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Industrial cluster is an important phenomenon in the process of economic development, because the production mode of traditional Ford principle can not adapt to the market whose demand is increasingly diversified today, the industrial cluster in which enterprises approach to each others and the industry is associated is thought to be an effective substitution way. The industrial cluster greatly impulses the development of area economic in our nation, and it is the motor of the economic growth. However, along with the influence of some adverse factors such as the RMB revaluation, tight money, cost ascension, the decrease rate of export rebates and the main economies in the world speeding-up slowly etc, the majority industrial clusters in our country are faced with exist crisis. In the case of the low-voltage apparatus industrial cluster of Wenzhou City, the gross profit was only 5% in the first half of 2008, the net profit had no way to talk about. So the research of how the industrial clusters pass through the crisis and achieve a transformation and upgrading is of far reaching importance. To which, this text takes the influencing factors of the industrial cluster upgrading as the research subject, from the industry lay and the cluster lay to taking the study.
     The cluster knowledge is the foundation of the industrial cluster upgrading. The cluster upgrading is certainly concerned in the accumulated and the perception of knowledge, by nature the cluster upgrading is an aggregation and evolution course of knowledge. No matter the workflow upgrading, the product upgrading or the function upgrading, in substance are the cluster's varieties in the type and method of its product, and these varieties come from the accumulation and the perception of knowledge in cluster.
     The social capital is the most important intangible value in cluster, it can intensity the cluster's knowledge acquisition ability, lower the cluster's transaction cost and enhance the cluster's competitive power. The good social capital contributes to maintaining the ordered competition and the cooperation relation of the industrial cluster, at the same time it is an extreme favorable foundation condition to the cluster upgrading.
     Knowledge spillover is a valuable approach for cluster to obtain knowledge. In the base of the original knowledge, the enterprises create the new look and new logos by search and assimilate these spillage knowledge (especially the cluster external knowledge), and apply these new look, new logos to the production practice, then the knowledge stock talent of cluster will increase.
     The path dependence is a key factor which hinders the cluster to upgrade; it makes the cluster to be locked to a second-best technology and causes the market failure. The path dependence will cause the cluster to lose the innovation ability, all along be placed in the low level of value chain and hinder the industrial cluster's upgrading.
     Cluster enterprises are the micro foundation of the cluster, the cluster upgrading shares good and bad luck with the cluster enterprises ability. The promoting of cluster enterprises ability is the precondition for industrial cluster to more efficiently produce, manufacture preferable products and get into higher append cost link, so it is a "trigger" to the cluster upgrading.
     According to this, the text conformities the key influencing factors such as the knowledge spillover, social capital, enterprise ability and path dependence etc, sets up the conceptual model of knowledge spillover and social capital, analysis the acting relation in the elements, and verified the influence mechanism of the four aforesaid dimensions to the cluster upgrading from the real evidence angle.
     Through the above research work, the text draws the main conclusions as follows:
     (1)In influence of the knowledge spillover to the cluster enterprises ability, the cluster internal knowledge spillover has notable impellent function towards the cluster enterprises organization learning ability, dynamic ability and inching innovation ability; the cluster external knowledge spillover has notable impellent function towards the cluster enterprises organization learning ability, dynamic ability, inching innovation ability and piercing innovation ability.
     (2) In influence of the knowledge spillover to the cluster's path dependence, the cluster internal knowledge spillover has inconspicuousness influence on the cluster's path dependence; the cluster external knowledge spillover has notable negative effect on the cluster's path dependence.
     (3) In influence of the knowledge spillover to the cluster upgrading, the cluster internal knowledge spillover has notable impellent function towards the industrial cluster's upgrading of workflow and product; the cluster external knowledge spillover has notable impellent function towards the industrial cluster's upgrading of workflow and product, but the cluster external knowledge spillover has inconspicuousness influence on the cluster's functional upgrading.
     (4) In influence of the social capital to the cluster enterprises ability, the social capital has notable impellent function towards the cluster enterprises organization learning ability, dynamic ability and piercing innovation ability, but has inconspicuousness influence on the cluster enterprises inching innovation ability.
     (5) In influence of the cluster enterprises ability to the cluster upgrading, the cluster enterprises organization learning ability and piercing innovation ability have notable impellent function towards the industrial cluster's upgrading of workflow, product and function; the cluster enterprises dynamic ability and inching innovation ability have notable impellent function towards the industrial cluster's upgrading of workflow and product, but has inconspicuousness influence on the cluster's functional upgrading.
     (6) In influence of the path dependence to the cluster upgrading, the path dependence has notable inhibition to the industrial cluster's upgrading of workflow, product and function.
     The main innovation orders of the text mainly represent at following aspects:
     (1) Through taking the social capital, knowledge spillover, cluster enterprises ability, cluster path dependence and cluster upgrading into one frame, found the composing equation model. This model has three advantages: the first is noting the openness of the cluster. The text divided the knowledge spillover into cluster interior knowledge spillover and cluster external knowledge spillover, then separately expounded the important meaning from cluster knowledge contact to cluster upgrading; the second is researching the cluster upgrading from microscope and middle sight lay. The text putted the cluster enterprises ability into the researching frame of cluster upgrading, laid stress on the cluster's micro foundation because the cluster enterprises are the micro foundation to constitute the cluster and have intact with the cluster upgrading. The promoting of cluster enterprises ability is the precondition for cluster to efficiently manufacture preferable product and produce higher append cost. At the same time, the text through putting the social capital, knowledge spillover and path dependence into the research frame is in favor of viewing the cluster upgrading from unity; the third is researching the influencing factors of cluster upgrading from pro and con sides. The past research on the cluster upgrading mostly possessed one-sidedness, namely simplicity research the positive factor of promoting the cluster upgrading or the negative factor of hindering the cluster upgrading. The text for the first time to put the two factors into one frame and research the correlation within them, by do so in favor of comprehending the mechanism of cluster upgrading.
     (2) The text exploited the research test meter of path dependence, cluster process flow upgrading, product promotion and function upgrading. Now, the inland hasn't formed the adult test meter of path dependence and cluster upgrading, it results in that the research about these two still rests on the qualitative analysis stage, confines the empirical research on the path dependence and the cluster upgrading. The text based on the practical situation of the industrial cluster, according to the here and abroad scholar s' analyses and definition to the path dependence and cluster upgrading, exploiting the research test meter of cluster path dependence, cluster process flow upgrading, cluster product promotion, cluster function upgrading, and by confidence and validity testing got that these test meters fit the industrial cluster in our country.
     (3) The text demonstrated the action relation between cluster path dependence and upgrading, arrived that the cluster path dependence has the negative effect on the process flow upgrading, product promotion and function upgrading. The here and abroad scholars generally think that the path dependence is one of the key factors which confine the cluster's upgrading, but these research lack empirical test. The text based on the lucubrating the mechanism of cluster path dependence to the cluster upgrading, empirical tested the cluster path dependence's effect to the cluster upgrading, confirmed that the path dependence has the negative effect on the cluster process flow upgrading, cluster product promotion and cluster function upgrading.
     (4) The text demonstrated the action relation between cluster external knowledge spillover and the cluster path dependence. The cluster path dependence is the key factor of hindering the cluster upgrading. It is created by the technical increasing return mechanism, so it is the problem for every cluster to face. The text founded that keeping the contact with the cluster exterior and getting the cluster external knowledge are the determinant for cluster to breach the path dependence and realize the upgrading. Therefore the text founded the research hypotheses that the cluster external knowledge spillover is negative correlation with the cluster path dependence, and by empirical test arrived that the cluster external knowledge spillover has the negative effect on the cluster path dependence. So, for guaranteeing the cluster's smoothly upgrading the cluster should lay stress on the contact with the external knowledge and avoid lock.
     (5) The text took the cluster enterprises ability and the path dependence as the intervening variables of social capital, knowledge spillover and cluster upgrading, lodged and demonstrated the resonance acting of the cluster enterprises ability and cluster path dependence. By empirical research the text confirmed that the social capital affects the cluster process flow, product promotion and function upgrading through cluster enterprises ability; the internal and external cluster knowledge spillover has direct function to the cluster process flow upgrading and the product promotion, the cluster internal knowledge spillover affects the cluster process flow upgrading, product promotion and function upgrading through cluster enterprises ability, the cluster external knowledge spillover affects the cluster process flow upgrading, product promotion and function upgrading through cluster enterprises ability and cluster path dependence.
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