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With the quick change of science and technology and the strong impact from knowledgeeconomic, in these years, firms’ technological innovation ecosystem has become a successfulparadigm of win-win cooperation. Many famous international firms have constructed thefirms’ technological innovation ecosystem, which triggers those firms to develop rapidly inthe fierce competition and be difficult to surpass. At present, some of our country’s firms haverealized the importance and necessity of constructing the firms’ technological innovationecosystem, but they could only move on with exploration due to the lack of firms’ successfulexperiences and theoretical basis. Meanwhile, some foreign transnational firms, withsuccessful paradigm and strong capital, quickly build up technological innovation ecosystemthat adapt to the local environment, which undoubtedly forms a gigantic shock towardsChina's domestic industries. In regard to this, this paper discusses the structure and operatingprinciple in the firms’ technological innovation ecosystem dominated by core firms, anddemonstrates the following contents in details:
     From the comparative analysis of firms’ technological innovation system and naturalecosystem, this paper defines the concept and characteristics of firms’ technologicalinnovation ecosystem. In accordance with the theories of natural ecosystem’s structure, withactual situation of firms’ technological innovation relevant researches on system structure,this paper divides the firms’ technological innovation ecosystem into three parts, respectivelynamed core firms layer, R&D and products application layer and the layer of innovationhabitat and innovation platform, in regard to which the construction of firms’ technologicalinnovation ecosystem is completed. In addition, the function of firms’ technologicalinnovation ecosystem is discussed, and the importance of energy flow, material cycle andinformation transmission in the system is indicated.
     In the operating process studies of firms’ technological innovation ecosystem, this paperhas a generalized range of discussion in the formation, operation and evolution of the system.First, the formation process of firms’ technological innovation system is analyzed from theperspectives of core firms’ formation, innovation niches’ formation and innovation platform’sformation. Second, on the basis of discussing operation environment and influencing factors in the system, the operation process of firms’ technological innovation ecosystem is analyzedin details from two aspects, energy flow and material cycle, which are highly reliable oninformation’s transmission and assistance, and the four kinds of material cycle have theirindividual characteristics and cycling methods. Third, the evolutionary distinction betweennatural ecosystem and firms’ technological innovation ecosystem is discussed to introduce theevolution process of the firms’ technological innovation ecosystem from the views of genetic,variation and natural selection. Finally, the relationship among system’s operation, formationand evolution is explained.
     As to the relevant mechanisms study on firms’ technological innovation ecosystem, thispaper put forward five operation mechanisms of firms’ technological innovation ecosystem,based on existing researches on system operation mechanisms, named supply mechanism,innovation diffusion mechanism, commensalism mechanism, innovation niches decisionmechanism, and benefit allocation mechanism. Relevant researches are analyzed in details inaccordance with the five mechanisms, such as dynamic mechanism, resource supplymechanism, knowledge share mechanism, information flow mechanism, competition andcooperation mechanism, trust mechanism, comparative relation of innovation niches,innovation niches decision process, benefit allocation principle and cost synergetic minimum.
     When it comes to the operation management in firms’ technological innovationecosystem, this paper makes a full research on choosing partners and risk management, takingidentifying management entities as the research premise. Based on the dominating status thatcore firms play in choosing partners, this paper discusses the motive, accordance and processof choosing partners from the perspective of core firms. In regard to the importance of abilityassessing in the choosing process, this paper follows the set principles and constructs an indexsystem of firms’ technological innovation ability, consisted with6layers and14bottomindexes. In management risks, this paper first defines the concept of risks in firms’technological innovation ecosystem, and then in accordance with the characteristics insystems’ operating, a classification on risks is proposed, which includes business integrationrisk, opportunistic risk, core resources loss risk, external environment risk and innovationcomponent risk. At last, a risk-assessing model is built based on organizing the procedure ofmanaging risks.
     At last, this paper chooses JDJ to be a case study and empirical analysis of firms’technological innovation ecosystem. On the basis of introduction of JDJ, dynamic mechanism,resource supply mechanism, trust mechanism and coordination mechanism is analyzed insystem’s construction and operation of this firm’s technological innovation ecosystem. Then,this paper uses investigation and questionnaires to collect data, evaluates the technologicalinnovation ability and operation risks of partners in JDJ’s technological innovation ecosystem,and gives suggestions on ensuring the operation of firms’ technological innovation ecosystemfrom perspectives of firms and governments, according to the evaluating results.
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