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     遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)已经被用于解决复杂问题。多目标遗传算法(multiple-objective GA,MOGA)适于解决有大量变量、需要进行多目标优化设计的问题。GA已经被用于非连续覆盖的的卫星星座设计。论文在分析卫星星座设计面临的技术挑战和现有工作不足的基础上,重点研究了基于GA和MOGA的卫星星座设计问题。论文的主要贡献是:
     在通用6N星座模型的基础上,论文给出了改进的基于GA的无构型约束通用卫星星座设计方法,并首次提出了将代表MOGA领先水平的快速非支配排序遗传算法(the fast nondominated sorting genetic algorithm ,NSGA-II))应用于地球观测、卫星导航、卫星通信等不同卫星星座设计的统一算法模型,为复杂的卫星星座设计提供了强有力的多目标优化设计手段。6N星座模型在具备通用性优点的同时,不可避免的带来了优化参数空间过大的问题。由于范艾伦辐射带等因素的影响,卫星轨道参数还具有不连续、不可微等特点。GA和MOGA十分胜任这种优化问题。为了满足各类不同的卫星星座设计需求,论文在统一的卫星星座算法模型中给出了相应的基本性能评价准则。这些性能评价准则不仅仅局限于地理覆盖性能,还可以是用户提出的任意和卫星轨道参数相关的系统需求。设计者在进行自己的卫星星座设计任务时,只需要根据任务需求对卫星星座性能评价准则进行适当的修改或添加,就可以得到符合自身需要的(一组)最佳地球观测、卫星导航、卫星通信星座设计结果。通用6N星座模型和基于GA/MOGA的无构型约束通用卫星星座设计统一算法模型共同构成了完整的、适应现代卫星星座设计需要的、能够直接应用的卫星星座设计方法。
The development and growth of the earth observation, navigation and commu-nication during the past tens years has led to demand for and development of theseservices everywhere and over every possible medium. This includes the medium ofsatellite. During those same decades, the growth in use of satellite to provide a widely-available earth observation, navigation and wireless communications infrastructurehas led to the development of satellite applications using satellite constellation .
     A satellite constellation can be defined as a number of similar satellites, of asimilar function, designed for a certain purpose. Satellite constellation is a basalform for a group cooprating satellites.
     Traditional satellite constellation design has focused on optimizing global or zonalcoverage with a minimum number of satellites. In fact, in this case, the analysis ofthe configuration, based on circular orbits and uniform distribution of orbital planes,allows, because of the symmetry, to develop manageable analytical models. Notwith-standing, in some specific issues (i.e. regional coverage or hybrid orbit typies), eccen-tric orbits should be preferred for the coverage of restricted areas.
     Furtheremore, satellite constellation designers are rarely concerned with optimiz-ing performance with respect to a single objective such as earth coverage. Rather,multiple competing requirements drive the design.
     The genetic algorithm (GA) has been introduced as a robust technique to solvemany multivariable problems. The multiple-objective GA (MOGA) is used to solvethese problems because the multiple-objective optimal design is suited for problemswith large number of variables. MOGA for Walker satellite constellation and for zonalcoverage area is also introduced.
     Based on the analysis of the technology challenges for satellite constellation de-sign and the limitation of related work, this dissertation focuses on satellite constella-tion design optimized by GA and MOGA. The major contributions of the dissertation include:
     Considering the capabilities of GA and MOGA, the dissertation proposed ageneral 6N constellation model based on the analysis of some known constellationmodels. The general 6N constellation model parameters consist of all 6 orbitelements of every satellite. So the 6N model includes all known and unknownconstellation types. Constellation designers should select a constellation typefirst using traditional method. But the constellation designers could not seemto agree on the best approach to select the’best’constellation type for the sametask. The general 6N constellation model is foreign to constellation type, andsuits most satellite constellation design applications.
     The dissertation presented a improved satellite constellation design method basedon GA. Considering the earth observation, satellite navigation and satellite com-munication constellation design tasks, an one-up MOGA called the nondomi-nated sorting genetic algorithm 2 (NSGA-II) was used for a uniform constellationdesign algorithm model. Besides earth coverage, the uniform constellation de-sign algorithm model includes some basal system performance evaluation rulesfor earth observation, satellite navigation and satellite communication, whichcan be modified or added by constellation designer considering their own taskrequest.
     The dissertation analysed the characters of earth observation, satellite naviga-tion and satellite communication, proposed reasonable performance evaluationapproaches for vary satellite constellation systems.
     Some optimum satellite constellations, which better than the same task constel-lations in some publication, were demonstrated the the advantages of satelliteconstellation design method based on GA and MOGA for earth observation,satellite navigation and satellite communication.
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