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With the constantly advancing of transportation information, information application do not settle for simple affair treatment, but look forward to promote management level from data to assistant decision-making and public service. Implementing information integration of highway transportation, mining data base, promoting information sharing and exchanging, is the trend for transportation informatization. This paper takes Shaanxi province for example, and it studies information integration of highway transportation.
     The main research work of this paper is listed below:
     (1)Study basic theory of information integration, and discuss the meaning of information integration for highway transportation.
     (2)Analyze the status quo of information resource of highway transportation in Shaanxi, based on this, classify various kinds of demand in information integration, and research the structure of information integration.
     (3)Realize unified management and sharing for information data, trough design GIS fundament. And realize information integration for key expressway or bridge, to form database and transportation data center.
     (4)Update management system for highway construction, and for transportation investment. Structure management system for company credit of highway construction so as to form into system framework of comprehensive management.
     (5)Design analysis system for comprehensive operation, and supply decision support for management departments about highway construction, maintenance, etc.
     (6)Design emergency response center for highway transportation, and develop emergency response system so as to realize real time monitoring for highway network. Study information of emergency affairs about how to prepare and treat.
     (7)In order to promote service level of department of transportation management, design service system for public travel, which could supply information about real time traffic, travel, weather, etc.
     (8)Study process of data integration, and propose data standards. Structure strict safety system for operation of information integration.
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