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Currently, the gap of industry cost among countries is shrinking, the pace ofdevelopment of technology and innovation is accelerating, and the new round ofmore intense industrial techno-innovation competition pulls open prelusive. Under thetrend of technical innovation internationalization, all countries’(regions’)technological innovation activities have an integrative development, and the industrialdivision of labor based on technology cross national boundary extends to a globalscope. It provides a good opportunity for our country’s industrial innovation networksto be internationalization. The internationalization of industrial innovation networksmeans international nodes, international links and international resources all flow intothe industrial innovation networks of the host country. And in turn it will impact thenetwork structure, network knowledge stock, the quality of knowledge resources,speed and direction of knowledge flow, and finally influence the output of hostcountries’ technical innovation. Most researches focus on the analysis and discussionof industry cluster, technical innovation system on industrial level, a specific industryor an enterprise’s ego-centric network, but it is lack of systematic research oninternationalization of innovation networks at the industry level. Due to the difficultyof collecting time series data, the researches of evolution process of theinternationalization of industrial innovation networks at the global network level andits impact on output of technical innovation are seldom empirically studied. Therefore,the research on evolution process of the internationalization of industrial innovationnetworks and their impact on technical innovation has an important theoretical andpractical significance.
     This study explains the characteristics, influence factors and evolution process ofthe internationalization of industrial innovation networks through literature andtheory review. And the influence mechanism of internationalization degree ontechnical innovation output. This study utilized patent metering methods and socialnetwork analysis to describe topologicalgraph of industrial technical innovationnetworks, which demonstrate the evolution process, establishes econometric model toanalyzing the influence of internationalization degree on technical innovation, and usesurveys and interviews to analyze the breadth and depth of enterprises’internationalization activities and empirically test their impacts on technical innovation, and the moderating effect of knowledge absorptive capacity on innovationperformance.
     Firstly, the study analyze the development mechanism and process of theinternationalization of industrial innovation networks and specify the definition of theinternationalization of industrial innovation networks.Then effects of networkinternationalization on internationalization activities are discussed, which includeeffects of mutual promotion and gradual increment. Then the paper analyzeenvironmental factors, industry characteristics and knowledge attribution. Underactions of multinational enterprises’ R&D internationalization and local enterprises’technical learning, different network characteristics of various stages of theinternationalization of industrial technical innovation networks are analyzed.
     Secondly, the study analyzes the influence mechanism of the internationalizationof industrial innovation networks on technical innovation. Through analyzing patternsof transnational knowledge flow of industrial innovation networks, the paper describethe dissipative structure of industrial technical innovation networks, which showsabsorbing new knowledge from external resources is the driving force of its orderlyand balanced development. Under the perspective of knowledge flow, three variablesare analyzed, including sub-networks’ size of internationalization networks,internationalization linkages and sub-networks’ density of internationalizationnetworks, and then corresponding hypotheses according to their influence on radicaland incremental technical innovation are put forward.
     Thirdly, this paper describes evolution process of the internationalization ofindustrial technical innovation networks qualitatively, and empirically testcorresponding hypotheses mentioned above. First, automobile industry is taken assample, collecting joint patent data, using UCINET to establish the industrialtechnical innovation networks from1991to2010, which include international andlocal nodes, and its internationalization evolution process was analyzed. Then, all thepatents of automobile industry applied in China from the SIPO from1991to2010arecollected and the relationship among technical innovation output, ties and density ofinternationalization sub-networks are empirically tested, and the result showsextrusion effect of sub-network size on technical innovation, and the positive effect ofinternational links&sub-network density on technical innovation.
     Fourthly, the influences of internationalization degree on technical innovationperformance are analyzed. Based on the perspective of knowledge flow, the study analyze the effects of breadth and depth of internationalization on technicalinnovation, and then relevant hypotheses are put forward. Second, hypothesize themoderating effect of knowledge absorptive capacity on technical innovation. And then,conceptual model was constructed.
     Fifthly, Survey data is collected to empirically test the positive effect of thebreadth and depth on technical innovation internationalization and knowledgeabsorptive capacity. In the beginning, the paper develops correspondingmeasurements, and then uses interviews and pre-survey to modify and make the finalversion of questionnaire. In the end, the multivariate regression is utilized to test themain effect of breadth and depth of internationalization and the moderating effect ofknowledge absorptive capacity. And the results indicate the breadth and depth ofinternationalization have positive effects on technical innovation performance, andthere is a significant moderating effect of knowledge absorptive capacity.
     Finally, based on the results of empirical study and summary of this dissertation,some of policy suggestions about how to promote technical innovation ability at twolevels of the industry and enterprise are suggested. This study’s contribution lies in athorough research of how industrial innovation network internationalization impact totechnological innovation on two dimensional perspective. Building a theoreticalframework contains19variables to reveal the mechanism of industrial innovationnetwork internationalization, knowledge flow and technological innovation outputsystematically.
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