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In the knowledge economy times, knowledge has become an important source of competitive advantage, and technological innovation has become the one of ways for most countries to become the powerful one. Future international competition will inevitably become the competition of knowledge and talent, and the organization responsible for the most cutting-edge work of knowledge creation and training of personnel is the university. Since they assume responsibility commensurate with their status, first of all universities in the knowledge society are required to create management model to adapt to knowledge-based economy. Taking into account the scarcity and the imbalance of resources and in order to acquire knowledge from partners, and enhance capacity university knowledge alliance conforms to the trend of knowledge-based economy.
     University knowledge alliance is a loose type of network organization of different universities, teams or individuals which is formed with complementary advantages and risks sharing by contract to share knowledge and resources, promote knowledge flows and knowledge creation. Different from the knowledge alliance which companies participate in, university knowledge alliance focuses on knowledge sharing and innovation. Its creation achievement belongs to basic research field and indicates the academic value.
     By reorganizing knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer and knowledge integration and other relative theoretical study, this dissertation provides a clear understanding of the theoretical framework of the overall innovation theory of knowledge. Most of relative researches are about knowledge alliance which enterprises participate in, while this dissertation applies innovation theory of knowledge to the university knowledge alliance. On this basis, it conducts a detailed analysis of the microscopic mechanism of university knowledge alliance construction to determine the border of the knowledge transfer, and university knowledge has more obvious implicit characteristics with creativity. The formation of university knowledge alliance is due to the imbalance of resources and knowledge potential difference. The organization of university knowledge alliance can be divided into three types:cooperation between universities, cooperation between teams in universities and cooperation between scholars in universities.
     Then the dissertation probes into the process of university knowledge alliance cooperation and innovation, builds the dynamic process model including knowledge activation, knowledge innovation and knowledge precipitation, three of which constitute a dynamic process of knowledge transfer. University knowledge alliance brings to the enhancement of the academic ability of the alliance parties, showed by the increased output of academic achievements, improvement of academic ability and upgrading of academic influence.
     It also carries out an empirical study of the relationship between factors influencing university knowledge alliance cooperation and innovation and university knowledge alliance innovation performance, and points out five factors of cognitive factors, risk factors, capacity factors, cost factors and system factors. University knowledge alliance innovation performance evaluation is divided into implicit and explicit ones, and an empirical model and underlying assumptions are designed. The results show that the influencing factors on innovation performance have basically been verified, while in three different forms of university cooperation, teamwork cooperation, personal cooperation, the influencing factors on innovation performance varies.
     To ensure the value of the practical application of theoretical analysis, the dissertation from a practical point of view analyses university knowledge alliance innovation process through case study, relevant data collection and interviews. And based on theoretical and empirical research, combining the results of case studies it proposes countermeasures to carry out university knowledge alliance cooperation and innovation.
     The innovation of the dissertation is shown mainly in the following ways:
     (1) It applies the theory on knowledge alliance and knowledge innovation to the exploration on the process of university knowledge alliance innovation, which may be a new perspective. Most of relative researches focus on knowledge alliance which enterprises participate in, including the hotly discussed industry-university-research knowledge alliance. It thinks university knowledge alliance differs from other types of alliances. The border of the knowledge transfer means university knowledge has more obvious implicit characteristics of academic compared with general knowledge while enterprise knowledge alliance creation applies the transferred scientific knowledge which could be put into the use of industrialization. The fundamental purpose of university alliance knowledge is the cooperation and innovation of knowledge and focuses on basic research instead of applied research. The creative achievements are reflected by scientific knowledge with high level of academic and talents training.
     (2) It discusses construction mechanism of university knowledge alliance and the process model of cooperation and innovation, which may be an improvement in the theory of knowledge alliance. University knowledge alliance is constructed because of the imbalance of resources by parties and potential difference of knowledge. Due to potential difference of knowledge, universities, scientific research team and scholars make up knowledge alliance to cooperate and innovate in three different ways of cooperation between universities, cooperation between teams, cooperation between scholars. It also conducts a study of features of knowledge transfer from the implicit character, potential difference of knowledge, organizational learning and transfer level. On this basis, it constructs the dynamic process model of knowledge creation in three stages. the active stage of knowledge, the knowledge innovation stage and the precipitation stage of knowledge.
     (3) It points out factors influencing the construction of the university knowledge alliance cooperation and creation including cognitive factors, risk factors, capacity factors, cost factors, institutional factors and university knowledge alliance innovation performance contains explicit and implicit performance. It constructs structural equation model and verifies the relationship between the influencing factors and innovation performance, and from the cooperation between the universities, teams and individuals, it analyses the influencing factors on innovation performance in the process of cooperative innovation.
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