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The effects of organic liquid manures in potted apple on main mineral elements, fruit yield and quality were studied from 2003 to 2005 in the nursery of Lv mei corporation. The aim of this experiment was that it produced high-quality Fuji apple in pot and it used the production of producing high-quality red Fuji apple in field as reference. The results were as follows:1. the main mineral elements(organic matter, pH value, total N, total P, total K, total Ca, total Mg, total Fe, total Mn, total Cu and total Zn) contents of organic liquid manure 1 were the highest, these of organic liquid manure 2 were the second, and these of organic liquid manure 3 were the lowest. In the course of storing, the organic matter and total Mn contents of organic liquid manures 1,2,3 were declined; the total N, total P, total K, total Ca and total Zn contents of organic liquid manures 1, 2, 3 were enhanced; the total Fe contents of organic liquid manures 1,2,3 was firstly increased , then decreased; and the pH value, total Mg, total Cu contents of organic liquid manures 1,2,3 were equably changed. In the course of organic liquid manure based on experience being used, the main mineral elements contents of it were greatly changed because the concentration of organic liquid manure based on experience was constantly diluted. The organic matter, pH value, total N, total K, total Mg and total Zn contents of organic liquid manure based on experience were firstly increased, then declined; The total P and total Cu contents of organic liquid manure based on experience were gradually dropped; and the total Ca, total Fe and total Mn contents of organic liquid manure based on experience were increased. The results showed that: after September, the part main mineral elements(organic matter, pH value, total N, total P, total K, total Mg, total Cu and total Zn) contents of organic liquid manure based on experience were declined markedly, so the organic liquid manure based on experience did not suit to be used in September.We could see these from the synthesis appreciation about organic liquid manures: the quality of organic liquid manures 1 was the best, the quality of organic liquid manure based on experience was second, the quality of organic liquid manures 2 was third , the quality of organic liquid manure 3 was last. In the four treatments, the content of total K of four organic liquid manures were higher than the standard. But the contents of organic matter, total N, total P were less than the standard in
    some time, and the lacking nutrition could supply by inorganic fertilizer .2. The effects of employing organic liquid manure 1, 2, 3 in soil were that: the main mineral elements(organic matter, pH value, total N, available N , total P, available P , available K, available Ca, available Mg, available Fe, available Mn, available Cu and available Zn) contents of soil employed organic liquid manure 1 were the highest; the main mineral elements(organic matter, pH value, total N, available N , total P, available P , available K, available Ca, available Mg, available Fe> available Mn, available Cu and available Zn) contents of soil employed organic liquid manure 2 were second; the main mineral elements(organic matter, pH value, total N> available N , total P, available P , available K, available Ca> available Mg, available Fes available Mn, available Cu and available Zn) contents of soil employed organic liquid manure 3 were the last. It were fluctuant that the contents of main mineral elements(organic matter, pH value, total N> available N , total P, available P, available K> available Ca, available Mg, available Fe, available Mn, available Cu and available Zn) in soil employed organic liquid manures based on experience.The effects of enhancing available N and available P contents of soil by employing different concentration of organic liquid manures on soil were very obvious; the effect of enhancing the contents of organic matter and mass elements contents of soil by those were obvious; but the effect of enhancing the microelement contents of soil by those were not obvious.3. The effects of employing organic liquid manure for twig styles were that: the middling bearing shoot percent were enhanced remarkably by employing different concentration organic liquid manures; but the effects of enhancing percent of long bear shoot , short spur and bouquet spur by employing different concentration organic liquid manures were not obvious.4. After employing different concentration organic liquid manures ,the effects of the contents of main mineral elements in leaves were that: Firstly, after employing organic liquid manure, the main mineral elements(total N, total P, total K, total Ca, total Mg, total Fe, total Mn, total Cu and total Zn) contents of treatment 1 leaves were increased remarkably and it was the highest. The main mineral elements contents of treatment 2 leaves were second; the last were those of treatment 3 leaves. Secondly, the effect of enhancing mass elements(totalN, total P> total K, total Ca, total Mg) contents of leaves by those were obvious; but the effect of enhancing the microelement (total Fe, total Mn, total Cu, total Zn )contents of leaves were not obvious.We could see these from the synthesis appreciation about potted apple leavs: if only compared the main mineral elements contents of the leaves of treatment 1, 2,
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