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Brain is the most complex organ in a human body. Nowadays, the research on brain is still at a preliminary stage. As a rising interdisciplinary subject, neuroinformatics not only applies modern methods of informatics to neurology, but also studies the information processing mechanism of neurological systems. For neuroinformatic study, electroencephalography (EEG) analysis becomes one of the most important research methods due to its safety, low cost and high temporal resolution.
     In this paper, the EEG responses to different conditions (simulated high altitude hypoxia, acupuncture at Zusanli acupoint, electrical current stimulation) are studied.
     Via a pilot mask, a man breathing at different altitudes are simulated by adjusting the oxygen proportion. Normal and hypoxia EEGs are recorded, while the hypoxia is evaluated via neurobehavioral tests. Both linear and nonlinear algorithms are used to recognize hypoxia EEG from normal ones, The experimental results illustrate that the normal and hypoxia status can be quantificationally classified according to EEG.
     Acupunture at Zusanli acupoint is carried out according to the clinical therapy procedure. EEG during whole procedure is recorded. Based on the theory of functional regions on brain, the mechanism of acupuncture is analyzed using nonlinear algorithms. The results show that the acupuncture at Zusanli acupoint causes the activity changes on the relative functional regions of the brain.
     A subject receives electrical current stimuli while the EEG is recorded. The method to recognize the event relative potential (ERP) according to a single current stimulation trial is studied. Support vector machine (SVM) is used for EEG pattern recognition. In comparison with conventional methods, this algorithm can be used to test the sensory threshold objectively. Futhermore, due to only single stimulus needed for ERP recognition, the fatigue of nerve induced by repetitious stimuli is avoided. This method is promising to develop an objective and rapid method for quantitative sensory testing.
     Our experimental results show that EEG can be used to indicate the statuses of brain under different conditions and provide an efficient tool for neuroinformatics research.
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