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     左心室收缩功能是评价心脏疾病及其它系统疾病病情严重程度及预后的重要指标之一。二维超声心动图(two-dimension echocardiography,2DE)是目前临床上最常用的心功能评价方法。然而,当患者透声条件差、不能得到满意的超声图像时,2DE测量左心室收缩功能的准确性将减低。自20世纪80年代左心腔声学造影(left ventricular opacification,LVO)技术出现以来,已有不少文献报道LVO能改善心内膜边界显影,但绝大多数研究局限于观察其对心内膜边界显影的改善作用或对心内膜边界改善的程度等。研究LVO改善心内膜显影之后能否提高测量左心室收缩功能的准确性将有重要的临床价值。
     本研究拟采用LVO技术通过给透声条件较差、心内膜边界显示不清的受试者经肘静脉注射左心腔声学造影剂(八氟丙烷人血白蛋白微球注射液),应用二维超声心尖单平面Simpson法测量造影前、后左心室收缩功能各项参数,包括左心室舒张末容积(end-diastolic volume,EDV)、收缩末容积(end-systolic volume,ESV)、每搏输出量(stroke volume,SV)和射血分数(ejection fraction,EF),探讨LVO技术对改善心内膜边界显影,提高测量左心室收缩功能准确性的临床价值,为临床准确评价心功能提供客观依据。
     使用Philips sonos 5500型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,S3探头,频率1~3MHz。
     Left ventricular systolic function is one of the major indexes for prognosing the heart diseases. Two dimensional echocardiography(2DE) is the most common way to measure the cardiac function. However, the poor acoustic window worsens the 2DE image and cardiac function measurement. Left ventricular opacification (LVO) could improve ednocardial border developing. It is important to study whether LVO can enhance the accuracy of measuring left ventricular systolic function by improving the endocardial border developing.
     To evaluate the value of LVO in enhancing the accuracy of measuring the left ventricular systolic function by improving the endocardial border developing, and to provide an useful way to measure cardiac function accurately.
     Materials and Methods
     1. 58 cases with poor acoustic window were studied. Among them, male 17 cases, female 41 cases, age ranged 31 -70yrs old, the mean age 56.6±9.9 years old.
     2. Standard apical four chamber image is got and recorded in optical disk before and after injection of human albumin microspheres, injectable suspension octafluoropropane formulation.
     3. Simpson method is adopted for left ventricular systolic function, which include left ventricular end-diastolic volume(EDV), end-systolic volume(ESV), stroke volume(SV) and ejection fraction(EF).
     All the left ventricular systolic function data before and after injection were measured by 2 doctors separately and blindly. The data was measured again by one of the above 2 doctors 3 months later.
     4. Left ventricular endocardial border is divided into 6 segments. Score 0: absent segment, score 1: fuzzy segment, score 2: clear segment.
     Autoradiography improvement rate is used for evaluating the effect of LVO enhancing endocardial border developing.
     Improvement rate=(segments of 0→1 and (0→2 + segments of 1→2)/ (segments of score 0 + segments of score 1)
     Significant improvement rate= (segments of 0→2+ segments of 1→2)/(segments of score 0 + segments of score 1)
     5. Paired t test and linear correlation analysis are adopted.
     1. Autoradiography results
     Before and after LVO, segments of score 0 are 3 and 0, for score 1: 96 and 3 . for score 2: 249 and 345.Segments of score0 before LVO is 99. Improvement rate is 100%, significant improvement rate is 96.97%.
     2. Comparison of left ventricular systolic function before and after LVO
     The differences of ESV,SV and EF were statistically significant (P<0.05); EDV was not statistically significant (P>0.05).ESV was smaller after LVO than before;SV and EF were greater after LVO than before. The two doctors got the same results as above.
     3. Repeatability Test
     No matter before or after LVO, the difference of EDV、ESV、SV and EF were not statistically significant(P>0.05) and all parameters were correlative(P<0.05) both inter-observer and inner- observer.
     4. The standard deviations of parameters were all greater before LVO than after.
     1. 2DE is a relative accurate method of measuring left ventricular systolic function, good consistency and reproducibility is in intra-observers and inter-observers.
     2. LVO can enhance the accuracy of 2DE in measuring left ventricular systolic function by improving left ventricular endocardial border developing; good consistency and reproducibility is in intra- observers and inter-observers.
     3. LVO improves end-systolic endocardial border developing better than end-diastole one.
     4. ESV values is less before LVO than after, however, SV and EF values are larger before LVO than after,which suggests that 2DE may underestimate the left ventricular systolic function.
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