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     综上所述,本研究中以宏观的形态、颜色和显微结构中菌套菌丝排列图式、菌套表面结构及菌丝和菌索内部结构等特征分出的48种类型,经DNA测序鉴定,基本上与测序得出结论相符,且结果表明,利用rDNA ITS区段进行分子测序,进而进行外生菌根真菌种类鉴定是切实可行的。
This research including morphological and anatomical characteristic analysis of different trees specises ectomycorrhizal types and study on molecular identification to these ectomycorrhizae. Now respectively abstract writes as follow:
     1.Morphological and anatomical characters analysis of ectomycorrhizae
     In this study, taking mycorrhizal sysbiosis as the study object, from one tree species starting and from the morphological and anatomical angle, studied these ectomycorrhizal types systematicly, and comprehensive characteristic of 48 ectomycorrhizal types were described using photographs and words. Among these types, there are 11 types on the Picea crassfolia, 13 types on the Betula platyphylla, 10 types on the Populus davidiana and 14 types on the Larix gmelinii. At the same times, Further made a primary identification on these types by using of ectomycorrhizal colour, morphological characters, surface structure of mantle and anatomical characters in plan views and so on; probed in the feasibility of ectomycorrhizal classification and identification in the light of exterior hyphae, mycorrhizal colour, interior microstructure such as arranged patterm of mantle hyphae, mantle surface structure and anatomical structure of hyphae and rhizomorphs mainly. On the basis, taxonomic key have been worked out on the different trees species.
     2.Molecular identification reseach on the ectomycorrhizal root tips
     This research was on the premise of having been sorted out basal ectomycorrhizal types on the basis of the morphological and anatomic ways, took the mycorrhizal symbiosis root tips of each tree species as studied material, extracted DNA of symbiosis, then ITS regions of DNA of identified ectomycorrhizal fungi were amplified using the special pairs of primers ITS1F /ITS4 and sequenced, the sequences determined were compared with those registered in rDNA sequence database on Internet, then identification results were obtained according to comparing results and other biological information in DNA sequence database on Internet. At last, ectomycorrhizal fungi diversity of several trees species in Inner mongolia were confirmed. The results write as follow: firstly, of the total of 48 morphology and anatomatical types of four trees species, 46 types were identified to the level of family, genus and species respectively, in addition, ectomycorrhizal types of Picea crassfolia belonging respectively to family level is 2, genus level is 2 and rest of 7 is identified to species level; ectomycorrhizal types of Betula platyphylla belonging respectively to family level is 2, genus level is 4, and species level is 6; ectomycorrhizal types of Populus davidiana belonging respectively to family level is 1,genus level is 3, and species level is 6; ectomycorrhizal types of Larix gmelinii belonging respectively to family level is 3, genus level is 3, and rest of 7 is identified to the species level. At the same times, among 46 identified ectomycorrhizal types, 36 species belong to Basidiomycotina and 10 species belong to Ascomycotina.
     This research have finished species identifications, as well as by using the biological information resources on Internet adequately, constructed the taxonomy report, and analysed the compared results and taxonomy report.
     In conclusion, 48 types that have been sorted out based on the macroscopical shape, colour and microcosmic structure, such as arranged patterm of mantle hyphae, mantle surface structure and anatomical structure of hyphae and rhizomorphs and so on was the same with the rusults using molecular identification. At the same times, it show that it is feasible using rDNA ITS regions to sequence and confirm these species.
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