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Rock mass is discontinuous because of the movement and development of the crust. The joint, fissure, fault fracture are the typical modes of this discontinuation. Although the small size of the joint fissure, they reduced the strength of the rock mass. And because of the existence of them the rock mass is anisotropic. Joint rock mass is universal in the engineering rock mass. In general, the intensity of integrate rock is much higher than the rock mass because the joint and structure faces lessen the intensity of rock. The function of the bolt is to colligate the disjoined rock and enhance the integrity of the rock mass, which is important to enhance the capability of the rock mass to resist the outside force.
    It made great progress since 1920s. The current theory about rock bolt system is far behind from the engineering practice, which makes the practice has some blind direction. The mechanical behavior of the bolted rock joint is not fully understood, and only the experience accumulated on rock bolting gives the know-how for the reinforcement calculation and execution.
    To change this status a micromechanical composite mechanical model is established on the basis of the current rock bolt theories and numerical analysis methods to evaluate the mechanical properties of the bolted joint rock mass. The quantitative relationship of mechanical properties of the bolted joint rock mass and that of the rock mass and bolt and joint is presented in the model. It is validated by the experimental test coupled with numerical simulations.
    This dissertation is focus on the following fields.
    (1) Considering the bolted joint rock mass as a hybrid composite and give it a quantitative stress-strain relationship with composite mechanical method.
    (2) A uni-axial compression test and tri-axial compressive test were done through experimental tests and numerical simulation. Also a tri-tensile test is down through numerical simulation.
    (3) In the numerical analysis, a program is designed on the basis of the large finite element method software Marc to simulate the load condition of the inside
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