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To improve the independent innovation ability of enterprises is not only the key to solve the enterprise's long-term development problem, but also the key to change the way of economic development in our country. Given the special national conditions of China, government funds and policy support play an important role in the process of raising the independent innovation capability of corporations. At present, the role of market mechanism in china is controlled by state administrative agencies, and the most important system obstacle to transform development patterns is the government administrative system, which has been shaped over a long period of time. The government leading administrative system determined that the ability of the enterprise independent innovation in China was largely influenced by government policy. As China's market economy system has been established preliminarily, and the society are entering the middle-income stage of development, it is in urgent need of transformation, from governmental dominant economic growth pattern, to the pattern of market price change guide companies and companies dominate the technological progress, and the new economy growth pattern will make China enter into a high-income society successfully.
     After more than30years of reform and opening up, the enterprise's capacity for independent innovation in China has greatly improved, but some factors hindering technology innovation and new technology industrialization still exist. Compared with innovative countries, the defects of China perform in many ways, including the independent innovation ability, especially the core competition of the enterprise is weak, the share of high and new technology industries in the economy is not high, the R&D ratio of key technologies is low, the scientific research capabilities is not strong, lack of excellent professionals, the investment in R&D is insufficient, and the system still has some disadvantages, etc. If there is no economic independence in a country, there will be no political independence. It becomes imperative for China to improve the capacity for independent innovation.In developed countries, multinational conglomerates must continue to realize the industrialization of technology innovation in order to maintain its international competitiveness. However, tens of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises are actually the main source of technology innovation. In China, now some state-owned enterprises are lack of innovation power and the innovative potential of small and medium-sized enterprises have not been fully tapped. Improving enterprise' independent innovation ability is the key to the change of the pattern of economic growth. Also, promoting independent innovation of state-owned enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprise has great significance for promoting China's economic development. Based on this background, the research of enterprise independent innovation has important theoretical and practical significance on China's future economic development. This article' main content is listed as follows.
     Chapter one is introduction. The first part raised questions, and illustrated the purpose of this study according to the practical value and theoretical significance. Also, it analyzed and evaluated the related researches, and cited numerous scholars on the analysis of the independent innovation ability index. In addition, it pointed out that the frame structure and the main research content about this this paper, and indicated the innovation and deficiency of this article.
     Chapter two is the general analysis of enterprise independent innovation. It not only analyzed the basic connotation of independent innovation, but also analyzed the basic model and main functions of enterprise independent innovation. And it pointed out that Chinese enterprises independent innovation pattern choice. Moreover, it analyzed the basic attributes of enterprise independent innovation and government intervention in the independent innovation, and pointed out the government role in the enterprise independent innovation point.
     Chapter three is about the main factors which influence the enterprise independent innovation and measure. This chapter pointed out the influence of enterprise independent innovation and measure from two aspects. Endogenous factors mainly include the independent innovation and entrepreneurship, innovation goals of profit and revenue, innovation ability and level of corporate earnings and investment ability, reasonable allocation of rights and enterprise innovation culture and innovation talents, exogenous factors mainly include the stage of industrialization and industry development requirements, technical force and the nature of the restriction of technique and the innovation chain, demand analysis and market competitiveness, and so on.
     Chapter four is about the status quo of China's enterprise independent innovation. It described China's enterprise independent innovation objectively. Firstly, it affirmed the results of China's independent innovation, including innovation development strategy had become more clearly, the ability of R&D was increasing, the innovation output was fruitful, etc. Secondly, it described the Chinese enterprises' independent innovation on the whole. At present, compared to the speed of economic growth, the amount of independent innovation input was increasing but within a small range, and it also faced the challenge of international technology catch from other countries, improving the independent innovation ability had become the core problem of China's hi-tech industry. At last, the chapter pointed out the main obstacles to Chinese enterprise independent innovation ability, and analyzed the causes of these obstacles.
     Chapter five is the international comparison and analysis about governmental support enterprise independent innovation. First of all, it compared and analyzed the R&D innovation performance, as well as pointed out the data analysis and the conclusion. Secondly, it analyzed the support enterprise independent innovation system of fiscal and taxation policy, through crosswise contrast, to analyze the international fiscal and taxation support independent innovation experience, and combining the reality of China, pointed out the existing problems in China's fiscal and taxation support system. Finally, it analyzed the support enterprise independent innovation of the financial system, and learned from international experience, pointed out the comparative analysis of China's new financial system, which aimed to support enterprise independent innovation.
     The sixth chapter builds up and measures the index system of enterprise independent innovation. First of all, it pointed out the index system of enterprise independent innovation. From the principle which it was following, the internal evaluation and external evaluation index were put forward. Secondly, it described the main measure and application of enterprise independent innovation. Lastly, it put forward the measure and empirical test of the enterprise independent innovation, and measured the independent innovation of enterprises though using the factor analytic method.
     Chapter seven is policies and measures to promote enterprise independent innovation. Based on the analysis of previous chapters, this chapter proposed policies and measures. First of all, enterprises should improve the fiscal and taxation policies to promote the enterprise independent innovation from different aspects, such as financial, taxation, government procurement and credit. Secondly, enterprises should be encouraged to become the main body of independent innovation, to strengthen the ability of enterprise independent innovation, to give full play to the role of entrepreneurship in independent innovation, and to strengthen enterprise culture construction. Thirdly, it pointed out that enterprises should build a platform of producing-studying-researching, and offered some related measures. Finally, it pointed that the enterprise independent innovation ability evaluation index system should be clear, including improves the enterprise integrated performance evaluation indicators, and improves the enterprise independent innovation dependence index and index system, to establish and improve the measure enterprise independent innovation is the main index system, etc.
     Based on the government funds and policy support, the research of enterprise independent innovation and measure has important theoretical and practical significance to China's enterprises. And enhance the evaluation index system of enterprise independent innovation is the key factor to promote enterprise independent innovation. Improving self-directed innovation capability and building an innovative country are critical factors of national development strategy. Promoting the independent innovation of enterprises is effective guarantee to the national overall economic development. During the transitional period, China should perfect the fiscal and taxation policies to promote the enterprise independent innovation, to encourage enterprises to become the main body of independent innovation, to build the combination of system platform, at the same time, to improve the enterprise independent innovation ability evaluation index system. From the aspect of government funds and policy support, it is urgent to create a favorable policy environment to improve the self-directed innovation capability.
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