, October5,1785.
    ①Acts and Laws of Connecticut,1788,p.361.转引自:WilliamHill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of theUnited States,p.44.
    ②Perpetual Laws of New Hampshire,1776-1789, pp.152,159,196,201,205.转引自:William Hill, The FirstStages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,pp.44,45.
    ③Laws of Rhode Island,1785, February Session, p.25.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policyof the United States,p.46.
    ①Annals of1stCongress, I., p.148.
    ②Annals of1st Congress, I., p.147.克莱默(Clymer)认为宾夕法尼亚州因为对钢铁征收了少量保护主义关税而极大地促进了钢产业发展。在未征收此关税前,该州钢产量为300吨/2年,但是现在产量为230吨/年,如果按此趋势发展,该州完全可以生产足够的钢满足联邦国家需求。
    ①Annals of1st Congress,I., April15,16,and27,1789, pp.156-161,217-219.
    ①James Madison,“To Joseph Cabell”, James Madison, James Madison Writings, p.818.
    ②Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Vol.III., The Texts of theTariffs,p.1
    ③Edward Stanwood,American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century,Vol.,I.,pp.64-65.
    ①关于1783年邦联国会关税法案,参见:Journals of Cougress,VIII.p.21.关于1785年宾夕法尼亚州保护主义关税法,参见:The Pennsylvania Gatette,October5,1785.关于1789年关税法,参见:Cynthia ClarkNorthrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Vol.III., The Texts of the Tariffs,pp.1-3.关于汉密尔顿《关于制造业的报告》,参见:Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S.History, Vol.II.,Debating the Issues Selected Primary Documents,pp.108-122.
    ③至汉密尔顿提交《关于制造业的报告》时,玻璃税率为12.5%,他认为此税率已经具有相当程度的保护和鼓励作用,并建议对窗格玻璃和黑色玻璃瓶进行补贴。故此以12.5%替代之。参见:Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History,Vol.II.,Debating the Issues Selected Primary Documents,p.120.
    ④1790年关税法对纸张征收10%,汉密尔顿认为此为保护性关税。参见:Alexander Hamilton,“Report onManufactures”, Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Vol.II.,Debatingthe Issues Selected Primary Documents, pp.120-121.
    ⑤1789年关税法对铸铁、切削铁及轧钢征收7.5%。1790年关税法对铸铁、切削铁和轧铁征收10%,对钢制品征收7.5%。参见:Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Vol.II.,Debating the Issues Selected PrimaryDocuments,pp.108-109.
    ⑥1785年宾夕法尼亚州关税法对皮革料征收7.5%、对皮革制品征收10%。1789年联邦关税法对皮革类商品统一征收7.5%。参见:Pennsylvania TariffAct of1785,ThePennsylvaniaGazette,October5,1785。
    ①对于“低关税率论”,爱徳华·斯坦伍德批驳道,1789年关税法立法者无足够的关税法知识,无进出口商品统计数据,无关于民众承担税收之能力与意愿之经验,无关于税率与税收量之关联效应等知识。即所谓“经验不足论”。参见:Edward Stanwood, American Tariff Controversies in the NineteenthCentury,Vol.,I.,pp.64-67.
    ②关于1789年联邦关税法之后续关税法的立法原因和税率状况,参见:Ugo Rabbeno, The AmericanCommercial Policy: Three Historical Essays,pp.134-145.
    ③参见:H.C. Adams, Taxationin of the United States,1789-1816。
    ①关于1789年联邦关税法制定之时联邦国家处于深刻的财政金融危机中,参见:Davis Rich Dewey, Ibid..关于1787年联邦宪法制定过程及宪法精神,参见:James Kirby Martin,et al., America and Its People, pp.200-206;关于外国针对美国的重商主义政策及美国报复性与反制性重商主义思想,参见:Thomas Jefferson,“Report onthe Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in Foreign Countries”, December16,1793,Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson’s Writings, New York:Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.,1984,pp.445-448.
    ②关于邦联时期国民经济全面危机及保护主义要求,参见:Orrin Leslie Elliot,The Tariff Controversy in theUnited States,1789-1833,pp.8-40.
    ③“产业资本主义未形成论”与“产业状况论”实质相同,乌格·亚伯拉等学者以此否定1789年联邦关税法的“非关税保护主义论”。参见:Ugo Rabbeno,The Americcial Policy: Three Historical Essays,pp.120-132
    ①笔者认为,对于1789年联邦关税法的立法者来说,重商主义和产业保护主义的意蕴是有所区别的。笔者对于当时美国重商主义思想作了专题分析,认为该法制定时期美国的重商主义由三部分组成,一是继承了欧洲古典重商主义,二是报复性重商主义,三是汉密尔顿制造业保护主义。因此,此文中笔者把重商主义和产业保护主义并列。另外,关于1789年联邦关税法制定时及之前邦联时期的政治经济形式参见:DavidGoldfield,et al., The American Journey: A History of the United States,1998. pp.213-238.
    ②关于1789年联邦关税法制定时美国的经济状况,参见:Walter Lafeber, The American Age: United StatesForeign Policy at Home and Abroad Since1750. New York: W.W.Norton&Company.1989.pp.10-43; JeremyAtack, Peter Passell, A New Economic View of American History: from Colonial Times To1940.1994. pp.26-143.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey,The Financial History of the United States,p.56.
    ②James Kirby Martin, et al.,America and Its People, pp.187-189.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, The Financial History of the United States,p,57.
    ②Albert Sidney Bolles, The Financial History of the United States,Vol.I., New York:1886, p.17.
    ③“The Articles of Confederation(Ratified1781)”, Richardson, James D., A Compilation of the Messages andPapers of the Presidents,1789-1902,Vol.I, Washington,D.C.:Bureau of National Literature and Art,1904, pp.9-18.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, The Financial History of the United States,pp.44-45.
    ②Alexander Hamilton,“Report on the Public Credit”, January14,1790, Samuel McKee, Jr., Alexander’s Paperson Public Credit, Commerce and Finance, New York: The Liberal Arts Press,1957, pp.4-5,7,10-11,15-17,45-46.
    ③Albert Sidney Bolles, The Financial History of the United States,Vol.I.,pp.4-7,18.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, The Financial History of the United States, p.47.
    ②M. S. Wildman, Money Inflation in the United States, New York:1905, pp.47-66.
    ③The Journals of Congress, VII, p.24.
    ④Hamilton, Madison, Fitzsimmons,“Report on Rhode Island’s Objections to the Federal Impost of1782”,TheJournals of Congress, VIII, pp.208-216.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, The Financial History of the United States,p.50.
    ②The Journals of Congress, VII, pp.54,65,76,90,123,149,199,405.
    ③“The Declaratin of Mr. Howell of1781”, The Journals of Congress, VIII, pp.40,112,118.
    ④Hamilton, Madison, Fitzsimmons,“Report on Rhode Island’s Objections to the Federal Impost of1782”, TheJournals of Congress, VIII, pp.208-216.
    ⑤Hening, Statutes of Virgnia, X, p.171.
    ⑥The Journals of Congress, VIII, pp.151-171.
    ①The Journals of Congress, VIII,p.212.
    ②The Journals of Congress, VIII, p.514.
    ③The Journals of Congress, VIII, p.194.
    ④The Journals of Congress, VIII, p.194.
    ⑤Hamilton, Madison, Fitzsimmons.“Report on Rhode Island’s Objections to the Federal Impost of1782”, TheJournals of Congress, VIII,pp.208-216.
    ⑥The Journals of Congress, VIII,p.337.
    ⑦The Journals of Congress, VIII,pp.379,382.
    ⑧The Journals of Congress, VIII, pp.35,153
    ①The Journals of congress, XI, p.194.
    ②The Journals of Congress, VIII,p.192.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, The Financial History of the United States,p.57.
    ②“Constitution of the United States(1787)”,James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the Messages and Papers ofthe Presidents,1789-1902, Vol.I., pp.21-38.
    ③James Madison,“Speech in the Federal Convention on Relations Among the States”,June28,1787, JamesMadison, James Madison Writings,New York:Literary Classics of the United States,Inc.,1999,pp.112-113.
    ①Patrick Henry,George Mason,“Arguments Against Ratification at the Virginia Convention (1788)”, JonathanElliot, The Debates in the Several States Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, Vol.III, NewYork: Burt Franklin,1974, pp.6,21-23,29-34,44-59,445-448,589-591.
    ②James Madison,“Speech in the Virgnia Ratifying Convention in Defense of the Constitution”,June6,1788,James Madison, James Madison Writings, pp.355-365.
    ③James Madison,“The Federalist No.45”,Janunary26,1788,James Madison, James MadisonWritings,pp.260-265.
    ①幼稚工业概念随“幼稚工业保护论”一道产生。“幼稚工业保护论”乃论证政府通过立法保护和扶持工业发展的理论。所谓幼稚工业,指一国工业总体或其某一工业部类的发展水平处于初级阶段。与其它国家工业发展水平或该国内部与之相竞争的工业部类相比,幼稚工业最突出的特点就是竞争力低下。如果与发展水平相对高、技术相对先进、规模相对大的外国工业或本国与之相竞争的工业部类同等条件下竞争,则幼稚工业既不能生存、发展和成熟,也不能通过“在做中学”而实现技术升级和规模经济效益。换言之,幼稚工业得以生存、发展和成熟的关键在于:或者规避发展水平比之高的工业的竞争,或者通过外部力量的支持使之获得至少同等于比其发展水平高的工业所具有的竞争力。一国工业如果同外国工业相比较而处于幼稚工业阶段,则在与外国工业相竞争的状况下,该国政府只有通过实行保护主义政策(诸如或征收保护性关税,或禁止外国制造品进口,或对本国工业实行补贴或奖励等措施),才能克服“人为的”或“偶然的因素”的阻碍,才能保障本国工业具有生存、发展、壮大和成熟的机会。在美国,19世纪初,汉密尔顿最早系统地论证了政府通过保护主义政策保护和鼓励美国制造业发展的正当性、必要性及合理性。19世纪中期,德国李斯特在吸收汉密尔顿制造业保护主义理论基础上,系统地阐述了“幼稚工业保护论”。参见:F.W. Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States, pp.1-7.
    ②James F. Willis, Martin L. Primack, An Economic History of the United States, New Jersey: Prentice Hall,1989,p.13.
    ③Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, New York: Flood&Vincent,1895,pp.29-32,33-42.
    ①Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, pp.80-85.
    ②Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, pp.89-90.
    ③James M. Ransom, Vanishing Ironworks of the Ramapos: the Story of the Forges, Furnaces, and Mines of theNew Jersey-the New York Border Area, New Bunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press,1966, p.6.
    ④Keith L. Bryant, Jr., Henry C. Dethloff, A History of American Business, New Jersey: Prentice Hall,1990,p.65.
    ①Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, pp.44-48.
    ②Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, pp.62-68
    ③Ronald Hoffman,et al., The Economy of Early America, The Revolutionary Period:1763-1790,p.54.
    ④Mason,A Short Tariff History of the United States, Part I.,1783-1789, Chicago: the Chicago UniversityPress,1884, p.18.
    ①Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays, pp.61-62.
    ②Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, pp.55-57.
    ③F. W. Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States, p.26.
    ①Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays, p.104.
    ②Boston Independent Chronicle, May27,1784; July29,1784; March10,1785.
    ③William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the the United States,pp.86-87.
    ④Boston Independent Chronicle, June16,1785.
    ①William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the the United States,pp.90-92.
    ②Levi,History of British Commerce, p.57.转引自:Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: ThreeHistorical Essays, p.106.
    ③John J. McCusker,“The Rum Trade and the Balance of the Thirteenth Continental Colonies”, Ph. D. diss.,Pennsylvania:University of Pittsburgh,1970,p.16,
    ④Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays,pp.146-156.
    ⑤Bishop,History of American Manufactures, Vol.I, Philadelphia: the Dryden Press,1868. p.395.
    ①Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays,p.108-109.
    ②Pennsylvania Gazette, May,11.
    ③Boston Independent Chronicle, April8,1785.
    ①Boston Independent Chronicle, August12,1784.
    ①Boston Independent Chronicle, April2,1785.
    ②Boston Independent Chronicle, April28,1785.
    ③David J. Jeremy, Transatlantic Industrial Revolution: The Diffusion of Textile Technologies Between Britain andAmerica,1790-1830s, Massa.: Cambridge University Press,1981, p.20.
    ①Boston Indepenent Chronicle, July14,1785.
    ②American State Papers:Finances Vol.1.,pp.5-11,转引自:Songho Ha, The Rise and Fall of the American System:Nationalism and the Development of the American Economy,1790-1837, London: Pickring$Chatto,2009, p.20.
    ③William Hill,The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,pp.75-86.
    ①Alexander Hamilton,“A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress”, December15,1774, AlexanderHamilton, Alexande Hamilton Writings,New York: Literary Classics of the United States,Inc.,2001,pp.20-21.
    ②Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, December5,1791,Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected Primary Documents,p.78.
    ③Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, January15,1790. Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected Primary Documents,pp.78-79.
    ④Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, January15,1790. Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected Primary Documents,p.63.
    ①Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Beijing: China Social SciencesPub. House,1999, pp.5,8,9.
    ①Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, January15,1790. Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected PrimaryDocuments,pp.66-67,71-72.
    ②Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, January15,1790. Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected PrimaryDocuments,pp.82-84.
    ③Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, January15,1790. Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected PrimaryDocuments,pp.80-81.
    ①Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, January15,1790. Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected PrimaryDocuments,pp.98-107.
    ②Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, January15,1790. Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected PrimaryDocuments,pp.86-89.
    ③George Washington,“To Marguis de Lafayette”, George Washington, George Washington Writings, New York:Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.,1997, p.718.
    ①William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,p.40.William Frank Zornow,“The TariffPolicies of Virginia,1775-1789”, Virgnia Historical Society, The Virginia Magaine of History and Biography,1954,Vol.56.
    ①James Madison,“To Joseph Cabell”, Sepr18,1828, James Madison,James Madison Writings,pp.816,817.
    ②Laws of Massachusetts,1780-1783,p p.204。205.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of theUnited States,p.50.
    ③Laws of Massachusetts,1783-1789, pp.149,300.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy ofthe United States, pp.50,51.
    ④Laws of Massachusetts,1783-1789, p。529。转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of theUnited States, p.150.
    ⑤Pennsylvania Laws,1782,p.116; Pennsylvania Laws,1783, p.203;Pennsylvania Laws,1784,p.299.转引自:WilliamHill, The First Stage of the Tariff Policy of the United States, p.53.
    ①Pennsylvania Tariff Act of1785, Pennsylvania Gazette, October5,1785.
    ②William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,p.55.
    ③Acts and Laws of Connecticut,1784,pp.58,127,210,271,279,318,309.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages ofthe Tariff Policy of the United States,p.43.
    ④Acts and Laws of Connecticut,1786,pp.346,354; Acts and Laws of Connecticut,1788,p.361.转引自:William Hill,The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, p.44.
    ①Perpetual Laws of New Hampshire,1776-1789, pp.152,159,196,201,205.转引自:William Hill, The FirstStages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, p.45.
    ②New York Laws,1777-1784, I, pp.120,511,599,607,786; New York Laws,1777-1784,II, pp.11,65.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,pp.48,49.
    ③Laws of Rhode Island,1783,February Session, pp.45,53; Laws of Rhode Island,1783,June Session, pp.26-31.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States, p.46.
    ①The Rhode IslandTariff of1785, The Pennsylvania Gazette, August24,1785.
    ②The New Jersey Laws,1783, p.330.转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the UnitedStates, p.41.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“Answers and Observations for De’meunier’s Article on the United States in theEncyclope’die Methodique,1786,I. From Answers to De’meunier’s First Queries”, January24,1786. ThomasJefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.575-578.
    ②Thomas Jefferson,“The Autobiography: Minister Plenipotentiary in Paris”, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas JeffersonWritings,p.57.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“To James Madison”, Paris, September1,1785,Thomas Jefferson, Thomas JeffersonWritings,pp.820-823.
    ①Cathy Matson,“The Revolution, The Constitution, and the New Nation”,Stanley L. Engerman, et al.,TheCambridge Economic History of the United States, Vol.I., The Colonial Era,1996, pp.363-403.
    ①Robert G. Albion, The Rise of the Port of New York,Westport,Connecticut: Praeger,1961, p.7
    ②Joseph A. Ernst,“The Political Economy of the Chesapeake Colonies,1760-1775: A Study in ComparativeHistory”,Ronald Hoffman,et al., The Economy of Early America:The Revolutionary Period,1763-1790, pp.
    ③James F. Shepherd, Samuel Williamson,“The Coastal Trade of British North American Colonies,1768-1772,”Journal of Economic History,33, December1972;David C. Klingaman,“Food Surpluses and Deficits in theAmerican Colonies1768-1772”, Journal of Economic History,36,September1975.
    ④James A. Henretta,“The War for Independence and American Economic Development”, Ronald Hoffman, etal.,The Economy of Early America: The Revolutionary Period,1763-1790, pp.45-88.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,pp.46-56.
    ②James F. Shepherd,“British America and the Atlantic Economy”,Ronald Hoffman,et al., The Economy of EarlyAmerica: The Revolutionary Period,1763-1790. Virginia:Virginia University Press,1988;Cathy Matson,“TheRevolution, the Constitution, and the New Natio”, Stanley L. Engerman,et al.,The Cambridge Economic History ofthe United States, Vol.I, the Colonial Era,New York:the Cambridge University Press,1996,pp.363-403.
    ③Albert E. Van Dusen, The Trade of Revolutionary Connecticut,Ph. D. diss., University of Pennsylvani,1948,pp.
    ①Robert C. Puth, American Economic History, New York: the Dryden Press,1982,p.83.
    ②Alexander Hamilton,“The Continentalist No. VI”, July4,1782,Alexander Hamilton, Alexander HamiltonWritings,pp.111-118.
    ③George Washington,“To Marquis de Lafayette”, George Washington, George Washington Writings,p.677.
    ①James Madison,“To Thomas Jefferson”, Philada. April16th,1781,James Madison, James Madison Wrtings, pp.13-14.
    ①Alexander Hamilton,“ToJames Duane”, Alexander Hamilton,Alexander Hamilton Writings, pp.77,78.
    ②Alexander Hamilton,“The Continentalist No.IV”, August30,1781,Alexander Hamilton, Alexander HamiltonWritings,p.107.
    ③Boston Independent Chronicle, February26,1784.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“To Richard Price”, Paris, Feb.1,1785.Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.798-799.
    ①Thomas Jefferson, et al.,“Report on the Necessity of Congressional Regulation of Commerce”, The Journals ofCongress, IX, p.1186.
    ②Boston Independent Chronicle, May26,1785.
    ③“Resolutions of the Citizens of Philadelphia”, June29,1785, Boston Independent Chronicle, July14,1785.
    ①William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,pp.95-99.
    ①Ugo Rabbeno,The American Commercial Policy:Three Historical Essays,pp.12-19.
    ②Cathy Matson,“The Revolution, The Constitution, and the New Nation”, Stanley L. Engerman, et al., pp.
    ③邦联国会与英国进行国际商业谈判的情况,参见:Benjamin Franklin,“To Robert R. Livingston”, Passy, July
    22,1783. Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin Writings, New York:Literary Classics of the UnitedStates,Inc.,1987, p.1065.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“Report on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in ForeignCountries”, December16,1793, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.435-448.
    ②George Washington,“To James McHenry”, Mount Vernon22d Augt1785, George Washington, GeorgeWashington Writings, p.589.
    ③John J. McCusker,The Rum Trade and the Balance of Payments of the Thirteen Continental Colonies,1650-1775,Ph. D. diss., the University of Pittsburgh,1790, p.121;U. S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statisticsof the United States: Colonial Times to1970, Vol.II.,Washington, D. C.: the Government Priting Office,1975,pp.1176-1177.
    ①Walton, G. M., J. F. Shepherd, The Economic Rise of Early America, Cambridge,Massa.: Cambridge UniversityPress,1979,p.80.
    ②James F. Shepherd, Gary M.Walton,Shipping, Maritime Trade, and the Economic Development of NorthAmerica, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1972,pp.160-161.
    ①James F. Shepherd, Gary M. Walton,“Estimates of ‘Invisible’Earnings in the Balance of Payments of theBritish North American Colonies,1768-1772”, Journal of Economic History, June1969.转引自:James F. Willis,Martin L. Primack, An Economic History of the United States, New Jersey: Prentice Hall,1989,p.36.
    ①虽然英属北美大陆殖民地北部地区从英国本土的进口商品价值量占其总进口商品价值量的66%至76%。但北部地区向英国本土的出口商品价值量仅占该地区总出口商品价值量的18%至23%,而该地区向西印度群岛的出口商品价值量占该地区总出口商品价值量的44%至64%。参见:JonathanHughes,et al.,AmericanEconomic History, New York: Addison-Wesley,1998,pp.43,35.
    ①独立战争中,美国通过以下途径积累了大量贵金属:一是国际援助与借款。独立战争期间,法国和西班牙向美国提供资金援助。同时,美国也向法国和荷兰等国借款。例如,1775年至1783年,“大陆国会”从国外借款达7,830,517美元(贵金属计);二是英国和法国军队在美国境内的军事开支。三是美国劫掠英国商船所得。美国劫掠英国商船所得收入估计达18,000,000美元(贵金属计);四是美国在与西班牙加勒比地区和与其它地方进行贸易中获得大量贵金属。五是战争期间美国国际贸易几乎中断,使得大量贵金属得以囤积于国内。参见:Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,p.35.Susan Previant Lee, etal., A New Economic View of American History, New York: W. W. Nortion&Company,1979, p.40.
    ②James Kirby Martin, et al., America and Its People, pp.189-190.
    ③David Goldfield, et al.,The American Journey: A History of the United States, p.205.
    ①“ALetter from London”, The Boston Independent Chronicle, May27,1784.
    ①“Friends and Fellow-Townsmen”, The Boston Independent Chronicle,April8,1785.
    ②The Boston Independent Chronicle, November28,1784.
    ③The Boston Independent Chronicle, April8,1785.
    ④William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,p.56.
    ⑤The Philadelphia Gazette, May11,1785.
    ①“AFriend to Commerce”, The Philadelphia Gazette,August12,1784.
    ①“Boston Merchants’Resolutions”, April,1785, The Boston Independent Chronicle,April21,1785.
    ②“Boston Tradesmen’s Resolutions”,April,1785, The Boston Independent Chronicle,Aprill28,1785.
    ①James Madison,“To James Monroe”, Aug:7th.1785,James Madison, James Madison Writings, p.37.
    ②Thomas Jefferson,“To James Monroe”, Paris, June17,1785, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.
    ③Thomas Jefferson,“To G. K. van Hogendorp”,Oct.13,1785,Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.835-837.
    ④转引自: William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,p.80.
    ①转引自: William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,p.81.
    ②转引自:William Hill, The First Stages of the Tariff Policy of the United States,pp.88-89.
    森(William Paterson)提请宪法会议审议《新泽西计划》。麦迪逊指出,《新泽西计划》实质上具有两大目的:一是“保存邦联”,二是“提供一个政府,该政府将通过联合各州的能力和各州各自的能力一道补救各州体认到的邦联缺陷”。参见:James Madison,“The Virginia Plan”,May29,1787,“Speechin the FederalConvention on the New Jersey Plan”,June21,1787, James Madison, James Madison Writings, pp.89-91,101-108.
    ②关于1787年联邦宪法的制定过程以其包含的各种共识和妥协,参见:James Kirby Martin, et al.,America andIts People, pp.200-206;Gary B.Nash, et al.,The American People,北京大学出版社2009年版(英文影印版),pp.212-214.+9
    ①Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays,p.135.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“First Annual Message”, Decemder8,1801, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson’s Writings,p.503.
    ②Ellis H. Roberts, Government Revenue:Especially the American System,pp.92-94.
    ③Ellis H. Roberts, Government Revenue:Especially the American System,pp.98-102.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,pp.97-110.
    ②Lewis Paul Todd,et al.,Triumph of the American Nation, Orlando,Florida: Harcourt BraceJovanovich,Publishers,1990,pp.227-228;DavisRichDewey, Financial History of the United States,pp.105,106.;
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,pp.118-141.
    ②Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,pp.111-112.
    ③Davis Rich Dewey,Financial History of the United States,p.111.
    ①Alexander Hamilton,“Report on the Public Credit”, January9,1790,Alexander Hamilton, Alexander HamiltonWritings,pp.531-575.
    ②Carol Berkin, et al., Making America: A History of the United States, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company,1995,pp.184,185; Davis Rich Dewey,Financial History of the United States,pp.89-94.
    ③Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States, p.93.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States, pp.94-96.
    ②Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,pp.113-115.
    ③Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States,pp.112-113.
    ①James Kirby Martin,et al., America and Its People, pp.216-217.
    ①James Kirby Martin,et al., America and Its People,pp.222-223.
    ②James West Davidson,et al.,Nation of Nations:A Narrative History of the American Republic,pp.248-249.
    ③James West Davidson, et al., Nation of Nations:A Narrative History of the American Republic,p.241.
    ④David Goldfield, et al.,The American Journey: A History of the United States, pp.245.
    ⑤Carol Berkin, et al.,Making America:A History of the United States,pp.212-214。
    ⑥Thomas Jefferson,“Third Annual Message”, October17,1803, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.512-513.
    ①David Goldfield, et al.,The American Jo urney: A History of the United States, pp.273-274.
    ②David Goldfield,et al., The American Jo urney: A History of the United States, p.277
    ③Walter Lafeber, The American Age United States Foreign Policy at Home and Aborad since1750, New York: W.W. Norton&Company,1989, pp.61-65.
    ④David Goldfield, et al., The American Jo urney: A History of the United States,pp.276-279.
    ⑤Thomas Jefferson,“Third Annual Message”, October17,1803, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.511-517.
    ⑥Thomas Jefferson,“Second Inaugural Address”,March4,1805, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.518-523.
    ①Ronald E, Seavoy, An Economic History of the United States,From1607to the Present, New York: Routledge,2006,pp.76-77.
    ①John J. McCusker, The Rum Trade and the Balance of the Thirteenth Continental Colonies, p.121.
    ②Thomas M. Doerflinger, Farmers and Dry Goods in the Philadelphia Market Area,1750-1800. Ronald Hoffman,et al.,The Economy of Early America: The Revolutionary Period,1763-1790, pp.166-195.
    ①The U. S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statiatics of the United States: Colonial Times to1970,2Vols.,p.1168.
    ②Ditz, Pro-industrializatiomn and Property and Kinship: Inheritance in Early Connecticut,1750-1820, pp.38-75.
    ③David J. Jeremy, Transatlantic Industrial Revolution: The Diffusion of Textile Technologies Between Britain andAmerica,1790-1830s, p.20.
    ①Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays,pp.64-102.
    ②Carroll D. Wright, The Industral Evolution of the United States, pp.117-118.
    ①1781年英国法律(21Geo.III.,c.37)规定:禁止任何人将下列产品包装或将之运至船上或运至以便商船出口的任何地方:英国羊毛、棉、亚麻和丝织品正在使用和随后将使用的机器、工具、制板机、印染机、器具、或辅助性工具、或这些物品的任何零部件,或其它产品,或这些物品的模型和图纸。对违反此法者,应对其所持有的此类物品予以没收,并处以200英镑的罚款及拘禁一年。1782年英国通过的法律规定:禁止出口或试图出口“用于或适用于Calico、棉、muslin或亚麻printing制造业的初级品或成品生产的blocks、金属板、工具、器具或机器”;应对违反此法者处以500英镑罚款。该法也规定:禁止输出运用于铁和钢制造业的各种工具。同时,英国通过法律,阻止技工迁居国外。参见:Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolutionof the United States, pp.121,122.
    ②U. S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Staties of the United Stades: Colonial Times to1970,2Vols.pp.1176-1177.
    ③Benjamin Franklin,“Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries”,1751,Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin Writings,New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.,1987,pp.367-374.
    ④Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays,p.75.
    ①F. W. Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States, pp.8-11.
    ②Jackson T. Main,Government by the People:the American Revolution and the Democratization of theLegislatures. William and Mary Quarterly,3d ser.,23,1966.
    ③参见1768年至1772年英属北美大陆殖民地年均贸易平衡图。James F. Shepherd, et al., Shipping, MaritimeTrade, and the Economic Development of North America, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1972,p.115.
    ④参见:1770年英属北美大陆殖民支付平衡表,James F. Shepherd,et al.,“Estimates of ‘Invisible’Earnings inthe Balance of Payments of the British North American Colonies,1768-1772,” Journal of Economic History, June1969;转引自:James F. Willis,et al., An Economic History of the United States,p.36。
    ①James F. Shepherd,“British America and the Atlantic Economy”,Ronald Hoffman, et al.,The Economy of EarlyAmerica: The Revolutionary Period,1763-1790, pp.3-44.
    ②Ellis H. Roberts, Government Revenue: Especially the American System.pp.90-91,106.
    ③Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States. p.163.
    ①1791年至1816年的进口商品价值量,以及“从价税”(从进口商品量除以海关收入量)(单位:美元)年,参见:Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays, p.282.
    ②Jonathan Hughes, et al., American Economic History, pp.83-102.
    ①Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy: Three Historical Essays, p.282.
    ②英属北美大陆殖民地或美国从英国进口官方价值(1760-1791)&;及英属北美大陆殖民地从英国进口的当下价值(1760-1775)(单位:1,000英镑),参见:John J. McCusker, The Rum Trade and the Balance ofPayments of the Thirteen Continental Colonies,1650-1775, p.121;U. S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statisticsof the United States: Colonial Times to1970,2Vols.,pp.176-177.
    ①1610-1780年美利坚殖民地人口评估,参见:Historical Statistics of the United States, Washington, D. C.:United States Government Printing Office,1975, seriesZ1-19.
    ①Albert Gallatin, Memorial of the Committee of the Free Tariff Convention, New York,23d January,1832,F. W.Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.208-209.
    ①Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History if the United States, pp.112,123.
    ②1789年,联邦政府债务达52,000,000美元,其中大多数(约40,000,000美元)是独立战争时期发行的美国人持有的债券和票证。外国人(大多数是法国人和荷兰人)持有12,000,000美元的债券和票证。加之,各州政府的债务累计达近25,000,000美元。州政府债务亦是内债。参见:David Goldfield, et al.,TheAmerican Journey: A History of the United States, New Jersey: Prentice Hall,1998, p.236.
    ①Albert Gallatin, Memorial of the Committee of the Free Tariff Convention, New York,23d January,1832, F. W.Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.110-111.
    ②Alexander Hamilton“,Report on the Public Credit,”January14,1790,Alexander Hamilton,Alexander HamiltonWritings, pp.531-575.
    ③杰斐逊所代表的共和党主张区别对待原债券持有者和债券投机者及各州独自支付各州战争债务。两党对承担州债和内债偿付方式上的争论主要州债问题卷入地区利益差别,因为北部地区大多数州未偿付完州债,而南部地区大多数州(除南卡罗莱纳外)已经偿付了大量州债,况且北部地区债券投机者购买了南部地区的大量州债。David Goldfield, et al.,The American Journey: A History of the United States, p.238.
    ④Thomas Jefferson,“First Annual Message”, Decemder8,1801, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.501-509.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“Sixth Annual Message”,December2,1806, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.524-531.
    ②Thomas Jefferson,“Eighth Annual Message”,November8,1808, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.543-549.
    ③Jeremy Atack,et al., A New Economic View of American History from Colonial Times to1940, p.145.
    ④Jeremy Atack,et al., A New Economic View of American History from Colonial Times to1940, pp.171-173.
    ①Daniel Webster, Speech of Daniel Webster upon the Tariff, in the House of Representatives, April,1and2,1824,F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.325-385.
    ②Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Vol. III. The Texts of the Tariffs,p.2.
    ③Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy:Three Historical Essays, pp.134-145.
    ④Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Vol. III. The Texts of the Tariffs,p.20.
    ⑤Daniel Webster, Speech of Daniel Webster upon the Tariff, in the House of Representatives, April,1and2,1824,F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.374,380.
    ①Albert Gallatin, Memorial of the Committee of the Free Trade Convention, New York,23d January,1832, F. W.Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.181-182.
    ①Keith L. Bryant, et al., A History of American Business,pp.64-68.
    ②Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy:Three Historical Essays, p.144.
    ③Jeremy Atack,et al., A New Economic View of American History from Colonial Times to1940, pp,116-120.
    ①Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, pp.92-93.
    ②“Tariff of1789”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.1-3.
    ③“Tariff of1790”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,. Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.4-6.
    ④“Tariff of1792”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs,pp.7-11.
    ⑤“Tariff of1794”. Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.12-13.
    ⑥“Tariff of1795”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs,pp.14-15.
    ⑦“Tariff of1816”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.18-22.
    ①Daniel Webster, Speech of Daniel Webster upon the Tariff, in the House of Representatives, April,1and2,1824,F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,p.375-380.
    ②Albert Gallatin, Memorial of the Committee of the Free Trade Convention, Philadelphia, September and October,1831, F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,p.172.
    ①Albert Gallatin, Memorial of the Committee of the Free Trade Convention, Philadelphia, September and October,1831, F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.173-176.
    ①Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States,pp.135-137
    ①Ugo Rabbeno,The American Commercial Policy:Three Historical Essays, p.135.
    ②John R. Nelson, Jr.,“Alexander Hamilton and American Manufacturing: A Re-Examination,” Journal ofAmerican History,65,1979, pp.971-995.
    ③Ronald E. Seavoy, An Economic History of the United States, From1607to the Present, New York:Routledge,2006,p.106.
    ④F. W. Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States, p.26.
    ①Keith L. Bryant, et al., A History of American Business, pp.61-64.
    ②Carroll D.wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States,pp.117-132.
    ③F. W. Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States, p.27.
    ①Gallatin,“Report on Manufactures”,1810,American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive,1789-1828, Washington, D.C.: Government Priting Office,1832,p.427.
    ②Ugo Rabbeno, The American Commercial Policy:Three Historical Essays,pp.146-156.
    ③“The Report of a Committee of Congress on the Cotton Manufacture in1816”. American State Papers:Documents, Legislative and Executive,1789-1828, III, pp.82,84.
    ④F. W. Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States, p.28.
    ①Keith L. Bryant, et al., A History of American Business, pp.61-64.
    ②Carroll D.wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, pp.117-132.
    ③Ronald E. Seavoy, An Economic History of the United States, From1607to the Present, p.108.
    ④“Tariff of1816”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,pedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III. The Textsof the Tariffs, pp.18-22.
    ①F. W. Taussig, The Tariff History of the United States,pp.30-32
    ②Ugo Rabbeno, The Tariff History of the United States,pp.146-156.
    ①Carroll D. Wright, The Industrial Evolution of the United States, pp.137-138.
    ②Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U.S. History, Volume I. The Encyclopedia, p.157.
    ①Albert Gallatin, Memorial of the Committee of the Free Trade Convention, Philadelphia, September and October,1831, F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,p.210.
    ②George Washington,“Third Annual Message to Congress”, October25,1791,George Washington, GeorgeWashington Writings, pp.787-792.
    ③Thomas Jefferson,“Eighth Annual Message”,November8,1808, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas JeffersonWritings,pp.543-549.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“Ratification of the Peace Treaty”, In “The Autobiography(1743-1790)”, ThomasJefferson,Thomas Jefferson Writings (1743-1826), p.54.
    ②Thomas Jefferson,“To James Monroe”, Paris, June17,1785. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings, pp.
    ③Thomas Jefferson,“A Summary View of the Rights of British America”, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas JeffersonWritings, pp.108-109.
    ④Thomas Jefferson,“Report on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in Foreign
    Countries”, December16,1793, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings, pp.435-448.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“Report on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in ForeignCountries”, December16,1793, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson’s Writings, pp.435-448.
    ②Irving Brant, James Madison, III, New York:W.W.Norton&Company,1961, pp.246-254.
    ③Walter Lafeber, The American Age United States Foreign Policy at Home and Aborad since1750, pp.43-44.
    ①Walter Lafeber, The American Age United States Foreign Policy at Home and Aborad since1750, p.46.
    ②该条约也没有满足美国北美大陆殖民扩张主义新要求,英国没有允诺停止强迫美国民从服英国海军役,没有同意赔偿独立战争期间因带走奴隶而给南部地区造成的经济损失。但该条约一定程度上体现了英国对美国和解的愿意,例如,英国承诺遵守1783年美-英《巴黎和平条约》义务——密西西比河向美-英两国开放,同意撤离美国边境的西北要塞驻军。参见:James Kirby Martin, et al.,America and Its People, pp.226-227.
    ①例如,1793年至1807年,美国总出口商品价值量在波动中快速增长,从1793年26,109,000美元,增长至1807年108,343,000美元;其中行使中立国权益的转运贸易增长尤快,例如,从1799年至1807年看,1799年为43,665,000美元,1807年为59,643,000美元,最低的1803年亦达13,594,000美元,最高的1806年达60,283,000美元。参见:U. S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistcs of the United States, Series U2andU9.
    ②James Kirby Martin,et al., America and Its People, pp.247-250.
    ③例如,1805年,英国詹姆斯斯蒂芬(James Stephen)发表《隐蔽的战争或中立国旗帜骗局》,攻击美国乘欧洲政治乱局之机,大举与英、法两国进行贸易,发展船运业与国际贸易;认为英国应该运用其海洋覇权,阻止美-法贸易。随之,英国宣布构建海洋封锁体系的一系列商业政策。参见:Walter Lafeber, The AmericanAge United States Foreign Policy at Home and Aborad since1750, p.56.
    ④James Madison,“Presidential Message to Congress”, James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the Messages andPapers of the Presidents,1789-1902, Vol.1, Washington,D.C.:Bureau of National Literature and Art,1904, pp.
    ①James West Davidson, et al.,Nation of Nations: A Narrative History of the American Republic,p.277.
    ②美国1807年“禁运法”打击了美国农产品/原材料品出口,几乎嶊毁了北部地区尤其新英格兰地区从事海产经济的船主、商人等利益集团的利益,但促进了美国制造业发展。James West Davidson, et al.,Nation ofNations: A Narrative History of the American Republic,p.277.
    ③Thomas Jefferson,“Eighth Annual Message”,November8,1808, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.543-549.
    ④David Goldfield, et al.,The American Journey: A History of the United States, pp.263-265.
    ⑤即“Macon’s Bill No.2.”,参见:James Kirby Martin, et al., America and Its People, pp.247-250.
    ①关于美-英贸易对于英国工业革命的影响,参见:Roderick Floud, et al., The Cambridge Economic History ofModern Britain, Volume I: Industrialisation,1700-1860,New York:Cambridge University Press,2004,pp.1-28.
    ②James Kirby Martin, et al.,America and Its People, pp.253-260.
    ③关于1817年美-英两国《拉什-巴戈特协议》的内容,参见:David Goldfield, et al.,The American Jo urney: AHistory of the United States, pp.276-279.
    ①“Tariff of1789”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.1-3.
    ②“Tariff of1790”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.4-6.
    ③“Tariff of1792”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs,pp.7-11.
    ④“Tariff of1794”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs,pp.12-13.
    ①Ugo Rabbeno,The Tariff History of the United States, p.135.
    ①“Tariff of1789”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.1-3
    ②“Tariff of1790”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.4-6.
    ③“Tariff of1792”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs,pp.7-11.
    ④“Tariff of1794”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.12-13.
    ⑤“Tariff of1795”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.14-15.
    ⑥“Tariff of1789”,Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.1-3.
    ⑦“Tariff of1790”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.4-6.
    ⑧“Tariff of1792”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.7-11.
    ⑨“Tariff of1794”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.12-13.
    ①“Tariff of1816”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.18-22.
    ③“Tariff of1816”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.18-22.
    ④U. S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistcs of the United States, Washington, D. C.: Government PrintingOffice,1975, Series U2and U9.
    ①John J. McCusker, The Rum Trade and the Balance of Payments of the Thirteen Continental Colonies,1650-1775, p.121; U. S. Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to1970,
    2Vols., pp.176-177.
    ①Douglass C. North,“The United States Balance of Payments,1790-1860”, The National Bureau of EconomicResearch,Trends in the American Economy in Nineteenth, Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol.24,Princeton, N. J.:Princeton University Press,1960, pp.591-592,595.
    ①Douglass C. North,“The United States Balance of Payments,1790-1860”, The National Bureau of EconomicResearch, Trends in the American Economy in Nineteenth, Studies in Income and Wealth of, Vol.24, pp.591-592,
    ②Douglass C. North,“The United States Balance of Payments,1790-1860”, The National Bureau of EconomicResearch,Trends in the American Economy in Nineteenth, Studies in Income and Wealth, Vol.24, pp.591-592,
    ①Keith L. Bryant,et al., A History of American Business, p.59.
    ②Ugo Rabbeno,The Tariff History of the United States,p.141.
    ①Cathy Matson, The Revolution, The Constitution, and the New Nation. Stanley L. Engerman, et al.,TheCambridge Economic History of the United States, Volume, The Colonial Era, pp.395-396.
    ②Albert Gallatin, Memorial of the Committee of the Free Trade Convention, Philadelphia, September and October,1831, F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.183-185.
    ③Henry Clay, Speech of Henry Clay on Ameican Industry, in the House of Representatives, March30and31,1824, F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,p.283。
    ①此表1770-1790年数据出自:Gordon C.Bjork,“The Weaning of the American Economy: Independence,Market Changs, and Economic Development,” Journal of Economic History,24, December1964,p.554.转引自:JamesF. Willis, et al., AnEconomicHistory of the United States, p.76.此表1790-1815年数据出自:DouglassC.North, The Ecnomic Growth of the United States,1790-1860, New York: W.W. Norton,1966,pp.221,229.转引自:JamesF。Willis, et al., AnEconomicHistory of the United States, p.98.为便于比较,不同来源的两组数据列于同一表中。需要注意的是,道格拉斯`诺斯对1791年、1792年的贸易条件的计算数据少于戈登.比约克对1788年、1789年的计算数据,而根据1788年至1793年美国历史,此期内,无论美国的经济形势还是其国外市场,并没有恶化的现象,因此很可能是两位经济史家计算的数据来源有所差异造成的,但并不影响对1789年关税法以及以之为基础的后续关税法对美国贸易条件的影响的评估。
    ①James F. Shepherd,et al.,Shipping, Maritime Trade, and the Economic Development of North America, pp.
    ②James F. Shepherd,et al.,Economic Change after the American Revolution. Explorations in Economic History13,1976,pp.408-409.
    ①James F. Shepherd,et al., Economic Change after the American Revolution: Pre-and Post-War Comparisons ofMaritime Shipping and Trade, Explorations in Economic History13,1976, p.406.
    ①James F. Shepherd,et al.,“Economic Change after the American Revolution”, Explorations in EconomicHistory13,1976,pp.408-409.
    ①James F. Shepherd,et al.,“Economic Change after the American Revolution”,Economic History13,1976,p.413.
    ①John A. Garraty, A Short History of the American Nation, New York:Addison WesleyLongman,1997, p.42.
    ②表3.3.12为笔者根据克莱《克莱关于美国工业的演说》的相关内容编制而成。Henry Clay, Speech of HenryClay on American Industry, in the House of Representative, March30and31,1824, F. W. Taussig,ed.,Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.250,261,262,264.
    ①关于匹兹堡工业发展状况,参见: James Kirby Martin, et al.,America and Its People, pp.281-283.
    ②参见1800年至1860年美国劳动力分布表。StanleyLebergott, Manpower in Economic Growth: The AmericanRecord Since1800, New York: McGraw-Hill,1964,p.510.转引自: James Kirby Martin, et al.,America and ItsPeople, pp.281-283.转引自:Jonathan Hughes, et al., American Economic History, p.115.
    ①James F. Willis, et al., An Economic History of the United States, pp.167-179.
    ②美国早期历史上的重商主义思想毋庸置疑地继承了欧洲古典重商主义思想。美国独立革命领袖、联邦第三任总统杰斐逊曾道:“美国人民不计后果地把欧洲政治经济学家奉若神明的诸原则输入美国,例如,把‘各国应不遗余力地独立地生产制造业品’的原则输入美国,完全没有考虑这样做可能会产生水土不服的后果。”这里,杰斐逊所谓的“欧洲经济学家奉若神明的诸原则”,正是指欧洲古典重商主义为了最大限度地实行贸易盈余和贵金属流入本国,而力求保护和鼓励制造业发展,以实现制造业品自给甚至出口,既减少贵金属流出,又设法让贵金属流入。Thomas Jefferson,“Notes on the State of Virginia”, Thomas Jefferson,ThomasJefferson Writings,p.296.
    ③G. Schmoller, The Mercantile System and Its Historical Significance, London: Macmillan,1897, p.50. W.Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce, Vol. II,London: Cambridge U. P.1892, p.16.
    ④Leopard Gomes,Foreign Trade and the National Economy: Mercantilist and Classical Perspectives. London:Macmillan Press.1987.p.22.
    ①Leopard Gomes,Foreign Trade and the National Economy: Mercantilist and Classical Perspectives.p.16.
    ②Marian Boweley,“Some Seventeenth Century Contributions to the Theory of Value”, Economica, Vol.30, May1963, pp.122-139.
    ③Leopard Gomes,Foreign Trade and the National Economy: Mercantilist and Classical Perspectives. pp.5-6.
    ④例如,古典重商主义采取以下政治经济政策:“鼓励制造业品或加工业品出口”,“禁止或限制本国原材料出口”,“禁止或限制机器、工具等出口”,“禁止熟练工人向海外移民”,“除了进口本国不能生产的原材料或基本食品外,尽量减少进口”,以及建立独占的殖民地。Leopard Gomes,Foreign Trade and the NationalEconomy: Mercantilist and Classical Perspectives. p.71.
    ①Paul K.Conkin,Prosperity: America’s First Political Economists, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1980,pp.18-19,54.
    ②Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Beijing: China Social SciencesPub. House,1999,pp.168-170.
    ③Adam Smith,“Excepts of the Wealth of Nations”.C.Roe Goddard,et al.,International Political Economy:State-Market Relations in the Changing Global Order, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne RiennerPub.,Inc.,1996,pp.37,38,40,44-45,47,49,51.
    ④Benjamin Franklin,“Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peapoling of Countres,&.” BenjaminFranklin, Benjamin Franklin Writings, New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.,1987, pp.368-369.
    ⑤Thomas Jefferson,“Notes on the States of Virginia”, Query XIX. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings,pp.290-291.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“Report on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in ForeignCountries”, December16,1793, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Writings, pp.435-448.
    ①Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”, January15,1790.Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al.,Encyclopediaof Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected Primary Documents, pp.63,78-79.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“To James Madison”, Paris,Feb.8,1786.Thomas Jefferson, Thomas JeffersonWritings,pp.848-849.
    ①“Tariff of1789”,Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.1-3.
    ①Thomas Jefferson,“Report on the Privileges and Restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in ForeignCountries”, December16,1793, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson’s Writings, pp.435-448.
    ①Alexander Hamilton“,Report on Manufactures”, December1791,Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia ofTariffs and Trade in U.S. History, Volume II. Debating the Issues: Selected Primary Documents, pp.63-125.
    ①“Tariff of1790”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.4-6.
    ②1792年至1816年通过25个左右关税法,修订和制定关税法的主要动机为满足国家财政需要。参见:PercyAshley, Modern Tariff History Germany-United-States-France, London:1904,p.14.
    ③George Washington,“First Annual Message to Congress”, January8th1790, George Washington,GeorgeWashington Writings, New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.,1997,pp.748-751.
    ④而在1791年12月向国会提交的《关于制造业的报告》中,汉密尔顿的制造业保护主义思想以及具体政策主张明显贯彻了华盛顿总统咨文中所主张的重商主义精神。Alexander Hamilton,“Report on Manufactures”,January15,1790.Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History. Volume II.Debating the Issues: Selected Primary Documents, pp.
    ①“Tariff of1790”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.4-6.
    ②“Tariff of1790”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.4-6.
    ③“Tariff of1792”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al., Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.7-11.
    ④George Washington,“Third Annual Message to Congress”, October25,1791, George Washington, GeorgeWashington Writings, pp.787-792.
    ①Cynthia Clark Northrup, et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U.S. History, Volume II. Debating the Issues:Selected Primary Documents,pp.63-63,98-105.
    ②“Tariff of1792”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.7-11.
    ①“Tariff of1794”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.12-13.
    ①1789年至1816年间美国经济发展态势,参见:Jonathan Hughes, et al., American Economic History,pp.85-153.
    ②James Madison,“Seventh Annual Message to Congress”, December5,1815, James Madison, James MadisonWritings, pp.710-718.
    ①James Madison,“Seventh Annual Message to Congress”, December5,1815, James Madison, James MadisonWritings,pp.710-718.
    ②“Tariff of1816”, Cynthia Clark Northrup,et al.,Encyclopedia of Tariffs and Trade in U. S. History, Volume III.The Texts of the Tariffs, pp.18-22.
    ①美国政治家亨利克莱把此制定关税法的思想和原则称之为“美国体系”。Henry Clay, Speech of Henry Clayon American Industry in the House of Representatives, March30and31,1824, F. W. Taussig,ed.,Univ-Calif-Digitized for Microsoft Corporation by the Internet Archive in2008,pp.252-316.
    ③重商主义、新重商主义和保护主义等用语,都是指民族国家政府干预对外经济活动以及具有对外经济活动性质的国内经济活动,以实现有利的对外贸易平衡以及保护和促进经济发展。这些用语的差异反映了不同历史时期人们在描述特定的国家或地区的、具有相同或相近的性质或特征的,或明显具有同一历史根源的及历史演变线索的历史事件或思想方面的差异。这些用语的差异本身反映了此类事件或思想的历史性。例如,布鲁斯·莫尔在《国际贸易的困局》一书中,对1846年英国废除《谷物法》以前欧洲国家的国际政治经济思想及政策为古典重商主义;而称1846年英国实行自由贸易主义后及20世纪40年代美国主导建立的布雷顿森林制度体系前之间其他国家所实行的与古典重商主义相同或相近的政策为新重商主义或保护主义。莫尔也称20世纪40年代美国主导建立具有自由贸易主义价值和目标取向的布雷顿森林制度体系后某些国家实行的具有古典重商主义价值和目标取向的政策为新重商主义,称20世纪70年代开始美国实行的某些具有古典重商主义价值和目标取向的政策为新重商主义或保护主义。由此,古典重商主义、新重商主义或保护主义或贸易保护主义等称谓反映了某种时代性或地区国别性。笔者在本论文中称1776年美国立国伊始至1934年《互惠贸易协定法》制定期间美国所实行的国际经济政策为美国独特的重商主义主义,而称20世纪70年代开始美国所实行的具有其1789年关税法所奠定的重商主义价值和目标取向的、但具有偶然性或局部性或特殊针对性的对外经济政策为新重商主义。此处所谓的新重商主义与学界对此的其他称谓,诸如保护主义、贸易保护主义等并不矛盾。参见:Bruce E.Moon, Dilemmas of InternationalTrade,Boulder,Colorado:Westview Press,1996,pp.53-55,93-97.
    ①C.Fred Bergsten,et al.,Reconcilable Differences?United States Japan Economic Conflict, Washington, D.C.:Institute for International Economics,1993, pp.54-55.
    ②Bruce E. Moon,Dilemmas of International Trade,1996,p.116.
    ①Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations,Major Findings and Policy Recommendations onU.S.-Japan Trade Policy,Washington,D.C.: the Priting Office of the United States,1993,p.68.
    ①“Free Trade’s Fading Champion,” Econimist, April11,1992, pp.65-66.
    ②Bruce E. Moon,Dilemmas of International Trade, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press,1996,p.114.
    ②Brian Hindley“,Different and More Favorable (DMF)treatment,” J. Michael Finger,et al.,The Uruguay Round: AHandbook for the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Washington,D.C.: World Bank,1987, chapter10.
    ①Bruce E. Moon,Dilemmas of International Trade, p.80.
    ②Bruce E.Moon,Dilemmas of International Trade,p.114.
    ③Julio Nogues,et al.,“The Extent of Non-tariff Barriers to Industrial Countries’Imports,” J.Michael Finger,et al.,The Uruguary Round: A Handbook for the Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Washington,D.C.: World Bank,1987.
    ①The National Research Council,Science, Technology and the Future of the U.S.-Japan Relationship.Washington,D.C:National Academy Press,1990, pp.7-9.
    ①U.S. Department of Commerce, Survey of Current Business, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office,1971.
    ①Robert Dodge,“Grappling with GATT,” Dallas Morning News, August8,1994, p.1D.
    [1] Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations,Major Findings andPolicy Recommendations on U.S.-Japan Trade Policy,Washington,D.C.: thePriting Office of the United States,1993.
    [2] American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive,1789-1828,5Vols.,Washington, D.C.: Government Priting Office,1832.
    [3] Clay,Henry, Speech of Henry Clay on American Industry, in the House ofRepresentative, March30and31,1824, F. W. Taussig,ed., Univ-Calif-Digitizedfor Microsoft by the Internet Archive in2008.
    [4] Elliot, Jonathan,The Debates in the Several States Conventions on the Adoptionof the Federal Constitution, Vol.III, New York: Burt Franklin,1974.
    [5] Ford,Worthing C.,Journals of the Continental Congress,1774-1789, Vol.19,Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office,1904.
    [6] Franklin,Benjamin,Benjamin Franklin Writings, New York:Literary Classics ofthe United States,Inc.,1987.
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