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In our times, the ecological crisis in the performance of the present era of human existence lead to reflect on the problem of the past modes of production, ways of thinking and ways of life. This philosophical reflection becomes the character of the epoch. The direct consequence of ecological crisis is the survival crisis form the foundation of human root. Increasingly serious crisis both destroyed people’s material homes and also the spiritual home. Philosophy is the spirit of the Time, which is thought to grasp the Time. Our time require the development of suitable philosophy to repair and improve our "spiritual home", to support us this time and to enable human being to be able to change its development model and ways of thinking and turn to sustainable livelihoods and development. Therefore, seek for the spirit of the Time, looking for the Homes to support our age and makes human to sustainable existence philosophy has the significant practical significance.
     The ecological crisis occurred in the middle of last century, with a global nature, urgency and destructive character. The direct cause of this problem is the mode of production, way of thinking and the concept of development that advocated by the "anti-natural" practice of excessive activity and ways of life, the fundamental reason for this is that people's "forgotten" or ignored the based existence of the Nature, is that people do not recognize and deal well with the natural existence of the Nature, and the relationship between ourselves and the Nature, put peoples on a bad position in the nature.
     This article based on the fundamental questions of human existence, concerned of the crisis for the human beings survival in today's time, with a new logical starting point to the natural in people's awareness of the changing status of logic leads to the new perspective of The nature, to re-examine the industrial civilization of mankind since the natural orientation and positioning of their own rationality, to re-establish the natural ontological status. Through the critique to the form of industrial civilization, and the analysis to the philosophical basises of the form of industrial civilization ,and the results of philosophers about the status of a natural sort of theoretical, and the re-understanding to the relationship between man and nature, try to find the possible ways in today's conditions to support human survival and development of philosophy. Through the establishment the ontological of the Nature to change people’s ideas, thus limited behavior of human beings, this could save and protect our material homes.
     The first part of this paper is the critique to the form of the industrial civilization. From industrial civilization, people changed the traditional order of "imitate nature" forms of agricultural production to "the reorganization of natural" form-based industrial production. The basic characteristics of industrial production is "manufacturing", and the basic process of manufacture of unity is the material world "broken", then with the purpose and need to cut it into pieces, thus forming people present need in the process. The whole manufacturing process is humanization completely out of the nature. Every production process is completed by artificial design, through the machine processing; production mode is linear production mode which leaved out of the natural order. The desire of production are beyond the power of people's survival and needs, the power of marketplace mechanism replace the "necessary" mechanism of power, production has entered a kind of pursuit of profit maximization of a state of infinite expansion. Industrial production achieves alternation from cultural order to natural order.
     This kind of industrial production takes maxim economical profit to satisfy desire inevitably the infinite growth as its core value orientation. But realizes the economical infinite growth inevitably takes to realization of infinite expansion of the production as the premise and must depend on the realization of infinite expense of manufactured products and the infinite consumption of natural resource. Therefore, industrial society's value orientation is inevitably also containing pursue the“spends freely”and repel to environment value.
     The life style of people become more and more modern according to this. Machine's popular and pursue of“automation”, caused the exterior natural forces to replace person's vital activity, then caused the human became gradually the animal “motionless”; the modernized living conditions have accomplished the people far away from natural environment; Each kind of diseases of civilization's appearance demonstrated weakness of the human life, the natural selection of human receives the stern challenge. The human being’s evolution way is realizing the cultural choice replace the natural selection
     Industrial civilization form of production forms and value orientation and the essence of ways people live is advocated by the control of nature by human beings, and to achieve absolute freedom. Ecological crisis comes to show that human beings can not to control the Nature; the ultimate development of the form of industrial civilization of human must be uprooted. Although industrial civilization brought the prosperity of human beings, but also brought destroy of our homes. Facing this crisis condition in today, if we don’t change the civilization form and development mode, we will ruin. Therefore, we must awake from state of the forgotten of the natural, being in it with natural senses, the decision of our entire standard, so we can guarantee human behavior in sustainable development and survival of scope.
     The second part of this paper is the analysis to the philosophy base of industrial civilization forms. The basis of Industrial civilization form is industrial production, industrial production realized unlimited "cut" of the Nature and "restructuring". And all this rooted in addition from the automatic view point of the nature, in addition under the guidance of this view. The whole nature is in a movement of physics and chemistry, subjects under the laws of the objective existence, believes the world's system of all things and phenomena are dominated by the law of causality cruel of atoms. In this concept, the world in the eyes of the people "is composed of atoms”which can be decomposed and assembled by matters. Industrial civilization form pursues infinite economic growth is the concept of social evolution as a guide, which is essentially the thought of social evolution. Pursuit of luxury consumption, the pursuit of material comforts, is essentially a traditional humanism outstanding individual character of individual freedom and liberation, rejects the environmental value is essentially an instrumental value to natural, consider the nature as the object of human beings, which is the result of exercising perfect self-cultivation and benevolent governance, the inevitable result of the objective way of thinking. On the other words, mechanistic philosophy, the evolution of traditional humanism philosophy and philosophy of subjectivity in the industrial society affect people's mode of thinking and ideas, and they supported the era of industrial civilization. These philosophy lies in different ways in the nature of digestion, consciousness in the relationship between human and nature will naturally completely as a problem, take the lamb of acted upon the nature of ontological status and will put all ruled supreme positions.
     In the past the philosophy of human life is "good" to deal with the insufficient for survival. But with the development of human beings, the main problems face today is human existence crises for the survival of the outstanding performance of ecological crisis. In this new era, the human needs more is the philosophy which will guide to deal with the mankind crisis of is emphasized, the human nature being in itself must try to limit the practice of human interest and human nature, to establish natural ontological status, natural person should be decided.
     In the third part, we will concern the theories of contemporary philosophers about the questions the status of the exploration the nature of carding achievements. Contemporary philosophers based on human care for human survival, new problems, or from the standpoint of nature or on the relationship between man and nature, build their theories about what exactly should be natural status. For these theoretical results, some scholars put them as modern human centralism, holistic nature center and the natural theory of individual center. These theories, although the position is different, the method and principle is not the same, but these theories have concluded a very common result that is for the outstanding of the Nature. Because the position, highlighting the natural objects in the objective of these theories are, to a certain extent, affect the natural attitude towards to the natural protection of both human and animals, and the ecological environment protection , played a positive role in promoting and protecting human nature to provide the basis. However, these theories are merely concern the outstanding natural objects or local natural position, therefore, they are still based on caring about the standard of the individual or the person or the well-being of the people, or the natural objects or local nature equivalent to reduce people's social status, through to improve the status of natural to lose the foundation of human concern.
     Therefore we can come to the conclusion that although the theory increase the position of natural objects, but not really put it on the right position, also do not have natural genuine adjust the position of human beings. In essence, these theories is not really understanding the relationship between man and nature and even the practical ontology of human, namely just for the practical relationship between man and nature and ignore the existence of people and nature, or is only to see the ontology relationship of person and nature ignore the practical relationship between man and nature. Although these theories give us some good ideas to understanding the relationship between human beings and the Nature, they are unable to support our concept in the future of mankind and age.
     The fourth part of this paper is the re-understand the relationship between man and nature and reveals its ontological status and contemporary value of foundation. The existence value of nature and natural human survival ways determines the relationship between man and nature and the relationship between practical ontology. From the ontology sense, human beings is only an integral part of nature, human and other things together constitute a natural overall. From the practical significance, human is different from the others in the natural which is also exist as entities, the existence of other entities, only through the modification to the other existence human beings can survival. The relationship between man and nature of the whole is the existence problem; people’s ontology of the relationship between nature and the relationship is just into practice ability. The relationship between man and nature ontology is the preferences between the practical relationships, determines the relationship between man and nature, only by this we can survive with nature. For the human is not completely passive adaptation to the nature, but by the limit overcome of the local nature, beyond the limits the nature to accomplish the whole practice activities. At the end ,the nature determines the human beings , and it is the root of human beings, the boundary and standard of human behaviors.
     We can get to know, the formation of such concepts in contemporary society, on the one hand, the existing from the increasingly serious ecological crisis to our enlightenment: the nature existent naturally, human beings exist freely on it will lead to disaster. On the other hand, from natural science and new achievements in scientific and nonlinear science: ecological wait newest science results reveal the harmony between man and nature of the actual existence. The existence of human and ecological system depends on the existence of human beings, nature contains a lot of confusions in itself, nature of chaos is ubiquitous, chaotic nonlinear dynamic system as the inherent characteristics of the system, the seemingly random uncertainties in the irregular movement, the expression of uncertainty, unrepeatable and unpredictability, human is in such a system. The whole world is a contact system, everything include in the whole network. The changes of the whole will cause the changes in part; and the the changes of things will finaly affect the others. On the other hand, from modern ecological view of nature, organic and Chinese traditional philosophy about heaven, earth and man's theory: the theory of organic and holistic thinking decided to contact with the view of history and to recognize the relationship between man and nature. The Chinese traditional philosophy of "Tao", "justice" and "ineffable sufficiency and humanitarian" "physical" has the ultimate decisive to inspire our relationship between man and decide the position of human beings.
     Our outstanding natural status, not mains to reduce the position of human beings, negative of mankind's greatest, but after the long years of human development realize the awakens of human reason, is the view point of truly mature mankind out of truly wisdom. To establish natural ontological status, which can make us face reality, adjust the position in nature, and make us strengthen existence consciousness, and properly handle the individual person’s current interest with long-term interests, change some contemporary society goes to human survival value orientation, lead beneficial to human survival and development, changes lifestyle and realize the ultimate goal of mankind, that is the existence and development of mankind.
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