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美国法语境下,第三人精神损害赔偿责任(bystander liability)指的是,与受到严重身体损害的直接受害人具有密切亲属关系的第三人(原告),可以就因知悉事故的发生而蒙受的严重精神损害,向有过失的侵权行为人(被告)主张的金钱损害赔偿责任。
In American tort law, bystander liability refers to a form of pecuniary liabilitywhich defendant incurs for the reason that he inflicted serious physical injuries to thevictim, to whom the plaintiff that simultaneously perceived the accident and receivedserious emotional distress accordingly is closely related.
     There are two salient characteristics in bystander liability, namely, the expansionof legal duty and pure emotional loss. One aspect could be safely observed in a typicalbystander case, in which two levels of torts and three parties are involved, in contrastto a common tort case, in which only one level of tort and two parties. This bizarremodel of bystander liability could be dissembled into two levels of torts. For one level,the defendant tortuously hurts the victim, which results in serious physical injury. Theplaintiff is a total bystander, the safety of whom normally does not concern him.However, it is the other level that actually matters, for the bystander liability is thenormative relation between the defendant and the plaintiff in essence. The otheraspect depicts that neither physical injury nor physical injury resulted from emotionaldistress of the plaintiff is required or recovered.
     Thanks to its peculiar formalism and independent function, bystander liabilityenjoys the status of a basic tort liability, which manifests its particular normative logicand distinguished method of remedy that is not covered by any other torts alike, suchas negligent conduct directly inflicting emotional harm on another, direct victim,active participant, action by one spouse for harm caused by tort against other spouseand wrongful death.
     Historically, American courts used to deny any remedy to any pure emotionaldistress, let alone bystander liability. Not until the intentional infliction of emotionaldistress retained its legitimate title in the hierarchy of tort law, did courts give aserious consideration to the possibility that the bystander could qualify herself for adecent plaintiff as appropriate as those who were directly affected by tortuous act, ifnot more than. Unfortunately, it was the same or at least similar justifications,towhich courts had resorted in order to support their denial of all pure emotional distress,that played as formidable foes in front of bystander liability. Eventually, due to theprosperity of science especially the rapid development of psychology, the judicialtechnology grasped a golden chance to evolve accordingly, which gave a rise to thelong due expansion the scope of duty that included the bystander liability with reliable and practical means of evaluation. In more than half a century since the Dillon case in1968, American courts devised and adopted miscellaneous ingenious mechanism tosuccessfully ensure that the remedy to plaintiffs not rendered at the cost of thefreedom of defendants, which itself suffices a good case in point that bystanderliability is not a chimera that cannot be leashed.
     On one hand, the coherence of bystander liability, which is strictly required bythe internal justification of tort law, is safely guaranteed by the highly sophisticatedprima facie elements. To be specific, the normative requirement of severity andforeseeability of injury and wrongfulness of the act of defendant are all thoroughlyaccommodated within the institution of bystander liability. On the other hand, with thedeeply rooted background of legal pragmatism, American courts activate bystanderliability to achieve several utilitarian goals like to maintain normal familialrelationship, to preserve the traditional concept of marriage and family and to servethe efficiency need of judicial branch. Some courts even adopt Hand formula topresent bystander liability a law and economics stand. All those attempts function asthe external justification of bystander liability in comparison to its internalcounterpart.
     The prima facie elements of bystander liability serve with a single purpose, thatis, to test plaintiff’s substantive claim, which labours to satisfy the requirement ofcoherence that is the prerequisite to the foreseeability of liability. A empirical researchof American cases would reveal:(1) the simultaneous perception and close relativerequirement have nothing to do with the objectivity and truthfulness of emotionaldistress;(2) the foreseeability of liability is well ensured by elaborate patterns ofinstitutional designs;(3) punitive damages is a much better alternative tocompensatory damages in cases that defendants act being malicious, wanton orreckless.
     As for the Chinese legal practice of bystander liability, although over decadeslower courts granted remedy to plaintiff according to the interpretation and instructiveopinions from the Supreme Court, this kind of tort liability has not been officiallyrecognized by the Chinese Tort Liability Law yet, which could not be commented asnothing else but a pity. Not only dose the blankness of Chinese tort law lead to thetragedy of genuine plaintiff being deliberately ignored, but also probably set themistreatment towards defendant in motion whenever courts decide to exploit theirdiscretion. A comparative study on the American bystander liability can be of constructive value to reverse the current distortion and perfect the Chinese TortLiability Law.
     This dissertation is concentrated on the actual status of American bystanderliability,which is conducted in order to offer a brief view of the picture as a whole bymeans of empirical study of real cases, with the purpose to ascertain the actualjustifications acknowledged by American courts relying on historical induction, andaiming at the innovation and optimization of Chinese Tort Liability Lawimplementing a survey both on the newest theoretical accomplishment and judicialtrends. Finally, this dissertation will present the specific institutional design basing onour domestic reality, focusing on the localization of constitutional elements and themethod to reach the amount of damages.
①See In re Smith, Slip Copy(2012),2012WL2341571, at6.
    ②See Shepard v. Superior Court(1977),76Cal.App.3d16,142Cal.Rptr.612, at614.
    ③在欠缺侵权法规范的特殊规定的前提下,即使原告是直接受害人的近亲属,原告也不能以自己的名义、以直接受害人的权益受损为依据提起诉讼,例如,父亲不能因为儿子被美国政府列入了无人机空袭刺杀的恐怖分子名单而以儿子的生命权益受损为由起诉美国总统、国防部长和CIA局长(See Al-Aulaqi v.Obama(2010),727F.Supp.2d1, at33)。
    ①Galgano v. Metropolitan Property and Cas. Ins. Co.(2004),267Conn.512,838A.2d993, at998.
    ②Ilene Durst,“Re-Envisioning The Reach Of Persecution: Recognizing Refugee Status For The Family BystanderWitness”,34Whittier Law Review (2012)1, at16.
    ③Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at829.
    ④Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment i(2012).
    ①See Marla H. v. Knox County(2011),361S.W.3d518, at521.
    ①S. Claire Swift,“Bystander Liability After Dunphy V. Gregor: A Proposal For A New Definition Of TheBystander”,15Review of Litigation (1997)579, at580.
    ③Prosser and Keeton, On The Law of Torts, fifth edition, St. Paul, Minn. West Publishing Co.1984, at361。
    ①See Restatement (Second) of Torts§436A (1965).
    ②See Restatement (Second) of Torts§436(1965).
    ③See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§47(a)(2012).
    ④Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§47, comment e(2012).
    ①See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§47(b)(2012).
    ②Richard·A·Epstein, Torts,影印本,中信出版社2003年版,at279.
    ③Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§47, comment f(2012).
    ④Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall and Carlisle(1994),1994WL379098(U.S.), at16.
    ⑤Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall and Carlisle(1994),1994WL379098(U.S.), at17.
    ⑥Eric C Surette, J.D.,38American Jurisprudence,2d Fright, Shock, Etc.§15.
    ①Kelly v. Brigham&Women's Hosp.,51Mass.App.Ct.297,745N.E.2d969, at978.
    ②See Lacy v. Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center(1990),745F.Supp.1029, at1030.
    ③Lacy v. Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center(1990),745F.Supp.1029, at1035.
    ④Lacy v. Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center(1990),745F.Supp.1029, at1035.
    ⑤See Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall and Carlisle(1994),1994WL379098(U.S.), at15.
    ①See Althoff v. Consolidated Rail Corp.(1988), F. Supp.,1988WL61734(E.D.Pa.), at1.
    ②Althoff v. Consolidated Rail Corp.(1988), F. Supp.,1988WL61734(E.D.Pa.), at1.英国法中却存在类似案例,see Bernadette Lynch: A victory for pragmatism? Nervous shock reconsidered.108(Jul) Law QuarterlyReview367, at368.1992.
    ③See Althoff v. Consolidated Rail Corp.(1988), F. Supp.,1988WL61734(E.D.Pa.), at2.
    ④Althoff v. Consolidated Rail Corp.(1988), F. Supp.,1988WL61734(E.D.Pa.), at2.
    ⑤Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment f (2012).
    ⑥Restatement (Second) of Torts§693(1)(1977).
    ⑦Restatement (Second) of Torts§693, comment f(1977).
    ⑧Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48(a)(2012).
    ①See Rodriguez v. Bethlehem Steel Corp.(1974),12Cal.3d382,525P.2d669, at670.
    ②Rodriguez v. Bethlehem Steel Corp.(1974),12Cal.3d382,525P.2d669, at675.
    ③Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48(b)(2012).
    ④Charles J. Nagy, J.D.,86Corpus Juris Secundum TORTS§83, Database updated December2012.
    ⑤See Restatement (Second) of Torts§707A (1977).
    ⑥See Restatement (Second) of Torts§703(1977).
    ⑦Laura M. Raisty,“Bystander Distress And Loss Of Consortium: An Examination Of The RelationshipRequirements In Light Ofromer v. Evans”,65Fordham Law Review (1997)2647, at2657.
    ①Maloney v. Conroy(1988),208Conn.392,545A.2d1059, at1062.
    ②See Auto Club Ins. Ass'n v. Hardiman(1998),228Mich.App.470,579N.W.2d115, at116.
    ③Auto Club Ins. Ass’n v. Hardiman(1998),228Mich.App.470,579N.W.2d115, at118.
    ④Auto Club Ins. Ass’n v. Hardiman(1998),228Mich.App.470,579N.W.2d115, at118.
    ⑤See Matthews v. Hicks(1955),197Va.112, at113.
    ⑥Matthews v. Hicks(1955),197Va.112, at119.
    ①Prosser and Keeton, On The Law of Torts, fifth edition, St. Paul, Minn. West Publishing Co.1984, at947。
    ②See Schmidt v. Boardman Co.(2011),608Pa.327,11A.3d924, at927.
    ③Schmidt v. Boardman Co.(2011),608Pa.327,11A.3d924, at950.
    ①Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Substantive Standing, Civil Recourse, And Corrective Justice”,39Florida StateUniversity Law Review (2011)299, at304.
    ①Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Substantive Standing, Civil Recourse, And Corrective Justice”,39Florida StateUniversity Law Review (2011)299, at304.
    ①See Brown v. Kendall(1850),60Mass.(6Cush.)292, at294.
    ②Brown v. Kendall(1850),60Mass.(6Cush.)292, at295.
    ③Brown v. Kendall(1850),60Mass.(6Cush.)292, at295.
    ①Brown v. Kendall(1850),60Mass.(6Cush.)292, at297.
    ②Dan B. Dobbs, Paul T. Hayden and Ellen M. Bublick, The Law of Torts§17(2d ed.), Part I, Chapter2, Topic B,Database updated June2013.
    ③Dan B. Dobbs, Paul T. Hayden and Ellen M. Bublick, The Law of Torts§122(2d ed.), Part III, Chapter11,Database updated June2013.
    ④See Renner v. Canfield(1886),36Minn.90,30N.W.435, at435.
    ⑤Renner v. Canfield(1886),36Minn.90,30N.W.435, at436.
    ①Renner v. Canfield(1886),36Minn.90,30N.W.435, at436.
    ②Jeremiah Smith,“Legal Cause in Actions of Tort”,25Harvard Law Review (1911)103, at109.
    ③Joseph H. Beale,“The Proximate Consequences Of An Act”,33Harvard Law Review (1920)633, at640.
    ④Jeremiah Smith,“Legal Cause in Actions of Tort”,25Harvard Law Review (1911)103, at109.
    ⑤Patrick J. Kelley,“Proximate Cause In Negligence Law: History, Theory, And The Present Darkness”,69Washington University Law Quarterly (1991)49, at51.
    ⑥See Patrick J. Kelley,“Proximate Cause In Negligence Law: History, Theory, And The Present Darkness”,69Washington University Law Quarterly (1991)49, at51.
    ⑦Jessie Allen,“The Persistence Of Proximate Cause: How Legal Doctrine Thrives On Skepticism”,90DenverUniversity Law Review (2012)77, at86.
    ①See Haile’s Curator v. Texas&P. Ry. Co.(1894),60F.557, at557.
    ②Haile’s Curator v. Texas&P. Ry. Co.(1894),60F.557, at560.
    ③Johnson v. Wells, Fargo&Co.(1870),6Nev.224,1870WL2474, at6.
    ④Johnson v. Wells, Fargo&Co.(1870),6Nev.224,1870WL2474, at6.
    ①Johnson v. Wells, Fargo&Co.(1870),6Nev.224,1870WL2474, at6.
    ②See Johnson v. Wells, Fargo&Co.(1870),6Nev.224,1870WL2474, at1.
    ③Johnson v. Wells, Fargo&Co.(1870),6Nev.224,1870WL2474, at11.
    ④Chapman v. Western Union Telegraph Co.(1892),88Ga.763,15S.E.901, at904.
    ①Chapman v. Western Union Telegraph Co.(1892),88Ga.763,15S.E.901, at904.
    ②See Chapman v. Western Union Telegraph Co.(1892),88Ga.763,15S.E.901, at901.
    ③Chapman v. Western Union Telegraph Co.(1892),88Ga.763,15S.E.901, at904.
    ④Chapman v. Western Union Telegraph Co.(1892),88Ga.763,15S.E.901, at904.
    ⑤Keyes v. Minneapolis&St. L. Ry. Co.(1886),36Minn.290,30N.W.888, at889.
    ①Indianapolis&St. L.R. Co. v. Stables(1872),62Ill.313,1872WL8042, at4.
    ②See Indianapolis&St. L.R. Co. v. Stables(1872),62Ill.313,1872WL8042, at1.
    ③Indianapolis&St. L.R. Co. v. Stables(1872),62Ill.313,1872WL8042, at1.
    ④See Ewing v. Pittsburgh, C., C.&St. L. Ry. Co.(1892),147Pa.40,23A.340, at340.
    ⑤Ewing v. Pittsburgh, C., C.&St. L. Ry. Co.(1892),147Pa.40,23A.340, at340.
    ⑥Ewing v. Pittsburgh, C., C.&St. L. Ry. Co.(1892),147Pa.40,23A.340, at340.
    ⑦Ewing v. Pittsburgh, C., C.&St. L. Ry. Co.(1892),147Pa.40,23A.340, at341.
    ①Ewing v. Pittsburgh, C., C.&St. L. Ry. Co.(1892),147Pa.40,23A.340, at340.
    ②Braun v. Craven(1898),175Ill.401,51N.E.657, at662.
    ③See Braun v. Craven(1898),175Ill.401,51N.E.657, at658.
    ④Braun v. Craven(1898),175Ill.401,51N.E.657, at662.
    ⑤Mitchell v. Rochester Ry. Co.(1896),5E.H. Smith107,45N.E.354, at355.
    ⑥See Mitchell v. Rochester Ry. Co.(1896),5E.H. Smith107,45N.E.354, at354.
    ①Mitchell v. Rochester Ry. Co.(1896),5E.H. Smith107,45N.E.354, at355.
    ②Mitchell v. Rochester Ry. Co.(1896),5E.H. Smith107,45N.E.354, at355.
    ③Calvert Magruder,“Mental And Emotional Disturbance In The Law Of Torts”,49Harvard Law Review (1936)1033, at1035.
    ④Stanley Ingber,“Rethinking Intangible Injuries: A Focus On Remedy”,73California Law Review (1985)772, at772.
    ①See Lawrence M. Friedman, American Law in the20th Century, Yale University Press,2002, at29.
    ②Aikens v. State of Wisconsin(1902),195U.S.194,25S.Ct.3, at5.
    ③See Hill v. Kimball(1890),76Tex.210,13S.W.59, at59.
    ④Hill v. Kimball(1890),76Tex.210,13S.W.59, at59.
    ⑤Hill v. Kimball(1890),76Tex.210,13S.W.59, at59.
    ①Hill v. Kimball(1890),76Tex.210,13S.W.59, at59.
    ②Hill v. Kimball(1890),76Tex.210,13S.W.59, at59.
    ③Joseph N. Blumberg,“Pleading Panic: Pure Emotional Damages As ‘Sickness Or Disease’ For Bodily InjuryClaims”,76Missouri Law Review (2011)867, at876.
    ④Baltimore City Pass. Ry. Co. v. Kemp(1883),61Md.74,1883WL4145, at4.
    ⑤See Wilson v. Wilkins(1930),181Ark.137,25S.W.2d428, at428.
    ①Wilson v. Wilkins(1930),181Ark.137,25S.W.2d428, at429.
    ②See Chicago&A. Ry. Co. v. Tracey(1903),109Ill.App.563,1903WL1693, at1.
    ①Chicago&A. Ry. Co. v. Tracey(1903),109Ill.App.563,1903WL1693, at4.
    ②Head v. Georgia Pac. Ry. Co.(1887),79Ga.358,7S.E.217, at218.
    ③See Jacobus v. Congregation of Children of Israel(1899),107Ga.518,33S.E.853, at854.
    ④Jacobus v. Congregation of Children of Israel(1899),107Ga.518,33S.E.853, at854.
    ⑤Jacobus v. Congregation of Children of Israel(1899),107Ga.518,33S.E.853, at855.
    ⑥Jacobus v. Congregation of Children of Israel(1899),107Ga.518,33S.E.853, at855.
    ⑦Jacobus v. Congregation of Children of Israel(1899),107Ga.518,33S.E.853, at855.
    ①Pavesich v. New England Life Ins. Co.(1905),122Ga.190,50S.E.68, at76.
    ②See Sloane v. Southern Cal. Ry. Co.(1896),111Cal.668,44P.320, at321.
    ③Sloane v. Southern Cal. Ry. Co.(1896),111Cal.668,44P.320, at322.
    ①Holdorf v. Holdorf(1918),185Iowa838,169N.W.737, at739.
    ②See Ammons v. Southern Ry. Co.(1905),140N.C.196,52S.E.731, at732.
    ③Ammons v. Southern Ry. Co.(1905),140N.C.196,52S.E.731, at733concurring.
    ④Archibald H. Throckmorton: Damages For Fright.34Harvard Law Review260, at275. January,1921.
    ⑤See Green v. T.A. Shoemaker&Co.(1909),111Md.69,73A.688, at689.
    ①Green v. T.A. Shoemaker&Co.(1909),111Md.69,73A.688, at692.
    ②See Gulf, C.&S.F. Ry. Co. v. Hayter(1908),93Tex.239,54S.W.944, at944.
    ③Gulf, C.&S.F. Ry. Co. v. Hayter(1908),93Tex.239,54S.W.944, at945.
    ①See Alabama Fuel&Iron Co. v. Baladoni(1916),15Ala.App.316,73So.205, at206.
    ②Alabama Fuel&Iron Co. v. Baladoni(1916),15Ala.App.316,73So.205, at207.
    ③Alabama Fuel&Iron Co. v. Baladoni(1916),15Ala.App.316,73So.205, at207.
    ④See Clough v. Steen(1934),3Cal.App.2d392,39P.2d889, at889.
    ①Clough v. Steen(1934),3Cal.App.2d392,39P.2d889, at890.
    ②Clough v. Steen(1934),3Cal.App.2d392,39P.2d889, at890.
    ③Kline v. Kline(1902),158Ind.602,64N.E.9, at10.
    ④Waube v. Warrington(1935),216Wis.603,258N.W.497, at501.
    ⑤See Reed v. Moore(1957),156Cal.App.2d43,319P.2d80, at81.
    ①Reed v. Moore(1957),156Cal.App.2d43,319P.2d80, at82.
    ②See Waube v. Warrington(1935),216Wis.603,258N.W.497, at497.
    ③Waube v. Warrington(1935),216Wis.603,258N.W.497, at501.
    ①Waube v. Warrington(1935),216Wis.603,258N.W.497, at501.
    ②See Spearman v. McCrary(1912),4Ala.App.473,58So.927, at928.
    ③Spearman v. McCrary(1912),4Ala.App.473,58So.927, at930.
    ④Spearman v. McCrary(1912),4Ala.App.473,58So.927, at931.
    ⑤Spade v. Lynn&B.R. Co.,168Mass.285,47N.E.88, at89.
    ①Amaya v. Home Ice, Fuel&Supply Co.(1963),59Cal.2d295,379P.2d513, at523.
    ②Amaya v. Home Ice, Fuel&Supply Co.(1963),59Cal.2d295,379P.2d513, at535dissenting.
    ③Waube v. Warrington(1935),216Wis.603,258N.W.497, at501.
    ①See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment a(2012).
    ②Lawrence M. Friedman, American Law in the20th Century, Yale University Press,2002, at460.
    ④See Jack Berman,“The Function of State of the Art Evidence in Strict Products Liability”,10American Journalof Law&Medicine (1984)93, at97.
    ⑥具体完成时间为1965年4月22日,see Restatement (Second) of Torts Introduction.(1965).
    ①See William L. Prosser,“Privacy”,48Carlifornia Law Review (1960)383, at388.
    ③See Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at914.
    ④See Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at916.
    ⑤Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at916.
    ①Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at919.
    ②Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at919.
    ③Palsgraf v. Long Island R.R. Co.(1928),248N.Y.339,344,162N.E.99, at100。
    ④Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ⑤Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ⑥Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ①Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ②Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ③Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at914.
    ④Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at917.
    ⑤Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at917.
    ①Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at917.
    ②Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at917.
    ③Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at917.
    ④Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ①Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ②Kenneth B. Baren,“Should Third Parties Recover Regardless of the Negligent Tort?”25Journal of LegalMedicine (2004)351, at356.
    ①See Cullen J. Dupuy,“Negligent Infliction Of Emotional Distress: The Effect Of Article2315.6”,53LouisianaLaw Review (1992)555, at556.
    ②See Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at561.
    ③See Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at566.
    ④Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at566.
    ⑤Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at569.
    ①See Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at566.
    ②Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at563.
    ③Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at563.
    ④Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at570.
    ①See Cullen J. Dupuy,“Negligent Infliction Of Emotional Distress: The Effect Of Article2315.6”,53LouisianaLaw Review (1992)555, at557.
    ②Lousiana Civil Code Article2315.6.
    ③Jessica Coco,“The Status Of Bystander Damage Claims In Louisiana: A Less-Than-Perfect Fit In The TortPuzzle”,66Louisiana Law Review (2005)261, at261.
    ①Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at766.
    ②Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at766.
    ③Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at766.
    ①Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at760.
    ②Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at760.
    ③See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at767.
    ④James v. Lieb(1985),221Neb.47,375N.W.2d109, at115.
    ⑤James v. Lieb(1985),221Neb.47,375N.W.2d109, at116.
    ①James v. Lieb(1985),221Neb.47,375N.W.2d109, at116.
    ②James v. Lieb(1985),221Neb.47,375N.W.2d109, at116.
    ③Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at815.
    ④Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at815.
    ⑤Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at815.
    ①Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at819.
    ②Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2405.
    ③Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at847.
    ①Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at850.
    ②Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at847.
    ③Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at847.
    ④Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at847.
    ⑤Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at848.
    ⑥Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at168.
    ⑦See Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2400.
    ①Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2407.
    ②Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2407.
    ③Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2408.
    ④Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2410.
    ①Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2410.
    ②Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2411.
    ③Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2411.
    ④Norfolk Southern Ry. Co. v. Sorrell(2007),549U.S.158,127S.Ct.799, at801.
    ⑤See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment a.
    ⑥Cox v. Pearl Investment Co.(1969),168Colo.67,450P.2d60, at64.
    ④John C.P. Goldberg,“Ten Half-Truths About Tort Law”,42Valparaiso University Law Review (2008)1221, at1263.
    ①See Philip Ackerman,“Comment: Some Don’t like it: Louisiana Eliminates Punitive Damages for EnvironmentTorts”,72Tulane Law Review (1997)327, at343.
    ②Philip Ackerman,“Comment: Some Don’t like it: Louisiana Eliminates Punitive Damages for EnvironmentTorts”,72Tulane Law Review (1997)327, at348.
    ⑥John C.P. Goldberg, Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Torts As Wrongs”,88Texas Law Review (2010)917, at946.
    ①John C.P. Goldberg,“Two Conceptions of Tort Damages: Fair V. Full Compensation”,55DePaul Law Review(2006)435, at436.
    ⑥Richard A. Posner,“The Concept Of Corrective Justice In Recent Theories Of Tort Law”,10Journal Of LegalStudies (1981)187.载于《侵权行为法基础》,北京,法律出版社,2005年版,第64页。
    ⑦Jules Coleman,“Corrective Justice And Wrongful Gain”,11The Journal Of Legal Studies (1982)421, at426.
    ②Peter Benson,“External Freedom According To Kant”,87Columbia Law Review (1987)559, at560.
    ③Peter Benson,“External Freedom According To Kant”,87Columbia Law Review (1987)559, at560.
    ④B. Sharon Byrd, Joachim Hruschka,“Kant On ‘Why Must I Keep My Promise?’”81Chicago-Kent Law Review(2006)47, at49.
    ⑤Jean Thomas,“Which Interests Should Tort Protect?”61Buffalo Law Review (2013)1, at13.
    ⑥John C.P. Goldberg,“Ten Half-Truths About Tort Law”,42Valparaiso University Law Review (2008)1221, at1256.
    ①George P. Fletcher,“Why Kant”,87Columbia Law Review (1987)421, at424.
    ④John C.P. Goldberg,“Tort In Three Dimensions”,38Pepperdine Law Review (2011)321, at329.
    ⑤George P. Fletcher,“Fairness And Utility In Tort Theory”,85Harvard Law Review (1972)537, at538.
    ⑥Michael L. Rustad, Thomas H. Koenig,“Taming The Tort Monster: The American Civil Justice System As ABattleground Of Social Theory”,68Brooklyn Law Review (2002)1, at12.
    ②George P. Fletcher,“Fairness And Utility In Tort Theory”,85Harvard Law Review (1972)537, at542.
    ③George P. Fletcher,“Fairness And Utility In Tort Theory”,85Harvard Law Review (1972)537, at559.
    ④John C.P. Goldberg,“Ten Half-Truths About Tort Law”,42Valparaiso University Law Review (2008)1221, at1256.
    ⑦George P. Fletcher,“Fairness And Utility In Tort Theory”,85Harvard Law Review (1972)537, at560.
    ①阻却功能与分配正义的关联不仅体现在典型的危险责任和严格责任的案件中,此类被告承担更重的法律义务的原因就在于法律特许他们获得了更多的利益,“危险责任的目的,在于使一项虽然危险但为法所不禁止之行为的行为人,在享受其利益的同时,负担其相应的风险:允许行为人为该项行为人,则对因此所致他人之损害即须赔偿;此项赔偿义务,就如获得行为许可所需支付的代价”([德]梅迪库斯:《请求权基础》。陈卫佐等译,法律出版社2012年版,第161页);也体现在那些因初级社会分配导致原告和被告之间在专业知识、技能、经验和经济实力等方面出现巨大差异的案件中,这些占优势地位的被告承担更重的法律义务的原因不在于他们从事了何种具体行为,而在于他们拥有更多的社会资源,具有能力预防事故或者承担损失,“多数侵权行为也出现在一方比另一方面更加脆弱的社会关系之中”(Jason M.Solomon,“Civil Recourse As Social Equality”,39Florida State University Law Review (2011)243, at258)。
    ②Jason M. Solomon,“Civil Recourse As Social Equality”,39Florida State University Law Review (2011)243, at246.
    ③Jason M. Solomon,“Civil Recourse As Social Equality”,39Florida State University Law Review (2011)243, at246.
    ④John C.P. Goldberg,“Ten Half-Truths About Tort Law”,42Valparaiso University Law Review (2008)1221, at1249.
    ⑤John C.P. Goldberg,“Ten Half-Truths About Tort Law”,42Valparaiso University Law Review (2008)1221, at1240.
    ⑥See Jean Thomas,“Which Interests Should Tort Protect?”61Buffalo Law Review (2013)1, at11.
    ①Jean Thomas,“Which Interests Should Tort Protect?”61Buffalo Law Review (2013)1, at12.
    ②Richard A. Posner,“The Concept Of Corrective Justice In Recent Theories Of Tort Law”,10Journal Of LegalStudies (1981)187.载于《侵权行为法基础》,法律出版社2005年版,第65页。
    ③Jean Thomas,“Which Interests Should Tort Protect?”61Buffalo Law Review (2013)1, at48.
    ④See Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Substantive Standing, Civil Recourse, And Corrective Justice”,39Florida StateUniversity Law Review (2011)299, at312.
    ⑤Richard A. Posner,“The Concept Of Corrective Justice In Recent Theories Of Tort Law”,10Journal Of LegalStudies (1981)187.载于《侵权行为法基础》,法律出版社2005年版,第66页。
    ⑥Michael L. Rustad, Thomas H. Koenig,“Taming The Tort Monster: The American Civil Justice System As ABattleground Of Social Theory”,68Brooklyn Law Review (2002)1, at12.
    ⑦Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Substantive Standing, Civil Recourse, And Corrective Justice”,39Florida StateUniversity Law Review (2011)299, at312.
    ③Jean Thomas,“Which Interests Should Tort Protect?”61Buffalo Law Review (2013)1, at49.
    ④Stanley Ingber,“Rethinking Intangible Injuries: A Focus On Remedy”,73California Law Review (1985)772, at775.
    ①John C.P. Goldberg,“Ten Half-Truths About Tort Law”,42Valparaiso University Law Review (2008)1221, at1239.
    ②Jean Thomas,“Which Interests Should Tort Protect?”61Buffalo Law Review (2013)1, at49.
    ③Jules Coleman,“Corrective Justice And Wrongful Gain”,11The Journal Of Legal Studies (1982)421, at423.
    ④Ernest J. Weinrib,“Civil Recourse And Corrective Justice”,39Florida State University Law Review (2011)273,at275.
    ①John C.P. Goldberg, Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Torts As Wrongs”,88Texas Law Review (2010)917, at926.
    ②John C.P. Goldberg, Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Torts As Wrongs”,88Texas Law Review (2010)917, at926.
    ⑤Jean Thomas,“Which Interests Should Tort Protect?”61Buffalo Law Review (2013)1, at56.
    ①John C.P. Goldberg, Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Torts As Wrongs”,88Texas Law Review (2010)917, at965.
    ②See John C.P. Goldberg, Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Torts As Wrongs”,88Texas Law Review (2010)917, at966.
    ④See Norwest, By and Through Crain v. Presbyterian Intercommunity Hosp.,293Or.543,652P.2d318, at319.
    ⑤Norwest, By and Through Crain v. Presbyterian Intercommunity Hosp.,293Or.543,652P.2d318, at332.
    ⑥Norwest, By and Through Crain v. Presbyterian Intercommunity Hosp.,293Or.543,652P.2d318, at333.
    ⑦John C.P. Goldberg, Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Torts As Wrongs”,88Texas Law Review (2010)917, at939.
    ①Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48.
    ②Ilene Durst,“Re-Envisioning The Reach Of Persecution: Recognizing Refugee Status For The Family BystanderWitness”,34Whittier Law Review (2012)1, at16.
    ③See Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at561.
    ④Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at570.
    ⑤Lejeune v. Rayne Branch Hosp.(1990),556So.2d559, at570.
    ①Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment g.
    ②See Barnhill v. Davis(1981),300N.W.2d104, at105.
    ③Barnhill v. Davis(1981),300N.W.2d104, at106.
    ④Barnhill v. Davis(1981),300N.W.2d104, at107.
    ①John C.P. Goldberg,“Duty and The Structure of Negligence”,10Kan. J.L.&Pub. Pol'y (2000)149, at151.
    ③Ernest J. Weinrib,“Causation And Wrongdoing”,63Chicago-Kent Law Review (1987)439, at440.
    ⑤See Portee v. Jaffee(1980),84N.J.88,417A.2d521, at522.
    ①Portee v. Jaffee(1980),84N.J.88,417A.2d521, at527.
    ②Portee v. Jaffee(1980),84N.J.88,417A.2d521, at527.
    ③Portee v. Jaffee(1980),84N.J.88,417A.2d521, at527.
    ④Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at850.
    ⑤Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at847.
    ③John C.P. Goldberg,“Duty and The Structure of Negligence”,10Kan. J.L.&Pub. Pol'y (2000)149, at151.
    ④See Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at919.
    ①Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at919.
    ②See D’Amicol v. Alvarez Shipping Co., Inc.(1973),31Conn.Supp.164,326A.2d129, at129.
    ③D’Amicol v. Alvarez Shipping Co., Inc.(1973),31Conn.Supp.164,326A.2d129, at132.
    ④Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at848.
    ①Michael L. Rustad,“Twenty-First-Century Tort Theories: The Internalist/Externalist Debate”,88Indiana LawJournal (2013)419, at427.
    ②See Michael L. Rustad, Thomas H. Koenig,“Taming The Tort Monster: The American Civil Justice System AsA Battleground Of Social Theory”,68Brooklyn Law Review (2002)1, at9.
    ①Lucero v. Salazar(1994),117N.M.803,877P.2d1106, at1109.
    ②See Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at823.
    ③Portee v. Jaffee(1980),84N.J.88,417A.2d521, at526.
    ④Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at825.
    ⑤Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at825.
    ⑥See Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at827.
    ⑦Lucero v. Salazar(1994),117N.M.803,877P.2d1106, at1108.
    ①Paul Montoya, v. Maxine Garduno, et al.,2002WL33957012(Trial Order).
    ②Laura M. Raisty,“Bystander Distress And Loss Of Consortium: An Examination Of The RelationshipRequirements In Light Ofromer V. Evans”,65Fordham Law Review (1997)2647, at2648.
    ③Leonard v. John Crane, Inc.(2012),206Cal.App.4th1274,142Cal.Rptr.3d700, at707.
    ④See Elden v. Sheldon(1988),46Cal.3d267,758P.2d582, at582.
    ①Elden v. Sheldon(1988),46Cal.3d267,758P.2d582, at586.
    ②Elden v. Sheldon(1988),46Cal.3d267,758P.2d582, at586.
    ③Elden v. Sheldon(1988),46Cal.3d267,758P.2d582, at586.
    ④Elden v. Sheldon(1988),46Cal.3d267,758P.2d582, at586.
    ⑤Mitchell v. Rochester Ry. Co.(1896),5E.H. Smith107,45N.E.354, at355.
    ①Tobin v. Grossman(1969),24N.Y.2d609,249N.E.2d419, at422.
    ②Tobin v. Grossman(1969),24N.Y.2d609,249N.E.2d419, at422.
    ③Tobin v. Grossman(1969),24N.Y.2d609,249N.E.2d419, at422.
    ④Tobin v. Grossman(1969),24N.Y.2d609,249N.E.2d419, at422.
    ⑤Tobin v. Grossman(1969),24N.Y.2d609,249N.E.2d419, at422.
    ①Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at849.
    ②Bovsun v. Sanperi(1984),61N.Y.2d219,461N.E.2d843, at849.
    ③Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at917.
    ④John J. Kircher,“The Four Faces Of Tort Law: Liability For Emotional Harm”,90Marquette Law Review
    (2007)789, at838.
    ①Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at826.
    ②Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at826.
    ③R.H. Coase,“The Problem of Social Cost”,3J.L.&Econ.(1960)1.载于《侵权行为法基础》,法律出版社2005年版,第12页。
    ④R.H. Coase,“The Problem of Social Cost”,3J.L.&Econ.(1960)1.载于《侵权行为法基础》,法律出版社2005年版,第2页。
    ⑤Guido Calabresi,“The Decision For Accidents: An Approach To Nonfault Allocation Of Costs”,78HarvardLaw Review (1965)713, at713.
    ⑥See Guido Calabresi,“The Decision For Accidents: An Approach To Nonfault Allocation Of Costs”,78HarvardLaw Review (1965)713, at714.
    ⑦See Guido Calabresi,“Some Thoughts On Risk Distribution And The Law Of Torts”,70Yale Law Journal (1961)499, at499.
    ①John C.P. Goldberg, Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Torts As Wrongs”,88Texas Law Review (2010)917, at926.
    ③John C.P. Goldberg, Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Torts As Wrongs”,88Texas Law Review (2010)917, at927.
    ④See United States v. Carroll Towing Co.(1947),159F.2d169, at173.
    ⑥Thomas T. Uhl,“Bystander Emotional Distress: Missing An Opportunity To Strengthen The Ties That Bind”,61Brooklyn Law Review (1995)1399, at1442.
    ⑦Perodeau v. City of Hartford(2002),259Conn.729,792A.2d752, at770.
    ⑧Lourcey v. Estate of Scarlett(2004),146S.W.3d48, at50.
    ①Lourcey v. Estate of Scarlett(2004),146S.W.3d48, at54.
    ②Lourcey v. Estate of Scarlett(2004),146S.W.3d48, at54.
    ①Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Substantive Standing, Civil Recourse, And Corrective Justice”,39Florida StateUniversity Law Review (2011)299, at304.
    ②Benjamin C. Zipursky,“Substantive Standing, Civil Recourse, And Corrective Justice”,39Florida StateUniversity Law Review (2011)299, at304.
    ③Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),1994WL379098(U.S.), at9.
    ④Thomas T. Uhl,“Bystander Emotional Distress: Missing An Opportunity To Strengthen The Ties That Bind”,61Brooklyn Law Review (1995)1399, at1464.
    ⑤See D’Amicol v. Alvarez Shipping Co., Inc.(1973),31Conn.Supp.164,326A.2d129, at129.
    ①D’Amicol v. Alvarez Shipping Co., Inc.(1973),31Conn.Supp.164,326A.2d129, at132.
    ②Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at830.
    ③Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment b(2012).
    ④Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§45, comment b(2012).
    ⑤Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment i(2012).
    ⑥Mendillo v. Board of Educ. of Town of East Haddam(1998),246Conn.456,717A.2d1177, at1189.
    ①See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment k(2012).
    ②Scott D. Marrs,“Mind over Body: Trends regarding the Physical Injury Requirement in Negligent Infliction ofEmotional Distress and Fear of Disease Cases”,28Tort&Insurance Law Journal (1992)1, at3.
    ③Corso v. Merrill(1979),119N.H.647,406A.2d300, at304.
    ④Clark v. Estate of Rice ex rel. Rice(2002),653N.W.2d166, at170.
    ⑤Clark v. Estate of Rice ex rel. Rice(2002),653N.W.2d166, at172.
    ⑥See Aldridge v. D.W. Newcomer’s Sons, Inc.(2003),669N.W.2d260(Table), at1.
    ①Aldridge v. D.W. Newcomer’s Sons, Inc.(2003),669N.W.2d260(Table), at1.
    ②Corgan v. Muehling(1991),143Ill.2d296,574N.E.2d602, at608.
    ③Wallace v. Coca-Cola Bottling Plants, Inc.(1970),269A.2d117, at121.
    ④Wallace v. Coca-Cola Bottling Plants, Inc.(1970),269A.2d117, at121.
    ⑤Garrett by Kravit v. City of New Berlin(1985),122Wis.2d223,362N.W.2d137, at144.
    ①See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at766.
    ②Corgan v. Muehling(1991),143Ill.2d296,574N.E.2d602, at609.
    ③Culbert v. Sampson’s Supermarkets Inc.(1982),444A.2d433, at437.
    ④See Knierim v. Izzo(1961),22Ill.2d73,174N.E.2d157, at164.
    ⑤Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at815.
    ⑥Knierim v. Izzo(1961),22Ill.2d73,174N.E.2d157, at164.
    ⑦See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at760.
    ⑧Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at760.
    ⑨Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at760.
    ①See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at767.
    ②See Laxton v. Orkin Exterminating Co., Inc.(1982),639S.W.2d431, at432.
    ③Laxton v. Orkin Exterminating Co., Inc.(1982),639S.W.2d431, at434.
    ④Corgan v. Muehling(1991),143Ill.2d296,574N.E.2d602, at609.
    ⑤Charles J. Nagy, J.D.,86Corpus Juris Secundum TORTS§83, Database updated December2012.
    ⑥See Flores v. EMC Mortg. Co.(2014), F.Supp.2d,2014WL641097, at30.
    ②Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment m(2012).
    ③Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ④Vosburg v. Cenex-Land O’Lakes Agronomy Co.(1994),245Neb.485,513N.W.2d870, at874.
    ⑤Moore v. Kroger Co.(2010),800F.Supp.429,at433.
    ⑥See Jansen v. Children’s Hospital Medical Center(1973),31Cal.App.3d22,106Cal.Rptr.883, at884.
    ①Jansen v. Children’s Hospital Medical Center(1973),31Cal.App.3d22,106Cal.Rptr.883, at885.
    ②Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment l(2012).
    ③Portee v. Jaffee(1980),84N.J.88,417A.2d521, at528.
    ⑤Barnhill v. Davis(1981),300N.W.2d104, at108.
    ⑥See Malinguaggio v. Ryder Student Trans. Services, Inc.(1996), A.2d,1996WL500952, at1.
    ①See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment l(2012).
    ②Malinguaggio v. Ryder Student Trans. Services, Inc.(1996), A.2d,1996WL500952, at1
    ③See Ritchie v. Gerber Products Co.(1998), A.2d,1998WL845898, at1.
    ④Ritchie v. Gerber Products Co.(1998), A.2d,1998WL845898, at2.
    ⑤See Trisuzzi v. Tabatchnik(1995),285N.J.Super.15,666A.2d543.
    ⑥Trisuzzi v. Tabatchnik(1995),285N.J.Super.15,666A.2d543
    ⑦State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Ramsey(1988),295S.C.349,368S.E.2d477, at478.
    ①Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment e(2012).
    ②Routh v. Quinn(1942),20Cal.2d488,127P.2d1, at3.
    ③Prosser and Keeton, On The Law of Torts, fifth edition, St. Paul, Minn. West Publishing Co.,1984, at366.
    ④Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ⑤Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ⑥Corso v. Merrill(1979),119N.H.647,406A.2d300, at306.
    ①Charles J. Nagy, J.D.,86Corpus Juris Secundum TORTS§83, Database updated December2012.
    ②See Fineran v. Pickett(1991),465N.W.2d662, at663.
    ③Fineran v. Pickett(1991),465N.W.2d662, at663.
    ④See Ra v. Superior Court(2007),154Cal.App.4th142,64Cal.Rptr.3d539, at540.
    ⑤Ra v. Superior Court(2007),154Cal.App.4th142,64Cal.Rptr.3d539, at547.
    ⑥See Andrade v. Chojnacki(2003),65F.Supp.2d431, at444.
    ⑦Andrade v. Chojnacki(2003),65F.Supp.2d431, at465.
    ①Tommy’s Elbow Room, Inc. v. Kavorkian(1988),727P.2d1038, at1043.
    ②See Ortiz v. John D. Pittenger Builder, Inc.(2004),382N.J.Super.552,889A.2d1135, at1137.
    ③Ortiz v. John D. Pittenger Builder, Inc.(2004),382N.J.Super.552,889A.2d1135, at1142.
    ④Ortiz v. John D. Pittenger Builder, Inc.(2004),382N.J.Super.552,889A.2d1135, at1142.
    ⑥D'Ambra v. U. S.(1975),354F.Supp.810, at819.
    ⑦D’Ambra v. U. S.(1975),354F.Supp.810, at820.
    ⑧See D’Ambra v. U. S.(1975),354F.Supp.810, at821.
    ⑨See D’Ambra v. U. S.(1975),354F.Supp.810, at812.
    ①D’Ambra v. U. S.(1975),354F.Supp.810, at822.
    ①Ernest J. Weinrib,“Does Tort Law Have A Future?”34Valparaiso University Law Review (1999-2000)561, at563.
    ②Tobin v. Grossman(1969),24N.Y.2d609,249N.E.2d419, at422.
    ③Tobin v. Grossman(1969),24N.Y.2d609,249N.E.2d419, at423.
    ①Scarf v. Koltoff(1976),242Pa.Super.294,363A.2d1276, at1279.
    ②See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, reporters’ note to comment a(2012).其中,如印第安纳州中承认冲击规则这一一般规则之外存在着遵循可预见性判断方法的、较为宽泛的第三人过失精神损害赔偿责任的例外,实质上废弃了冲击规则的严格要求。See Atlantic Coast Airlines v. Cook(2006),857N.E.2d989, at997.
    ③See Keck v. Jackson(1979),122Ariz.114,593P.2d668, at668.
    ④Keck v. Jackson(1979),122Ariz.114,593P.2d668, at670.
    ⑤See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, reporters’ note to comment a(2012).
    ⑥See Snavely ex rel. Snavely v. Wilmington Medical Center, Inc.(1985), A.2d,1985WL552277, at1.
    ⑦Snavely ex rel. Snavely v. Wilmington Medical Center, Inc.(1985), A.2d,1985WL552277, at4.
    ⑧Snavely ex rel. Snavely v. Wilmington Medical Center, Inc.(1985), A.2d,1985WL552277, at4.
    ①See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, reporters’ note to comment a(2012).
    ②Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at168.
    ③Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at173.
    ④Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at173.
    ⑤See Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at165.
    ⑥Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at169.
    ⑦Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at169.
    ①Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at169.
    ②Stewart v. Gilliam(1972),271So.2d466, at472.
    ③Amaya v. Home Ice, Fuel&Supply Co.(1963),59Cal.2d295,379P.2d513, at523.
    ④Amaya v. Home Ice, Fuel&Supply Co.(1963),59Cal.2d295,379P.2d513, at523.
    ⑤Saechao v. Matsakoun(1986),78Or.App.340,717P.2d165, at169.
    ①Battalla v. State(1961),10N.Y.2d237,176N.E.2d729, at731.
    ②Battalla v. State(1961),10N.Y.2d237,176N.E.2d729, at731.
    ③Battalla v. State(1961),10N.Y.2d237,176N.E.2d729, at731.
    ④Battalla v. State(1961),10N.Y.2d237,176N.E.2d729, at731.
    ⑤Daley v. LaCroix(1970),384Mich.4,179N.W.2d390, at394.
    ⑥Gonzalez v. Metropolitan Dade County Public Health Trust(1995),651So.2d673, at675.
    ⑦See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, reporters’ note to comment a(2012).
    ⑧See Squeo v. Norwalk Hosp.(2012), A.3d,2012WL1592139, Conn.Super., at1.
    ①Clohessy v. Bachelor(1996),237Conn.31,675A.2d852, at865.
    ②See Squeo v. Norwalk Hosp.(2012), A.3d,2012WL1592139, Conn.Super., at5.
    ③Sinn v. Burd(1979),486Pa.146,404A.2d672, at681.
    ④Sinn v. Burd(1979),486Pa.146,404A.2d672, at682.
    ①Dziokonski v. Babineau(1978),375Mass.555,380N.E.2d1295, at1302.
    ②Sinn v. Burd(1979),486Pa.146,404A.2d672, at681.
    ③Dziokonski v. Babineau(1978),375Mass.555,380N.E.2d1295, at1300.
    ④See Dziokonski v. Babineau(1978),375Mass.555,380N.E.2d1295, at1296.
    ⑤Dziokonski v. Babineau(1978),375Mass.555,380N.E.2d1295, at1300.
    ①See Chavez v. Estate of Chavez(2009),148Wash.App.580,201P.3d340, at341.
    ②Chavez v. Estate of Chavez(2009),148Wash.App.580,201P.3d340, at342.
    ③Gates v. Richardson(1986),719P.2d193, at199.
    ④Gates v. Richardson(1986),719P.2d193, at199.
    ⑤Gates v. Richardson(1986),719P.2d193, at199.
    ①Ochoa v. Superior Court(1985),39Cal.3d159,703P.2d1, at5.
    ②Bowen v. Lumbermens Mut. Cas. Co.(1994),183Wis.2d627,517N.W.2d432, at445.
    ③See Deboe v. Horn(1971),16Cal.App.3d221,94Cal.Rptr.77, at79.
    ④Deboe v. Horn(1971),16Cal.App.3d221,94Cal.Rptr.77, at79.
    ⑤See Rosin v. Fort Howard Corp.(1998),222Wis.2d365,588N.W.2d58, at60.
    ⑥Rosin v. Fort Howard Corp.(1998),222Wis.2d365,588N.W.2d58, at62.
    ⑦See Saunders v. Air Florida, Inc.(1983),558F.Supp.1233, at1237.
    ⑧Saunders v. Air Florida, Inc.(1983),558F.Supp.1233, at1237.
    ⑨Acosta v. Castle Const., Inc.(1994),117N.M.28,868P.2d673, at675.
    ①See Corso v. Merrill(1979),119N.H.647,406A.2d300, at302.
    ②Corso v. Merrill(1979),119N.H.647,406A.2d300, at307.
    ③See Fife v. Astenius(1991),232Cal.App.3d1090,284Cal.Rptr.16, at17.
    ④Fife v. Astenius(1991),232Cal.App.3d1090,284Cal.Rptr.16, at18.
    ⑤See Wilks v. Hom(1992),2Cal.App.4th1264,3Cal.Rptr.2d803, at804.
    ⑥Wilks v. Hom(1992),2Cal.App.4th1264,3Cal.Rptr.2d803, at807.
    ①Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, reporters’ note to comment e(2012).
    ②See O'Cain v. Harvey Freeman and Sons, Inc. of Mississippi(1991),603So.2d824, at825.
    ③O'Cain v. Harvey Freeman and Sons, Inc. of Mississippi(1991),603So.2d824, at830.
    ④Gates v. Richardson(1986),719P.2d193, at199.
    ⑤See Krouse v. Graham(1977),19Cal.3d59,562P.2d1022, at1024.
    ⑥Krouse v. Graham(1977),19Cal.3d59,562P.2d1022, at1031.
    ⑦Krouse v. Graham(1977),19Cal.3d59,562P.2d1022, at1031.
    ⑧Krouse v. Graham(1977),19Cal.3d59,562P.2d1022, at1031.
    ⑨See Bowen v. Lumbermens Mut. Cas. Co.(1994),183Wis.2d627,517N.W.2d432, at434.
    ①Bowen v. Lumbermens Mut. Cas. Co.(1994),183Wis.2d627,517N.W.2d432, at445.
    ②See Hoover v. Recreation Equipment Corp.(1991),792F.Supp.1484, at1487.
    ③Hoover v. Recreation Equipment Corp.(1991),792F.Supp.1484, at1501.
    ④Hoover v. Recreation Equipment Corp.(1991),792F.Supp.1484, at1501.
    ⑤See Fortman v. Forvaltningsbolaget Insulan AB(2013),212Cal.App.4th830,151Cal.Rptr.3d320, at322.
    ⑥See Justus v. Atchison(1977),19Cal.3d564,565P.2d122, at135.
    ①Justus v. Atchison(1977),19Cal.3d564,565P.2d122, at135.
    ②See Ledford v. Delta Airlines, Inc.(1987),658F.Supp.540, at541.
    ③Ledford v. Delta Airlines, Inc.(1987),658F.Supp.540, at543.
    ④See Golstein v. Superior Court(1990),223Cal.App.3d1415,273Cal.Rptr.270, at271.
    ⑤Golstein v. Superior Court(1990),223Cal.App.3d1415,273Cal.Rptr.270, at271.
    ⑥See Golstein v. Superior Court(1990),223Cal.App.3d1415,273Cal.Rptr.270, at272.
    ⑦See Beanland v. Chicago(1973), R. I.&P. Ry. Co.,480F.2d109, at111.
    ①Beanland v. Chicago(1973), R. I.&P. Ry. Co.,480F.2d109, at114.
    ②See Ortiz v. HPM Corp.(1991),234Cal.App.3d178,285Cal.Rptr.728, at729.
    ③Ortiz v. HPM Corp.(1991),234Cal.App.3d178,285Cal.Rptr.728, at732.
    ④See Amodio v. Cunningham(1980),182Conn.80,438A.2d6, at7.
    ⑤Amodio v. Cunningham(1980),182Conn.80,438A.2d6, at11.
    ⑥See Mobaldi v. Regents of University of California(1976),55Cal.App.3d573,127Cal.Rptr.720, at722.
    ⑦Mobaldi v. Regents of University of California(1976),55Cal.App.3d573,127Cal.Rptr.720, at727.
    ①Mobaldi v. Regents of University of California(1976),55Cal.App.3d573,127Cal.Rptr.720, at727.
    ②See Barnes v. Geiger(1983),15Mass.App.Ct.365,446N.E.2d78, at79.
    ③Barnes v. Geiger(1983),15Mass.App.Ct.365,446N.E.2d78, at81.
    ①Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§48, comment f(2012).
    ②Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at829.
    ③Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at223.
    ④Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at825.
    ⑤See Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at223.
    ⑥Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at828.
    ①Shoemaker v. St. Joseph Hosp. and Health Care Center(1990),56Wash.App.575,784P.2d562, at565.
    ②West's RCWA4.20.020.
    ③Grotts v. Zahner(1999),115Nev.339,989P.2d415, at416.
    ④Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution§2.03, comment a(2002).
    ⑤Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution§3.03(2002).
    ⑥路易斯安那州存在例外,该州法院认为:合法婚姻中的丈夫被法律推定为该婚姻关系中所有孩子的亲生父亲,“母亲的丈夫被法律推定为该段婚姻存续期间出生或怀孕的所有孩子的父亲”。Demery v. HousingAuthority of New Orleans(1997),689So.2d659, at665.
    ⑦Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution§2.03(1)(b)(ii)(2002).
    ①Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution§2.03(1)(b)(iii)(2002).
    ②Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution§2.03(1)(b)(iv)(2002).
    ③Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution§2.03(c)(2002).
    ④See Johnson v. Ruark Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates, P.A.(1990),327N.C.283,395S.E.2d85, at87.
    ⑤Johnson v. Ruark Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates, P.A.(1990),327N.C.283,395S.E.2d85, at98.
    ⑥Johnson v. Ruark Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates, P.A.(1990),327N.C.283,395S.E.2d85, at98.
    ①Mobaldi v. Regents of University of California(1976),55Cal.App.3d573,127Cal.Rptr.720, at726.
    ②Mobaldi v. Regents of University of California(1976),55Cal.App.3d573,127Cal.Rptr.720, at726.
    ③See Bayer v. Monroe County Child&Youth Services(2007), F.Supp.2d,2007WL3034009, at6.
    ④See Daigrepont v. Louisiana State Racing Com'n,(1995),663So.2d840, at840.
    ⑤Daigrepont v. Louisiana State Racing Com'n,(1995),663So.2d840, at841.
    ⑥Eskin v. Bartee(2008),262S.W.3d727, at740.
    ①Eskin v. Bartee(2008),262S.W.3d727, at740.
    ②See Marla H. v. Knox County(2011),361S.W.3d518, at521.
    ③Marla H. v. Knox County(2011),361S.W.3d518, at530.
    ④See Marla H. v. Knox County(2011),361S.W.3d518, at534.
    ⑤Lousiana Civil Code Art.2315.6(4).
    ⑥See Genzer v. City of Mission(1983),666S.W.2d116, at118.
    ⑦Genzer v. City of Mission(1983),666S.W.2d116, at122.
    ①See Fernandez v. Walgreen Hastings Co.(1998),126N.M.263,968P.2d774, at776.
    ②Fernandez v. Walgreen Hastings Co.(1998),126N.M.263,968P.2d774, at777.
    ③Fernandez v. Walgreen Hastings Co.(1998),126N.M.263,968P.2d774, at784.
    ④See Fernandez v. Walgreen Hastings Co.(1998),126N.M.263,968P.2d774, at784.
    ⑤See Wachocki v. Bernalillo County Sheriff's Dept.(2011),150N.M.650,265P.3d701, at704.
    ⑥Lozoya v. Sanchez(2003),133N.M.579,66P.3d948, at954.
    ⑦See Garrett by Kravit v. City of New Berlin(1985),122Wis.2d223,362N.W.2d137, at139.
    ①Garrett by Kravit v. City of New Berlin(1985),122Wis.2d223,362N.W.2d137, at143.
    ②1Lousiana Practice Personal Injuries§5:244(2012ed.).
    ③See Croteau v. Olin Corp.(1989),704F.Supp.318, at318.
    ④Croteau v. Olin Corp.(1989),704F.Supp.318, at321.
    ⑤Kriventsov v. San Rafael Taxicabs, Inc.(1986),186Cal.App.3d1445,229Cal.Rptr.768, at770.
    ⑥See Kriventsov v. San Rafael Taxicabs, Inc.(1986),186Cal.App.3d1445,229Cal.Rptr.768, at770.
    ①See Trapp v. Schuyler Construction(1983),149Cal.App.3d1140,197Cal.Rptr.411, at412.
    ②See Guzman v. Kirchhoefel(2005), Cal.Rptr.3d,2005WL1684978, at3.
    ③See Guzman v. Kirchhoefel(2005), Cal.Rptr.3d,2005WL1684978, at1.
    ④Guzman v. Kirchhoefel(2005), Cal.Rptr.3d,2005WL1684978, at3.
    ⑤Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at222.
    ⑥Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at223.
    ①Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at230.
    ②Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at223.
    ③See Hegel v. McMahon(1998),136Wash.2d122,960P.2d424, at425.
    ④Hegel v. McMahon(1998),136Wash.2d122,960P.2d424, at431.
    ⑤Dale Joseph Gilsinger, J.D.,98American Law Reports ALR5th609,§15. Bystander's sister–or brother–in–law.2002.
    ⑥Colbert v. Moomba Sports, Inc.(2008),132Wash.App.916,135P.3d485, at494.
    ①See In re Smith, Slip Copy(2012),2012WL2341571, at2.
    ②In re Smith, Slip Copy(2012),2012WL2341571, at5.
    ③In re Smith, Slip Copy(2012),2012WL2341571, at6.
    ④See Milberger v. KBHL, LLC(2007),486F.Supp.2d1156, at1158.
    ①Milberger v. KBHL, LLC(2007),486F.Supp.2d1156, at1167.
    ②Milberger v. KBHL, LLC(2007),486F.Supp.2d1156, at1167.
    ③Elden v. Sheldon(1988),46Cal.3d267,758P.2d582, at586.
    ④Elden v. Sheldon(1988),46Cal.3d267,758P.2d582, at587.
    ⑤Graves v. Estabrook(2003),149N.H.202,818A.2d1255, at1260.
    ⑥See Childers v. Shannon(1982),183N.J.Super.591,444A.2d1141, at1143.
    ⑦Childers v. Shannon(1982),183N.J.Super.591,444A.2d1141, at1143.
    ①Elden v. Sheldon(1988),46Cal.3d267,758P.2d582, at588.
    ②West's Ann.California Civil Code§1714.01.
    ③West's Ann.California Family Code§297.
    ④See St. Onge v. MacDonald(2007),154N.H.768,917A.2d233, at236.
    ⑤See Drew v. Drake(1980),110Cal.App.3d555,168Cal.Rptr.65, at66.
    ⑥See Graves v. Estabrook(2003),149N.H.202,818A.2d1255, at1262.
    ⑦See Arnott v. Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co.(2010),2010WL8544209(Trial Order).
    ⑧See Lozoya v. Sanchez(2003),133N.M.579,66P.3d948, at958.
    ⑨See Yovino v. Big Bubba’s BBQ, LLC(2006),49Conn.Supp.555,896A.2d161, at162.
    ⑩Yovino v. Big Bubba’s BBQ, LLC(2006),49Conn.Supp.555,896A.2d161, at565.11See St. Onge v. MacDonald(2007),154N.H.768,917A.2d233, at236.
    ①Dunphy v. Gregor(1994),136N.J.99,642A.2d372, at379.
    ②Dunphy v. Gregor(1994),136N.J.99,642A.2d372, at379.
    ③Graves v. Estabrook(2003),149N.H.202,818A.2d1255, at1260.
    ④Graves v. Estabrook(2003),149N.H.202,818A.2d1255, at1261.
    ⑤Marvin v. Marvin(1976),18Cal.3d660,557P.2d106, at110.
    ⑥See Hedlund v. Superior Court(1983),34Cal.3d695,669P.2d41, at41.
    ①Hedlund v. Superior Court(1983),34Cal.3d695,669P.2d41, at47.
    ②See Cicchino v. Biarsky(1948),61A.2d163, at164.
    ③Cicchino v. Biarsky(1948),61A.2d163, at304.
    ④Cicchino v. Biarsky(1948),61A.2d163, at304.
    ⑤See Brokenbaugh v. New Jersey Mfrs. Ins. Co.(1978),158N.J.Super.424,386A.2d433, at436.
    ⑥Kratzer v. Unger(1981),17Pa. D.&C.3d771, at774.
    ①Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at222.
    ②See Thompson v. Dhaiti(2013),103A.D.3d711, N.Y.S.2d,2013WL518720, at1.
    ③Thompson v. Dhaiti(2013),103A.D.3d711, N.Y.S.2d,2013WL518720, at2.
    ④See West's RCWA4.20.020。
    ⑤See Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at222.
    ⑥See Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at165.
    ①Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at172.
    ②See Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at220.
    ③Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, at224.
    ④See Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, dissenting at
    ⑤Rodriguez v. Kirchhoefel(2005),128Cal.App.4th427,26Cal.Rptr.3d891, at894.
    ①Moon v. Guardian Postacute Services, Inc(2002).,95Cal.App.4th1005,116Cal.Rptr.2d218, dissenting at227
    ②See Strickland v. Deaconess Hosp.(1987),47Wash.App.262,735P.2d74, at75.
    ③Strickland v. Deaconess Hosp.(1987),47Wash.App.262,735P.2d74, at78.
    ④Strickland v. Deaconess Hosp.(1987),47Wash.App.262,735P.2d74, at78.
    ⑤See Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at823.
    ①Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at825.
    ②See Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at827.
    ③Dunphy v. Gregor(1994),136N.J.99,642A.2d372, at380.
    ④Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at766.
    ⑤James v. Lieb(1985),221Neb.47,375N.W.2d109, at115.
    ①James v. Lieb(1985),221Neb.47,375N.W.2d109, at115.
    ②See Thomas v. Schwegmann Giant Supermarket, Inc.(1990),561So.2d992, at993.
    ③Thomas v. Schwegmann Giant Supermarket, Inc.(1990),561So.2d992, at997.
    ④See Vasquez-Gonzalez v. Superior Court (Stewart)(1986),231Cal.Rptr.458, at461.
    ⑤Vasquez-Gonzalez v. Superior Court (Stewart)(1986),231Cal.Rptr.458, at461.
    ⑥Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at766.
    ①See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at766.
    ②See Vasquez-Gonzalez v. Superior Court (Stewart)(1986),231Cal.Rptr.458, at459.
    ③See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at759.
    ④See Dickerson v. Lafferty(2000),750So.2d432, at433.
    ⑤Dickerson v. Lafferty(2000),750So.2d432, at435.
    ⑥Dickerson v. Lafferty(2000),750So.2d432, at435.
    ⑦See Idemudia v. Consolidated Rail Corp.,895F.Supp.162, at163.
    ⑧Idemudia v. Consolidated Rail Corp.,895F.Supp.162, at165.
    ⑨See Sullivan v. Ford Motor Co., F.Supp.2d(2000),2000WL343777, at11.
    ①See Kriventsov v. San Rafael Taxicabs, Inc.(1986),186Cal.App.3d1445,229Cal.Rptr.768, at770.
    ②See Shelley Mcdaniel v. St. Francis Medical(2012),2012WL894673, at2。
    ③Shelley Mcdaniel V. St. Francis Medical(2012),2012WL894673, at8。
    ④Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at826.
    ⑤Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2408.
    ⑥See Eyrich for Eyrich v. Dam(1984),193N.J.Super.244,473A.2d539, at547.
    ①See Hislop v. Salt River Project Agr. Imp. and Power Dist.(2000),197Ariz.553,5P.3d267, at272.
    ②See Lewis v. U.S., F.Supp.2d(2006),2006WL902176, at4.
    ③See Rodriguez v. Kirchhoefel(2005),128Cal.App.4th427,26Cal.Rptr.3d891, at433.
    ④See Everett Associates, Inc. v. Transcontinental Ins. Co.(1999),141F.Supp.2d989, at998.
    ⑤See Y.G. v. Board of Educ. for Tp. of Teaneck(2011), A.3d,2011WL1466277, at3.
    ⑥Straub v. Fisher and Paykel Health Care(1999),990P.2d384, at389.
    ⑦Consolidated Rail Corp. v. Gottshall(1994),512U.S.532,114S.Ct.2396, at2408.
    ①See Borough of Glassboro v. Vallorosi(1990),117N.J.421,568A.2d888, at891.
    ②See Borough of Glassboro v. Vallorosi(1990),117N.J.421,568A.2d888, at890.
    ③Borough of Glassboro v. Vallorosi(1990),117N.J.421,568A.2d888, at894.
    ④Borough of Glassboro v. Vallorosi(1990),117N.J.421,568A.2d888, at895.
    ⑤Dunphy v. Gregor(1994),261N.J.Super.110,617A.2d1248, at1254.
    ①See Hardwicke v. American Boychoir School(2006),188N.J.69,902A.2d900, at915.
    ②See Hardwicke v. American Boychoir School(2006),188N.J.69,902A.2d900, at904.
    ③Hardwicke v. American Boychoir School(2006),188N.J.69,902A.2d900, at914.
    ④Hardwicke v. American Boychoir School(2006),188N.J.69,902A.2d900, at915.
    ⑤See D.T. v. Hunterdon Medical Center(2012), A.3d,2012WL4448774, at3.
    ①See Resolution Trust Corp. v. Associated Gulf Contractors, Inc.(1993),263N.J.Super.332,622A.2d1324, at1329.
    ②See Resolution Trust Corp. v. Associated Gulf Contractors, Inc.(1993),263N.J.Super.332,622A.2d1324, at1327.
    ③Resolution Trust Corp. v. Associated Gulf Contractors, Inc.(1993),263N.J.Super.332,622A.2d1324, at1330.
    ④See Storch v. Sauerhoff(2000),334N.J.Super.226,757A.2d836, at840.
    ⑤See Storch v. Sauerhoff(2000),334N.J.Super.226,757A.2d836, at837.
    ②Storch v. Sauerhoff(2000),334N.J.Super.226,757A.2d836, at841.
    ①See Arnott v. Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co.(2010),2010WL8544209(Trial Order).
    ②See Michaud v. Great Northern Nekoosa Corp.(1998),715A.2d955, at959.
    ③Arnott v. Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co.(2010),2010WL8544209(Trial Order).
    ①Dunphy v. Gregor(1994),261N.J.Super.110,617A.2d1248, at1254.
    ②See In re Baby T.(1999),160N.J.332,734A.2d304, at305.
    ③In re Baby T.(1999),160N.J.332,734A.2d304, at314.
    ④Thurmon v. Sellers(2001),62S.W.3d145, at164.
    ⑤See Thurmon v. Sellers(2001),62S.W.3d145, at149.
    ①Thurmon v. Sellers(2001),62S.W.3d145, at164.
    ②See Lourcey v. Estate of Scarlett(2004),146S.W.3d48, at53.
    ③Dunphy v. Gregor(1994),136N.J.99,642A.2d372, at378.
    ①Catron v. Lewis(2006),271Neb.416,712N.W.2d245, at250.
    ②See Iacona v. Schrupp(1994),521N.W.2d70, at71.
    ③Iacona v. Schrupp(1994),521N.W.2d70, at73.
    ①Restatement (Third) of Torts: Apportionment Liability.§6(a)(2000).
    ②See Estate of Barrera v. Rosamond Village Ltd. Partnership(1998),983S.W.2d795, at796.
    ③Estate of Barrera v. Rosamond Village Ltd. Partnership(1998),983S.W.2d795, at798.
    ①Estate of Barrera v. Rosamond Village Ltd. Partnership(1998),983S.W.2d795, at799.
    ②Estate of Barrera v. Rosamond Village Ltd. Partnership(1998),983S.W.2d795, at800.
    ③See Kosieradzki ex rel. Kosieradzki v. Mathys(2002),256Wis.2d839,649N.W.2d717, at721.
    ④See Estate of Gocha by Gocha v. Shimon(1997),215Wis.2d586,573N.W.2d218, at219.
    ①Estate of Gocha by Gocha v. Shimon(1997),215Wis.2d586,573N.W.2d218, at221.
    ②Estate of Gocha by Gocha v. Shimon(1997),215Wis.2d586,573N.W.2d218, at221.
    ③Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§47, comment d(2012).
    ④Indiana Patient’s Compensation Fund v. Winkle(2007),863N.E.2d1, at6.
    ⑤See Maldonado v. Walmart Store No.2141(2011), F.Supp.2d,2011WL1790840, at1.
    ①Maldonado v. Walmart Store No.2141(2011), F.Supp.2d,2011WL1790840, at16.
    ②See Draper v. DeFrenchi-Gordineer(2011),282P.3d489, at497.
    ①Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ②Dillon v. Legg(1968),68Cal.2d728,441P.2d912, at920.
    ③Restatement (Third) of Torts: Apportionment Liability.§6(a)(2000).
    ④See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Apportionment Liability.§6comment c and comment e(2000).
    ⑤Restatement (Third) of Torts: Apportionment Liability.§6comment f.
    ⑥Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§47, comment d(2012).
    ①Portee v. Jaffee(1980),84N.J.88,417A.2d521, at528.
    ②Spangler v. Bechtel(2011),958N.E.2d458,at466.
    ③Charles J. Nagy, J.D.:86Corpus Juris Secundum TORTS§83, Database updated December2012.
    ④See Kosieradzki ex rel. Kosieradzki v. Mathys(2002),256Wis.2d839,649N.W.2d717, at719.
    ①Kosieradzki ex rel. Kosieradzki v. Mathys(2002),256Wis.2d839,649N.W.2d717, at721.
    ②See Meredith v. Hanson(1985),40Wash.App.170,697P.2d602, at603.
    ③Meredith v. Hanson(1985),40Wash.App.170,697P.2d602, at604.
    ①See Shuamber v. Henderson(1991),579N.E.2d452, at453.
    ②Shuamber v. Henderson(1991),579N.E.2d452, at456.
    ③See Sorrells v. M.Y.B. Hospitality Ventures of Asheville(1993),108N.C.App.668,424S.E.2d676, at669.
    ①Sorrells v. M.Y.B. Hospitality Ventures of Asheville(1993),108N.C.App.668,424S.E.2d676, at671.
    ②Sorrells v. M.Y.B. Hospitality Ventures of Asheville(1993),108N.C.App.668,424S.E.2d676, at671.
    ③Sorrells v. M.Y.B. Hospitality Ventures of Asheville(1993),108N.C.App.668,424S.E.2d676, at671.
    ④See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§47, reporters’ note to comment d(2012).
    ⑤Sorrells v. M.Y.B. Hospitality Ventures of Asheville(1993),332N.C.645,648,423S.E.2d72, at73.
    ⑥See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys.&Emot. Harm§47, reporters’ note to comment d(2012).
    ⑦See Auto Club Ins. Ass’n v. Hardiman(1998),228Mich.App.470,579N.W.2d115, at118.
    ①See Anthem Cas. Ins. Co. v. Miller(1999),729A.2d1227, at1227.
    ②Anthem Cas. Ins. Co. v. Miller(1999),729A.2d1227, at1228.
    ③Anthem Cas. Ins. Co. v. Miller(1999),729A.2d1227, at1229.
    ④See Elliott v. Allstate Ins. Co.(2007),859N.E.2d696, at698.
    ①Elliott v. Allstate Ins. Co.(2007),859N.E.2d696, at706.
    ②See Indiana Patient’s Compensation Fund v. Winkle(2007),863N.E.2d1, at3.
    ③Indiana Patient’s Compensation Fund v. Winkle(2007),863N.E.2d1, at6.
    ④Indiana Patient’s Compensation Fund v. Winkle(2007),863N.E.2d1, at7.
    ⑤Indiana Code34-18-2-22.
    ①See John L. Ropiequet, J.D.:16Am. Jur. Proof of Facts3d189.
    ②See Tracy Bateman Farrell, J.D.:23Ind. Law Encyc. Physicians and Surgeons§16.30.
    ③See Tabieros v. Clark Equipment Co.(1997),85Hawai'i336,944P.2d1279, at1292.
    ④Tabieros v. Clark Equipment Co.(1997),85Hawai'i336,944P.2d1279, at1304.
    ①Tabieros v. Clark Equipment Co.(1997),85Hawai'i336,944P.2d1279, at1304.
    ②Restatement (Second) of Torts§905, comment c (1979).
    ③Ponce v. Butts(1986),104N.M.280,720P.2d315, at322.
    ③See Damages, Interest and Attorney Fees in Massachusetts Litigation, Chapter1,§1.2.4Psychological Injury.
    ①Sinn v. Burd(1979),486Pa.146,404A.2d672, at678.
    ②Rodriguez v. Cambridge Housing Authority(2005),443Mass.697,823N.E.2d1249, at1254.
    ③Sanchez v. U.S.(2011),803F.Supp.2d1066, at1074.
    ④See Sanchez v. U.S.(2011),803F.Supp.2d1066, at1068.
    ⑤Sanchez v. U.S.(2011),803F.Supp.2d1066, at1074.
    ①See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at767.
    ②Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at767.
    ①Bowen v. Lumbermens Mut. Cas. Co.(1994),183Wis.2d627,517N.W.2d432, at445.
    ②See Damages, Interest and Attorney Fees in Massachusetts Litigation, Chapter1,§1.2.4Psychological Injury.
    ③See Reilly v. U.S.(1939),547A.2d894, at894.
    ④Ga. Code Ann.,§51-12-6.
    ⑤See Sletto v. Hospital Authority(1999),239Ga.App.203,521S.E.2d199, at204.
    ⑥See Ga. Code Ann.,§51-12-5.1.
    ⑦See Alternative Health Care Systems, Inc. v. McCown(1999),237Ga.App.355,514S.E.2d691, at694.
    ①Alternative Health Care Systems, Inc. v. McCown(1999),237Ga.App.355,514S.E.2d691, at699.
    ②Restatement (Second) of Torts§904(1)(1979).
    ③Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at759.
    ④Gates v. Richardson(1986),719P.2d193, at200.
    ①See Duke v. Cochise County(1996),189Ariz.35,938P.2d84, at85.
    ②Duke v. Cochise County(1996),189Ariz.35,938P.2d84, at88.
    ③Duke v. Cochise County(1996),189Ariz.35,938P.2d84, at87.
    ④Watson-Nance v. City of Phoenix(2009), F.Supp.2d,2009WL792497, at5.
    ⑤Barnhill v. Davis(1981),300N.W.2d104, at107.
    ①Gates v. Richardson(1986),719P.2d193, at200.
    ②Tomczyk v. Jocks&Jills Restaurants, LLC(2007),513F.Supp.2d1351, at1362.
    ③See Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at165.
    ④Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at166.
    ①See Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at166.
    ②See Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at172.
    ③Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, dissenting at173.
    ④Restatement (Second) of Torts§46, comment i (1965).
    ①Restatement (Second) of Torts§500(1965).
    ②See Restatement (Second) of Torts§46, comment i (1965).
    ⑤See Russ v. Causey(2012),732F.Supp.2d589, at597.
    ①Russ v. Causey(2012),732F.Supp.2d589, at606.
    ②Russ v. Causey(2012),732F.Supp.2d589, at608.
    ③Russ v. Causey(2012),732F.Supp.2d589, at607.
    ④See N.C.G.S.A.§1D-15(a).
    ⑤Russ v. Causey(2012),732F.Supp.2d589, at609.
    ⑥See2009WL4897203(E.D.N.C.)(Trial Pleading).
    ②See Ugo Mattei,“Efficiency In Legal Transplants: An Essay In Comparative Law And Economics”,14International Review of Law&Economics (1994)3, at8.
    ③Ugo Mattei,“Efficiency In Legal Transplants: An Essay In Comparative Law And Economics”,14InternationalReview of Law&Economics (1994)3, at6.
    ④Ugo Mattei,“Efficiency In Legal Transplants: An Essay In Comparative Law And Economics”,14InternationalReview of Law&Economics (1994)3, at16.
    ③Stanley Ingber,“Rethinking Intangible Injuries: A Focus On Remedy”,73California Law Review (1985)772, at817.
    ①Catherine M. Sharkey: Punitive Damages as Societal damages.113Yale Law Journal347, at392.2003.
    ②See Catherine M. Sharkey: Punitive Damages as Societal damages.113Yale Law Journal347, at392.2003.
    ③See Catherine M. Sharkey: Punitive Damages as Societal damages.113Yale Law Journal347, at392.2003.
    ④See Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at165.
    ⑤Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at166.
    ①See Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at166.
    ②See Grandstaff v. City of Borger, Tex.(1985),767F.2d161, at172.
    ③See Russ v. Causey(2012),732F.Supp.2d589, at597.
    ④Russ v. Causey(2012),732F.Supp.2d589, at609.
    ②See Stephen D. Sugarman,“Alternative Compensation Schemes And Tort Theory: Doing Away with Tort Law”,73California Law Review (1985)677, at727.
    ①Jason M. Solomon,“Civil Recourse As Social Equality”,39Florida State University Law Review (2011)243, at252.
    ②Howard H. Kestin,“The Bystander's Cause Of Action For Emotional Injury: Reflections On The RelationalEligibility Standard”,26Seton Hall Law Review (1996)512, at535.s
    ③See Johnson v. Jamaica Hosp.(1984),62N.Y.2d523,467N.E.2d502,478N.Y.S.2d838, at838.
    ①Johnson v. Jamaica Hosp.(1984),62N.Y.2d523,467N.E.2d502,478N.Y.S.2d838, at839.
    ②Johnson v. Jamaica Hosp.(1984),62N.Y.2d523,467N.E.2d502,478N.Y.S.2d838, at840.
    ②See Bernadette Lynch,“A Victory For Pragmatism? Nervous Shock Reconsidered”,108(Jul) Law QuarterlyReview (1992)371, at368.
    ③James v. Lieb(1985),221Neb.47,375N.W.2d109, at115.
    ④Colin E. Flora,“Special Relationship Bystander Test: A Rational Alternative To The Closely RelatedRequirement Of Negligent Infliction Of Emotional Distress For Bystanders”,39Rutgers Law Record(2011-2012)28, at42.
    ⑤Jedediah Purdy, The Meaning of Property, Yale University Press,2010, at35.
    ④Lourcey v. Estate of Scarlett(2004),146S.W.3d48, at50.
    ⑤See Catron v. Lewis(2006),271Neb.416,712N.W.2d245, at250.
    ①Dunphy v. Gregor(1994),136N.J.99,642A.2d372, at378.
    ②See Colin E. Flora,“Special Relationship Bystander Test: A Rational Alternative To The Closely RelatedRequirement Of Negligent Infliction Of Emotional Distress For Bystanders”,39Rutgers Law Record(2011-2012)28, at42.
    ①尽管也有英国学者指出,身处危险区域之内的原告本身也可以被视为直接受害人。See F.A. Trindade,“Nervous Shockand Negligent Conduct”, Law Quarterly Review (1996)22, at26.
    ②See Tobin v. Grossman(1969),24N.Y.2d609,249N.E.2d419, at423.
    ②See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at766.
    ③Corgan v. Muehling(1991),143Ill.2d296,574N.E.2d602, at609.
    ①Auto Club Ins. Ass’n v. Hardiman(1998),228Mich.App.470,579N.W.2d115, at118.
    ②Anthem Cas. Ins. Co. v. Miller(1999),729A.2d1227, at1228.
    ③Kay Wheat,“Nervous Shock: The Present State of English Law”, Journal of Personal Injury Litigation (1994)
    131, at132..
    ①Archibald v. Braverman(1969),275Cal.App.2d253,79Cal.Rptr.723, at725.
    ②See Jansen v. Children’s Hospital Medical Center(1973),31Cal.App.3d22,106Cal.Rptr.883, at885.
    ③Gates v. Richardson(1986),719P.2d193, at199.
    ①See Lockett v. New Orleans City(2010),639F.Supp.2d710, at715.
    ②See Atlantic Coast Airlines v. Cook(2006),857N.E.2d989, at991.
    ①See Malinguaggio v. Ryder Student Trans. Services, Inc.(1996), A.2d,1996WL500952, at1
    ③See Ramirez v. Armstrong(1983),100N.M.538,673P.2d822, at826.
    ①See Jansen v. Children’s Hospital Medical Center(1973),31Cal.App.3d22,106Cal.Rptr.883, at884.
    ④See Kay Wheat,“Nervous shock: the present state of English law”, Journal of Personal Injury Litigation (1994)
    131, at131.
    ⑤See Knierim v. Izzo(1961),22Ill.2d73,174N.E.2d157, at164.
    ⑥See Thing v. La Chusa(1989),48Cal.3d644,771P.2d814, at815.
    ①Laxton v. Orkin Exterminating Co., Inc.(1982),639S.W.2d431, at434.
    ④See Culbert v. Sampson’s Supermarkets Inc.(1982),444A.2d433, at437.
    ②Jessica K. Fink,“Protected By Association? The Supreme Court's Incomplete Approach To Defining The ScopeOf The Third-Party Retaliation Doctrine”,63Hastings Law Journal (2012)521, at538.
    ②See Robert D. Cooter,“Punitive Damages, Social Norms, and Economic Analysis”,60Law&Contemp. Prob.(1997)73, at78.转引自马新彦,邓冰宁:《论惩罚性赔偿制度的损害填补功能》,载于《吉林大学社会科学学报》,2012年第3期,第121页。
    ③See Catherine M. Sharkey: Punitive Damages as Societal damages.113Yale Law Journal347, at411.2003.转引自马新彦,邓冰宁:《论惩罚性赔偿制度的损害填补功能》,载于《吉林大学社会科学学报》2012年第3期,第119页。
    ④依据爱荷华州实体法,在科处惩罚性赔偿时,陪审团应当回答两方面问题:a.被告的行为是否对他人的权利莽撞或者不计后果;b.被告的行为是针对原告个人或者针对原告所属的群体。See Iowa Code§668A.1.在2005年1月的Varboncoeur v. State Farm Fire&Cas. Co.案中,爱荷华州南部法院将这一规定解释为,若a和b的回答同时是肯定的,则原告可以获得陪审团所确定的全部数额的惩罚性赔偿;若b的回答是否定的,则原告最多可以获得惩罚性赔偿的四分之一,剩余的数额将归属爱荷华州特殊的民事司法基金。See Varboncoeur v. State Farm Fire&Cas. Co.,356F. Supp.2d935, at950.剩余的四反之三即为在原告以外的其他社会成员中分割惩罚性赔偿的数额。
    ②See Edwin H. Byrd, III,“Reflections on Willful, Wanton, Reckless, and Gross Negligence”,48Louisiana LawReview (1988)1383, at1397.
    ②Howard H. Kestin,“The Bystander's Cause Of Action For Emotional Injury: Reflections On The RelationalEligibility Standard”,26Seton Hall Law Review (1996)512, at532.
    ③S. Claire Swift,“Bystander Liability After Dunphy v. Gregor: A Proposal For A New Definition Of TheBystander”,15Review of Litigation (1997)579, at586.
    ①See Leong v. Takasaki(1974),55Haw.398,520P.2d758, at767.
    ①Stanley Ingber,“Rethinking Intangible Injuries: A Focus On Remedy”,73California Law Review (1985)772, at782.
    ③See Richard·A·Epstein:Torts,影印本,中信出版社,2003年版,at439.
    ①See A. Mitchell Polinsky, Steven Shavell,“Punitive damages: An Economic Analysis”,111Harvard LawReview (1998)869, at902.
    ②Dorsey D. Ellis, JR.,“Punitive Damages: Fairness and Efficiency in the Law of Punitive Damages”,56SouthCalifornia Law Review (1982)1, at10.
    ①See American Tort Reform Association, http://www.atra.org/issues/index.php?issue=7343.最后访问日期:2010年1月20日。
    ①See Robert D. Cooter,“Punitive Damages, Social Norms, and Economic Analysis”,60Law&Contemp. Prob.(1997)73, at89.
    ②See A. Mitchell Polinsky, Steven Shavell,3700Punitive Damages, From Encyclopedia of Law and Economics,Volume II,Edward Elgar Publishing,2000.
    ③See American Tort Reform Association, http://www.atra.org/issues/index.php?issue=7343.最后访问日期:2010年1月20日.
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