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Modern economic society is composed largely of different varieties of organizations,especially the economic organizations;they are the main objects of management studies. These organizations distribute in different regions of the national economy,and contribute to it. Organizations are cells of the national economy;they create economic growth as a whole. There are a huge number of organizations (organization population) involved in the national economy,they are legal persons or corporations,compared organizations with natural persons,we have found that organizations have population,life and ecological characteristics,this dissertation will study on these characteristics from three aspects:organization individual,organization community and organizational eco-system.
    Organization individual is a single organization from the demographic meaning,it is the basic numeric unit of organization population,from this aspect we study demographic and life characteristics of organizations. Areas of study includes:(1) statistical investigations of different kinds of organizations and the regularity of historical growth of organization population,(2) models for the growth of organization population and determinants of founding rate and mortality rate,(3) organization life and life cycle models,(4) founding theory of organizations and registration system of corporations,(5) theory of organization growth and health,(6) mortality theory of organizations,explanations to merger & acquisition,bankruptcy and market exit of organizations,(7) relations between organization population and economic growth. Organization community is a niche that consists of a relatively large number of organizations of the same or related kinds. Organization communities are widespread in economic system,for examp
    les as Silicon Valley and Zhongguancun,they play important roles in the economic system,and it is meaningful to have a detailed study on the phenomenon of organization community. To the aspect of organizational eco-system,we deal with the relationship between and among organization communities,dependency between organization communities and its environment,limitations of environment to the growth of organization population,and the control of organization population. This dissertation is divided into nine chapters to study questions listed above.
    The first chapter is introduction,in this chapter,we discuss the evolution of organization concept and its theories,organization population theory,research works done by our predecessors,and the creative points of this dissertation. The second chapter is the statistical investigation of organization population,here,we describe historical trajectories of organization population using statistical data of several kinds of organization from other countries and our country,from this description,we find that growth of organization population has its regularity:organization population initially grow slowly from zero,increase very rapidly over a brief period,reach a peak,and then often decline moderately before stabilizing for some,usually extended period. This regularity is also explained in this chapter. The third chapter expands on models of the growth of organization population,these models includes Malthus model,logistic model,stochastic process model,population
    function,etc. Some concepts like founding rate,mortality rate and density are discussed and determined,as an example,and we use the data of population of Shenzhen industrial organization to make some curve fits. The fourth chapter summarizes organization life theory,we discuss organization life,life cycle and its models,create theories of organization founding,organization growth,and organization mortality,in particular,relate organization founding theory with corporate registration system,and make an empirical study on motives of organization founding. In the fifth chapter,we discuss the impact of corporate registration system on organization founding,through comparing corporate registration systems from different countries,we point out exist
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