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Objective: Studying the effect of curing arrhythmia by acupuncture Neiguan point of rabbit and discussing its mechanism, to provide a theoretic basis for this therapy.
     Methods: Dividing 40 rabbits into 5 groups randomly, there are 8 rabbits in each group. They are the normal control group, the model control group, the acupuncture prevent group, the acupuncture treat group and shengmai injection control group. Except the normal control group, replicated the animal models-rabbits of fast arrhythmia by quickly intravenous injecting adrenaline. Dividing 40 rabbits into 5 groups randomly, there are 8 rabbits in each group.They are the normal control group, the model control group, the acupuncture prevent group, the acupuncture treat group and Shenfu injection control group.Except the normal control group, replicated the animal models-rabbits of chronic arrhythmia by injecting Verapamil hydrochloride into ear vein.
     To observe the effects of acupuncture to electrocardiography time of arrhythmia, the current of ionic channels of heart cells of fast arrhythmia and Na~+-K~+-ATP ase activity of chronic arrhythmia, by the way of electrophysiology, RT-PCR and spectrophotometry.
     Results: Contrasted with the model control group, the starting time and lasting time of fast arrhythmia of the acupuncture treat group and shengmai injection control group was shortened(P<0.05); the current of ionic channels of heart cells descended(P<0.05).The differences of above indexes between the acupuncture treat group and shengmai injection control group don't have statistics meaning.
     Contrasted with other groups, the starting time and lasting time of chronic arrhythmia in the model control group was prolonged(P<0.05); Contrasted with other groups, Na~+-K~+-ATP ase activity of heart muscle cells in the normal control group was increased(P<0.05); Contrasted with the model control group, Na~+-K~+-ATP ase activity in the acupuncture prevent group, the acupuncture treat group and Shenfu injection control group was increased(P<0.05); Even contrasted with the acupuncture treat group and Shenfu injection control group, Na~+-K~+-ATP ase activity in the acupuncture prevent group was evidently increased.
     Conclusion: The therapy of acupuncture Neiguan point can evidently delay the starting time of experimental fast arrhythmia and chronic arrhythmia of rabbits, shorten its resuming time. The therapy also can cut off the ionic channels of heart cells of fast arrhythmia and increase Na~+-K~+-ATP ase activity of heart cells of chronic arrhythmia. It maybe one of its mechanisms of preventing and treating chronic arrhythmia.
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