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Objective:To analysis the risk factors for carotid atherosclerotic stenosis by the screening for stroke which was put forward by Ministry of Public Health,and provide more overall screen contents for screening of stroke.
     Methods:1.160samples who were from neurology patients in our hospital from december2010to march2013.The160samples all fit for Screening standards and have been screened,72male patients,88female patiens, age≥40years old, mean age60±7.23years.
     2.Fist,Collecting clinical data and fill in Basic stroke screening information table, medical examination: Second.carry on physical examination, laboratory investigation, cervical vascular ultrasonography for the patients.
     3.Factors were analyzed by SPSS16.0.
     Outcomes:1.Male, age≥40years old, abnormal lipid metabolism, Periodontal disease, hyperhomocysteinemia and high fibrinogen in blood are all the fctors of Carotid atherosclerotic stenosis.2.The degree of the stricture is more serious the level of Hcy and FIB are more high.
     Conclusion:1.Prevent abnormal lipid metabolism,Periodontal disease hyperhomocysteinemia and high fibrinogen in blood can postpone the occurrence of Carotid atherosclerotic stenosis in a way.2.Add the detection of the Hcy and Fib can prevent the increases of Hcy and Fib,to take precautions against Carotid atherosclerotic stenosis.
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