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Since the middle of 1990s,some kinds of second-level colleges appeared in advanced province in China,just as Zhejiang、Jiangsu and Liaoning province. We called these colleges as modes of running non-governmental second-level colleges by state universities. Several years later,in 2003,Ministry of education also published“On The Administration of Independent college Set up By Ordinary Institution of Higher Learning Adopting New Mechanism&New Pattern”. In this document,we called the independent college unitely. It is totally different from ordinary higher school,because of its multivariate subject of investment , marketization logos and flexibility mechanism of running school. It shows us the double vantages of fusing higher education resources and social capital.
     This paper through a great amount of documents, to use questionnaire survey and interview survey , combined with qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, macroscopic analysis and micro-analysis methods to analysis internal factor and external factor of pattern of running school of independent college. At last, to propose policy decision strategy, and to supply some reference for development of pattern of running school of independent college.
     Firstly, this paper through a great amount of documents to tease the cause background,pattern of running school and characteristic of pattern of running school of independent college. And then,it discoursed the element factors of pattern of running school of independent college. In comparison with the state universities, the pattern of running school of independent college has some characteristics like that: board of directors system, inter-disciplinary talent, full time and part-time teachers, flexible and variety courses.
     Secondly, to construct the pattern of running school of independent college,We find that the independent colleges developed irregularity,and understand the whole situation of our country. To get through questionnaire survey and interview survey of the independent colleges in Guangxi province,and choose some representatively from other province. From the current situation and problems,to discuss the subject,logos, location,quality, teachers and funds source of pattern of running school of independent college.
     Thirdly,to analyze the influencing reasons of pattern of running school of independent college. Analyzing the pattern of running school of independent college's six factors:the subject,the location of target,management system,teachers’construction and quality monitor of teaching,in order to find out the reason,to laid the foundation of constructing pattern of running school of independent college.
     Finally,to raise the strategy of constructing of pattern of running school of independent college. Mentioning the questions above,the paper raises the strategy through the angle of sustainable development, includes changing the ideas of running school,establish scientific development notion;to insist on scientific objective of training talent;to reinforce managerial system,standard the board of directors model;to increase quality of teaching,treat the scale and benefit scientifly;to insist independence,and build effective supervisory machine;to persist model development,and create the beneficial economy and politics circumstances.
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